• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,757 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

  • ...

II-XII. The Order of Celestia

"I don't see how you think the rules could be 'easy,'" Rainbow muttered, frowning down at the checkered wood board resting between her and Spike. "There's, like, twelve different kinds of pieces here."

Spike chuckled. "Yeah, it looks like a lot, but there's really only six," he said. He then pointed to both of his rooks, then his knights, then his bishops, adding, "See, these six are in identical pairs of two. And all the pawns in front of them work in exactly the same way as each other. All you really have to remember is how they're set up and how they're moved."

Rainbow scoffed. "I can't figure it out," she remarked, folding her arms. "It looks like a bunch of brainiac mumbo-jumbo to me."

Spike's grin widened. "That's really not the case," he replied. "The rules for each piece are really quite simple. The weirdest ones are probably the knights," he added, pointing to one of his horse-shaped pieces. "Otherwise, it's really not hard to figure out the rest."

"Cool. Show me," Rainbow said.

Rarity was sitting next to Pinkie in the booth across the train car's aisle from Rainbow and Spike, watching their lesson with great fascination. Spike had been near-inconsolably afraid and upset for the first twenty minutes of their ride, and so Rainbow had retrieved one of the train's Chess sets and asked him to teach her how to play it. Rarity had commented to Pinkie that she found this incredibly sweet and heartwarming, especially since Rainbow very clearly viewed the distinctly non-athletic strategy game as overly intellectual and dull. Nonetheless, she was still swallowing her pride and learning how to play it to give some comfort and distraction to her friend, which the other girls agreed was deeply commendable.

"These are probably the easiest to figure out," Spike said, placing one of his castles in the center of the board. "These 'rooks' only move up and down or left and right, like this," he said, demonstrating its potential vertical and horizontal paths.

Rainbow nodded. "Okay, I getcha so far...." she said.

"Good. Next are the 'bishops,' which move diagonally, like this," Spike continued, replacing the rook and demonstrating a bishop's movement.

Another nod from Rainbow.

Before long, Spike had successfully relayed each piece's movement to Rainbow, who immediately grasped and replicated them in simple exercises Spike presented to her. By the time Spike introduced the king and its central role in the game's objective, Rainbow had become genuinely engrossed in the lesson and was intently listening to him.

"So I win if I put your king in a position where I'd capture him in my next turn no matter what you do?" Rainbow said excitedly.

Spike nodded. "Yep," he said. "And that's all there is to it. Well, there are a couple of other rules, but they mostly have to do with something called 'castling.' Let's play a game without it, just everything I've told you so far, and I'll explain castling afterward."

Rainbow smirked, then nodded. "Alright. You're on," she replied.

"Since you're new, I'll let you move first," Spike said, smoothly spinning the board around so that the white pieces were on Rainbow's side.

"Thanks," Rainbow said, holding her chin and gazing thoughtfully down at the board. "I can only move pawns and the knights right now, right?"

"That's right," Spike replied with a grin.

With a smirk, Rainbow lifted her kingside knight and placed it on the empty F-Three square. "I can do this, right?" she said, looking up at Spike.

Spike nodded. "Yep," he said. "Knights are the only pieces that can leap over other pieces."

Rainbow chuckled. "I think these're gonna be my favorite pieces," she said. "They're knights and they fly. Like me."

"Good to know you won't forget how they move," Spike laughed.

"Was that a good move?"

"Oh yes. It's actually one of the most popular openings. It even has a name: the 'King's Knight Opening.'"

Rainbow's eyes widened. "Wait- that's a move professional players make?"

Spike's grin was absolutely ecstatic. "Yes!" he cried. "See, Rainbow? You're getting a hang of it!"

Rainbow returned Spike's grin as Spike advanced one of his pawns.

Spike, of course, won his first game against Rainbow quite easily, though Rainbow didn't mind at all; she was already quite fascinated by the game, and immediately challenged Spike to another match.

