• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,557 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

For Their Love

Twilight and Peter were on their way to the Crystal Empire to attend an event hosted by Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Twilight was very eager to go see her big brother and her sister-in-law, though Peter wasn't as excited as his wife for a couple of reasons.

One, he wasn't too eager to go see Shining Armor, while the two have respect for one another they don't get along too well at times. But another main reason is that he knew that a certain guard would be there, one by the name of Flash Sentry.

Ever since Twilight had admitted that Flash Sentry is handsome, Peter couldn't help but feel jealous, and it doesn't help that Flash can be a little too flirty with Twilight on occasion. Not to mention he shares the same name of a bully he once knew, so that added to his dislike.

Twilight has assured Peter that he shouldn't have to feel jealous, she isn't attracted to Flash Sentry in that sense. While Peter knows Twilight will always remain faithful, despite his previous foolishness, he still holds animosity towards that guard.

Peter and Twilight took a nice train ride over to The Crystal Empire, both being joined by their friends. Fluttershy came accompanied by Logan and Laura, Pinkie accompanied by Deadpool, Rainbow Dash accompanied by Johnny, Applejack accompanied by Remy, Rarity accompanied by Bobby and Spike accompanied by Janet.

Trixie was also there, foalsitting Mayday, Rumble and The Crusaders. Needless to say, she looked a little stressed out, mainly from the fillies, not so much from Rumble, who at least tried to help keep them calm. Rumble, along with Mayday, continues to be one of Trixie's favorites.

Big Macintosh was also going to help Applejack with the catering, though they brought a little help in the form of a pony named Caramel, who made more glances of Applejack than Remy was happy with.

For the heroes, it's nice to go back to The Crystal Empire without anything being in danger, and just enjoy a nice event.

However before the event starts, they had to help set it up, which is why they arrived early. Once at the station, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were there to greet them, Cadance being her usual cheery self while Shining stood there very knight like, though deep down was very excited to see his little sister.

Twilight was the first off the train and the first to greet the Crystal Empire's rulers. "Cadance! BBBFF!"

Twilight rushed over to greet them with a nice hug. While this was happening, the others got off the train, with Johnny trotting over to Peter. "What does 'BBBFF' stand for again?"

"It means 'Big Brother Best Friend Forever'," Peter explained.

Johnny raised his eyebrow, "Wow, really? Tch, kinda dorky."

"It's Twilight, she's always dorky, that's one of the reasons I love her," Peter admitted, his voice and eyes telling the story.

Johnny looked over Twilight and her excitement at meeting her family members. He couldn't help but smile at that. "I'll admit, it's kinda cute how she reacts, especially with her brother."

Rainbow Dash appeared next to Johnny, "Come on, I hear The Wonderbolts are in town, let's go greet them!"

"Figures they would be, maybe you should grab Scootaloo so she could come," Johnny then had an idea and turned to Peter, "Mind if we bring Rumble?"

Peter shrugged, "I don't see why not."

"Oh, great idea, I can show Spitfire how close I am with the kid, good thinking Johnny!" Rainbow said, earning a curious and suspicious stare from Peter.

"You're not using Rumble are you Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow blushed and chuckled, "Come on Peter, would I do that?"

Peter looked a bit unconvinced from hearing that. Over the years he's somewhat developed a good sense on how to tell if someone is being deceitful, and Rainbow Dash is showing those signs.

"I should hope not. Just remember this though, he has feelings like any other pony, he's not some tool to be used," Peter said, very sternly. He gave a stare that would warn Rainbow Dash, if she did anything to upset Rumble, she won't like the repercussions.

Rainbow chuckled nervously then looked a little guilty, "Right...anyway see ya."

Rainbow Dash grabbed Rumble and walked off quickly, leaving the others confused though Peter knew her intentions. He'll give her a chance for now but if she does something stupid he's not gonna be happy, he'll be sure to let Twilight know that.

Before Johnny walked off, Peter got his attention. "Please keep an eye on them Johnny, I love Rainbow Dash and all but she has a tendency to be a little self-centered."

While Johnny didn't seem too thrilled at his marefriend being called 'self-centered', he knows deep down that she occasionally shows those traits. He knows that it's just her being prideful, but in Peter's situation, he's gonna respect his friend's decision. It's not animosity towards Rainbow Dash, just concern for Rumble.

"Sure thing bro, whatever you need."

Johnny walked off with Scootaloo to go find Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile Applejack, Apple Bloom, Babs, Big Macintosh and Caramel are seen walking off with some of the food.

"Come on y'all, Catering Hall isn't too far from here," Applejack encouraged.

Remy also moved some food out the train, "Hold on mon cherrie! Remy will help too!"

"Mighty nice of ya Remy, ah can always count on you," Applejack said, bringing a smile to Remy's face.

Remy moved the food along and noticed Caramel next to him, though the stallion in question was too busy gawking at Applejack. Remy could tell from his eyes that he liked what he saw. Remy however doesn't like what he's seeing now.

"Hey, pony, eyes up front!" Remy called out to Caramel.

Caramel snapped out of his daze and continued walking forward with the food while Remy continued to suspiciously eye him.

Laura followed the catering, "I'll go with them, the second that food is ready to snack on I'm going for it!"

Fluttershy followed Laura, "Laura, get back here, you need to be patient with the food!"

"Having patience is for losers, that grub looks good and I'm getting first dibs!"

Fluttershy huffed angrily and continued to follow the disobedient mare. "Laura! Come on!"

Logan shook his head and followed the two mares, "I'll go keep them under control."

Peter just watched as half of his friends had left, and half remain. Bobby exited the train with Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Pinkie exited the train with Deadpool, Spike exited with Janet and Trixie exited the train with Mayday.

"At least I don't have to deal with those hyper fillies for now," Trixie said with relief.

"Yeah, now I have Rumble all to my...wait," Mayday looked around. "Where's Rumble?"

Peter pointed in his direction, "He went with Rainbow Dash, Johnny and Scootaloo to go see The Wonderbolts, but before you go there don't you wanna see your aun-"

"Rumble! Wait for me!" Mayday shouted and ran in Rumble's direction, much to Peter's annoyance.

"That filly and her affection for Rumble."

Trixie rushed after Mayday, "I'll keep an eye on her!"

"Thanks Trixie!" Peter said and sighed a bit more.

Bobby approached Peter and patted his back. "Look on the bright side bro."

Peter just stood there waiting for Bobby's answer. When nothing came Peter inquired a bit, "What's the bright side?"

Bobby shrugged, "I don't know, I just had nothing else to say."

Peter just stared blankly at Bobby before colliding his face with his hoof with a lot of force. Bobby raised his eyebrow, "Um, don't hooves hurt more than palms? I mean at your speed that would-"

"Stop talking or I'll web you to the side of the castle," Peter warned, causing Bobby to step back a little. Rarity approached him and gestured Bobby away.

"Come on darling, let's go see the city."

Bobby nodded and followed his marefriend to explore the Crystal Empire. That gave Spike an idea and he turned to Janet, "Hey come on, I wanna show you something."

Janet nodded, "Sure thing, what is it though?"

Spike had a confident smile, "It's a surprise, it's really cool, let's go."

Spike grabbed her hoof and led her away, leaving only Peter, Pinkie Pie and Deadpool.

"So what do we do now?" Deadpool asked.

Peter turned to him half-eyed, "Whatever you want, I really don't care."

Deadpool let out a hmph and grabbed Pinkie's hoof, "Come on, we don't need to put up with this emo."

