• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 2,790 Views, 56 Comments

Igniting the Torch - Blooming Cherries

A story of a dragon and a twist of fate. Sometimes dreams become reality. Wishes can come true. But when one can't be taken back... What is worth it all along?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Prelude to Want

Author's Note:

Under rewrite

"Spike," Twilight whispered to a sleeping Spike. She received no audible response to her actions from the slumbering dragon. Twilight sighed inwardly.

"Spiiike," Twilight persisted, pushing her hoof against the scaley hide of the unwakeable beast she called a friend. Still and unmoving remained the fortress of scales and flame. Another push to try and raise the beast from it's state of limbo led to no avail. The mare would be tested this day.

Twilight sighed, a soft smile forming as she thought back to how hard Spike is to get up in the morning. She had a special spell to wake Spike when he typically seemed impossible to get up. She held it close to her heart as it was one of the first spells she crafted. And it was one of the few things Twilight had left that kept her connected with Spike. A spell that held so much nostalgic emotion and memories for the mare. Unfortunately others were presently asleep in the same room and she would rather not wake them as well. Twilight giggled at how motherly she could be over someone she considered an assistant, a sibling and most importantly a friend. Helping raise someone since they hatched would do that it seems. Spike was no longer a hatchling to be coddled and watched. But sometimes Twilight missed those days. The days of a small baby dragon that nestled himself against her barrel each night after a long day in the library. Nostalgia can be a cruel mistress when she wants to be.

Reminiscing aside, the waking war waged on. Ever the more determined to wake the still slumbering dragon, Twilight pushed at Spike's shoulder harder, with more force than she had previously done so. "Spike," Twilight whispered louder in hopes that the living furnace would answer in kind.

It took Twilight many more a try until the alicorn finally succeeded. Spike slowly shifted his body as he finally began to wake up. After a few blinks of his eyes and a big yawn that put all of his sharp predatory teeth on display. Spike craned his neck up slightly to look at whomever intruded upon his sleep. With his vision distorted through tired, foggy, waking eyes, all Spike could see was a silhouette of a pony with features resembling that of an alicorn: having both feathered wings and a horn on their forehead. Though his vision was hazy, not that he couldn't narrow it down to one of four individuals, a familiar scent invaded his nostrils. A scent Spike had grown to associate with his sister and friend, Twilight Sparkle. It was hard to describe her scent if somepony other than a dragon asked. Twilight's scent was unique to her and her alone. It was as if you blended amethysts and the light freshness of lilacs together and added stardust to top it off.

"Tw-twilight?" said Spike, his voice still heavy with sleep. He blinked a few times to try and rid himself of the dreaded 'Morning Eye' that plagued him. Nobody in this world, or any sane one for that matter, likes blurry, hazy vision. "What's up?"

Twilight giggled softly behind her hoof and pointed behind Spike. Turning his head around to see behind him Spike spotted understood Twilight's caution being that there were currently three mares lying on or against him fast asleep. Rainbow Dash was lying atop Spikes lower back between his spines snoring fairly quiet and drooling on his back. Below Rainbow Dash lay Scootaloo with her hind end in the air, with her tail luckily laying in-between her legs covering her mare bits, leaning against his left side and her back to the floor. Most likely Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were sleeping together and at one point Scootaloo fell onto the floor. And lastly was Apple Bloom curled up to Spike's side.

Spike noticed that he was in one of the guest rooms of the castle. Purple eggshell colored walls and a white tiled floor with hardwood bedroom furnishings laid about. He, and sleeping company, were currently atop a purple rug that matched the room's soft purple interior. Despite there being a love seat a few feet away and a bed on the other side of the room, his friends chose rather to sleep on him. He resigned any annoying or frustrating thought in regards to that he is very warm. And he loved the feel of fur against his scales. It was something Spike could never get tired of.

Twilight looked over the mares slumbering within Spike's personal space. As fast asleep as they were, Twilight could only imagine how drained they could be from the night prior. "You all had quite the party from what I heard," Twilight whispered to Spike.

"Mmhm," Spike mummbled, looking up at his sister with sleepy, half-lidded eyes. "They had a drinking contest. No mercy this time, Twilight. Applejack brought some straight Appleoosan moonshine. She got that expensive one with the skull her cousin distills. Mors In Utrem, if I am not mistaken."

Twilight quietly groaned and shook her head in disapproval. Of course those two decided to go overboard. "Rainbow and Applejack finished the entire bottle, I presume?"

"Indeed, Madame Sparkle. Indeed. Can you help me put them on the bed, please?" Spike whispered. It was highly doubtful he'd wake any of them up after all the booze they had the previous night but it was better to be safe than sorry. After their intoxicating escapade last night they need as much sleep a they can get. Any hangover they would get would not be a pretty one.

A silent nod and Twilight's horn began to glow. She lifted her sleeping friends with her magic and gently laid them in the queen bed behind Spike. They lay there on soft blankets continuing to dream at their hearts content. Spike picked up his slightly worn leather saddlebag that was lying on the floor and hoisted it over and onto his back. Looking back to his sister and nodding his head towards the door Spike and Twilight both made their way into the hall, closing the door carefully as they left their friends to continue sleeping the day away.

"MMmmngh," Spike groaned as he stretched his limbs and body, freeing them from what felt like a thousand years of slumber. Sounds of hooves from many different ponies echoed through the halls as Equestrians of all walks of life meandered on. The metallic clinking of the Royal Guard, a familiar clicking of claws and talons from dragons, griffins and hippogriffs along with the normal clips and clops of hooves and the occasional soft tapping of chitin sounded within the castle's interior creating a melody of it's own right for those whom listened and gave it the time of day it deserved. Twas an ensemble of unity for the longest time not thought possible in the past as nations chose to remain divided amongst one another. That is until, one fateful day many years ago, friendship came knocking at their doors in the form of six mares and a baby dragon. And the world was forever changed.