When Spike again won the next game, Rainbow eagerly asked Spike to explain castling to her before they began another match. She of course memorized the rules of castling quite easily, and so Spike was then able to describe how an "en passant" worked, as well as the minutiae governing one's ability to castle.

"And that's it," Spike said, grinning. "You now know all the rules of the game."

"Awesome!" Rainbow cried, pumping her fist. "That wasn't really so hard at all!"

Spike rolled his eyes, continuing to grin. "Yeah, who would've thought...?" he said.

Rainbow didn't detect his sarcasm. "Alright- let's play for real this time!" she cried.

"My pleasure," Spike said. He nodded down and added, "White's move."

As Spike and Rainbow continued playing the young Angel's newest obsession, Rarity chuckled and muttered to Pinkie, "Looks like Rainbow has something new to pass the time while in Camelot's dungeon, eh?"

Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Dashie's not going to prison," she said. "She didn't do anything wrong. I'm not going to let her."

"What about Twilight?"

Pinkie gave Rarity a quizzical look. "Huh?"

"You won't let Twilight go to prison, will you?" Rarity said with a small, coy smile.

Pinkie looked even more confused. "Uh... why do you ask?" she said.

Rarity shrugged. "I was just wondering if perhaps Twilight had something to do with your not wanting Rainbow to get locked up with her so strongly."

Pinkie's face flushed so deeply it matched her hair. "N-no!" she cried a little angrily. "Of course I don't want either of them to go to prison!'

"Alright, alright, I was only asking...." Rarity chuckled, resting her chin against her hand and gazing back out the window.

After a few moments of silence, Pinkie looked down at her hands, which were clasped in her lap. "Um... Rarity?"

Rarity turned back to her friend. "Yes?" she said kindly.

"Can... can I ask you something...?" Pinkie continued.

Rarity nodded. "Anything," she said.

Pinkie's eyes were watering up. "Am... am I a bad friend...?"

Rarity was taken quite aback. "W-what...?" she said quietly.

"Do... do I bother you?" Pinkie said. "Am I... annoying...?"

"Of course not, Darling!" Rarity replied, laying her hand over Pinkie's. "Whatever would make you think that?"

"I just...." Pinkie said, wiping at her eyes before tears could begin falling. "Do you remember when Twilight first came to Avalon?"

Rarity nodded. "Of course," she said.

"And you remember that I was her and Spike's guide?"


Pinkie nodded, and took a deep breath. "Well, when we got to the Sugar Shack, I...."

Pinkie was now trembling. Rarity's expression grew a little fearful. "What is it, Darling?" she said gently.

Tears were streaming down Pinkie's cheeks. "I was suggesting things we could do around town together, telling her about Avalon and you guys, trying to be a good guide...." Pinkie let out a silent sob. "And... and Mr. Cake gave her a bottle of apple cider. She gave me a look of dislike, then she chugged the whole thing down right then and there."

Another soundless sob, another mop at her eyes. Rarity's expression was simultaneously stunned and heartbroken. "You've... never told me this before," she muttered. "It really hurt you, didn't it?"

Pinkie made a small, bitter laugh. "Pathetic, isn't it?" she said. "Four months later, and I still haven't gotten over it...."

"No, it's not pathetic, Pinkie," Rarity said firmly. Pinkie turned surprisedly to Rarity, whose lips were pursed in a sharp frown. "Pinkie, that was very rude and... well, a bit cruel that Twilight did that to you."

Pinkie winced at hearing the word "cruel" being applied to Twilight, but Rarity added, "I think Twilight really... had a lot to learn when she first came. And it sounds like she never apologized to you for it, which she still needs to do."

Pinkie squirmed uncomfortably. "Well... I said there was no need for her to apologize...."

"You're too hard on yourself, Darling," Rarity said, gently hugging Pinkie.

Pinkie hugged Rarity back. After a few moments of silence, Pinkie choked out, "Twilight and Rainbow, I...." Pinkie sniffed. "I love both of them so much. They're both amazing friends."

Rarity chuckled. "I agree," she said.