Deadpool walked off with Pinkie while Peter groaned, "Sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by knuckleheads. Rainbow's off fangirling, Laura's off to prey on the catering, Mayday's acting all Rumble-happy, Bobby's being a doofus and Deadpool's being Deadpool. Oh well, I'm sure the weirdness stops now."

Peter then instantly regretted those words when he saw the one pony he really didn't want to see make his way toward his wife.

"Flash Sentry..."

Flash had approached Twilight and bowed before her. "How are you doing my Princess of Friendship?"

Twilight giggled, "You don't have to bow, I'm not really the type to command something like that. And you know you can just call me 'Twilight', don't be so formal."

"Sorry," Flash said and stood up. "Force of habit, besides you're somepony worth bowing to."

Twilight giggled at his show of courtesy while Peter glared while gritting his teeth.

Cadance herself found this cute but Shining Armor more or less felt Peter's irritation, just replace jealous husband with protective older brother and it'd be a similar situation. This is made worse by the fact that Flash Sentry is under his command, and he doesn't appreciate one of his guards flirting with his little sister, especially his married little sister.

Peter quickly approached the group and interjected, "Hey Princess Cadance, Shining Armor...Flash."

Cadance beamed a smile and hugged her brother-in-law, "Peter, it's so great to see you. How's the husband of my favorite filly doing?"

"I'm doing well, thanks for asking," Peter said, then turned to Shining. "How's things going here?"

"They're just fine Peter, I'm sure things are well back in Ponyville?" Shining asked.

Peter nodded, "Yeah, pretty much the same, except with my friends running around and doing strange things."

Cadance looked around, "Um, where's my little niece Mayday?"

"She went to go find Rumble, who went with Rainbow Dash to see The Wonderbolts," Peter explained.

Cadance looked a bit disappointed, "Aw, I was hoping to say hello. Oh well, I'll do so later."

"Speaking of which, how is that Rumble colt doing? He a good kid or just like his brother?" Shining asked.

"Rumble's a very cool kid, nothing like how his brother is," Peter explained.

Twilight nodded in agreement, "He's the sweetest little colt, you just wanna hold him and kiss him."

"He's quickly become one of the family, we love him very much," Peter said.

"I'm so happy to hear that. Considering everything you've told me it sounds like he could really use that love and affection," Cadance said.

"Sure can, you can thank Twilight for that though. Adopting him was her idea," Peter while nuzzling his wife.

"Aw, thanks, but you do put in your fair share. Rumble really looks up to you after all," Twilight said while nuzzling back.

"He looks up to you as well, he's told me you're the best princess...er no offense Cadance," Peter said.

Cadance shook her head, "None taken, it makes sense for him to favor Twilight after all, besides she's got plenty of merits to earn that."

Flash took Twilight's hoof in his own, "Yes, you are a great princess after all, it would be foolish for others not to notice that."

Twilight had a small blush at her hoof being held by Flash, though Peter obviously didn't look to happy. It was taking him quite a bit to not knock the guy across the empire. Peter put his feelings aside for the time being.

Shining however, took things in his own hooves. "Alright Flash, your point's been made. Now go back to your post."

Flash nodded, "Sure thing." He turned back to Twilight, "I look forward to seeing you again soon Princess."

He left with one kiss to her hoof and walked off, leaving Twilight and Peter with red faces, Twilight from the blushing and Peter in rage.

Shining sensed something was off, so he quickly decided to fix the situation. "Alright, maybe it's best that we get going and do what we need to do."

"Sounds good to me," Twilight said and turned to Peter, who still had a look of rage. "Peter?"

Peter quickly shook his head, "Huh? Oh yeah, sure thing."

Twilight looked concerned, she's aware that Peter doesn't seem to like Flash Sentry but she still worries that he gets jealous. Despite Peter usually being very peaceful and easy going despite his profession, he's normally driven by emotion, and the last thing she wants is for him to be driven by rage and anger.

Twilight knew one way to keep him calm, so she leaned in and kissed his cheek, giving a blush to the superhero.

"I love you Peter, remember that," Twilight said and walked off.

Most of the rage within Peter seemingly vanished, feeling some pride in knowing he's number one in his wife's eyes. However the jealousy lingered a bit, he would make sure to stay extra close to his wife.

Elsewhere Spike is escorting Janet to a spot in the city he really wants to show her. Janet seemed a bit confused as to what he so wanted to show her, though her questions seemingly vanished when he arrived.

"Check it out," Spike said, gesturing to his statue.

Janet looked in awe at it, "Wow, what is that?"

"It's my statue, it was made for me after I helped save this Empire from King Sombra," Spike said.

Janet looked impressed, "Wow, you stopped an evil king? I'm impressed. Wait King Sombra? I thought Peter defeated him?"

"That was the second and third time, I stopped him the first...with a little help from my friends," Spike said while twiddling his claws.

Janet hugged Spike, "Nothing wrong with a little help, I am part of a team after all."

"Oh right, I imagine most of your villains need more than one hero to help stop?" Spike wondered.

"Depends, take Thor's brother Loki. His magic's really powerful, sometimes Thor needs a little help with him," Janet explained.

"Wow...are there others?" Spike asked.

Janet bit her lip, "There is one, though he brings back a lot of pain for me, mostly at a personal level."

Spike looked concerned, "Personal level? Why? Did he hurt you? Give you a humiliating defeat?"

Janet shook her head, "No...let's just say he was a big reason why one my my previous romances didn't work out too well."

Spike looked even more concerned, "Is there something you need to tell me? I mean I get if you're unsure about telling me about it but if I'm gonna be your boyfriend, I would like to know if something's bothering you. I wanna be there and help you."

Janet looked into Spike's eyes, she could tell in an instant he was being genuine with this. It did warm her heart to see how caring Spike was being and it's nice to have someone in her life to talk with about this.

"Ok, here's the thing. It all started when-"

"Look! It's Spike! Our savior!" a crystal mare shouted.

Spike looked to the side and saw some mares arrive and gawk at him with affectionate eyes.

Janet raised her eyebrow, "Um, who are they?"

"Oh, see since I saved this town, I've become a bit of a local hero. I'm basically to them like Peter is to the rest of the world," Spike explained.

Janet's eyes widened, if that means what she thinks it means, she's gonna have a lot of competition. Her concern increased when the mares increased in numbers.

"We love you Spike!"

"You're our hero!"

"Marry me!"

Janet looked taken back from that last chant, "Oh hell no!"

She grabbed Spike and ran off with him, "Back off! He's mine!"

Janet ran off while the other mares followed. They ran through the city, going past Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Bobby, as the two just watched the situation unfold.

"Um...what just happened?" Bobby asked.

"Oh Spike's just running away from some fans, it's no big deal darling," Rarity explained.

"Fans? Oh right I heard he was famous around here, something about defeating a shadow king or something," Bobby said.

"Yeah! He defeated King Sombra," Sweetie explained.

"Exactly, he helped save this Empire, so ponies love him here. This is probably the only place that love for Peter comes in second place," Rarity said.

"Wow...good for the little guy," Bobby said.

"Yes, I've always cared a lot for Spike, I found his little crush on me to be really cute," Rarity said.

Bobby raised his eyebrow, "He had a crush on you?" He looked to Sweetie Belle, "Did you know about this?"

"I think everypony knew, somehow it was a secret though," Sweetie said.

"I caught on, I never said anything though. He was sweet but still not mature enough for me yet. Besides it was only a physical attraction, I can't blame him, I am absolutely stunning after all," Rarity said.

"You got that right," Bobby said with a grin as Sweetie rolled her eyes at her sister's arrogance.