Something did sway Spike's attention from the beauty that was the life filled halls of Canterlot Castle. It lunged at him, hitting him unexpectedly like a back alley assassin or a Hay Loco burrito supreme. Though a part of him realized it was nothing he hadn't already known, it made the drake feel embarrassed and quite silly. He turned to Twilight and scanned his eyes over her, studying her appearance. Twilight was taller than her former years as a unicorn under the tutelage of Princess Celestia. And much like Celestia she was adorned in golden regalia. The mulberry alicorn had grown taller and her body was now more alicornesque, for lack of a better word. Her horn had gained a few inches and was now more befitting of a princess. Her frame had a more feminine, yet stocky, build that did not hinder any elegance she had. Twilight appeared very much akin to that of her sister-in-law, Cadence. Unlike Cadence however, Twilight's legs were thicker and her belly and thighs were also slightly larger than her sister-in-law's. Not to say Twilight was fat, or out of shape for that matter. No. She just desperately needs to lay back on the hayburgers.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong, Spike?" She inspected herself meticulously to find something out of place with her own appearance; hooving through her mane, scanning over her wings, checking her golden horseshoes, et cetera. "Is something in my mane?"

"Hehe," Spike chuckled, scratching the back of his neck with his claw. It was one of his nervous tics. "No, Twilight. You look as lovely as you always do. At times I just can't believe you're blossoming into a beautiful alicorn. You, that little filly that couldn't take her head out of a book," He ran a claw through the purple and raspberry locks of Twilight's mane. "You grew up so fast, Twi'."

Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled. "You are just silly sometimes, Spike," She gave Spike a friendly hoof to the shoulder. "I hatched you from your egg, remember?" Twilight ran a hoof up Spike's neck and cupped his cheek, looking up into his eyes. "I helped bathe you, feed you gemstones and let you curl up beside me in my bed when you felt scared or lonely. You, my little fireball-" Twilight poked Spike in the chest with her free hoof "- are the one that is growing up too quickly," Twilight finished with a soft smile and nuzzled Spike's neck, which Spike returned in kind.

The hallways seem to have had their normal traffic of ponies maneuvering throughout them. Guards and the royal staff roamed the castle no doubt reporting for their assigned duties for the day along a with the occasional noble walking about. Among the plethora of staff in the hallway were the occasional service cart that would pass by with janitorial equipment or food and drink. Sometimes just drinks usually consisting of either coffee or tea. Such a cart transporting coffee passed within Spike's line of sight. Sadly breaking away from sisterly affection was required for beverages were needed. "I don't know about you, Twilight. But I do believe that I hear coffee calling my name," Twilight smiled and nodded then the two of them began making there way down the hall and towards one of the break rooms. "So. What did you wake me up for, Twilight?"

Silence. Twilight didn't say a word as she leered at her number one assistant. "Spike... It's eleven fifteen," Twilight deadpanned. "You were supposed already be up and ready hours ago."

"Umm. I don't know-," The cogs turning in Spike's head had finally caught up with each other and his cognitive light-bulb powered on. He had an appointment at noon today. He was assisting a teacher in the castle. "-Oh!" Spike shouted in realization. "Yeah. I need to meet, Sombra at the classroom by twelve. I probably shouldn't be late to that."

"I wouldn't." Twilight replied in her normal tone. "But that is a biased statement coming from me, knowing my affinity for schedules and such. In fact, I already have the rest of this month planned out, as far as meetings and other diplomacy go, all scheduled within my planner. I still have stowed away the one, Rarity gave me years ago."

A hearty chuckle escaped Spike and a smug grin spread across his face. "That reminds me. How is, Ricardo doing these days?" Spiked teased, raising one of his eyebrows at Twilight.

Twilight almost tripped over her own hoof. Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. "You said you'd never speak of him again."

"Come on, Twilight," Spike gave a quick peck to Twilight's left cheek. "You know I love you."

The heat in Twilight's cheeks grew hotter. A small smile replaced her former awkward expression from a moment ago. Twilight returned Spike's affection, rubbing her cheek against his. "And I have a deep regard for you as well, my still number one assistant." Both Spike and herself shared a laugh at her choice of phrasing for their intimacy.

Twilight and Spike continued on through the castle with smiles on their faces making the occasional turn here and turn there the further they traversed the multitude of halls. Not but ten minutes have passed before an aroma came upon them. A familiar heavenly scent of Eclipse Coffee traveled from the end of the hall, inside the break room. Spike and Twilight were close. So close to the perfectly roasted coffee beans and the smoothest creamer this side of Equestria that they could taste it. The break rooms were meant for the staff and guards that happened to pass by or be stationed within the area, but nopony objected, not that they would, if Twilight or Spike swung buy for a cup of hot coffee. It was more for convenience on their part. Normally the pair would've headed to the main kitchen, but they had only so much time to spare.

There wasn't much to say about the break room in terms of description. It was just your average break room. Well average in Canterlot standards. Double that being in the castle. The room had a hooful of long dining tables with powder blue tablecloths, a few of which had seated staff ponies eating or chatting amongst each other. The walls were orchard in color much like the rest of the castle. Nothing overly thrilling and exciting about the break room. Except. On the far end of the room against the back wall was the cabinets that had all the supplies and appliances for the staff. Including a coffee maker ready to dispense the divine nectar that is known as Eclipse Coffee.

*Sounds that descended from the Heavens of Coffea*

After finding the closest break room and raiding it for the Eclipse coffee within, Spike and Twilight hung around the coffee cabinet passing stories, exchanging banter for a few minutes as they drank their own cups of coffee. Ponies, both guards and castle staff, came and went through the break room. Some even stayed, joining friends and coworkers sitting at one of the many tables that numbered the room. The clinks of glassware and the sounds of chatter filled the room. And it was all just background noise to Twilight and Spike, whom were deep in a conversation of their own.

"- and that led to banning of Applejack and Rainbow Dash from any liquor selling establishment in Las Pegasus and the conclusion to the "Drinking Disaster of '15". After that the seven of us all put together a rough draft of rules and regulations that we all slowly tweaked and refined over time. The original intent was to put some restraint on Applejack and Rainbow Dash when we all decide to go out for vacation or a girl's night out. But it turned into something more than that," Twilight paused her story for a moment to take a sip of her recently obtained Eclipse coffee. She looked down at her mug and twirled the dark brown liquid for a moment before returning her gaze to Spike. "As time went by more of our friends added their own contributions and eventually I decided to compile them and jot them down in a more professional manner. I presented to them the idea of a small booklet and they all had no opposition to it. We also agreed on a section of the book being filled with our own individual experiences and stories. I took the liberty of organizing the books contents via an algorithm following popular trends and personal literary experience to maximize the experience and had them published into a book," Twilight levitated a brown book out of her saddlebag and showed it to Spike. The book was titled Elemental Drinking Habits and had a picture of a wine glass, a forty ounce bottle and a blue and orange hoof holding opposite sides of the bottle as the cover art. Gold trimming lined the edges of the front and back covers. "I got to put together a something that can bring entertainment and also supplies an arguably healthy standard for social or competitive drinking for our and anypony else's convenience. More importantly, I got to write a book," Twilight finished and drank down the last of her coffee, tossing the disposable cup in the trash canister nearby with her hoof. The paper cup hit the rim and bounced into the center landing down inside the trash can.