"I mean, neither of them're perfect, but they're...." Pinkie had to take a few deep breaths. "They're both so selfless, and brave, and smart. I'm just...."

Pinkie's hold on Rarity tightened. "I'm just a nuisance."

"Pinkie," Rarity said, pulling back and cupping Pinkie's cheek in her palm. "You are not a nuisance. I won't hear a word of it. Yes, your energy can be a bit much, but...." Here Rarity laughed. "Pinkie, you're what holds us all together. After all, you were the first one to insist we all go help Twilight in Olympus, right?"

Pinkie laughed, and Rarity wiped a tear away from her cheek. "I promise, Darling: we all love you, and wouldn't trade your friendship for the world."

Pinkie made a wide smile. "Th-thank you, Rarity...." she whispered.

Rarity continued holding Pinkie until Pinkie sleepily slumped against her shoulder and let her arms fall away. "I... I guess I don't know a lot about what being loved feels like.... My... my parents didn't love me.... At least... not as much their... stupid damned religion...."

Rarity gave Pinkie's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Pinkie was weeping as she whispered these words before falling completely asleep, "My sister... if... if she loved me, why... why didn't she come... with me...?"

Pinkie then began gently snoring, and Rarity felt a single tear streak down her own face.

"Celestia," Rarity heard Rainbow mutter under her breath. She turned around, and saw that Rainbow and Spike were gazing astonishedly at her and Pinkie.

"I mean...." Rainbow muttered, narrowing her eyes as she gazed back at the chessboard. "I knew that... Pinkie didn't like talking about her life before coming to Avalon, but damn... her own parents didn't love her...?"

Rarity looked back down at Pinkie, who was now slumbering peacefully. "I never would have guessed she was hurting so much...." she muttered, affectionately nuzzling the crown of Pinkie's head.

"I mean... I didn't exactly have an idillic childhood, either, but at least I fucking knew my dad loved me...." Rainbow muttered, now looking to be on the verge of tears herself.

No-one said anything for about a minute, then Spike markedly cleared his throat. "Um... 's your move, Dash...." he said stiffly.

Rainbow looked back at Spike, and saw that his face was quite expressionless, though he was hiding an unbearable amount of agony behind his eyes.

"Y-yeah," Rainbow said quickly, reaching up to pick up one of her pieces. "There, check."

Spike nodded, then lifted his hand to respond with a move of his own.

Spike's play during that match was significantly poorer than it was during their previous ones, Rainbow noticed.

Rarity was soon fast asleep, as well, and Rainbow and Spike joined the rest of their friends in sound slumber in the middle of one of their chess matches. About an hour after all of them had fallen asleep, the train arrived at Olympus Station.

"All off for Olympus!" the conductor's cries rang over the train's speakers, startling all six friends into consciousness. "All off for Olympus!"

Spike stretched with a groan, then muttered, "Here we are."

They were surprised at how quickly they were able to hail a cab once they reached the streets, as it was nearing three in the morning. However, their driver was in a profoundly foul mood, and he grumblingly complained as they all entered the carriage.

"First the goddamned press is all up and about, needing rides at one in the blasted morning, now some teens want a midnight joy ride...."

"Wait- what?" Rarity said as Applejack closed the cab's door. "The press?"

"Yeah, you hadn't heard?" the cabbie said as he urged his two-unicorn driving team forward. "There was a rock concert going on at one of the parks. 'Death metal' or some rubbish like that. Anyway, the Duchess Twilight Sparkle saw a group of them wearing black hooded robe costumes, screamed something about 'cultists' at them, then she used her Magic to knock 'em around so rough their grandmas are gonna feel it."

The young friends exchanged worried glances with one another, and their cabbie laughed. "Girl must've been high on moon rock or something. Heiresses like her do stupid nonsense like this all the time. Anyway, the entire concert got ruined; the attendees all panicked and broke into a riot, half the entire Royal Guard had to break it all up, and the Duchess got arrested and thrown in Camelot's dungeon."

"Did she hurt anyone?" Fluttershy said, her voice trembling with worry.

