• Member Since 18th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


[He/Him]. Hello, I'm just some guy who forgets his own age half the time that writes stories. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Comments ( 431 )

Alright, good start. It's relatively well written, and putting the whole of the Mane Six into the Wasteland, instead of just one character, isn't something I, at least, have seen before. Call me intrigued.

6745759 Not to mention that they end up as anthro.

6746034 It's not a Fallout Equestria fanfic. It's a fic where the Mane 6 are transported to the Capital Wasteland of Fallout 3. I even put that at the bottom of the description.

Comment posted by Alcatraz deleted Dec 19th, 2015
Comment posted by SomeGuyCamping deleted Dec 19th, 2015

6746730 You don't need to give me your email nor do I need to give you mine. You can simply change the permissions in the document itself, then send me the link.

I don't mind helping to edit, so just PM me the link to the gdoc and we can go from there. I can fix this one up since it's short.

6746783 I do not trust giving people links to my docs that they can pass around to whoever they please. Hopefully you understand my reasoning behind not having you as an editor.

6747390 Whether or not you believe me, I'm not the sort of person that'd betray someone's trust like that. There's very little incentive for me to do something like that. What have I got to gain from wantonly passing around gdoc links? So I don't understand. If you have a look on my main profile, you can find a list of stories I've helped with, and you can even ask those people whether or not I've done just that. I 100% guarantee you they'd say I haven't.

And why did you delete my comment? Deleting comments does not look good on your behalf. I'm just trying to help here, dude.

6748033 Sorry, I didn't mean anything by deleting those old comments. You commented on some edits I needed to make, I made due corrections, then I deleted the old long list-like comments so people reading the comment section wouldn't see any spoilers. My apology if I offended you.

And I was tired last time I commented you (I stayed up almost all night checking on how my new story was doing) so my reaction was a bit irrational. However, I have reconsidered your offer and would like to make amends by apologizing, and accepting you as an editor. I'll PM the link to chapter two, if you are still up for that editing offer that is. I wouldn't be the least bit offended if you declined, after my previous actions.

6748124 Even so, you shouldn't really delete comments, period. It looks bad in that anyone that sees deleted comments will immediately assume that the writer was being a poor sport about something and you might get called out on it. You'd be better off just not deleting comments, and if someone is being a cunt to you in the comments of a story just block them then they can't comment on your page, stories etc.

Anyway, I'm gonna pass on editing now. To put it politely, I'm gonna be busy at work over the holidays and I'll be going away, so it'll leave me little time to edit.

6748218 Fair enough. Have a happy holiday season.

You seem to have a decent start going. You go into enough detail to paint a picture without going so overboard that I just skip it to get to the dialogue. The pacing works thus far, and I can buy the anthro due to a fractured mirror. Why a fix-it spell does the exact opposite... well we'll see where you go with that.

Characterization is good so far. Flutters actually remembering her self-confidence lessons is a plus. While people can only survive a week without water, they can potentially last a month without food, so I don't think Twilight would quite be skeletal at that point. Maybe 2 weeks in.

Taking the anthro route in the capital wastes is a different approach , that I've seen, so as long as your writing remains as good if not better than it is now, I'll certainly be watching this story unfold. Let's all hope this story doesn't get left behind/abandoned after a few chapters.

Well shit on me, Fluttershy is part of the Bortherhood of Steel? Can't wait to hear this story.

I could see Flutters being a scribe, most likely a medic to be sure. I do have to wonder about the whole meat issue though. Since this fic takes EQG as canon, shouldn't Twilight have already known about humans eating meat? I serenely doubt the school cafeteria and all the other places Twilight visited was vegan/vegetarian only.

But let's say, for the sake of argument, that she totally missed all those signs somehow. I believe the whole intelligent cow thing in Equestria itself was a bit of cartoon humor, rather than the cows actually being sapient. After all, AJ keeps cows in a pen/barn like any other farmer, and corralled them with her dog when they stampeded through town. So unless AJ, and Equestria as a whole, condone slavery, I believe the cows in Equestria are no different than those on Earth. You can explain AJ talking to them as Earth pony magic, cow whisperer or something. Additionally, unlike Cranky Doodle, who has his own house, the cows, as mentioned, are kept in pens and barns.

