• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,516 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 12

I walked up the stairs towards Luna's quarters, a small stack of books from the royal archives levitating beside me.

My mood was pretty great. We just received word earlier that Twilight and her friends had defeated King Sombra and would be returning next week. Not only that, but the Crystal Empire has rejoined Equestria!

I felt like writing... and not only that, the news had inspired me! I'm going to write a spy novel, classic James Bond style! Nice clothes, fancy gadgets and always win the day and get the mare.

But to do it right, I needed to know more. Which meant research and I had to start somewhere. Flicking through the spy novel I picked up as I walked, I frowned at the writing style. Ugh, it was written in second person! I hate that. So that one might be a bust it seems. Really should have thought to do more than grabbing a few that seemed good at random. Seriously, who writes in second person?

“Evening.” I greeted the guards with a nod as I moved past them into the outer chamber, before I paused and took three steps back and one to the right to look at the unicorn guard.

He didn't move a muscle, looking as identical as they all did. Obsidian black armor with a light grey crest on the helmet. His fur was a darker grey, his eyes yellow and slit like a cats. The tail matched the crest on the helmet.

Even so, something was...


Tilting my head slightly I regarded him. He didn't move a muscle, eyes straight forward.

I smirked, “Stop by when your shift is over if you have time, Swift. We should hang out some.”

Swift Spears eyes widened slightly and he jerked his head in a small quick nod.

Grinning, I moved back inside. Let's see if that law book ends up being easier to read than that stupid novel.


I turned a page in the floating novel in front of me. Even with the strange perspective, the novel turned out to be fairly easy to slog through. I'll do the lawbook later, specifically when Luna was around and I could ask her questions about it. Honestly, this book wasn't that bad if you were able to handle the horrible viewpoint.

I looked up at a knock on the door, “Enter.”

Swift Spear carefully walked inside, glancing around, the blue unicorn looking a bit nervous, “So... how did you recognize me?” He asked as the door closed behind him with, “Because the armor is enchanted.”

Grinning, I dropped the book on the table, “You are right. I almost didn't.”

“So how did you?” He asked as he crossed the floor.

I snorted, “You looked almost exactly like any other night guard unicorn. Well, almost. You are above average height. Some other tiny stuff like the way you stood.” I explained before I smirked, “Also, I kind of doubt any of the other ones smell like Minuette.”

“I would hope not.” He chuckled before he frowned, “Wait, how do you know what Minuette smells like?”

I rolled my eyes and jumped off the couch, making my way over to the bookshelf to extract a glass bottle with a deep amber liquid in it along with a pair of small glasses, “I've spent enough time with you two to know her perfume.”

“I got her that one.”

“Well you picked the right one then.” I said with a grin, putting the glasses on the table, “So how have you been, we haven't hung out in... what? A month?”

“Month and a half or so.” Swift agreed, “Busy, you know.”

Nodding, I poured him a small drink before doing the same for myself, “Yeah, on all fronts I think. You advanced fast. A few months on the Night Guard and you already guard Princess Luna's private quarters? That's impressive.”

He grinned, “I'm just that great.” before he sipped at the amber liquid before coughing, “Horse apples! What is this stuff!?”

I shrugged and sipped the drink with a grin, “Whiskey. Technically.” I answered, tasting the sweet burn, “Just don't spill any, I think it might eat through the varnishing on the table.” I frowned in thought, “...And possibly the table. And floor. And dungeons...”

“Where did you get this stuff?” He asked, clearing his throat before he lifted the bottle with his magic to check the label, “Holy... this is older than my sister! Dude, this bottle costs a month's pay! The Princess has good taste.”

Taking another sip, I grinned, “She does. But that one is mine. I drink so seldom that when I do, I might as well spend some bits on the good stuff.”

He nodded and carefully got into one of the armchairs, looking around, “So this is the Princess's private quarters. You know, I have never actually seen it.”

“Few have.” I agreed and got back onto the couch, floating the bottle over to refill his glass, “I would have thought one of her personal guard would have though.”

Swift shook his head, “No. Barring extraordinary circumstances we are banned from entering. I'm not actually sure I should be here even now.”

“It's fine, I invited you, remember. Besides, you're off duty.” I said with a grin, “I already checked, she doesn't mind if I invite friends.”

“Ah. Okay then...” He said and took a sip from his glass, “So what have you been up to?”

“Meh... practicing some, trying to come up with something for the next book. Helping some with this entire Changeling integration thing. Granted, it's mostly being seen in public with a changeling bodyguard, but still.”

Swift shook his head, “I still find changelings a bit creepy, but some have started to enter the guard. They are usually not that bad from what I've seen. Not very good at magic or flying, but they can do both so it evens out. So what's this next book you're having trouble with?”

Snorting in annoyance, I rubbed my hoof on the couch, “I'm trying to write a spy novel. What research I've done into the subject so far has only told me that I need to do more research before I do more than the most basic story outlines. That reminds me though, I might want to pick your head on guard procedures at some point.”

He sipped his drink again and nodded, “Sure thing.”