"Nah, the worst that happened was a few broken bones and some minor concussions," the cabbie assured them. As the young Beings sighed in relief, the cabbie added, "She's pretty lucky that no one died or got crippled. The hospital's just gonna have its hands full for a while. The press was on it quicker than a bee gets to honey, though, which means we cabbies have had to be awake since midnight."

Spike groaned into his palm. "Nice job keeping a low profile, Twi...." he muttered wearily.

Rainbow blinked. "'Low profile'?" she said curiously.

Spike flinched, then slapped his other palm over his face. "Oh, fuck me...." he groaned in self-directed frustration.

"Let's not pry anymore, Rainbow," Rarity said stiffly.

Rainbow scoffed. "Ah, fine...." she muttered, rolling her eyes as she folded her arms and leaned against the cab's window.

After about half an hour, the six friends arrived at the castle Camelot, where the feeding frenzy of paparazzi and lawyers was still very much in full force. There were hundreds of Beings at the front gates, flashing cameras and shouting questions or having arguments with the Royal Guardsmen and Twilight's parents and lawyers.

At seeing the carriage pull up, one of the guards looked and saw Spike exiting it. "Spike!" he cried.

"Hey, Flash!" Spike replied, waving.

"Who's he?" Pinkie said, pointing at the now-approaching Angelic guardsmen.

"Flash Sentry, First Lieutenant to Shining Armor," Spike replied. He added with a shrug, "I've known him before he was a guard, though; he dated my sister for a while."

"Oh!" Rarity said. "Well, glad you have connections, Spike."

As Flash reached Spike and his friends, he removed his plumed bronze helmet, revealing a head of messy bright blue hair slicked back. "You guys here to see Twi?" Flash asked.

Spike nodded. "Yeah," he said. "Can we?"

"Course," Flash replied cheerfully. He nodded towards the castle, adding, "Follow me."

As they entered the castle proper (prompting the affronted protests of the lawyers and journalists being barred from entry), Spike asked, "Where's Shining?"

"He was, uh, speaking with Princesses Luna and Celestia in their map-room," Flash said. "It's been a PR and political nightmare. They're also sorting things out with the Olympian political courts, the attorneys of the concert-goers she attacked, and they're gathering up all the reports us guards had to fill out."

Spike nodded, though Applejack noticed the tangible discomfort in Flash's voice. "You sound a bit embarrassed," she commented.

Flash blushed. "Yeah, well, the Captain was, um... busy, when I delivered the news to him," he said.

"With what?" Applejack prodded.

Flash squirmed his head and rubbed his arm. "He, uh... was with Princess Cadance," he said. "I didn't even think to knock, and they were... um...."

Rarity's eyes widened. "Wait- what?" she said, stunned.

Rainbow laughed. "You got a good look at the Princess?" she said, grinning.

Applejack slapped Rainbow upside the head. "Oww...!" Rainbow cried, shooting a glare at Applejack. "What the fuck-?!"

"That ain't none of your business, Dash," Applejack said sternly.

"The Captain and Princess were indeed both... less then prepared for an audience," Flash said, laughing nervously. "I almost got a face full of fire from my boss for my troubles."

Rainbow smirked. "Heh, bet Cadance's tits were great- OW!!"

Applejack had sharply struck Rainbow's head again. "Shut up," she growled.

"You know what?!" Rainbow shouted. "I'll do whatever the fuck I want!! You think I give two shits if you've got a problem with it, AJ?! 'Cause I-!"

"Shut up, Rainbow Dash," Pinkie murmured.

Rainbow turned surprisedly to Pinkie, who was glaring even more fiercely than Applejack. "Just shut up."

The other Beings all stared astonishedly at Pinkie for a few moments, then Rainbow sneered and scoffed. "Fine, whatever...." she muttered.

A few more moments of awkward silence, which was then broken by Flash clearing his throat. "Um, we're almost to the dungeons...." he said quietly.

The others wordlessly nodded, then they all continued walking.