Plus, Equestria is no stranger to carnivore. Namingly the griffins, who throughout mythology are always meat eaters. After all, eagle + cat =/= herbivore.

Lastly, since twilight is now 1/2 human, she better get used to the fact that she will definitely need to eat meat so long as she's there. The capital wasteland is not going to cater to a vegetarian diet like our world/ pre-war world could.

She is the very first non-human accepted into the Brotherhood. Mind introducing yourself to our audience?”

there are numerous branches or chapters of the brotherhood. as many know Lyons Pride brotherhood occupies the Capital wastes, while the other ones i dont remember.

Fluttershy is lucky that this brotherhood didnt dust her on sight and took her in.

6760323 It can easily be argued that the Equestria Girls world, as a whole, is vegetarian, much like Equestria itself. After all, it's a mirrored world, it would share the same diets as well. And it's not too hard to imagine a whole school or town being completely vegetarian. This is My Little Pony after all.

With the cows, there have been a few other times when cows were presented in other episodes, and it's very clear that they are intelligent. As odd as it is, cows (and sheep too) are kept in pens. There could be several explanations to this besides slapping a slavery excuse to it. An example right off the top of my head is that cows prefer to live differently from Ponies. Rather than living in homes, they like sleeping outdoors. And that's just one good explanation out of several. The point being is they are intelligent.

No one has argued that there isn't carnivores in Twilight's world. One scene had Fluttershy feed fish to ferrets, so it's very obvious they know that others eat meat. For Twilight, however, she thinks she ate another sentient person, a cow, and believes she's committed cannibalism. That's why she reacted to strongly in the scene.

Lastly, she ate squirrel stew no problem! She already knows she has to eat meat and accepts it! Did you even read the chapters!?

You need to keep an open mind. A lot of this stuff is explained, and shown, and everything else is based on what the show has given us.

So, the Mane 6 is scattered all over the Capital Wasteland, eh? Please don't be Paradise Falls


After all, it's a mirrored world, it would share the same diets as well. And it's not too hard to imagine a whole school or town being completely vegetarian.

It's a somewhat mirrored world, I'll give you that. But there is plenty in EQG world that counters it being just a human mirror; the technology being the biggest piece of evidence. The EQG world is basically mirroring the real Earth more than the pony world. The human6 are teenage students instead of independent adults with jobs, the princesses are now principles of a school instead of national rulers, there's no magic until the Element of Magic was brought over. Humans are the only shown intelligent species there.

The only thing pony world and EQG has in common are the characters. As such, the argument that EQG is vegetarian, let alone on a city/school wide scale is heavily flawed.

With the cows, there have been a few other times when cows were presented in other episodes, and it's very clear that they are intelligent.

I'm telling you that's cartoon humor, not an indication of real intelligence. Unless you're also going to tell me that RD got away with practically destroying a weather factory to keep Tank around, instead of that punishment being hand-waved to deliver the episode's message. Or the time practically the whole town rode through the streets on an set of DJ equipment on wheels if not for comic relief?

Or why Applejack even keeps pigs on the farm at all? I mean, what? Does she have a massive orchard, livestock, and a truffle farm? With only 3 other ponies to manage it all?

And let's not forget that RD was almost allowed to sell Fluttershy into indentured servitude over a Daring Do book, with Twilight right there giving no mention that what she was doing was illegal.

The show puts for a lot of cartoonishness and taking some random scenes with cows outside of the farm is hardly proof. If Equestria's cows were considered intelligent, they wouldn't be in a pen/barn. Even if they wanted to live a different lifestyle as you so claim, then they would at least live free somewhere else like the buffalo.

Lastly, she ate squirrel stew no problem! She already knows she has to eat meat and accepts it! Did you even read the chapters!?

