• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,218 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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The Long Grass

While Applejack and her friends hid in the cave, waiting until they knew for sure the Rex was absolutely gone, the remaining hunters continue to run. Their shouts and orders intertwined with each other, while their lights shined into the night sky. They group ran into a large field of grass that was just a little shorter than they were.

“Don’t go into the long grass!!!!!” Point Blank yelled to the group as several ponies pushed pass him. Hoping to catch up and warn them, the pony undid his saddle bag and tossed it aside. “Not into the long grass!!!!” The pony’s shout echoed into the night. The group of survivors walked along in a line, unaware of just how much noise they were making. Point finally caught up, glancing around with fear and worry in his eyes.

As they moved along somewhere out in the grass two heads slowly poked up, growling at the intruders in their domain. The group of hunters trotted along as more heads poked up. Even with all the weapons they had, nothing could protect them. If the hunters had eyes in the sky, they might’ve noticed the multiple trails that were moving right towards them.

The hunters moved along, but nopony noticed as one member of group in the back was pulled down into the grass, followed by a tail snaking out of the grass. Moments later another pony was yanked down, followed by the one next to him. The group finally noticed something was wrong when a member in the front was yanked into the grass. Screaming, the group began to scatter about. One pony turned towards the sounds of a animalistic scream, before a Velociraptor pounced on top of him, snapping its jaws around the pony’s throat…..

Applejack and her friends decided it was safe enough to finally leave the cave. Following the direction the hunters went off in, the ponies began running into the long grass. If they could make it to the other side, safety would be waiting. Only a few dozen feet in, Big Mac noticed something out of the corner of his eyes.

“Hold up!” He called to the mares. Bending down, he pulled up a saddlebag in his teeth. “Look at this.”

“Isn’t that Point Blank’s bag?” Tree Hugger asked. The group examined the bag before sounds off in the distance caught their attention. Holding a hoof up, Applejack listened closely. From out in the tall grass, they could barely make out the sounds of screams, both from ponies and something dangerous.

“I don’t like this.” Fluttershy whispered, turning a paler shade of yellow.

“We should move.” Rarity said quietly before Applejack shushed her. The sounds of screaming had finally stopped. The group stood there in silence, until Applejack could make out a growl that was all too close to them.

“Go……as fast as you can….go!” The mare lifted Babs onto her back so they could move faster, before breaking out into a mad gallope. Fluttershy and Rarity kept close behind the southern mare, followed by Tree Hugger with Big Mac taking up the rear, keeping an eye out for anything dangerous. As the group dashed through the tall grass, they kept passing various objects that had been dropped like weapons and flashlights, their owners mysteriously gone.

After several minutes the group finally reached the other side of the field, entering the jungle once more. Before they could slow down however, the group went sliding over a hillside, tumbling over each other before colliding with the ground now in a messy pile.

“Ow….” Babs groaned, rubbing her head.

“Everypony alright?” Rarity asked.

“Ah’ll be fine once we get to the station.” Applejack groaned, pulling herself up before feeling a sharp pain in her front leg. “Ow! Ow! Ow!” Fluttershy and Tree Hugger helped the mare over to a down log to sit on. Big Mac put Point Blank’s saddle bag on, before trotting a few feet ahead.

“Ah see structures.” He noted, turning back to the group. “They said the communication center is in the operations building.” Mac pulled out the little book that had coordinates inside. “Ah’ll go on ahead and send the radio call. See you all there.”

“Wait for us.” Fluttershy said, not wanting to group to separate.

“Every second counts. Anypony wants to join me their welcome to try.” Big Mac said before running off towards the building.

“Ok here we come!” Applejack called out before standing on her hurt leg.

“Applejack darling rest for a moment.” Rarity said, forcing the mare to sit back down.

The compound had fallen into disarray after several years of neglect and abandonment. Slowly the jungle was retaking what belonged to it. Several rusted vehicles littered the grounds as Big Macintosh came running in, his flashlight shining into the night sky. Ignoring most of the compound around him, the stallion ran up the stairs and into the large building.

Letting the door slam shut behind him, Mac examined the room with his light. The inside of the operations building looked just as bad as the rest of the compound. Trotting carefully so he wouldn’t make too much noise, the stallion moved towards the reception desk in hopes of finding where the communication room was. The desk was in ruins, and nothing was pointing him anywhere. Frustrated, Mac turned to begin checking the rooms, only to shine his light on the open jaws of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Jumping back in shock, Mac realized the Rex he was looking at wasn’t real. It was part of a mural on the wall he failed to notice when he walked in. The mural in question showed several dinosaurs from the original part, along with the tour jeeps and several happy ponies riding along for the tour. This is was Jurassic Park should’ve looked like.

“…..so that’s what you went to.” Mac muttered quietly to himself, looking at a brief window of where his sisters went off to. The stallion could’ve stared at the mural for much longer when a noise off in the distance caught his attention. Mac remembered he wasn’t alone in this compound, and needed to move on. Deciding to check the first room he found, he quietly forced the door open, shining his light into the room.

Plant life was taking over, covering everything with vegetation. Big Mac slowly trotted, the crunching of leafs and broken glass sounding out from under his hooves. Shining his light to the far wall, he noticed a switch labeled ‘Danger! Voltage!’

“Bingo…” Mac placed his light on the counter behind him and with effort was able to flip the metal switch. The light bulb above him exploded with a shower of sparks because of the sudden surge of electricity. Computer monitors and circuit boards slowly lit up. Those didn’t matter to the stallion. As long as the radio worked, he didn’t care.

“Be there….be there….” He muttered as he turned the dial on the radio, before taking the microphone, and pressing the button. “CQ, this is InGen Harvest Leader look for Harvest Base. Ah repeat, InGen Harvest, seeking InGen Harvest Base.” After moments of static Big Mac got what he was looking for.

“Go ahead Harvest Leader.” A voice said on the radio.

“The operation has suffered severe causality’s and the survivors are now in extreme danger!” Mac said into the mic. “Ah need you to send rescue pronto!”

Back in the camp the hunters had fled from, Blueblood looked at the sight in front of his with his jaw wide open. Then it turned into the widest smile he could muster up. Off to the side Goliath sat there, sending dark looks to his catch and the pony it was going to.