"But still, I wasn't sure about it. Not that it matters, he moved on," she then turned to Bobby and planted a kiss on him, "As have I."

Bobby blushed at that, "Damn I feel so lucky, you're the sexiest girl in this world, yet you're still very sweet, you're the perfect mare in my view," Bobby then realized what he said. "Uh, wait, do you mind being called the sexiest?"

Rarity giggled, "It's fine, though try not to make a habit out of saying that too much, I like to think of myself as...fabulous."

"Ok then, you're the most Fabulous looking mare in Equestria," Bobby said.

"Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with that," a nearby voice said.

The three ponies turned to see one Unicorn Rarity knows very well.

"Fancy Pants? This is a surprise," Rarity said, pretty happy at seeing an old friend.

Bobby raised his eyebrow and turned to Sweetie Belle, "Who's he?"

"Some guy from Canterlot that Rarity knows. He's like an Entrepreneur or something," Sweetie explained.

Fancy Pants approached Rarity and took her hoof, "Good day to you Rarity, you're looking as dashing as ever." He finished his statement with a kiss on her hoof, much to Bobby's dislike.

"Oh Fancy Pants, always the charmer, what brings you to The Crystal Empire?" Rarity asked.

"I came by for the Festival hosted by The Prince and Princess, Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza," Fancy Pants said.

"Who's Mi Amore Cadenza?" Bobby asked.

"Cadance, that's her real name," Sweetie explained.

"Huh...sounds fancy," Bobby said.

Fancy Pants noticed Bobby and Sweetie Belle. "I see you've brought your little sister Sweetie Belle, but if I may ask, who is that gentleman next to her?"

Rarity turned to Bobby, "Oh, that's my coltfriend Bobby Drake, he's a good friend of Spider-Mane."

"A friend of Spider-Mane? From his world I presume?" Fancy Pants asked, earning a nod from Rarity.

"Also, like Spider-Mane, he has powers as well," Rarity said.

Bobby demonstrated his powers by freezing a lamp post, much to Fancy Pants' amazement.

"Impressive, what do you call yourself when you are a superhero?"

"Iceman, though I guess in this world, I am Icemane," Bobby said.

"Clever," Fancy Pants said, then turned to Rarity. "I should hope you join me in my booth a little later, we can watch the Wonderbolts race."

"I would be delighted," Rarity said, much to Bobby's concern.

"Splendid, now I must be off, I hope to see your lovely face again my dear," Fancy Pants said and walked off, leaving Bobby a bit jealous.

"It's always nice to see friends again," she turned to Bobby, "Let's go darlings."

Rarity trotted off with Sweetie and Bobby following, Bobby feeling a hint of jealousy.

Meanwhile at the catering hall, The Apples, Remy and Caramel are setting the food and drinks up on the tables, and getting the plates and cups ready as well.

Laura constantly tried sneaking a snack, but Fluttershy kept catching her and scolding her.

"Come on, I'm hungry," Laura complained.

"No, you wait like everypony else," Fluttershy said.

"Just one bite?"


"But 'Shy-"


Laura looked a little taken back, she isn't too comfortable when Fluttershy raises her voice. It's made even worse by Fluttershy glaring angrily at her. She's very used to her kindness and gentle nature, so this is off-putting for her. Laura gave in and accepted defeat.

"Fine, I'll wait...but how long though?" Laura asked and placed her hoof on her stomach. "I'm really hungry."

Fluttershy rubbed her face, "If I get you something you can eat now, will you be happy?"

Laura nodded eagerly while Fluttershy sighed in relief.

"Good, now wait here while I get you some food," Fluttershy said and walked through to find something for her.

Caramel put some food on the table and continued to stare affectionately at Applejack. She was just perfect, her green eyes, her cute freckles, her toned body, even her lovely accent.

Remy however, once again caught Caramel staring, "Hey, moron! Less staring and more working! What the hell are you staring at anyway!?"

Caramel paid little mind to Remy's tone, he simply sighed in bliss, "Something wonderful."

Remy gritted his teeth, "Get back to work, now!"

Caramel simply did as told while Remy huffed a bit in anger, "Damn pony, keep your eyes off my girl."

Remy stormed by the area, stomping past Fluttershy. She looked a little concerned but right now she had to find food for Laura before she got too impatient. Big Macintosh noticed Fluttershy looking, so he decided to help out.

"Need something?" Big Mac asked.

Fluttershy eeped a little and turned to Big Mac, "Oh, sorry. I was just hoping to see if there's any spare food that Laura can eat now. She's really hungry."

Big Mac went to a tray and grabbed an Apple Fritter for her, "Here you go."

Fluttershy smiled and took it, "Thanks, you're really kind."

"It's nothing, anything for mah sister's friend, especially one kind as you" Big Mac said.

Fluttershy blushed a little, "Thanks, well I'll be off then."

Fluttershy quickly flew off while Big Mac smiled in pride and went back to the catering.

One pony who noticed that was Logan, and he didn't look to happy. He walked on while still suspiciously eyeing Big Macintosh.

Elsewhere Rainbow Dash had reached the Wonderbolts booth with Rumble, Johnny and Scootaloo.

"There they are! Let's go!" Rainbow said and eagerly approached the booth, which had Fleetfoot, Soarin and The Captain herself, Spitfire.

"Hey! Spitfire! Soarin! Fleetfoot!" Rainbow said.

Spitfire noticed the four Pegasi making their way over, "Hey Rainbow Dash, good to see you. Looks like you brought some friends."

Rainbow nodded, "Yeah, you remember Johnny and Rumble, what about Scootaloo?"

Spitfire noticed the young teen filly standing there with a big smile.

"Yeah, I think I've seen her around. She your sister or something?" Spitfire asked.

"In a way, she's the closest thing I have to a little sister after all," Rainbow said while giving Scootaloo a brief hug.

Soarin approached Scootaloo, "Are you gonna be a Wonderbolt too?"

"One day, I'm still having some trouble flying though," Scootaloo said while flapping her wings a little.

Rainbow spoke in a hushed tone to Spitfire, "She's a late bloomer, she had some problems flying when she was younger."

"Better late than never I guess," Spitfire said and then noticed Rumble. "You're Peter Parker's colt right? How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great Miss Spitfire," Rumble said.

"Miss? Kid you can drop the 'Miss' part, I'm not an old lady," Spitfire said.

Rumble giggled a little, "Sorry, I say that to a lot of mares, though each time it's the same thing, they don't want to be called 'Miss', but my foal sitters always say to show that level of respect."

Spitfire rubbed his mane, "That's fine kid, you're just well mannered, I like that in a colt."

Rainbow patted Rumble's back, "Yeah he's a great kid, we've really bonded lately."

Spitfire raised her eyebrow, "Oh have you now?"

"Yeah, we've become pretty close, right Rumble?"

Rumble nodded, "Yeah, she's given me some flying tips at times, she even showed me some tricks."

Spitfire raised her eyebrow, "Oh really now? So you remembered what we talked about?"

Rainbow nodded, "Of course, I always treat what you have to say with respect."

Soarin approached Rainbow Dash, "You seem to be really good with foals, you'd make a great Wonderbolt."

Rainbow beamed, "Really? I'm happy to hear that."

"Honestly you should have been in years ago, I hear nothing but great stories about you, plus I've seen for myself how awesome of a flyer you are," Soarin said.

Rainbow blushed, "Wow, you like watching me fly?"

"Yeah, the sky looks much more beautiful, and I'm not just talking about the moves you do," Soarin said while shifting his eyebrows up.