I did actually read the chapters thank you very much, but your levity does bring up a point. Given how acutely aware Twilight is about being in a different world, and didn't freak at eating squirrel, there's stands little reason as to why she would have a conniption over eating beef at in the first place. Given Applejack's presence in EQG, Twilight should have known that the human world/s have only one sapient species, and that human-world cows are just animals. (Once again, assuming the author subscribes to your... reasoning with pony-world cows.)

Even without visiting human AJ's farm, her natural curiosity would have led her to ask why are there only humans? Twilight should have known ahead of time that human-world cows are just animals, and nothing more.

You speak of keeping an open mind, and yet you're totally closed to the idea that the writers had talking cows for any reason other than cartoon humor.

I wonder what Spike will be? Deathclaw or Nightstalker...

6760823 Actually Superdale33 is my editor. And yes, you both bring valid points about the Equestria Girls world, but we simply do not have decisive information that proves or disproves that the Humans in Equestria Girls are vegan or not. Even with the picture of the burger in the school cafeteria, we have no idea if it is actually meat. There is an entire bounty of meat-substitutes in real life such as soy, tofu, and others that have been shaped to resemble the look, taste, and texture of meat.

Given that, we can debate until the sun goes down that the Humans in Equestria Girls eat meat. As the writer of this work of fiction, I shall answer from my perspective. That is, the food in Equestria Girls is vegan friendly. So coming into the Fallout world, Twilight has never eaten meat before. She has, however, encountered meat substitutes during her time in the EG world. I shall be sure to bring that up in a later chapter, perhaps even the next one.

With that resolved, on to the next point. Twilight responded harshly over the fact she ate beef, because in the version of Equestria I am basing my story off of is based on what the show gives us. Cartoon humor or not, cows are intelligent in this version of Equestria. Yes, it seems absurd, but that's what the show depicts. Twilight thought she ate another thinking creature. In one episode Twilight even speaks to a cow, if memory serves correct.

Considering how much of the show's canon is left to our interpretation, we all have wildly varying ideas of how the Pony world works. With that said, calling someone closed minded at the first sign they disagree with your perception of canon is just as absurd as arguing over weather or not cartoon characters eat meat. (Yes, I'm looking at you Superdale33).

I appreciate you feedback and will seek to resolve your concerns in future chapters.

6760823 Oh my gosh, I can only laugh at your reply! :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously, you really need to keep an open mind. Which means allowing certain things to pass for the sake of the story. In this case, cows are intelligent, doesn't matter if it was for cartoon humor or not. The cartoon showed them as intelligent and so does this story. You have to accept it. That's keeping an open mind. If one story has Pinkie Pie breaking the forth wall, do you argue that the show was only trying to be funny and should not be anywhere at all? No, cause it's Pinkie Pie and we allow it because the show allows it. That's keeping an open mind.

At one point, I could barely read other stories cause they didn't follow how I envisioned Equestria, but I just learned to accept it. And that is keeping an open mind. :rainbowdetermined2:

Good news: the others are alive.
Bad news: who's to know what'll happen before they reunite.

that can not be good.... flutters in powerarmor with iron wills lessons

6760779 On the other hand, I'd like to see how they try to handle Pinkie :pinkiecrazy:

heh, Daniel Neeson. I see what you did there.....

so, initiate fluttershy. i wonder what Sarah thinks about that.

How in the world did Fluttersky get into the Brotherhood, Rainbow I could see well unless they use Fluttershy as a scout because of her wings that would make sense to me. I have to wonder where the others ended up, maybe one with the Rangers? It would allow them to cover ground, learn the lay of the land and search for their friends for some reason I see Pinkie best for that group.

Maybe Rarity got a job in Steel Port at a merchant stand with clothing I can see her working her magic there. Not sure on Applejack and Rainbow at the moment. Although I hope you have Three Dog come on the radio at one point about a strange scaly fire breathing creature people have seen for Spike. (not sure if Geckos were in F3 or just New Vegas but I could see people thinking him some strange Gecko creature)

6779661 Twilight learns how Fluttershy managed to pull it off later. Also, Spike is compared more to a Deathclaw than anything else.

Fluttershy has used Power Armor before, granted it wasn't for very long but still.