"Meh. Two points. I know you could've done a far better throw," Spike quipped eliciting a giggle from Twilight. Spike sipped on his own cup of Eclipse coffee. The dark brown miracle liquid had helped cure his morning drowsiness. "I miss the best stuff when I'm out doing my "chores" for Celestia and Luna. Between being 'The' pseudo diplomat for dragon-pony relations and essentially being loaned to Celestia and Luna as an assistant; it's hard to just breathe, let alone relax. Though I do still enjoy anything in the Crystal Empire. But I don't think I have to tell you why I have a good time there," Spike gave Twilight a knowing wink. "It's good to have a nice break."

"I second that," agreed Twilight. She placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "I agree in that it can definitely get stressful, Spike. You just have to find something that takes your mind off things. It was once said that "Distractions are merely a tourniquet for madness". Not a completely accurate use of the word tourniquet, but I think you get the idea. Try and take it easy when you can. And while you're relaxing you can read the book and give me your thoughts on it. Just be glad you don't have to be a princess. I've seen your list of duties, Spike. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have seen your list of duties and mine dwarfs yours by a long-shot," Twilight levitated a book from within her own saddlebag to Spike, whom now held it in his claws.

Spike chuckled softly before finishing the last of his coffee and tossing the empty disposable cup in the trash. "I've really missed you girls. I've been around all of you for so long it's hard to be apart sometimes. Especially, Apple Bloom. I miss feel of her fur. I'm still glad she's putting up with me. This week is gonna be the last time I see her for a while. "

"Don't worry, Spike. Your marefriend loves you very much. But don't forget we all do," Twilight assured. Leaning over she gave Spike a peck on the cheek. "We all have missed you, Spike." She gave Spike's shoulder a few pats with her hoof. "C'mon, big guy. No more depressing talk. Let's head on over to the classroom. We have already wasted enough valuable time simply getting coffee."

Spike pulled open his saddlebag and stuffed the book gifted to him inside and slung the saddlebag onto his back once more. "Okay. When you're right, you're right," admitted Spike.

The both of them, Twilight Sparkle and Spike, left the break room and braved the halls of the castle once more, making their way to the classroom. The remaining trek was a blur to Spike as the dragon got lost in his thoughts. The halls, perhaps even the world, became hazy as his body switched to autopilot. Step after step. Click after click. His thoughts drifted to his friends. Memories and feelings flowed through his mind. The feel of their fur touching his scales. The musky smell of books and oak. A smile crossed his face as familiar pleasant memories replayed in his head. In the corner of his vision Spike noticed Twilight turning into another hall. Briefly the world became normal again as the hallways filled with color and life. His eyes settled onto his lifelong friend, Twilight Sparkle, and a warm feeling washed over him. That is... Until his gaze reached the set of scars on Twilight's right shoulder. And the once comforting warmth was swept aside as a cold darkness took it's place.

Dread now took hold within Spike. A dark sensation he never wanted to feel again. One that has plagued him, haunted him since his adolescence. Twilight's scars were burned forever in his thoughts and memories. And it is there they shall stay forever. For a dragon never forgets the deeds he commits. Memory becoming nearly photographic as a dragon grows older. One of a many number of reasons ancient dragons are extremely dangerous. It was blessing to most. But for Spike it was nothing but a curse, a hex waiting to be dispelled. Those four lines of flesh wounds trailing a foot down Twilight's forearm from her shoulder were permanently branded into his mind. Forevermore will those four dark mulberry slash marks be branded to memory.

No longer could Spike look at Twilight and her scars. Spike turned away and stared at a wall. But she was his sister. He should be seeking her help in his time of need. Spike needed a light within his ever growing darkness. Spike turned his head, looking around to find Twilight was no longer there. And not just Twilight, but all the guards and staff ponies that trotted through the hall had disappeared without a trace and left the hall barren of life, other than himself. Not even the sound of echoing hoofsteps reached his ears. Spike's breathing sped up, his heart pounding in his chest as Spike's anxiety took hold. Where was Twilight? Where was his sister!? And silence were his answers. Deafening silence. Spike looked, turning this way and that, hoping to see somebody, anybody at all. But all his efforts left Spike with the same fearful answer. That nobody was there.

Zzzzzt. The florescent lighting above flickered, flashing on and off as if it had some sort of electrical problem. Windows that once displayed a perfect sun filled day were now displaying nothing but an abyss of black. Spike's breath turned cold, visible with each ragged, painstaking inhale and exhale. The temperature was dropping drastically and his normally hot, practically boiling, blood ran icy through his veins. Ice had begun to creep its way up the edges of the glass window panels like overgrowth, shrouding them in white against the black, empty vale behind them.

Spike shivered, his body losing heat to the sub-zero temperatures as it increased along with his anxiety. He halted, standing like a statue as the strange, unpleasant feeling that someone was watching him came jolted down his spine. Slowly, ever so slowly, Spike turned his head to check whom, or what, was watching him in this empty hallway. And there, about ten feet away, was Twilight Sparkle smiling at him. A big dopey grin quickly spread across Spike's face when he saw Twilight standing behind him and he was about to run over and embrace his sibling. But before Spike even had a chance to all conviction he had was gone when Twilight's once cheerful, heart warming smile had dissipated and left only a scowl in it's ashes.

"Tw-twilight?" Spike stammered. A pit began to form in Spike's stomach; his fear ever growing and leaving a knot in his gut.

ZZzzzZt. Again the lights above flickered uncontrollably. Twilight's right arm began tear open in four gashes and blood began seeping out of the fresh wound, trickling down the purple alicorn's arm. Spike stared at Twilight, unable to turn away from her and the dark crimson flowing down onto the floor. The smell of iron swarmed the air and flooded his nose as Twilight continued to bleed, her blood puddling onto the ground making a small lake of lost vigor beneath her. His heart beated and thumped in his chest like pistons in an engine going as fast as draconicly possible. Spike was unable to turn his gaze. Every fiber of his being wanted to look away and focus on something else, anything other besides this horrific display of gore. But the dark wouldn't allow it. And the red made sure he couldn't.