Johnny suddenly looked suspicious and really unhappy, "What'd you say?"

Soarin turned to him, "Hey I'm just saying that she's a pretty attractive mare, plus she's talented, good combination."

Rainbow giggled a little, "Oh stop that Soarin."

"Yeah seriously," Johnny added.

Soarin put his hooves up defensively, "Sorry bro, truth be told if she was able to get in sooner, I would have had the chance to ask her out. Who knows, we could have made quite the couple," Soarin sighed. "I guess it just wasn't meant to be, besides I'm sure she's happy with you."

That statement surprised the other Pegasi, leaving them slack jawed. Soarin turned to leave, "Oh well, that's life I guess. Anyway I'm gonna go stretch my wings, see you all later."

Soarin left the others to think about what just happened, suddenly Fleetfoot and Spitfire felt a little awkward.

"I think we should stretch our wings too, what do you say Captain?" Fleetfoot asked.

"Yeah, sounds good to me, let's go," Spitfire said and quickly trotted off with her teammate.

Rainbow Dash is still seen blushing at what she just heard, Johnny noticed her look and in a quick attempt to bring down any ideas she had, spoke quickly.

"You wouldn't wanna date someone like that anyway, he's just some big shot, acting cool because he's got the looks and the appeal, not your type of guy," Johnny said.

"Um, aren't you the exact same way?" Rumble asked, earning an angry glare from Johnny. The glare was intensified by Johnny flaming on a bit, causing Rumble to back away. "Never mind!"

Scootaloo sighed and grabbed Rumble's hoof, "Let's go before you piss him off some more."

Scootaloo quickly took Rumble away while Johnny turned back to Rainbow Dash, "Anyway Dash, what I'm trying to say is-"

"Rumble!" a small filly voice said. Johnny turned to see Mayday looking around frantically. "Rumble! Where are you!?"

"He went that way," Johnny pointed.

Mayday turned to that direction. "Rumble get back here! I demand your attention!" As she left, soon after Trixie came by.

"Where...is...Mayday?" Trixie said in between breaths.

"Over there," Johnny said, pointing the same direction as before.

"Mayday Parker-Sparkle! Get back here now!" Trixie said and continued to chase after the filly.

Johnny shook his head and refocused his attention on Rainbow Dash, "Anyway Dash, does it matter what he said? You're happy with me aren't you?"

Rainbow snapped out of it, "Huh? What? Oh yeah, sure thing." She turned to leave, "Come on, let's catch up with the others."

Johnny still looked a little concerned, he'll be damned if he loses his marefriend to Soarin.

Elsewhere Pinkie and Deadpool are walking through town, Deadpool looking pretty amazed.

"To think, every part of this town is probably worth thousands of bucks!" Deadpool said.

"Deadpool, don't get funny ideas...well at least funny ideas that cause damage," Pinkie said.

"Don't worry, I'll behave...somewhat," Deadpool said.

"Deadpool..." Pinkie warned.

"Come on, you love that about me. Who's more random than I am?" Deadpool asked.

"I am..." a voice said. Deadpool turned around and was faced with one pony he didn't want to see.

"Cheese Sandwich..."

Cheese stared down the ninja. "Deadpool..."

The two glared at each other, neither one of them backing down.

"What are you doing here Cheese?" Deadpool asked.

"I'm here to help plan the party, what are YOU doing here?" Cheese asked.

"I was invited, by Pinkie Pie, because Twilight was too much of a priss to do it" Deadpool said.

The two continued to stare while Pinkie felt nervous.

"Um, guys? Why are you two staring at each other while acting all tough?" Pinkie asked.

She got no answer, the two continued to stare down, each trying to out tough the other with staring.

"This is gonna be a hell of a staring contest," Deadpool said.

"I concur with that," Cheese said.

Pinkies sighed at this, "I should have seen this coming, it was only a matter of time before Deadpool and Cheese Sandwich would fight for my affection."

Later in the day, everyone is gathered in the castle. Spike is looking out a window and notices as a sea of mares gather outside and are calling for him. Spike is waving shyly at them, though Janet arrives and pulls Spike away as she slams the window doors.

"Freaken mares," Janet said and turned to Spike, "You don't need a group of mares who like you only for your accomplishments, just this one mare who loves you for you."

"Relax Janet, you're the only one for me," Spike said.

Janet then picked Spike up and gave him a nice kiss, one she held for a long time. Soon the sound of throat clearing caused Janet to stop and she noticed that both Twilight and Rarity were standing there with a disapproving look. Shining Armor and Cadance had looks of mixed feelings, they were happy for Spike but it seemed weird for him to be in a relationship. But then again it seemed weird for Twilight as well at one point.

"Come on Spike, Cadance wants to talk with you on some things," Twilight said.

Spike nodded, figuring this could be his chance to ask Cadance about Janet. "Ok Twi," she turned around. "See ya later Janet, and like I said, please don't worry about the other mares."

Janet nodded, "Sure thing."

Spike followed Twilight along with her other friends.

"Wait, where's Rumble? And Trixie? And Mayday?" Twilight asked.

"They're with me," Scootaloo said as she came into the room, accompanied by Trixie.

"I finally caught up to that little filly, all it took was the right bait," Trixie said. She then gestured to Rumble entering the room with Mayday on his back, hugging him tightly.

"She finally got me I guess," Rumble said with some uncertainty.

Cadance approached him, "Hello Rumble, mind coming with me? I'd love to learn a bit about you."

Rumble rubbed his head a little, "Wow, The Princess of Love wants to see me?"

"You can just call me Cadance, or since you were adopted by Twilight, I guess that makes me your Auntie Cadance."

"Only for a little bit longer," Rarity said in a low tone.

Spike turned to her with a raised eyebrow, "Rarity did you say something?"

Rarity shook her head, "It's nothing Spike, let's be off then."

Twilight herself groaned, one minute Rarity's on her side when it comes to Spike. The next she's against her when it comes to Rumble. Would a little consistency be too much to ask for?

Big Macintosh and Caramel approached Applejack.

"Food's all prepared, me and Caramel did the final touches," Big Mac said.

"That's good, if you don't mind just go make sure we still have enough plates, I'll be down in a minute to help with the cups," Applejack said.

"Sure thing Applejack," Caramel said with some eagerness, much to Remy's annoyance.

Fluttershy approached Big Mac, "Thanks again for the fritter, though if you can see if there's something else, Laura's hungry again."

"Land Sakes Fluttershy, just put yer hoof down and tell her to wait like the others," Applejack said.

Fluttershy looked a bit unsure. While She can do such a thing, she just pities Laura at the moment. Big Mac turned her attention to him, "I'll do mah best."

"Aw, thanks Big Mac," Fluttershy said.

Logan noticed that and let out a slight growl, which didn't go unnoticed by Laura. "Jealous much Logan?"

Logan turned to her with a scowl, then turned away. Laura grinned at that, she knows Logan's feelings for Fluttershy, it can be fun to mess with.

"I can't wait for that Wonderbolts show," Rainbow said, much to Johnny's jealousy.

"Yes, it should be exciting, though I look forward to seeing Fancy Pants again," Rarity said, much to Bobby's jealousy.

"It was nice seeing Cheese too," Pinkie said, much to Deadpool's anger.

"Come on girls, let's hurry now," Twilight said.

Soon the mares had left to the other room, the Crusaders following, mainly because Rumble was going too. All that was left were the heroes, all looking a bit unhappy.

"So," Peter said, trying to start conversation, "How are things with everypony?"

