• Member Since 9th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



This story is a sequel to Pony POV Series side story: The Day Love Cried

Set during the Pony POV Series Finale Arc!

Lovestruck is a normal unicorn living in Ponyville. All her life she's helped others find their loves, and found her own. But with the world on the verge of destruction, she will find herself chosen to become something great by love herself.

Pony POV Series belongs to Alexwarlorn

MLP belongs to Hasbro!

Thanks to UnicornWhales for the preview pic!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

All this time, and Cupid's killer refuses to arcknowledge she did something wrong? what is the point of torturing a person in the afterlife, showing her mistakes and crimes on her face, if not to make her learn, repent and eventually redeem?

That is why I always found the concept of Hell abominable. Endless , pointless suffering is the work of a sadist.


The only difference between Heaven and Hell is the absence of God, in other words, the absence of love.

The only difference between Hell and Purgatory is those in Purgatory are those capable of changing.

The Bleach anime did ironically a decent job of a bait and switch... the heroes team up with one of the damned souls... he says he's in Hell because he killed his sister's murderers... after he turns on them, he ends up revealing that he didn't feel better after doing the deed, and was angry at seeing so many happy families around him while he had lost his.... so he decided to give them first hand experience of his pain. And if he escaped Hell, there is nothing to say he wouldn't go right back to doing what he was before!
AND HE DOESN'T THINK HE DID A SINGLE THING WRONG! The guy BELONGS in Hell where his spirit can't hurt anyone else.


Wasn´t established in your universe there is no such thing as an natural evil soul?
I don´t believe in people incapable of changing, specially if someone gives them the opportunity to experience all the lives he has hurt.
The only one who cannot change are psychopaths and others mental defective people, who simply cannot help but be that way.
If someone cannot truly change, what is the point of torturing him eternaly for his finite crimes? just destroy him.

P.E: I could also use the Bleach example to prove my point: instead of teaching that guy how revenge doesn´t make you feel better and why is important to leave your anger go, he was tormented over and over for the hell of it... is it really a surprise he went bonkers?

6774524 Actually it's shown in the Pony POV Series people in Hell CAN change and changing is the key to getting free.

The only reason you remain in Hell in the Pony POV Series is if you refuse to admit you were wrong and what you did was evil, which means you're STILL guilty of those crimes.

But it's also been shown that souls who DO accept they were wrong and ask for forgiveness are released to go to Heaven, several of Dark World Pinkie Pie's children are examples.

So the reason they don't just destroy the soul is simple: these souls ARE still redeemable, they're just PRISONERS to their own refusal to face the fact they've done something evil.

Cupid's killer COULD be redeemed and be freed, the problem is she continues to act like what she did was right, thus she is still a prisoner.

I'm honestly a bit disappointed out of the entire story the little cut away scene was the thing you focused on most.


Frankly, is because it was the only part I didn´t like :twilightblush:

P.D: Another thing I forgot to mention:

Even as a shadow I can't bring myself to hate her...”
“...Because love doesn't hate...”

Your mom could have fooled me, considering her reaction to your murder.

6774957 Ah. Well that's good.

Also, do remember it's shown souls from Heaven ARE permitted to descend to Hell and try to reform the inmates in this universe. So there actually IS a system to try and redeem the souls locked up there.

As for Venus, I think that was closer to ANGER and RAGE than love, and even then the murderer didn't just kill Cupid but billions of other innocent souls, was made fully aware of that fact, and never felt an ounce of remorse or regret.

Gee, I'm surprised there's a scant amount of people commenting on this story.

Personally like this story. The concept of Sharing Love comes back to life once more. It's amazing how one concept can have an effect on the world.

That was a good story.

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