Blood that poured from Twilight soon flooded the hallway leaving a sea of dark crimson that was slowly rising up to Spike's ankle. PSSH! A light at the end of the hall behind Twilight shattered and darkness encompassed the once light-filled space.

"Why," Twilight spoke, her voice as cold and as heavy as dead weight. It would send shivers down the back of an active volcano. PSSH! Another fixture broke, expanding the abyssal darkness. She raised one of her hooves, ichor dripping off the red covered limb as she pointed at Spike, her hoof dripping blood back into the lake below. "Why did you do it, Spike? I thought we were friends," Twilight said flatly. "Family even."

Spike's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't move. "I-I... I didn't want to. I couldn't control myself," A tear rolled down Spike's cheek and fell into the red sea below. "I would never hurt you."

Twilight slammed her hoof down heavily onto the floor, splashing the pool of her own blood everywhere. "WHY, SPIKE!!!!"

"Spike! Spike!!" Twilight shouted, yelling his name in hopes that he would return to her from his state of shock. She shook his body vigorously with her hooves but the dragon remained still. Spike's eyes were half-lidded, looking nowhere in particular but forward as he sat lazily in the hall.

Everything rushed back into reality leaving the dragon dazed. "Wha-, huh," Spike blinked and shook his head. He was lost for a moment. A moment of confusion briefly came upon the drake. What had happened? Where was he? He was snapped free from that horrible daydream of sorts by Twilight. Or was it a nightmare? Daymare? The thought left him as soon as it had appeared, cataloged for later as it was definitely not the appropriate time for those thoughts. Spike looked down at Twilight, her eyes wide and her body shaking slightly in panic. "What's going on, Twilight?"

Tears had trailed downed Twilight's face leaving lines on her face that glistened and shined in the light. Her eyes staring into Spike's own. "What happened? You just stopped halfway down the hall and started hyperventilating," Twilight was inspecting every inch of his being as she looked for anything out of the ordinary with Spike's body. "A-are, you alright, Spike?"

Spike internally panicked. Twilight couldn't know. She couldn't discover that his returning fear of that one, single, most-horrible moment in his life had been haunting him. Unfortunately, in his frightened state Spike slipped up. In a moment of weakness he lied to Twilight without thinking. His mouth on auto-pilot, unable to process his words before speaking. "N-nothing. I'm fine, Twilight. I just spaced out for a moment is all," Spike horribly lied. He tried to butter-up his lie with a small grin. But, it was too late. His words had spewn out like bile and Twilight was too smart a pony to let that bold lie slip out of her hooves. And Spike was inwardly cursing at himself.

Twilight's eyes narrowed as she gave Spike a glare filled with her betrayal and ire. Not many things truly got under her hide. But lying was Absolutely one of them. Especially a sorry attempt for a lie as he had given. "Spike Wyverian Drake," Twilight said flatly and sternly, stomping her hoof on the floor for extra emphasis on her anger. "You do not lie to me," Twilight sniffled. "Not when it is about something as serious as this. And especially when you lie about it to my face!" Twilight shouted at Spike. "Do you know how frightened I was?" Twilight paused and stared at Spike, awaiting a response from the drake who chose to remain silent under her interrogation. "Do you know how scared I was trying to help you? How deep it wounds me when you get hurt? This is the complete opposite of 'nothing', Spike. If I have to pry information from, Luna, just to understand what is possibly wrong with you... I will not hesitate. She seems to be the pony you want to confide in," Twilight punctuated her frustration with a hard shove of her hoof against his scale-plated chest before she turned away from him and continued walking.

Shame weighed heavily on Spike. His head almost dragged against the floor where it lay as low to the earth as his guilt would allow. Regret. Humiliation. Ever the more sorrow. He never wanted her to know his ever restless fear. Something that was beyond his control. And so here Spike walks to the classroom alongside Twilight, his pride having gotten between him and friendship and in doing so has left them both in near deafening silence. Nothing but the clicking of claws and clopping of hooves against the floor echoed in the hall. "I... I'm sorry, Twilight." Spike may be an adult now, but the one thing Spike can't stand is when Twilight is upset with him. Disappointed even.

A deep sigh escaped Twilight and her wings visibly shook as they try to lay limply against her body. "I'm sorry, Spike. I'm just upset that you lied to me. 'Me' of all ponies. We used to be so close growing up, Spike. I just wish you would talk to me," A sniffle escaped Twilight as she continued to walk. "L-like you used to... I want to be able to help you, Spike. I couldn't stand you getting hurt because you want to be stubborn."

Pausing in thought, Spike thought to himself for a brief moment. And then the dragon came to a conclusion. "Okay," Spike answered," No longer would Spike cower under the tyranny of fear and allow it to dictate his feelings and wall off those he regarded deeply. Twilight Sparkle, his sister and closest friend, was at the very top of that list. "After dinner we'll talk, Twilight."

Spike couldn't see Twilight's face, she was still walking ahead of him, but he could feel her smile grow. "Thank you, Spike. I know I haven't been much of a sister lately," Twilight wilted slightly at her admittance. "Or even a friend for that matter. I shouldn't have let my duties as a princess get in the way of helping my closest friends. I hope that after this we can try and get our relationship back together," Twilight sniffled. "I miss you, Spike. I have missed you so very much."

Twilight's smile was always infectious. Spike could do nothing as the affliction spread upon his own muzzle. "I missed you too, Twilight."

A few more halls of silence later and finally they had reached their destination. A little further down the hall were two guards posted at the entrance of the classroom clothed in the golden armor of Celestia's Royal Guard. A stallion with a white coat was posted to the left of the door alongside a mare with a silver-gray coat posted on the opposite side. The both of them stood attention, standing armed and ready for anything to happen at a moments notice. And their gazes were unbreakable and stern.

"Well," Twilight began, turning around to face her former assistant. "This is where we part ways for now. Unfortunately I still have duties to uphold here in Canterlot," Twilight sighed heavily. "Will I still see you later this evening, Spike?"

"Don't worry," Spike assured Twilight. So many things must be going through that pony's head. And yet, Twilight was still worried. Her eyes still heavy with concern for a friend. "You'll see me at dinner, Twilight. I promise." Spike scratched the surface of his scales in an 'X' over his chest using specifically his middle claw. And thus a pledge was made by Spike the Dragon. It was a dragon's way to promise something in a meaning similar to a 'Pinkie Promise'. And now Spike had pledge he is to now keep as his 'Dragon's Code' demands.