Nothing more was said until they reached Camelot's dungeons, which was separated from them by a tall doorframe flanked by two more guards. "They're with me," Flash said, to which his fellow soldiers nodded and allowed them to pass through.

"All Magic is nullified in the castle dungeons," Flash said as they began walking down the dark, black stone staircase. "Just so you know."

"Storm Marble, eh?" Rainbow said, looking impressedly around at their surroundings.

"That's right," Flash replied. "We're just about there... ah, here we are."

They had reached a massive, iron doorway blocking them off from the dungeons proper. Flash whistled as he produced an iron key, inserted it into the lock, and turned it. The door's mechanisms loudly activated, and there was a dull thud before the door slowly swung open.

On the other side, they saw Shining, hunched over on a suspended iron bench beside the bars of the nearest cell, where Twilight was curled up and asleep on the cell's bunk.

"Twilight!" Spike cried, running forward and grabbing the bars. Twilight and her brother were stirred from their sleep, and looked up to see Spike pressing his tear-streaked face in the spaces between the Etherial Iron rods.

"Spike!" Shining and Twilight said together. Twilight stood up and said surprisedly, "What're you doing here?"

"We're here for you, silly!" Pinkie replied with a small giggle.

Twilight turned and saw that the rest of her friends had come, as well. "G-girls...!" she cried.

She rubbed her puffy, bloodshot eyes while Shining stood and made a small bow to them. "Thank's for coming all this way, Spike," he said with a small laugh. "And thanks, Flash, for bringing Spike and her other friends here."

Flash nodded. "Again, I'm so sorry about barging in on you and Cadance, Shi-" he began.

"You're fine," Shining said wearily. "You may turn in for the evening, if you like. Thanks for everything, Flash."

Flash placed his fist over his heart and bowed. "Yes, Sir," he replied before turning and scaling back up the stairs.

"What happened, darling?!" Rarity cried, joining at Spike's side.

Twilight flinched, then looked away. "I... I can't-"


All eight young Beings in the dungeon jumped in startlement, and looked back at the stairway, where they saw the High Princess herself.

Celestia, though she was still in her silken pajamas and her expression was quite stoic, looked absolutely furious. Upon seeing such unbridled rage in her eyes for the first time, all of the mortals immediately fell to their knees and bowed to her. "Whoa, nelly...." Applejack muttered as she removed her hat.

"P-Princess...!" Twilight cried, her voice trembling with terror. "I-I...!"

Celestia raised her hand. "Be still," she said authoritatively.

Twilight promptly closed her mouth, lowered her gaze, and said nothing more, though she was still shaking.

"Captain, open her cell," the Princess said. None of her usual warmth was in the command.

"Y-yes, Your Highness...." Shining said quickly, fumbling Twilight's cell key out of his pocket and into the lock.

"Please, Your Highness!" Spike cried, bringing Celestia's attention to him. "This isn't her fault!"

"Y-yeah!" Rainbow cried. "S-she tried to warn us, but we wouldn't listen-!"

"SILENCE!!" Celestia boomed, splaying her wings out.

For the first time since any of them had met her, Rainbow's friends saw her be cowed back into submission.

"I've heard quite enough squabbling for tonight, thank you very much," Celestia added stiffly before returning her attention to Twilight. She seemed as though she were going to begin berating the terrified, weeping Elf girl for a moment, though she ultimately decided against it. She closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, then said, "Twilight, meet me in the library."

As she turned to exit, Celestia added, "I'll tell the castle guards not to intercept you unless you attempt to flee. I expect to speak with you, alone, very shortly." She then scaled up the stairs, leaving Twilight alone with her brother and friends once again.

Twilight stood up, then stepped out of her cell, looking down and weeping. "Goodbye, girls," she whispered. "If you want to see me... I'll probably be here."

Twilight then began following Celestia up the dungeon stairs.

They were all silent for a few moments after Twilight left, then Fluttershy turned and tearfully asked Shining, "Is Twilight really gonna get locked up here...?"