6800589 Technically when she did use that earlier in the story it should have sent her to the hospital as you are supposed to get training before you use it as without training people tend to get messed up from the enhanced strength. Plus that was ponyversion of that armor, it's not like the BOS will have any suits designed for her.

I think with the exo-suits you don't need training. Or at least that's my theory. After all, Nora (Female Sole Survivor) was able to use power armor and she wasn't in the armor.

6800702 yeah that part of the game I always thought was a plot hole they forgot about as Fallout 4 does have some lore inconsistencies.

6802502 Personally, I'm using the Fallout 4 style power armor. It does not need power armor training, as you can find Raiders wearing suits of it.

6804079 Yeah I always just assumed since the raiders that wore Power Armor their armor looked so crappy and stuff that it wasn't fully functional as a way to explain the change for myself.

Well I can see where this is going, most likely Twilight will have to kill at least one of them in the next chapter and deal with the consequences of that, trying to come to terms that this work works a lot differently than hers. Maybe you should throw in a line at some point about how she feels that even if they ever get home, they will never be the same again after it all.

Also I forgot to mention it but I like how you have this as a young and slightly more inexperienced character from the game as he's just starting out and not someone that's been out of the Vault for a long time like in all the other crossover stories like this. I think it's a more unique and refreshing take, he's not totally green but he's still got some of that old him from growing up safe in a vault his whole life going for him.

an other exciting chapter, great work! I do hope this updates more frequently with the same quality.

*chuckles* oh twilight you have no idea what humans are capable of accomplishing.:pinkiecrazy:

Well this story has a lot of potential. Should be interesting to see where the other girls end up. RD the raider? Applejack the Settler? Pinkie the Junkie? Rarity of the Outcasts? Kind of like that one. I could see Rarity in Outcast armor and actually painting the armor completely in black in red rather than the slapdash version they normally use or maybe wearing the T-51 armor or the medic power armor with the US Army insignia on it.

YEAH THE NEW CHAPTER!! Sorry about that, I'm reading stories that seem to take FOREVER to get the next one out and really don't give a reasonable excuse why.

7043590 No need to be sorry. I openly admit the delay was due to my own laziness.

7044295 At least you admit it, and I respect that.

Twilight, it is time you learned that the Wastelands are no safe place, and those who can survive it, conquer it, are among the most "SPECIAL" of individuals.

Just noticed it updated. Good story and here is hoping for more soon!

I was lucky by the time I got to Minefield. I'd found the sniper rifle hidden in the rock behind Megaton, and when he started popping off shots at me, I circled around behind his building onto the ridge overlooking his perch and took him out from behind.

*Ends up here after wondering bout Red Feathers*
...huh? When did this exist? Well, ive played Fallout 4, not 3 though... Worth it Camping? You tell me.

You say it a story of yours that isn't trash, and if the other two are trash than these must be god-sends.

Also, how'd you change your username? And since you did, change your info page cause you are no longer SomeGuyCamping.

7268462 I prefer Fallout 3 because you have a lot more freedom of choice. Walk into town and kill any NPC you want to, be able to fail quests instead of them being easy as pie, the side-quests aren't all "Another settlement needs your help" but actually have worth, you have more dialogue options, more locations that aren't Fallout 4's settlements full of NPC clones named "settler" and above all you actually have a connection with your dad rather than Shawn.

But Fallout 3 isn't the best Fallout. That goes to Fallout: New Vegas. Look at the list above, multiply by ten, then add the fact that your choices actually impact the factions, and there are actual RPG mechanics. It'll be a learning curve to get used to, and the graphics are shit compared to Fallout 4, but I prefer a fun cohesive story over Fallout 4's CoD-erization.

7270228 alright, but will i still be good to read this without that knowledge?

7271282 Sure, but the fic will basically spoil the entire plot of Fallout 3 as it follows along the main quest of finding the Vault Dweller's father. However, if you have no qualms with reading massive spoilers in the fic, then I say read it.

7271858 oh, well I normally would, but i know i will never play Fallout 3. So sure, I'll get around to this soon.

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