Twilight nodded and smiled, finding his promise satisfactory and truly meant. "I'll check my schedule and I'll see if I can't free up any space to free up time for you tomorrow as well," With her final words for the moment spoken she left Spike to his own devices and walked away with the two guards in tow. Occasionally Twilight looked back to see if Spike was still there. Spike could only imagine the list of duties she delayed by staying with him this morning. Twilight would definitely have to play a little catch-up with her schedule. There is never any rest for the weary it seemed.

As the dragon was so lost in his thoughts as he watched his sister walk away he didn't hear the sound of heavy hoofsteps approaching from behind him. "Dragon," A deep and thick voice spoke from behind Spike. The voice spoke as regal as a sovereign but grasped, no, demanded your attention as that of tyrant. Spike knew all to well whom owned the voice. For the soul from whom it belonged to had forever left a dark mark in the souls of others in the past.

"Sombra," Spike said apathetically as he turned around to look at the former king of the Crystal Empire. The once proclaimed "King of All Monsters". Sombra was huge by normal pony standards. The umbral unicorn was a few inches or so taller than Rockhoof, one of the Pillars of Equestria, and was just a hooful of inches shorter than Princess Celestia. His ashen gray body had muscle that contradicted what unicorns were generally known for. He wore a maroon red suit jacket that made him look professional despite his ominous appearance. Though it did have a white trim dotted with black spots that made his attire resemble his old regal cape. His flanks bare and without a cutie mark. A red curved horn sat upon his head somewhat covered by his long black mane that flowed down his neck. And lastly, also definitely noticeable, were his piercing crimson eyes that drew him to the center of anypony's attention.

The two glared at each other for a moment. It was a battle of will. One will falter while the other will gain personal bragging rights later on and the glory that comes with victory. Spike was trying to do his best impersonation of Tempest's 'I Can And Will Kill You' glare. While adding onto the apathetic, emotionless tone he was aiming for it didn't have quite the same punch when he tried copying the former villain. Perhaps he had to be a mare to get it just right; that feminine equine touch he so obviously lacks. He'll need to speak with Tempest on the matter later.

"You still need practice, Drake. You may be intimidating to the average pony but not to anyone with any respectable willpower."

Spiked sighed in defeat. Sombra always had these little "tests" with him before they talked. His reasoning for them always changed and eventually they just did it out of habit. "Nice to see you too, Sombra. Is everything going well?"

Sombra grunted. "It has it highs and lows, young drake. Of the most concerning is the abrupt return of my umbral nature. That's still at the top of the agenda to correct," Sombra gestured to himself. "The workings of Celestia and Luna, to my dismay, have gone fairly undone. I look as I once did when I was consumed with the blood-lust of hate and deceit. I am most thankful it hasn't worsened any further than this in the past few months. I have noticed I feel more...-" Sombra paused for a brief moment searching for the word that best describes his feeling. "-Apathetic. Fortune have it that, Radiant Hope is walking along side me down this haggard road," As Sombra talked Spike could see his sharp fanged canines briefly between each word, reminding him once again how terrifying Sombra can appear to be to others. "What of you, Spike? How are you fairing this day?" Sombra asked. His tone was as neutral as his expression was apathetic, much like that of Maud Pie.

Spike scratched his neck. It was a nervous tic he was never going to break. "Heh," Spike breathed. "It's... Well it could be worse. But other than an awkward conversation I'm going to have this evening, all is good."

Sombra grinned ever so slightly. "That is pleasant to hear," Covering his mouth with a hoof, Sombra faux coughed. "I did happen to catch a shred of that earlier if you,-" Sombra gestured towards Spike, twirling his hoof trying to get the dragon to catch on "-want to discuss..."

"Oh! No!" Spike said, frantically shaking his head. "No, no, no, no. I'm fine," Spike breathed, calming himself down. The last thing he needed was a heart to heart chat with Sombra. "Thank you though."

"Of course," Sombra replied, his tone understanding.

He had gotten to know Sombra fairly well over the past few years. He was in no way, shape or form one of his best friends in the world. But he was a great friend nonetheless. Sombra and Radiant Heart would visit the castle from time to time as they traveled to recover the stone shards of Princess Amore, the previous ruler of the Crystal Empire that Sombra, in a fit of rage, turned to stone and shattered. In his anger Sombra scattered the pieces of Princess Amore across Equestria for her betrayal against him, having held knowledge of his origins from him. With her choice of actions Sombra suffered incredible pain every year on the day of the Crystal Faire, the most love filled day for crystal ponies, and left him to fend for himself. She saw the good in Sombra, even when she was turned to stone did she trust in him. And thus she fell at his hooves due to her own inaction. Sombra's actions may have been awful, horrendous even, but his hate towards Princess Amore was absolutely justifiable. At least Spike thought so. Sombra overtime has forgiven Amore for what she did, believing that the mare only had the best intentions at heart.

Slowly, they rebuilt the petrified Amore in Canterlot where Celestia and Luna could watch over their old friend and await her return. These past few years of gathering and adventuring made the completion of the Princess Amore's statue ever so close. The only piece left remaining was Amore's horn. A single piece that defines any unicorn. But, there was one small detail regarding the piece's whereabouts.

Spike had been silent. His thoughts turned to Sombra and a single question came forward. "You haven't told any of them yet have you?"

Sombra closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "I have not," His eyes opened but remained downcast. "I just need more time." Sombra assured but his voice had an uncertainty within.

"They're going to discover that you have the piece eventually, Sombra. You can't keep this up forever." Spike said to

Slam! The sound of Sombra's hoof impacting the hard floor echoed throughout the vicinity. "I will for as long as I have to!" Sombra raged. Once just crimson, his eyes began to glow sickeningly green with dark magic as he stared daggers at Spike. An abrupt wave of fury had overcame Sombra and before the unicorn could realize it he had caused his friend Spike to assume a defensive posture. The wave of anger receded and the abyssal magic that once tainted his eyes had vanished. His gaze never left his friend. And with eyes that once showed unbridled fury that stared with narrow, threatening eyes had become panicked and fearful as they widened. "I-I... I apologize, Spike," Sombra stammered. Anxiety and fear clouding his thoughts in despair as his body began to tremble and shake. "I. I don't know... what came over me. I-"

"Sombra," Spike spoke sternly before placing his claws on the stallion's shoulders. "Calm down. It's okay. Just take it easy," Spike said slowly and as calmly as possible to try and soothe Sombra from what he could only deduce to be an anxiety attack. Fear was ever present in Sombra's eyes and his hear was beating faster than any Wonderbolt he could think of. "I need you to try and relax. Deep breaths. In," Spike inhaled slowly, his plated chest rising with the intake of air. At the peak of his intake Spike began to exhale slowly. "And out."