"That varmint Caramel, eyeing something he ain't gonna get!" Remy said.

"Damn Cheese Sandwich, him and his...cheesiness," Deadpool said.

"Freaken Fancy Pants, he isn't even wearing pants!" Bobby said.

"I know Soarin's up to something, he never liked us superheroes anyway," Johnny said.

"Those wild fangirls better stay away from Spike! Janet said.

Logan just sat there, not saying anything. Laura had a sly smile, time for a little fun for the Weapon X clone. She decided to speak for him, attempting to mimic his voice. "I hate that Big Macintosh, I want Fluttershy for myself, I'm the best in the world at what I do bub."

Logan turned to her angrily, "What the hell was that Laura!?"

"Hey I know you're thinking that, you can't fool me Logan," Laura said. "Honestly what are you waiting for anyway? Fluttershy likes you, you like her. Don't let me stop you from dating her, otherwise you're gonna lose out on her while that Apple farmer will totally swoop in."

"I don't need you giving me dating advice, my feelings for Fluttershy isn't anyone else's business," Logan said.

Peter raised his eyebrow, "So are you confessing that you like Fluttershy but don't want to admit it or..."

"Parker!" Logan said with a 'Snikt'.

"Hey easy now!" Peter said with his hooves up. "I respect your feelings. Besides truth be told I know how all of you are feeling, that one guard Flash Sentry is all over Twilight, I don't trust him for a second."

"Still? I thought I gave that guy a fair warning!" Johnny said.

"He obviously doesn't learn, considering how many times he tried to attack Wesker, only to get his flank handed to him in one shot. In fact once I even helped Wesker knock him out, probably the only thing we saw eye-to-eye on," Peter said.

"I told that Caramel pony to stop staring at Applejack, the stupid stallion isn't getting the picture, she ain't his girl, she's my girl," Remy said.

"And then there's Cheese Sandwich, he just HAD to show up! I ain't gonna have a rival for Pinkie's heart!" Deadpool said.

Johnny muttered quietly enough for Deadpool not to hear, "Truth be told I'd rather she date Cheese than some whackjob like you."

"What about my problem?" Janet said. "A whole Empire of mares want Spike! It's gonna be hard for me to fight a whole empire!"

"Um, you have powers, they don't," Johnny reminded.

Janet blinked a little, "Oh right. I think I can take them then!"

"Then why don't you? Go find your dragon and remind him that his ass is your property now" Laura said, then turned to the others. "Seriously instead of bitching about this, go find your mares and remind them why you're their stallion! Though I use that term loosely."

"Oh like you've never had a crush on me, I heard the rumors!" Peter said.

Laura took a breath, "If Fluttershy hadn't told me how to manage my anger, I'd kick your ass for that. Unfortunately I can only hold my anger for so long, so you better start running before I introduce you to a world of pain!"

Peter took a step back as Laura glared at him, almost like she was about to strike. Johnny stood up a moment, "She's right, at least the first part of her statement was. Let's go make sure we don't lose our mares."

The others nodded and followed Johnny out the room, ready to remind their lovers who their real romance was.

Logan then stood up and followed them, catching Laura's attention.

"Where are you off to Logan?" she asked with a sly smile.

"I'm just gonna make sure they don't do anything stupid," Logan said and left the room.

"Yeah, sure old man, whatever you say," Laura said. Logan turned back to her with a scowl before leaving the room.

Laura then stood up and stretched her legs, "Meanwhile I'll go help myself to a little snack." She made her way to the catering area, where she will wait for the perfect moment to get what she wants.

Down in the Catering area, Big Macintosh and Caramel have finished checking the plates.

"That should be enough for the guests, what's your take Big Macintosh?" Caramel asked.

"Eeyup, it's enough," Big Mac said.

A moment later, Applejack and Fluttershy are seen entering, beholding the sight before them.

"Wow, this place looks just about ready, were you boys able to count the plates?" Applejack said.

"Sure were, all that's left is the cups," Caramel said.

"That's great, yer a fine worker Caramel, always happy to have you around...when yer not losing the grass seeds during Winter Wrap Up," Applejack said.

Caramel chuckled a bit, "Yeah, good to know."

Fluttershy approached Big Mac, "Do you have anything for Laura?"

Big Mac looked around, "Ah should, give me a moment."

"Thanks Big Mac, you're the best," Fluttershy said.

Meanwhile Remy is making his way to the Catering Hall, knowing that Applejack would be there. He also knew that Caramel would be there and wanted to make sure nothing screwy would happen.

He arrived at the Catering Hall and noticed the ponies there, especially Applejack and Caramel.

"Oh no you don't," Remy said. As he made his way over, Logan had also arrived, following Fluttershy's scent.

"Had a feeling Remy would be here, I could smell the apples as well," Logan said, mostly referring to Applejack's scent.

Remy approached the group, "Hello mon amis, great to see you."

Applejack turned to Remy, "Howdy there Remy, came by to help I'm sure?"

"Of course, I would do anything for you mon cherrie, you are my favorite kind of apple," Remy said.

Applejack chuckled, "Always the flirt aren't you Remy?"

Caramel didn't look to happy, "Yes well, I too would do anything for you Applejack, it's always a pleasure working for you."

Remy growled, "Well I have the biggest pleasure, being that she is my marefriend, thus making me a more suited candidate."

"Things can change sometimes, I like to keep myself prepared," Caramel said.

"Ain't nothing gonna change, things gonna stay as they are!" Remy said with a little more force.

"That's not how I see it," Caramel said with his own attitude.

Remy and Caramel started to stare down a little, that's when Logan decided to come in.

"Alright, that's enough now, let's not escalate this into a needless fight," Logan said, then focused on Caramel, "Especially for your sake. Gambit isn't exactly a pushover."

Big Mac also stepped in, "Yes, no need for this type of behavior. Now it'd be best if you both took a step back and think about this rationally."

"Big Macintosh is right," Fluttershy said. "He's a wise pony so you should do as he asks."

Logan looked a little smug upon hearing that, "Yeah, take a space or something. Especially you Gambit, with your power you might cause a mess."

"When you both come back, maybe we can talk this out normally, get yer feelings out the right way," Big Mac said.

Logan growled, especially once noticing that Fluttershy looked affectionately at Big Mac. "Yeah, get you both a nice room to-"

"Hopefully once we get this behind us, we can-"

"Hey!" Logan interrupted, "You trying to one-up me bub!?"

Big Mac raised his eyebrow, "Uh...nope. Just trying to keep the peace."

"Really? It sounds more like yer saying things just to make yerself look good to Fluttershy!" Logan accused.

Big Mac looked a bit offended at that, "Ah assure you I am only speaking to prevent any more problems from arising."

"They get the damn point, now step off already!" Logan threatened.

Applejack and Fluttershy looked concerned, things were about to go downhill fast.

"Ah don't appreciate your tone of voice, if you don't behave rationally I'll have to-"

"Have to what bub!?" Logan asked, getting in Big Mac's face, "You may be bigger than me, but you don't have these!" Logan extended his claws, "I fought the freaken Hulk! Several times! And he's bigger than your sorry ass!"

"Logan, please, calm yourself!" Fluttershy begged.

"Yeah, please don't pick a fight with mah brother," Applejack begged.

Caramel stepped between Big Mac and Logan, "You are upsetting the mares, especially Applejack, if there's one thing I can't stand for is somepony upsetting Applejack. She is the most beautiful mare and I would do just about anything for her, that includes-"

"Ok, you're going down you son of a-" Remy lunged at Caramel mid sentence and started pounding on him. "This is for flirting with Remy's girl!"