Shining shook his head. "I doubt it," he muttered. "But I doubt she'll get to be on the Royal Court anymore...."

Shining sighed, then rubbed the back of his head. "The Princess'll probably ask me and our parents to step down from the Court. Conflict of interest, and all that. That's probably why she's so upset; she's gonna have to appoint new advisors to fill a third of her Court seats after tonight."

Shining sighed wearily, then stood up. "I'd probably better go prepare to clean my office out. Console Cadance, and Mom, and Dad. Maybe congratulate Flash on being promoted to Captain soon." With a bitter chuckle, he added, "Have a good night, girls," before following the lead of his sister and the Princess.

The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. To ease it, Rainbow muttered, "Well, you were right, man."

Spike turned confusedly to Rainbow. "Huh?"

"Twi's brother is really hot," Rainbow clarified, smirking. "Even I think so."

At this, all six of the remaining young Beings burst into laughter, which slowly dissolved into sobs. After all, what else could they do?

The few minutes it took for Twilight to reach the castle library from the dungeon's exit felt like hours.

This must be what it feels like for condemned criminals marching up to the gallows, she thought.

She couldn't stop crying. She had no idea how she had any moisture left in her body, she was crying so much.

She had failed everyone. She'd failed Spike, she'd failed her friends, she'd failed her parents, and she'd failed Shining, but above all she'd failed Celestia. Not only had she done nothing to aid the High Princess in the mission she'd been tasked with, but she'd made Celestia's hunt for cultists even harder by adding this disaster- which would no doubt make headline news in all the international newspapers- on her plate.

Twilight felt the overwhelming urge to run away, and she wasn't sure why her feet continued leading her to the library. Nonetheless, she made it there.

When she reached the library, it took every molecule of her willpower to overcome her terror and knock on its front door. Though she had barely tapped her knuckles against it, she heard Celestia's voice say from the other side, "Enter."

Twilight wasn't sure, but she thought the Princess's tone had softened a little. Latching onto the glimmer of hope this gave her, she tremblingly gripped the knob and turned it, opening her way into the library.

Celestia was standing before one of the tall, clear glass windows, clasping her hands behind her back, and gazing up into the clear night skies. Though her expression was still stoic, her eyes seemed significantly more relaxed than they'd been before.

"Y-Your Highness...?" Twilight whispered, mopping some tears from her eyes.

Celestia hummed in response. "Please have a seat, my student," she said. "I'll speak with you in just a few moments."

Twilight hummed back a small squeak of affirmation, then made her way to her favorite armchair, where she took a rigid seat and formally folded her hands across her lap.

Twilight had stopped weeping, though a great deal of her fear still remained. She was still faintly trembling as Celestia continued gazing at the heavens for a few moments, evidently in an effort to re-collect herself.

With a sigh, Celestia then turned around, made her way to a loveseat across from Twilight, and sat down, as well. She was hunched over, all the anger in her expression having melted away, leaving only weariness.

"Twilight," Celestia began.

Twilight flinched, then nodded. "Y-yes, P-Princess...?" she stuttered.

"I am told that you made an unprovoked attack on a group of Beings attending a concert, incited a riot there, and resisted arrest by the Royal Guard. Is this true?"

"Y-yes, Your Highness...." Twilight said, having begun weeping again.

"I presume that's not the entire story...?" Celestia said, her tone gentle and even a little sympathetic.

Twilight weepingly relayed everything that had transpired from the dawn of the previous day until that moment, to which Celestia listened intently. By the end, Celestia looked more concerned and saddened than anything.

"And now... here I am," Twilight finished, sniffing.

Celestia softly nodded. "I see," she said.

Twilight sobbed, to which Celestia asked with a touch of distress, "What's wrong, my student?"

"I... I can't be Spike's mentor anymore, can I...?" Twilight said. "A-and I can't b-be your student anymore, e-either-"

"Twilight, you are a wonderful student," Celestia said, stepping forward and gently caressing her cheek. "I don't have to get a report every single week to know that,"

Twilight, who was now staring astonishedly into Celestia's eyes, saw that her mentor's expression was one of pure concerned caring. "B-but- I h-hurt innocent people!" she stammered before again sobbing into her hands. "I-!"