Sombra did as instructed and began to breathe deeply in an attempt to calm himself. After the ninth breath he had finally broke from whatever was ailing him earlier, though a scowl came upon his face. "I apologize for having shared that dreadful moment of weakness with you," Sombra removed Spike's claws from his person. "A rare side effect of the princesses' spell clashing with the natural dark wards of my umbrum nature."

"I guess there wasn't a work around they could figure out?"

The dark unicorn grunted in response and rolled his eyes. "No. Fortune be in the fact that it only occurs once every few weeks," Sombra's scowl left him but he was clearly still agitated over what had previously happened. "And if a slight affliction of timidity and weakness for a mere moment is my payment for staying in this Realm of Light with my, Hope, then I shall bare it willingly." Sombra stood tall. A mere ailment wouldn't hold the former King of All Monsters back. Pride and determination swelled within Sombra.
Spike let a smile grace his lips. "I am glad you won't let something such as this slow you down," Spike chuckled. "There must be some important crystal pony in your life to drive you forward."

Sombra's smile returned and his eyes shifted to a nearby window. He watched the sun shine over on the castle walls as clouds blew in the distance, and in the middle of it all was a butterfly whom's wings glinted of violet and blue in the sunlight. "I have my dear, sweet, Radiant Hope to thank for that. She has been nothing but a heavensend to me. Not to mention my new companion, Fizzlepop has helped to ease my mind. She is such a talented and strong young mare," Sombra's smile faltered and a dark scowl took root. "The Storm King is lucky he spends his leisure petrified in the deepest depths of Tartarus. His transgressions against, Fizzlepop, would have been judged upon the full potency of my ire."

"You really care for, Tempest, don't you?"

Sombra looked everywhere that wasn't at the drake before him; the floor was of particular interest. "I also do not wish to proceed on yet another uncomfortable conversation this day. I will share my story of, Fizzlepop with you another time," His "Just know that, Fizzlepop is not held in my heart in the same regard as, Hope. Hope is my better-half and nopony can take her place."

Deciding not to ask any further questions on what was obviously a complicated situation for Sombra, Spike thought it best to try and move the conversation forward. "I believe you. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here."

"I thank you, Spike. At any rate," Sombra paused. The dark unicorn smoothed out his suit, flattening any creases that may have sprung up from moving about. "Let us get to business. There is a matter I must discuss with you regarding today's class. Cadenza has requested that I postpone my class so that she may speak with you. After a heated debate to have my class postponed, and a little bribery, I obliged and we moved our class date to next week."

Cadence cancelled today's class? That's unusual for Cadence to generally cancel anything. She is very adept at working her way around another pony's schedule. Something serious must've came up. But Spike had no idea what in Equestria the Princess of Love would want to discuss with him. Puzzling indeed. "Princess Cadence wouldn't by any chance have mentioned to you what she wanted to talk about?" Spiked asked quizzically, tip-tapping his right clawed fingers. It was a nervous habit Spike had since he was younger.

Sombra shook his head. "She mentioned nothing more than it being a private matter between the two of you and that she would meet with you at her room here in Canterlot. Cadenza should be there in a few moments, if not there already. I met you here simply to inform you of the matter at hoof, personally. The students have already received a letter regarding the change and have decided to use the time to relax and prepare. I, myself, am going to use this moment to spend some time with my darling gemstone. Perhaps even take her out to a nice lunch."

Now that it was mentioned, Spike hadn't actually eaten anything yet and Lunch sounded fantastic. After his talk with Cadence maybe the two of them can grab some food. "I bet she would love that, Sombra. I'll just see you all here next week. Tell, Radiant Hope I said 'Hello'."

A chuckle escaped Sombra. "I will inform her of your greeting. By chance, are we also still having our game of Ogres and Oubliettes this weekend?" Asked Sombra.

Spike grinned from ear to ear and his tail involuntarily swayed left and right in excitement. "Of course! We still have to slay the Wyrm of the Frozen Everglade afterall."

"Indeed we do, Spike. Indeed we do."

Sombra and Spike continued to chat for roughly another half hour before Sombra said his farewells and left to find his love, Radiant Hope. In his guilt, Sombra agreed to tell Hope and Spike his reasons for withholding a piece of Amore from everypony tomorrow. Now alone and with a new item on the agenda Spike headed to one of the the eastern wings of the castle to his sister-in-law's room. It took a moment of trekking through the halls of the castle, and his memories, for Spike to reach where Princess Cadence's room was. She only uses the room while she's in Canterlot, on business or otherwise. He had only been to her Canterlot quarters on a single occasion a while back. If he recalled it was to drop something off for Shining Armor when Shining and Cadence were visiting for an event of some sort. Or maybe it was part of a Honeymoon thing? Maybe it wasn't even for Shining, but Gleaming Shield, his mare counterpart he used for 'shenanigans of the flesh'. Gleaming was always an enjoyable person to talk to. Shining always seemed to loosen up more as a mare. Twilight always loved her occasional sister time. Anyway, whatever the case may be, it was still before Spike's, slightly, enhanced draconic memory came into place. So, unfortunately it was lost to the void as to what the subject of said visits were.

The entrance to Princess Cadence's Canterlot room was a set of tall wooden double doors just tall enough to let him, and Celestia presumably, inside. The doors themselves were pink, because of course they were, and they were bordered with gold. A crystal heart was carved into the doors as well as several different Crystal Empire insignias. On either side of the doors, mounted on the wall, were a crystal sconce that shimmered in the light of the hall. Both were unlit of course because it was still daylight out but were still beautiful none the less and helped others identify which room was his sister-in-law's.

Spike sat on his haunches and gave the right door a quick set of knocks with his knuckles. He didn't even blink before the door began to open, a blue ethereal aura having encompassed both doors and slowly forced them to move apart. As the doors further opened Spike could see Cadence getting off of a couch further into the room. The light rose colored alicorn and trotted towards him and the door. "Spike!", Cadence shouted gleefully, her curly violet and pink mane bobbed as she made her way over to him. "I'm glad you came by! Come in and give your sister-in-law a hug!" Cadence shouted.