Big Mac went to grab Remy but the X-Man shoved Big Mac away and continued to fight. Unfortunately Big Mac bumped into Logan, causing him to shove Big Mac even further away.

"Amateur, I'll break them up, then you can-"

Big Mac did not give Logan time to finish his sentence as he rammed him and knocked him over. Logan was furious.

"Alright that's it! YOU WANNA GO BUB!?"

Logan lunged at Big Mac and started brawling with him, much to the dismay of Fluttershy and Applejack.

"We gotta break them up!" Applejack shouted.

"Go handle Remy and Caramel! I'll try to calm Logan down!" Fluttershy said.

"Think you can?" Applejack asked.

"Oh he'll either calm down on his own, or I'll make him calm down!" Fluttershy said with some attitude, and went toward the Logan/Big Mac fight.

Applejack shrugged and went to stop the Caramel/Remy fight.

With Pinkie, she was checking on the party supplies and saw Cheese setting some stuff up.

"Perfect, now all I need to do is-"

"Hi Cheese!" Pinkie said, interrupting Cheese's train of thought.

Cheese waved at his pink friend, "Hello Pinkie, it's great to see you."

"Yeah, you too. Glad we can talk without...talks of jealousy," Pinkie said.

Cheese chuckled nervously, "My apologies, I guess my affection for you was...a bit higher than I thought. Nonetheless I will maintain professionalism."

"It's fine, I know you have a crush on me, and it's really cute. Though I also like Deadpool, plus I don't get to see you a lot so there's that," Pinkie said.

"True, that is the life of a traveling party pony, always seeing big crowds and always walking," Cheese said.

Pinkie looked a bit sad, "Why though? Why not just stay in Ponyville, make some friends."

Cheese shrugged, "Not sure, I guess deep down I'm still-"

"Hey! Accordian boy!" Deadpool shouted, making his way over. "You trying to court my girl again!?"

Cheese raised his eyebrow, "First off she's her own girl, second no I'm not."

"Oh now you wanna be Mr. Chivalry, listen Cheesehead, me and Pinkie are the ones meant to be. Pinkiepool was a thing before you showed up!" Deadpool said.

Cheese groaned, "Look, I don't like fighting or arguing, I'm a party guy, I like happiness. So can we try to get along? No talk about dating Pinkie, just four friends spending time with each other."

"Four friends!? There's only three of us?" Deadpool said.

Cheese brought out a rubber chicken, "This fourth friend, this is-" Deadpool slapped the chicken out of Cheese's hoof, much to his annoyance.

"That...was uncalled for!" Cheese said in anger for his friend.

"Not my fault your friend is chicken!" Deadpool said.

"Alright that's it! You are officially the most unfriendly pony I've ever had the displeasure of knowing!" Cheese angrily said.

"Your shirt looks stupid," Deadpool said.

Cheese looked irate, "You know what! I think-"

"STOP!" Pinkie shouted, tears building up. "Why are you both fighting!"

"He started it!" both said, then glared, "You know what-!"

"Enough! I can't handle this fighting! I need to go!"

Pinkie then ran off, her tears streaming down her face as the two colts looked on.

"Pinkie come back!" Cheese said.

Deadpool looked to Cheese, "This is all your fault!" He then leapt on Cheese and started pounding on his head, "Take that! And that! And that!"

Cheese struggled around, "Get off me!" He slammed Deadpool down and went to attack him, the two fighting in the streets.

Meanwhile with Spike, he is currently watching something bad going down. He is watching as his marefriend is beating up every mare that comes his way.

"Back off! He's my dragon!" Janet said while punching off each mare that came toward Spike.

"I know Peter never had to deal with this...at least I don't think he has," Spike said.

Janet then grabbed Spike and continued to kick the mares, "Get back! He's mine!"

Spike groaned, "This is just getting weird."

Finally with Twilight, she was making her way to the booth while accompanied by Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Flash Sentry.

"Come on, the race is gonna start!" Rainbow urged on.

"Relax, we still have time," Twilight said.

"Yes, they're not even at the track, they're up ahead talking with Fancy Pants," Rarity said.

Up ahead at the door to the booth, Fancy Pants is talking with Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot.

"I'm sure you'll have a great race today," Fancy Pants said.

"Like we always do," Spitfire added.

Fancy Pants nodded, "Yes, like you always do. I do enjoy your shows, I am a proud sponsor of you as well."

"Thanks for that, we always strive to-" Spitfire's attention was diverted when she noticed Twilight and the others coming. "Hey it's The Princess and her friends."

Twilight had arrived with a smile, "Hello, good to see you all."

Rainbow eagerly approached The Wonderbolts, "You're gonna kick flank in that race!"

"We'll do our best," Spitfire said.

Rainbow nodded then turned to Soarin, a blush emitting from her face. "Um, later on, think we can talk a moment?"

Soarin also had a blush, "Sure thing, that'd be cool."

That gained some interest from the others, what was Rainbow Dash and Soarin up to? Twilight felt some concern, especially seeing the blush and her tone. Rainbow Dash isn't into Soarin is she? Twilight would hate to see Johnny's heart get broken.

Fancy Pants cleared his throat a little and turned to Rarity, "Would you like to come in? I saved you a seat next to me, we will be able to talk and catch up."

"That would be nice," Rarity said.

Twilight turned to Flash, "I appreciate the escort, though you can return to your post if you wish."

"Oh I'm actually almost off duty, maybe I can stay around, just to assist you for the sake of assisting you. I hold you in high regard after all," Flash said.

Twilight giggled, "Aw, you're really sweet Flash, but it's no burden, after all-"


All the ponies turned to see Peter standing at the end of the hallway with Johnny and Bobby by his sides.

"Oh, here comes Peter," Twilight said.

Rainbow couldn't help but notice how irate Peter looked. "He looks really unhappy."

"Come to think of it, so do Bobby and Johnny," Rarity pointed out, looking a bit concerned.

All three guys just stood there, anger evident in their eyes. They then started making their way over to the mares and the others.

Twilight looked concerned, she has rarely seen Peter look angry, at least when he's not fighting a villain. Though even then he isn't really angry, just more determined.

Peter approached Flash, "Thanks for escorting my wife, now you may be off now, I can handle things from here."

Flash looked a bit taken back, "Um, I'm not doing this for royal duty, I just enjoy spending time with Twilight."

"Yeah I can tell, you're very friendly with her. In fact you're a bit TOO friendly with Twilight," Peter said.

Flash shook his head, "You can never be too friendly. Besides I'm a good friend of your in-laws, so naturally I feel inclined to have that same friendship with Twilight."

"Yeah, you can, one that doesn't involve you hounding around her, and kissing her hoof, and constantly complimenting her looks," Peter said.

"Um, I happen to find Twilight to be a very beautiful looking mare, if you no longer see that then-"

Peter grabbed Flash and held him against the wall, "What did you say pal!?"

"Peter! Let him go!" Twilight shouted.

Soarin went to Peter, "Seriously, quit acting all jealous, you're gonna be no better than he is."

"Oh step off you overrated jock!" Johnny said, getting in Soarin's face.

"What did you call me candle boy!?" Soarin asked while standing his ground.

"Candle boy huh? Really clever. Listen, you're in the same boat as that flirty jackass there," Johnny said pointing to Flash. "As for you Wonder-dork, you have some freaken nerve hitting on my marefriend in front of me like that. You try that crap again and it won't be pretty."