Celestia, however, had pulled Twilight into a gentle embrace. "Shh, my child," she said. "I know, I know."

After a few moments, Twilight sobbed and wrapped her arms around Celestia's torso, gripping the silken fabric at her mentor's pajama top's back.

After about a minute, Celestia released Twilight, who mopped away at her tears. "Yes, you've done something you wish you didn't tonight," Celestia said with an understanding smile. "But I'm sure you've learned from it, and that you never intend to repeat it, right?"

Twilight nodded, laughed, and tearfully grinned. "Y-yeah, Your Highness," she replied.

"In truth, Twilight," Celestia said, gazing out the window thoughtfully, "I too have just made a mistake I regret."

Twilight's eyes widened. "W-what's that...?" she stammered.

"I shouldn't have gotten so angry with you," Celestia said. "Nor should I have lost my temper with your friends. Both were wrong of me."

Twilight shook her head. "But... I was the one who caused all this!" she protested. "I was-!"

"While it is true that you have made a mistake, my dear student," Celestia interrupted her, "the blame for the events of tonight doesn't rest with you alone. In fact, I would say that the majority of the blame rests not on you, but with me."

Twilight made to protest again, but Celestia lifted up her hand to stop her. "While it's true that it was you who acted as the catalyst for the riot at the concert, it is ultimately my responsibility that you were ever driven to your actions in the first place. I've been asking too much of you, dear Twilight. I've placed a larger burden on you than I should have expected you to reasonably bear, and for that I hope you will forgive me."

Twilight was speechless. She was being begged for forgiveness by... Princess Celestia...?!

Celestia made a small smile. "In fact, you've done quite superbly, given all things!" she laughed. "Though the task I'd given you was much too great to expect of you, you more than tried everything within your power to carry it out. I'm so proud of you, Twilight."

"You're not... angry with me... at all, anymore...?" Twilight asked softly.

Celestia shook her head. "Of course not," she said. "After I'd lost my temper, and I had a few minutes to think, I realized that I was projecting my anger at myself onto you."

Twilight continued listening eagerly as Celestia took a deep breath and confessed, "My greatest error, I think, was my failure to see the toll I was taking on you. I was so wrapped up in my own tasks that I failed to remember to ask how you were faring with yours. You do absolutely everything I request of you to the best of your abilities, without once complaining. I couldn't ask for a better student, though it's clear I must learn to be a better teacher."

Twilight nodded, though she looked puzzled. "So... I'm not going to be punished...?" she asked.

Celestia shook her head. "No," she said. "I think you've been punished more than enough. You were acting out of desperation, you clearly feel terrible about what you did, and I'm sure you'll continue to receive grief over the spectacle you put on by other mortals. As far as I'm concerned, your debt's repaid in full."

Twilight nodded. "So... why'd you ask me to come here...?" she said.

Celestia grinned. "So that I can begin repaying my debt to you."

Twilight blinked. "I don't understand."

"This all transpired because I asked too much of you," Celestia said. "Therefore, I have decided to lighten your burden."

Twilight paled, anticipating fearfully for Celestia to relieve her of her mission and ask her to return to Olympus from Avalon.

"Twilight," Celestia said, "how would you like to recruit the aid of your five new friends in your mission?"

Again, Twilight was speechless. After a few stunned, silent seconds, she whispered, "W-what...?"

Celestia's smile widened. "It's clear nothing would grant you more relief than to confide completely in your new friends," she said.

Understanding dawning on her, Twilight nodded enthusiastically. "Y-yes, Your Highness!" she cried.

"Do you trust them, Twilight?" Celestia asked. When Twilight nodded, Celestia added, "How much?"

"I'd trust all of them with my life," Twilight answered without any hesitation. "I would tell them anything."

Celestia nodded. "Very well," she said. She then stood up and concluded, "Go and ask them if they will aid you in your mission, then. Tell them everything. When you're done, come meet me in my chambers."