Spike gave Cadence a smile and walked into the room, the smell of various perfumes and incense filled the room invading his senses and escaping through the now open door that was trapping them inside. At times having an apex predatory sense of smell was a great, if not fantastic, tool... This, however, was not one of those times. Spike coughed a bit as his senses protested the amount of fragrance in the air. The accursed cloud was thick enough he could taste the chemicals in the back of his throat. But even the mightiest of dragons could not be deterred form the goal at hand. A comforting and refreshing familial embrace.

"It's so good to see you, Spike," Cadence patted a hoof on Spike's back. Her smile faltered for a moment, unbeknownst to Spike, when she saw the soft patches in his scales where his wings used to be. "I'm sorry I didn't get to see you for very long at your twenty-third birthday party, Spike. Duty calls, unfortunately."

Gently, Spike unwrapped his arms around Cadence to look down at the a pink alicorn. "It's okay, Cadey. I know all of you have been absolutely busy," He chuckled awkwardly. "Me taking some time off isn't real-"

A pink hoof was abruptly pressed against Spike's muzzle before he could say anything further. Cadence had silenced him and was shaking her head in disagreement. "No, Spike. I know what you were going to say. You deserve some time off for having to play secretary, among many other things, for us. Besides...," Cadence smugly grinned. "You'll want to enjoy this break while you have the opportunity," Cadence motioned for to Spike bring his head closer to hers. "I can't say a whole lot. Just know we have something for you after tonight's dinner," whispered Cadence.

The mere mention of a surprise elated Spike. How could anyone not enjoy a present wrapped in the love of those that care for you and the mystery of the unknown that stemmed from the gift itself? Especially if you don't generally get gifts anymore because of the horrible racial aspect of greed growth. Spike's excitement unfortunately winded down quickly upon the realization that Cadence had said he would be gifted something after dinner.

"'After' dinner?" questioned Spike, uncertainty in his voice. "As in dinner tonight? With Celestia, Luna and everypony else?"

Raising an eyebrow and nodding slowly Cadence looked at Spike as if the dragon's scales suddenly swapped color pallets. "Umm... Yeah? That's what I said. 'To-night's' dinner. You know. The one we prepared and organized for more than a week ahead of time to ensure everypony can attend. Tonight."

Fate was cruel and unforgiving this day for Spike. Why was everything being planned this evening? He had a report to give Luna regarding his dreams and dayterrors, Twilight deserved an explanation on a few things and now there was a surprise awaiting him and they were all being scheduled after tonight's feast in the honor of him, Spike the Dragon of Equestria. How would this work? What would Twilight think of him if she found out he was still seeing images of that ill fated day? Spike's mind spiraled and swirled into a chaotic mess as he struggled with deciding what to deal with first and with whom and how they would even possibly handle-

"Spike!" Cadence half-yelled while chuckling at the dragon before her. Spike jumped in surprise and looked back at Cadence after having been "It's okay. Relax. You used to complain about, Twilight overreacting," Cadence giggled behind her hoof. "You are more like her than you would ever care to admit, Mr. Brave and Glorious," Cadence teased, a small smirk on her face.

Spike blinked. "What do you mean, overreavt-" A pink hood pressed against his muzzle once again. It most likely wouldn't be the last time his sister-in-law's hoof found its way to his muzzle either.

"I already talked to, Twilight. She came by earlier and told me what happened. It's okay, Spike," Cadenc'e smile faltered slightly as the alicorn tried to keep her smile but an unpleasantness began to take hold. Ultimately Cadence sighed and set her hoof back down and onto the floor. "I know you once met a terrible fate, Spike. But, Twilight deserves the truth and the longer you keep it from her the more hurt she'll end up being hurt in the end. I know you have the best intentions at heart," Spike turned his head so he was no longer looking at Cadence. "But please talk to her. For me," Pleaded Cadence. The mare reached over grabbing Spike's chin with her hoof and turned him towards her, their eyes meeting. Pools of emerald stared into her own violet eyes. Cadence saw fear and worry within the dragon. She saw how haunted he was by his past and just how much it pained and conflicted him to keep his agony away from Twilight. So in return she stared back with love and kindness. "And for her, silly dragon," Cadence finished with a soft, caring smile.

Infectious was Cadence's smile as Spike soon found himself smiling in turn. As Spike looked into the soft and gentle gaze of the Princess of Love, he no longer felt uncertain about telling Twilight of his torturous dreams. His mind calmed and his heart eased. With Cadence's help Spike had finally come to his senses and no longer were negative emotions guiding his thoughts. "Okay. I will. Well, I did already promise her I would. But at least I have nothing to be afraid of anymore."

Spike felt hooves wrap around him as Cadence hugged him once more. "Thank you. You've helped and looked after us so it is only fair that I do the same in return. But how about we forget all this for a moment -," Cadence looked up at Spike and pointed towards the door behind Spike. "- and go grab us some food, huh?" Cadence asked.

Leaning down Spike booped Cadence's nose with his own, like she had done to him when she babysat his sister and him long ago. "Absolutely. You're the best, Cadence."

Cadence grinned smugly. "You bet your purple ass, I am! Now, let's go!" Cadence shouted, pointing a hoof towards the door in an almost heroic pose. "Food awaits!"

Talking with family was also helpful to Spike. He found some solace in being able to confide with those close to him that will always, and forever, love him unconditionally. He felt ever the more conflicted when his emotions, his dark and negative feelings, clouded his love for Twilight. After having spoke with Cadence, Spike was finally able to pierce through the self-inflicted veil of dark that shrouded his heart and mind. Now was the dragon finally prepared to willingly share his wounds with his sister so that they both may heal this wound together. No longer would it fester and infect his heart, clouding his judgement.

Cadence and Spike spent the rest of the day together after their heart to heart moment hours ago. Lunch was had and more talks commenced as they went about Canterlot from store to store simply enjoying another's company. The pair talked of friends, of family and many other things. Music included. Cadence, even though she was family, was one of Spike's greatest friends in this regard. Not only did they actually like similar things but they both enjoyed the greatest of music genres. Metal. And oh did they talk of the glorious resonance of the soul that is metal.

