• Member Since 5th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


A guy who loves to create stories and has a big imagination. Also wishes to become a famous Actor and Director.


The First Contact War. It was a war that would change the fate of Equestria.

Equestria and the Gryphon Empire have fought for many decades, both sides suffering heavy losses. But the tide has turned in favor for Celestia and her allies and seek as end to this war. After pushing back against the Gryphons they fall upon the last bastion of the Gryphons, the capital Prance, where much death has gripped this once beautiful city. As the Equestrian Army and its allies recovered what was left from the city, they now looked to finish claiming the rest of the land, and find those responsible for such slaughter.

For one Equestrian royal guard, by the name of Quicksilver, he sees the truth behind the massacre oF Prancy. For he lies as their captive and sees the real evil among the ranks of the griffons.

This, is his story...

This story is rated PG-13. For some language and violence.

Old cover art has been moved to the prologue chapter. The new cover art has been made by the ever talented DragonFoxgirl. Do go check her out. She is extremely talented and I can't thank her enough for this art piece! :twilightsmile:

This is a direct Squeal to brothers. It is recommend reading that story first to get details on some of the characters that will be involved with this story.

I like to thank my editor, FDA_Approved, who diligently worked with me throughout the process. Without his help this story would not have come to fruition. Also, another editor has come in as well, getting the details and small nicks that were missed. His name is Libertydude, he is great so do check him out. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (35)
Comments ( 259 )

This story sounds like it needs an alternate universe tag. Why doesn't it have one?

7150994 Because the story itself is focused in the past of Equestria, during the young rule of Celestia and Luna. I don't believe it would need one.

I like where this is going.

7226004 Thank you. There is going to be more chapters coming out soon and things will get better from there. :twilightsmile:

Can't wait for the next chapter :)

7365923 You don't have to wait long. :twilightsmile:

7609814 It gets more interesting as the story goes along.:twilightsmile:

A really great Story, can`t wait for the next chapter.It is just sad that till now only a few people have read it. But i am sure that once the Story is finished more will come. I had this story for around a half year as a bookmark. Although I normaly wait till they are completed, I just cout now wait longer it just sounded to interesting. It is really well written and the character developement is also nice in my opinion. Keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

Nice chapter, can't wait to see how it will continue. :twilightsmile:

Good Chapter. Only sad thing is that we now have to wait again on such a cliffhanger. But i fear only patience will work with that. :twilightsmile:

8248263 Thanks for that, and things will get interesting as time goes on. Sooner then you think, actually. :raritywink:

Also, was there anything else you liked about the latest chapter?

Thats always hard to tell, I personally think that everything build on each other. But I personally prefere the parts of the Griffon Camp. The story is also well paced. You don`t rush the plot. You can really feel the tensions which you developed between the griffons. It is always as if every small further problem could cause finally a escalation between them, or that the nomads will just at some point betray the others. Alone this surely ensures for no boredome. Of course the development between the pairs is great too. I personally hope to read more about Gretchen in the future. Really like that pairing, alone for all the problems that come along. But of course with your end scene the actions at the pony camp side seems also to rise to new highs. You also brought a lot of emotions in with this foal additional inside of the story.
Hope my rambling is understandable I read a lot here but I am not a native english speaker :derpytongue2:

8249243 Thank you for that. I really do appreciate comments like this. Also, the next chapter will be coming sooner then you think.

Good chapter finally we know the new party.

Two things: One, the spacing between paragraphs is too far apart.

And second...was anyone else imagining the Star Wars theme playing over that intro?

First, I checked over with what you were saying and I saw the error. I made the fix so the spacing is returned to normal.

Second, I didn't imagine the star wars theme being apart of this when making this, but it's a cool comparison none the less.

Well, at least Quicksilver won't have a crippled wing for the rest of his life.

Please, tell me that next chapter is more focused on Quicksilver's line. Gretchen is a nice character and I'd like to read more about her. Not that I don't like Silverwing's story but events in gryphon camp seems more interesting to me:3

That is a certain possibility.


Don't you worry. The next chapter will be focusing a bit more on Quicksilver.:twilightsmile:

By the way, how are you enjoying the story so far?

This is really great so far! I'm glad to see that the griffon brass is being a lot nicer to Quicksilver than his previous "hosts" were.

Seriously, when and if G4 ever ends, G5 needs to be like this. There's just so much they could do with a darker, more serious take on Equestria's history.

I appreciate that. There is a lot more to this story that will involve the older gryphon. :raritywink:

I dare to say that I like this much much more than anything else I've read for one simple reason.

It just recalls with story of my grandfather somehow. At 1943 he was enlisted into Red Army. In the middle of 1944 he got wounded, captured and sent to one of the concentration camps but fled on the way. He was picked up and helped by a caring German woman who became my grandmother later (so I'd be super excited if Quicksilver ends up in romance with Gretchen somehow).

Sorry for this long story, and I probably messed up somewhere trying to tell it, english isn't my native language.

А ещё мне просто нравятся грифоны:3 С нетерпением жду следующей главы.


Sorry for not replying sooner.

I read your comment earlier and I was just stumped by that. I had no idea this story impacted you so much, reminding you of your grandfather's time and how he ended up. It was just a surprise to me and that sounds like an amazing tale.

There will be more interesting things to come in this story so do keep track of it.

First of all, why do I have the feeling that Sharp Beak is gonna pull a Mufasa on General Quill?

And second...

“Hmmm. Fresh meat.”

Good grief! Ms. Trunchbull is the monster?!