"Maybe you should let Rainbow Dash decide who she wants to be with, the way I see it, until you two are married, she's still free to make her choice," Soarin said.

"She's made her choice! It's me! Not you! ME!" Johnny shouted, things getting really heated, both figuratively and literally.

"Johnny! Cool it, you're making things worse!" Rainbow said.

"I do agree, I implore the both of you to please stand down, you're making a scene," Fancy Pants said.

Peter turned angrily to Fancy Pants, "How about you huh? I bet you flirted with Rarity quite a bit."

Bobby stepped over to Fancy Pants, "Yeah, you were pretty friendly with Rarity yourself. You after my marefriend?"

Fancy Pants looked insulted, "My good sir, I am not the type to go after a mare that's currently in a relationship, it is beneath me!"

"Oh really, based on your actions I should say the otherwise," Bobby said.

Fancy Pants gasped, "Are you accusing me of deceit? I am a well-respected business-stallion, what would I have to gain from this?"

"I know you rich types, you're just like Tony Stark, got the same stupid mustache too. I know how much of a player your types are," Bobby said.

"How dare you! I have never been so insulted!" Fancy Pants angrily stated.

"That's what you get for coming in on my marefriend, now I suggest you-"

"Bobby!" Rarity shouted. "Enough, you're acting very uncouth, now apologize to Fancy Pants," Rarity turned around. "As for you two, Peter let Flash Sentry go, Johnny get out of Soarin's face!"

"I'll let him go when he says he'll keep his distance from Twilight!" Peter said, still holding Flash.

"Yeah same with this player!" Johnny said regarding Soarin.

"Dude, you're starting to piss me off, get the hell out of my face right now," Soarin threatened.

"I got freaken fire powers, you ain't gonna do shit to me," Johnny said.

While Peter was distracted, keeping an eye on everything around him, Flash removed his helmet and then bonked it on Peter's head.

"Hey! What the-"

Peter could not finish as Flash hit him again with the helmet. Flash then through a punch right at Peter's face, though he regretted it immediately, as he felt a lot of pain on his hoof.

"Ow! Is your face made of concrete or something!?"

Peter angrily grabbed Flash and tossed him across the hallway and then pursued him.

"Peter get back here!" Twilight said, going after Peter.

"Hey! Spider-Dude! Stand down!" Soarin said and went after Peter, but Johnny tackled him down from behind and started pounding on Soarin.

"This is for hitting on my marefriend you son of a-"

Johnny couldn't finish as Soarin hit Johnny with a strong right hoof and then tackled him through the booth, causing the other ponies to evacuate.

"I say! This is out of-" Fancy Pants couldn't finish his statement as Bobby froze his head with some ice.

"Ha! Take that!"

Rarity growled, "Bobby! That was uncalled for, now when his head thaws out I want you to apologize!"

Before Bobby could argue that point, Fancy Pants destroyed the ice with his magic and then zapped Bobby across the hallway.

"That'll show you ruffian, I am not afraid to get down with it when need be!"

Bobby rushed back over and tackled Fancy Pants down, the two engaging in a fight.

Rarity couldn't believe what she was seeing, neither could Rainbow Dash, Spitfire or Fleetfoot. They then heard something break in the booth, they checked inside and saw that Johnny and Soarin had gone through the plastic glass and were flying and fighting in mid-air, taking turns punching, kicking and blocking.

"This is ridiculous!" Rarity shouted.

"I don't know, it does look pretty cool," Rainbow admitted.


Outside Princess Cadance is walking with Rumble, Mayday and The Crusaders while chatting with them.

"I'm glad you're having fun at Twilight's place, it's nice that she cares so much about you. I can see why too, you're very adorable Rumble," Cadance said.

Rumble blushed at that, no matter how many mares and fillies tell him that, he still feels the same way each time.

"Thanks, you're really nice Auntie Cadance," Rumble said.

Cadance giggled, "Wow, you quickly took to that."

The Crusaders giggled as well, they love how adorable Rumble is. Mayday just stayed close to him, like she usually does. At least she's not hugging him while riding him.

As they walked, they suddenly saw Caramel get tossed to a trash can, taking them all by surprise.

"What the hay!? Who did that!?" Scootaloo said.

They then saw Remy rush at Caramel and tackle him down to continue attacking him. They then saw Logan flying overhead, having been tossed by Big Macintosh.

Logan landed down and stood up, looking like he was ready for more. Big Mac then charged as Logan readied a punch, the two colliding into each other.

They then saw several mares running past them, all running from an angry Janet Van Dyne, who shouted some colorful phrases at them for getting too close to Spike.

Spike looked a little ashamed of his marefriend, wishing she hadn't gone to this extreme.

They then saw Deadpool and Cheese brawling nearby, with Cheese bonking Deadpool in the head with his chicken.

"That's right! Feel the wrath of the rubber chicken!" Cheese shouted.

They then saw Bobby get knocked toward them with Fancy Pants charging at him. Bobby then froze the ground in front of Fancy Pants, causing him to slide to a wall and colliding pretty hard.

They looked up and saw Johnny and Soarin doing a mid-air fight with Johnny punching Soarin in the gut and back hoofing him down to the ground. Sorain immediately got up and flew at Johnny with a strong punch, colliding hard with the hero.

Finally they saw Flash being tossed to a wall, landing near the recently knocked over trash can. Peter was then seen approaching Flash, ready to keep fighting, but Flash grabbed the trash can and bonked Peter on the head, dazing him a bit and then hitting him again. Peter looked furious and then punched Flash back, webbed him and brought him in for a kick.

Cadance looked pretty taken back from all this, why was everypony fighting like this. Suddenly Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were seen running into the area.

"Twilight! What's going on!?" Cadance asked.

"It started when Peter got jealous, then he, Johnny and Bobby started fighting Flash Sentry, Soarin and Fancy Pants, I didn't even know about the other fights until a moment ago but it sounds like a similar story!" Twilight said.

"We gotta separate them! Our superhero coltfriends might end up hurting these other ponies!" Applejack said.

Cadance whistled to get their attention, but no avail. "How are we supposed to stop them!?"

"Guys! Cool it right now!" Applejack shouted, though they all continued fighting.

"I got this," Twilight said and readied her magic. She then cast a spell that froze all the stallions in place.

"Hey what gives!?" Remy asked.

"Twilight let us go!" Johnny said.

"I'm flying!" Deadpool said, much to the annoyance of the others.

Twilight put the heroes on one side, and the others stallions on the other side.

"Listen, I don't want any more fighting, the next pony who throws a punch is gonna have to deal with me personally!" Twilight warned.

Everyone stood down, knowing full well not to incur Twilight's wrath. Twilight took a breath and looked around, "Now, mind explaining what was going through your heads when you all started fighting!?"

The heroes looked at each other awkwardly a moment, then back at Twilight. The look of rage in her eyes sent shivers down their spines, especially Peter. Being her husband though, he figured it would be best to speak on their behalf, "I guess we were all just concerned, you girls really liked spending time with those other stallions and well..."

"You all got jealous right? Even though I said there's nothing to worry about," Twilight said.

"Hey that pony kept flirting with Applejack!" Remy said, pointing to Caramel.

"Remy he always flirts, even before ah met you. Sometimes it's not with me, he flirts with a lot of mares," Applejack said.

"He flirted with me too once," Rarity said, much to Bobby's ire.

"I just like pretty mares. I once flirted with Princess Twilight too," Caramel said.

"Hey pal!" Peter started saying but Twilight's angry glare shut him up.