Metal was not simply just mere noise as those whom never heard the heavy and intense chords of this melodic symphony of aggression would try and tell you. No! The pure sensory overload of anger, among a flurry of other emotions, that boils the blood and kicks up the adrenaline in your system to eleven as it flows through your veins is what defines metal. If you can't feel the beat of the drums and the thumps of the bass then you are in the wrong place.

When Spike was well into his teen years, barely taller than Twilight at the time, he had a very unfortunate day. One of the friends he had made over the years in Ponyville turned out to have just been using him. Denial first went through Spike's mind as he thought nopony could be so cruel as to do such a thing. Spike, with a determination to prove that notion incorrect, confronted the stallion in question on it and to his surprise he had admitted to doing so. Suffice to say their 'friendship' ended then and there. Sadness and anger overcame Spike and in his sorrow he went to seek out somepony to comfort him. Unfortunately Twilight was asleep. The urge to wake up his sister was strong but he pushed passed his want to awaken the alicorn. Not wanting to search Ponyville for ponies that may or may not be awake he chose another option And so in his desperation for comfort he wrote to Cadence.

Normally Spike didn't write to Cadence, only sending messages and royal missives to her, so when his sister-in-law had received a letter from Spike she found it strange. The letter detailed Spike's day of how horrible and lonesome he currently felt. Cadence replied hastily saying she had a concert she was going to not but a few hours later though she was willing to put it off so the drake would have somepony to be with. Guilt immediately overcame Spike. He never wished to drag Cadence away from something she wanted to do so Spike pleaded his sister-in-law to let him go with her. Twilight had kept an emergency teleport scroll in case of, well, emergencies. Spike would gladly deal with Twilight's wrath later if it meant he wasn't alone anymore that night. Cadence tried to sway Spike from joining her, telling the dragon that it's not like the music he grown accustomed to around Twilight. With his decision laced within a will of iron Cadence reluctantly allowed Spike to accompany her to the concert. And it was one of the greatest experiences of the drake's life.

Never in Spike's life had he heard such beautiful music before. Music that resonated with his feelings of frustration and grief. Oddly enough, the strange new music quelled his negative emotions. Creatures of many types were around thrashing and banging their heads to the melody the artists provided. It was crass, violent and bad to the bone. The heavy, thunderous roars of instruments vibrated and shook his scales and his very soul with every note and cord. It was as if a demon was screaming. An angel was singing. As if such a sound was the pounding of creation's hammer upon the anvil of time! It was bucking awesome.

Never had Cadence seen Spike have such wonder in his eyes and fire in his soul than after their concert. Even more so when she bought the dragon a t-shirt of the concert's headliner, which was his favorite. The two of them spent hours after the concert talking and after having gained a newfound bond with Spike, and more importantly somepony else she can enjoy such music with, she had let the drake spend the next week with her before he was to return to Twilight. For that entire week Spike was with her, whenever Cadence wasn't performing any royal duties she would share more music with him. Spike and Cadence soon became far greater friends than the dragon thought possible. She was one of many friends he managed to bond with on his own and that alone made the dragon swell with pride.

After Cadence and Spike's afternoon of sibling debauchery came to an end the sun had finally set, sadly putting an end to such a wonderful day, as the moon had risen and brought upon a serene nighttime adorned in a plethora of stars. Many hours were spent hitting stores and walking about Canterlot. Spike and Cadence were currently wandering the halls of the castle as the two headed towards the dining hall for the ever so fated dinner.

"...and that is why, Shiny refuses to attend another concert with me," Cadence finished her retelling of a memory she had with Shining Armor. The couple went to a concert as a birthday present to Cadence. And, well... Things didn't go as planned.

Spike chuckled at the recollection. "It's hard not to blame the dude. Getting hoofed in the face by a drunk buffalo, not once, but twice, would probably deter me from going to any more concerts too. Or at least not get tickets near the mosh pit."

Cadence sighed and rolled her eyes. "I would've warned, Shiny ahead of time if I had known the tickets he purchased were that close to the stage. Though I suppose I can't blame my husband either. Besides," Cadence smirked and bumped her flank against Spike's thigh doing the best hip bump possible with their size difference. "I have you to go with me now, Spike. You've loved every single concert we've ever gone to. I don't think you realize how happy I was to have someone to go with once again," Cadence beamed. "It's been wonderful to know you on a level other than 'Spike, the Brave and Glorious' and 'the dragon that works for my sister-in-law'."

Spike smirked. "And I can say the same about you, Miss Crystal Princess,"

A mere few feet away stood the pale orchid doors to the dining hall. With the door so close all one had to do was push the doors open and they were practically inside the hall. Though to Cadence's surprise Spike had stopped just before the door, He stood there staring at the door and it's many intricacies consisting of scratches from wear and tear or anything else.

Cadence noticed Spike was visibly wilting, his fins drooping and his form beginning to slouch. "Still having some anxiety?" Cadence asked calmly.

Spike nodded, though he couldn't hide this uneasy feeling he had. "A little bit. It's going to be tough having to bare down on, Twilight about my nightmares. I just hate making her worry over me, let alone making her upset-" Spike broke his eye contact with the door and turned to Cadence "- y'know?"

Twilight and Spike were so alike, Cadence thought. Fretting over the smallest or simplest things. "It's okay to be nervous, Spike. As long as you keep your cool it'll all work out just fine," Cadence assured before draping a feathery wing over Spike, or as much of Spike she can reach. "Twilight may be the biggest worrywart we know, but it's always with good intentions at heart. Though I do have a theory that helping raise and take care of you gave her maternal instinct a rather early jump-start."

A small chuckle escaped Spike. He appeared visibly brighter than he had a moment ago. "To be honest, I wouldn't doubt if that turned out to be the case. She used to drown me in affection whenever she had the chance."

"Which only further proves my theory. More importantly it shows that she loves you very much and that you need to stop worrying as much as you've been," Cadence leaned over and gave the dragon a loving peck on his cheek. "She loves you more than anything this world could possibly give her."

A moment of calm and a deep breath later and Spike was ready to face whatever destiny had laid out for him. Whether it was favorable or unpleasant, he'll persevere. Twilight is worth it. "I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Cadence," said Spike.

"Just keep in mind that we, your friends and family, will always be here for you through thick and thin. So, no matter what happens to you beyond this door, rest assured we will be behind you all the way," Cadence spoke softly and warmly.

Spike took a deep breath and looked at the door. "Okay."

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