So it was the yaks, huh?

I've gotta admit, I'm a little bit disappointed. For a while it sounded like some kind of Eldritch Abomination or something like that.

Anyway, I look forward to the next chapter!

I was actually thinking along the lines of this.

You'll have to wait and see the other chapters of those guys. You'll see.

Day after day I keep returning to check on the update of the story. I hope you aren't going to abandon it.

Let your heart not be troubled. A new chapter is coming within the next few days. :raritywink:Sorry about not getting more chapters in. I have many chapters at the ready, was waiting for a few pictures for them.

I'll release more chapters, don't worry.

And it’s back with a bang! Great chapter, so glad this is still alive!

Why can't I given this story more stars? I demand more stars for this story!

You are doing an amazing job and deserve more recognising for your wonderful work. Thank you for keeping at it.

Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it, Was there anything in this chapter that stood out to you?

It's like five in the morning but I don't care.

I'm just left speechless. Completely, totally worth the wait. First of all, it's really hard to keep the reader reading, and you done a great job! I couldn't tear myself away from the story. Smooth stream of events just keeps you there until you finished.

Illustrations. They are amazing. I personally like the one by Mr.Tiaa, it just fits so good. The despair on Gretchen's face, the tears rolling her cheeks, her expression. You can't feel nothing but compassion and hell, I was feeling so sorry for her. You did a great job showing that even a strong person (Her spar and conversation between Deadeye and Quicksilver just came to mind) can be a weak, when it comes to being a black sheep. She did what she thought was right, and got "punished" for being different from the crowd. And considering Sharp Beak's sadistic tendencies, I was scared that the punishment for helping the "enemy" is going to be more painful than rotten tomatoes. But I'm sure Quicksilver would be here to save her:3

And one little thing:

A few went into the air and then, without word or warning, they threw the next projectiles at them. Silverwing hunkered down as best he could, using his right wing to defend himself from the incoming projectiles

Silverwing shouldn't be here;)

I enjoyed every second I spent reading, and can go to happy sleep now (GMT+3 and stuff lol).


Thank you so much. I still have more chapters for this story and I am not going to stop until this story is done. Again I appreciate your kind words, I wish this story could be heard by others.

I saw the little detail and I made the fix thanks for that. :twilightsheepish:

I am also glad that you loved this chapter very much. If it wasn't for my editor in helping nailing down the important parts I would not know where I would have taken this part of the story. I was inspired by a number of things for this chapter and I got a bit over the place, but I managed it all in the end.

I'm so glad your enjoy this so far.

Oh god, there so much I could point out! I just love how time and time again quicksilver shows that unbreakable spirit. It’s just so easy to root for him and hate the villains!

I’m also a major shipper, so the budding romance between him and Gretchen is just like SQUEEEE!!

But really, I think the best part about this for me is Silverwing. Her drive to get her brother back is so gripping. Family can be one of the most powerful motivators, and you sir, do not disappoint on its strength.

If the main OCs in this story and the previous one were voiced, what would they sound like?

“Indeed. Now, the most important thing here is that you will be put into a trance if not full sleep as you undergo treatment. Your body will need to be the sole focus as we mend both of your legs and to restore your wings. After that, we shall focus on restoring your primary and secondary wings, and to ensure that you...”

Did you mean primary and secondary feathers up there?

This chapter sounds a lot like we're getting to the ending of this ride. And the last few paragraphs here are just sweet.

Poor General Quill. Was trying to keep his child away from the crucible of war and yet, his son fell not in the battle, but by the claw of one of his kind. I hope Sharp Beak will answer for all atrocities he have committed.

And I hope Quicksilver's wings will be alright. For a creature born to fly it might mean the whole life. Also that's not how I imagined their first kiss, but the "accidentality" of it makes it even greater!

Please, tell me you are not going to tear Quicksilver and Gretchen apart in the end, please

“So you mean when Gretchen was kissing me earlier and passing food to me, that’s actually a thing!?”


If I had to take a guess his voice would be between a baritone and a tenor voice. A little deep if angry but when speaking normally would be a little higher. If that makes sense.

Also what do you mean the previous one? Are you referring to other characters?

Thank you for catching that. I never noticed it. :twilightsheepish:

I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

You'll just have to wait till next chapter. Glad you like that ending bit.

Yep the kissing bit was a lot of fun to write up. :twilightsmile:

Also, to your earlier question, all will be revealed in time.

I have read many stories, a few I stick through for the story despite grammar, this is not one of them. The story is fluid and exciting. I could feel the emotions the characters were feeling, the hate, the anger, the fear, and the love. As Quicksilver suffered through it all I could also feel his determination. I am enthralled with your story and can't wait for each chapter, please continue.

Villainous colonel got away again, at least with a punch in the eye. So glad Quicksilver did not allow him to violate Gretchen, that would be horrible.

Quicksilver felt something in the pit of his stomach by his words, wanting to break every bone in that gryphon’s body.

And he felt jealousy, aww:3

Illustrations as usual are great, showing the most tense scenes. I guess, Margony accidentally drew the claws on Gretchen's hind legs, but it's a thing that could go unnoticed (I just like to examine the pictures for every detail).

I hope that General Quill, Ebon and Deadeye will restore order and justice in the camp.

Also, I re-read Blizzards and Enduring Spirit (one of my favourite chapters) and Your Shield by Mr.Tiia doesn't seem to work properly in the text.


Thank you so much for that. Glad to know your sticking with this story. I hope to continue to impress you as more chapters come.

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