Twilight did, indeed, return to her friends, gather them into one of the castle's drawing-rooms, and told them everything.

The five other girls listened to Twilight and Spike relay the truth of everything they'd seen and done from the moment they were assigned to overseeing the Summer Sun Celebration in perfect silence. Once Twilight concluded, after a moment of stillness hung in the air, Rainbow grinned victoriously. "I knew it!" she cried. "I fucking knew it! The Dark Gods' cults are the reason you came to Avalon!"

"But it was Celestia who sent you," Fluttershy added.

Applejack shook her head, softly smiling in disbelief. "Ah'll be...." she muttered.

"I wish you'd asked Celestia sooner, Darlings!" Rarity cried. "Oh, everything makes so much more sense now!"

"No kidding!" Pinkie cried, jumping in place and grinning infectiously. "That's the most super-duper coolest amazing secret ever!"

Twilight smiled. "Will you all help me, then?"

Naturally, her new friends all immediately agreed.

After much laughter, joyously relieved tears, and many exchanged apologies, Twilight's friends all returned to the castle rooms that Celestia had previously lent them to spend the night. Twilight, only barely awake herself, but now very happy, made her promised trek to the Princesses' bedchambers.

Twilight knocked on the Royal Bedroom's front door. "Come in, Twilight," she heard Luna's voice say, to which she smiled and entered.

Twilight's face flushed as she saw that Luna was wearing a titillating black lingerie set as she lounged on the carpet before her and Celestia's fireplace. "Hello, Twilight," Celestia said, bringing Twilight's attention to her. She was still in the pajamas Twilight had seen her in earlier, and she was sitting on the edge of her circular bed. Philomena was perched on Celestia's knee, the High Princess gently stroking the bird's back and wings. "It went well, I presume?" Celestia asked cheerfully.

Twilight nodded. "Yep!" she replied with identical elation. "We even came up with a name for ourselves."

Celestia raised one of her brows. "Really? What's that?" she said curiously.

Twilight laughed. "I actually suggested 'The Order of the Phoenix,' but Pinkie said that was already taken."

Celestia's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? By whom?" she asked.

Twilight shrugged. "No idea," she replied simply. "Pinkie doesn't have any, either; she just says someone's definitely taken it already."

Celestia smiled. "Alright. What did you decide on instead?"

Twilight giggled, slightly blushing. "'The Order of Celestia,'" she said brightly. "Has a good ring to it, don't you think?"

Celestia chuckled. "I'm flattered, my dear student."

Twilight sighed. "Well, I'm bushed," she said, stretching and yawning. "Thanks for everything, Princess."

Celestia shook her head. "No trouble, dear Twilight," she said.

Twilight turned around, scratched her head, and murmured, "And to think... all this happened because I had a stupid dream of Discord last night!"

Except for Twilight's soft laughter, there was utter silence in the Royal Bedchambers. "What... what did Discord say in your dream, Twilight?" Celestia asked. Twilight was too tired to notice the tension in her mentor's voice.

Twilight shrugged. "Something about seven stars falling from the sky a thousand years after Luna was Sealed," she replied offhandedly. "He also said a 'labyrinth' would crumble, and that you would switch places with him. After all that, he said he would return and reign over the Earth forever."

Twilight laughed again. "Stupid, right? Well, I'm going to bed. G'night!"

Twilight never looked back as he closed the Royal Bedchambers' door. If she did, she would have seen the Princess' eyes, which were wide with a terror that neither Goddess had known since thousands of years ago.

They indeed knew what Twilight was speaking of. They could have recited the entire chant Twilight had heard in her dream, if Twilight had asked them to. Those words were the most vivid ones in their memories, for they were an oath of revenge sworn by their father. They were the last words he'd uttered before he was Sealed in stone, petrifying him in the midst of a fit of cruel laughter.

The Sun-Princess shall take my place, the world shall become a Hell infernal
For the God of Chaos shall return to the Earth, and reign eternal.