• Member Since 17th Jul, 2015
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Type Two Civilization

Technology and the imagination can create both amazing, and horrible things.


Idea was given from a story on Reddits r/HFY. Story has also changed course and no longer reflects the singular story, but now many from r/HFY.

They say the being in the Everfree is what you really have to be careful of. With an ax and blood lust, many who entered did not leave. Rumor says the beast can jump to incredible heights, is extremely strong, and is very fast.

The Lumberjack has been living here for ten years and he's made a life for himself deep in the forest, away from the natives. He has territory that the predators wouldn't dream of crossing without permission and he has the resources he needs for a simple life. Too bad everything breaks like paper mache around him.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 64 )

lets see where this goes i like it so far.

Dissapointed that no one posted this:

7098551 Yes, yes it is. It's why I'm so disappointed that no one posted it...

7098594 I might have to have an off canon chapter with that...

Interesting. Alright, I'll stick around to see what you've got up your sleeve.

A great and interesting chapter, let's see where you take this.

It stands a head above the average male earth pony.

That's one short human. (As a point of comparison, both I and another person on the site calculated pony heights. Average mare comes out at around 2' 6", Stallion ~3', and Celestia [sans horn] at ~5' 2". The other person came out with slightly different numbers but within the margin of error.)

7101048 alternate universe;) we (as humans) come from a heavy planet, thus shorter to the ground compared to the ponies who have less gravity, thus allowing them to be larger

But thank you for your comment!

That actually bring up another question, how are you going to address the issues of atrophying muscles and bone-mass loss that come with living in a low gravity environment? Also, what about the thickness of the atmosphere? Going by the 'able to jump 20 feet' line and assuming that he's on the high end average for a human male, that implies that Equestria has 65% the gravity of Earth.

7101067 being there for ten years already, he's got some tricks, I promise

So this story is basically "Jenkinsverse meets MLP"?


I'm in.

7101142 I'm glad you're on board, just don't break the doors off their hinges pleasel!

Amazing bruh. U should keep it up, this story caught my attention. 8/10.

7101651 I'm glad this interests you! Hoping for another chapter in the next day or two. At most three.

If it's from HFY, I know I'll like it.

and seems disappears

seen it personally,accounts suggests

know there were there


It's just trees.

C'mon now, son.

7105103 sorry, no editor and usually late at night when I type up the chapter, I'll get to work on those as soon as I get home

7101142 Thank you for pointing out that there's a whole series of those! I had only read the first one

7105492 my thoughts exactly! I had no idea it stretched beyond HDMGP

7105492 what series is that? I'd like to read it please.

7109279 Do a google for "The Kevin Jenkins experience" Not sure how kosher any links would be

"Reddit humans don't make great pets"

Here it is on TVTropes (warning, there are some spoilers).

So the gravity is lower... Interesting...


Awesome chapter and awesome story so far. I've already added this to my favourites. Keep up the good work!

7209638 sorry for late response, real life had been pretty busy. I imagine him being about 5"8 or so. Average. The idea is because of less gravity, they are larger than imagined.


"Good evening, Rainbow! I'm surprised your on time tonight, I heard that PON-3 was playing tonight. I thought you'd be at least thirty minutes late." Twilight replied, looking up form a book with a smile on her lips.

Second sentence, "your" should be "you're". Also, the use of tonight twice in that sentence is kinda awkward. Suggest maybe changing the first "tonight" into something like "for once" or even just eliminating it in general.

Otherwise, not much to properly form an opinion over yet, but I'll track it and see where you take it.

7485768 Thanks! I'll be sure to make the correction!

I remember reading this AWHILE ago...is it ever going to go anywhere or should I just take it off my list?

this story gonna be updated?

Love this story make more chapters soon ok

7833366 short chapter out. real life as been unforgiving. I'm sorry, to be honest. I wanted to do more, but I'm not sure what to do. I have an idea for another story, but I'm not sure how I' going to pull it off. If/when I d, I'll be sure to tell everyone

7985217 somewhat, real life has hit hard and I'll try to keep it alive

Did not expect the sci-fi twist there.

Comment posted by Type Two Civilization deleted Feb 28th, 2017

7985305 I'm glad it caught you off guard lol

I noticed thelocals that had been sent were in golden armor,

something there is missing a space.

Sweet chapter dude or girl whichever hum

Well this was a pleasant surprise, good chapter.

Holy shit, I gave up on this one. Good to see it's still alive!
And I wish you best luck with whatever RL throws at you.

only to see to see a large walk-wall

I only hope the residents don't mind a little racket.

"Hoped", maybe? The rest is told in past tense.

I jumped up, climbed into the enarest tree

Missing comma or "and" plus typo.

I noticed thelocals that had been sent

They eyed the tree suspicouslyand stood around

That's what I caught.
As for the story, that sci-fi twist came out of nowhere, and I'm unsure I appreciate that... I mean, if he has universal translator (albeit imperfect), why didn't he bother making contact? And if he has transport, why didn't he find a less populated area, since he tries to stay under the radar? And why would they waste a perfectly good habitable world? There are loads of other stars to harvest - if I understood their intentions right.
I understand that the answer is probably "because then there wouldn't be a story", but I still l feel like it breaks some kind of internal logic of the story.
I honestly feel it would be more interesting if he was what he appeared to be in the second chapter - just a displaced dude, armed only with his wits and trusty axe... and also reflexes and strength of a deathworlder.

7985828 thanks for catching those typoes! I'll fix them when I get the chance to later!

Thank you for your comment as well, as for your concerns: his ship isn't in the best of shape (you'll see) as for stealing the life from the star- trust me you'll see! The main reason is fuel. They need fuel to jump and power certain weapons.. I'm sorry if the story has taken a turn you don't like, I'm trying to keep it true to your last sentence, but the vision I have has some technology I think would help show where he came from, to where he is now. like the translator-horribly broken. Cloak is also starting to go, that's why in the first chapter it was a shadowy figure and didn't have many defining characteristics

Well, that's what bothers me - why use a main sequence G-type star with a habitable planet? If humanity is that developed, they could probably have used literally any other, and avoid all those problems with indigenous population.
Unless the phrase "take back what's ours" implies they are going to invade instead, akin to "Project Lazarus".

As for the story, well, in the end you call the shots. I can only provide an opinion, and hope you have something good in store. =)

7986064 in the next chapter you'll find out: what she means by "take back what's ours", as well as what happened to get him on the planet. You'll also find out why they need the star in the first place (as well as Lumberjacks thoughts on it) the next chapter will mostly take place ten years ago, with a little bit extra. Might even find out why he hasn't left everfree

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