"Remy ah like you, but you need to trust that ah would remain faithful and not run off with some other stallion, alright?" Applejack said.

Remy rubbed his head, "Sure, I guess so Applejack."

"What about that guy right there?" Bobby said, pointing to Fancy Pants, "He kept flirting with Rarity and-"

"First off, I'm just being a gentleman," Fancy Pants said. "Secondly I'm happily married, I had no intention of going off with Rarity."

Bobby raised his eyebrow, "Wait, you're married?"

"Yes, to my lovely Fleur. Rarity herself knew that, she attended the wedding ceremony, she even worked on all the designs," Fancy Pants said.

Rarity nodded, "That's why he's so nice with me, I did him a big favor, so he's been very grateful for that."

Bobby looked pretty dumbfounded, "What!? When were you gonna tell me this!?"

"I didn't think I needed to at first, I didn't realize you would get so jealous. My question is why didn't you tell me what you were feeling? I would have cleared things up then and there!" Rarity said, causing Bobby to blush in humiliation.

Johnny pointed to Soarin, "He definitely flirted with Rainbow Dash though!"

"That doesn't mean you should go attacking him Johnny!" Rainbow said, doing her best to hold back a little frustration. "Before all this happened, I was even gonna tell him later there wouldn't be a shot between us. But then you had to come along and make things worse, I thought you were better than that Johnny!"

Now it's Johnny's turn to feel stupid, "Oh...you were?"

"Yeah, I was", Rainbow said, then looked to Johnny, eyes almost teary. "Johnny I love you, don't you believe that?"

Johnny nodded and put on a big desperate smile, "I do! I swear I do Rainbow Dash."

"So would you honestly believe I would have left you? Just like that?" Rainbow asked, some hurt still evident in her voice.

Johnny started feeling a bit foolish, "No, I do know that...I guess I just got nervous."

"Yeah, we all did," Bobby said.

"You fillies are just really important to us," Remy said.

Rainbow looked to her friends, who all had unsure looks on their faces. She then turned back to the stallions, "We'll talk about this another time then, but for now me and the girls just need some time to ourselves."

Johnny felt a surge of worry, as did his friends. Hopefully they didn't do anything too stupid that would jeopardize their relationships.

Twilight then approached Peter, the super-hero feeling apprehensive by the moment.

"Do you have any idea how stupid you were acting just now?" Twilight asked plain and simple.

Peter shrugged, "Uh, very?" He did a nervous chuckle, though Twilight looked even more annoyed.

"You and I are gonna have a nice long talk about this later, I am NOT happy with ANY of this," Twilight said, causing Peter to flinch a little.

"Yes dear," Peter said.

Twilight turned to her friends, "Come on, let's try to fix this place up."

As she and her friends left, Cadance focused on the heroes, "I'm disappointed in all of you, you should know better."

She then went to the other stallions, "Might I suggest that you," referring to Caramel, "Stop flirting with mares with coltfriends, you," referring to Soarin, "Don't actively hit on a mare in a relationship, you," referring to Fancy Pants, "Try to be a little more courteous to those around, and you," referring to Flash, "I asked you to cool it with your friendly nature regarding Twilight. Keep in mind she is not only a princess, but your superior's sister, so that in itself is something to tread lightly on."

The stallions nodded and walked off themselves, leaving the remaining heroes to feel stupid about their actions.

Spike took this moment to approach Janet about his feelings. "Next time, just ignore them, like I said, I like you better. Besides you're prettier than those other mares anyway."

Janet felt relieved, though it was short lived.

"I'm still not happy however, I expected a little better from you. We'll talk more later, right now I should go help Twilight and Cadance," Spike said.

Janet groaned and took her place alongside the other heroes. "Well we really screwed up."

"Gee no kidding," Peter lamented.

Later on, the Festival was still underway, despite some damage done. Soarin healed up enough to race properly, though the heroes were all met with cold shoulders from their loved ones.

Laura herself having gotten in some trouble when Fluttershy had busted her for sneaking into the catering and eating most of the food. She went easy since Laura had a bit of a stomach-ache from eating so much.

Others like Lightning Dust, Future Sweetie, Derpy, Dinky and Aunt May had arrived to come see the show and enjoy the festival, with the show and the other fun activities. Though everypony still had a degree of fun, there was still some awkward feelings due to the earlier conflict.

Later it was time to go home. The mares had still given their stallions the cold shoulder, to which the stallions decided to just stay go to another car. Before they could go, Big Mac called Logan over.

"Logan, over here a moment please."

Logan looked curious and gestured for the heroes to keep moving, "I'll be back."

He approached Big Macintosh with a look of curiosity, "What is it?"

"Look, ah ain't gonna hold a grudge. We all live in Ponyville and mah sister is friends with your friends, so ah wanna make sure this problem between us can simmer down," Big Mac said.

"No problem, sorry for attacking you like that. Really don't know what came over me," Logan said.

"Truth be told Logan, ah think it's Fluttershy. You do seem to have feelings for her. Your fight with me was more over her affection ah would say," Big Mac said.

Logan groaned a bit, "What does it matter? Even if that were true, I may have driven her off with that. Stupid move on my behalf honestly."

"Remy said you had plenty of girls you loved, but some loved others, yet you maintained a respectful distance. What made Fluttershy so different?"

Logan shrugged, "I don't know, what makes yer sister different than the other girls Remy dated? What makes Rarity different than other girls Bobby flirted with? Or even Rainbow Dash, what does she have that the girls Johnny's been with doesn't? Even someone like Parker has a girl that he managed to nab and keep. I don't know how but these girls are something special, something those nimrods realized and why they fought so hard for them."

Logan then realized he did what they did, he fought for Fluttershy. "Damn, maybe yer right. I do like that gal," Logan shook his head, "Doesn't matter, may have screwed up big time."

"Not yet," Big Mac said. "She's mad for now, but give it time, she'll come around. You have a good shot with her Logan, try not to blow it."

Logan nodded, "Damn right I won't, thanks Mac, yer alright. Hell of a fighter too, I respect that."

Big Mac smiled proudly and did a hoof bump with Logan. Soon the train started leaving, both rushed inside with Big Mac sitting with his sister and friends and Logan going back to the other heroes.

"Hey Logan, where were you?" Peter asked.

"Off realizing something important," Logan answered. Vague as the answer was, Peter accepted it. All Peter wanted to do now was make things up to Twilight, all the heroes did.

The mares themselves are sitting and thinking. They know their coltfriends meant well but still, why act so foolish? Truth be told, they almost liked the fact that they fought for them, proof that their stallions loved them. While their actions were still immature and they would have to talk about it, at least they know they are still loved.

Later in the night, as everyone was asleep, Peter sat at top of the train, looking into the sky. Suddenly he felt the presence of another pony, that being his lovely wife Twilight. She sat next to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I know you mean well Peter, but please take it easy next time. Remember you're very strong, and too emotionally driven at times. I know you love me, but please show a little restraint next time."

Peter nuzzled Twilight, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I know you would never leave me for him, but I still hate seeing any stallion flirt with you. You are my wife, and I feel the need to remind the world that."

"Now you know how I feel about Felicia," Twilight said.

Peter nodded, "Guess so. Doesn't matter, I wouldn't leave you for her either. She's not worth it like you are."

"I'm always happy to hear that, I love you Peter."

"And I love you Twilight."

The two shared a kiss on top of the train as it went to Ponyville, their love once again shining through.

Love is what drives them, even if it's in a rough course.

Author's Note:

One of the bigger stories, what happens when the heroes get jealous when others flirt with their loved ones.