• Published 23rd May 2016
  • 1,997 Views, 22 Comments

Coco Has the Flu - FlimFlamBros.

Having missed the grand opening of Rarity for You might have been worse for Coco than any amount of nausea or heartburn. But when her boss shows up to help take care of her, she'll learn that friendship is the best medicine.

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Chapter 1: Sniffles

Unrelenting pain. Forehead burning up. Nonstop ringing in her aching ears. Her guts churning around her stomach like they were socks in the laundry. There was not a single doubt in Coco’s disoriented and throbbing mind that she was sick. It had been a nuisance that she thought she could have overpowered before the grand opening of Rarity’s newest boutique location, and she had been honoured by being granted the position of Sales Associate. The cream-coloured mare had been so excited she nearly kissed her employer on the spot. Of course she didn’t… good thing too, she would hate to have given Rarity whatever bug she had caught.

Now the opening night had come and gone without her, and that made Coco feel sicker than any virus. The terrible feeling that she let down her mentor, employer and close friend was more unbearable than her congested nose and sore throat. Now she laid in her bed in a mass of blankets and used tissues with tears glistening from her eyes, her head too hot and her body too cold.

She was just about to doze off in her own self-pity when she heard a knocking sound coming from the door of her studio apartment. At first she just thought it was a delusion from her illness, but when the sound continued to knock, she started to shuffle in her bed, mustering up whatever energy she had left and forced herself out of bed and waddled to the door, her comforter still wrapped around her like a cloak.

As Coco reached for the deadlock she heard the sound of the tumbler rattling and unlocking itself. Whoever was on the other side of the door must have had a key, and there was only one pony that had a key to her apartment besides her landlord, and her landlord wouldn’t have bothered to knock.

“R-Rarity…?” the cream-coloured mare asked weakly as the door opened itself.

There she stood, the beautiful white mare with a silky lavender mane. The unicorn smiled warmly at her as she placed a hand on the door and let herself in. “Good heavens!” She suddenly gasped. “What are you doing on your feet? You should be resting.” Tenderly, Rarity started to nudge Coco back to her bed.

“You… knocked…” Coco muttered, giving a big sniff to suck up some dripping snot. “And I… didn’t know it was you.”

“Oh, well then I suppose that was an oversight on my part,” Rarity admitted. “But I didn’t want to alarm you by just letting myself in.”

“It’s fine,” Coco mumbled. “But what are you… what are you…” she felt that tickle in her nose and desperately reached for a tissue, grabbing it just in time to block off her sneeze. “A-Choo!” she sneezed, wiping away any excess snot from her face and crumpling up the tissue. “Sorry…”

Don’t apologize…” Rarity said, looking in horror at the mess of sticky balls of nose fluids and tissue paper that laid on top of Coco’s bed. With her magic she started to gather all of the disgusting pieces of garbage and placed them all in a nearby waste bin. Once the bed was clear, it was safe for Rarity to lift up one of the bed sheets and fold them aside, making room for Coco to crawl in. “Now back in bed, dear. Give me that blanket and I’ll tuck you in.”

As much as Coco loved the idea of Rarity tucking her in, as it was the premise of three of her confusing dreams about the unicorn, the earth mare’s cheeks started turning as red as her nose. “Umm… do you think I can just keep my blanket wrapped around me? I’m a little… uh, chilled.”

Rarity gave her a confused look. “Really? Because you look like you’re sweating up a storm. Now I really must be insistent on this matter. It’ll only be for a second.” The white mare reached for the two outermost folds of the fluffy comforter and tried to open it up. There was little resistance from Coco, who could hardly fight back with her sore muscles.

“N-n-no!” Coco cried as Rarity was successful in taking off her blanket and exposing her pajama shirt to her. Coco tried covering her chest but it was pointless, Rarity had already seen what she was trying to hide. A white shirt with a big heart in the center, and in the center of that heart, an artsy picture of the Rarity’s face.

The purple-maned unicorn stared a little with disbelief at the sight of Coco’s top. “Darling… where did you get that shirt?”

“Umm…” Coco gulped, not sure if Rarity would believe the truth. “Thrift store… there was a whole box of them on sale for 5 bits.”

“So you have a whole box of shirts with my face on them?”

“Y-yes…” she said nervously, flinching as she waited for Rarity to lash out at her, to call her weird and creepy or some sort of perverted stalker. Instead as she heard was small fits of giggles. Coco looked up and saw that Rarity was trying to hold back her laughter.

“So that’s where they all went!” Rarity laughed. “Over a year ago, my little Spikey-wikey made these shirts to proclaim his love for me. It was utterly adorable and too cute but I heard Twilight got rid of them. I’m just glad that they found a nice home and weren’t turn into…” she shuddered a little. “Oil rags or something equally horrible.”

“So you’re not mad?”

“Of course not,” Rarity beamed. “But I will be if you don’t park your cute little bottom in this bed and start getting better. I’m going to need my new store manager back on her feet as soon as possible.”

“S-s-store manager?” Coco asked, confused and excited at the same time. “But… I missed the opening. I thought if anything I would be replaced and fired.”

“Well you were replaced…” the white mare said sheepishly. “But you’re still my apprentice. I could never fire my apprentice, but I can promote her. Honestly that was always the plan once I got some more help and positions filled up. So I’ll be staying in town for a few more days until you feeling well enough to come back to work.”

“I…” the cream-coloured mare started to stay, but either due to pure delight or her swollen throat she couldn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she wiped away a happy tear from her eye and nodded. The mare handed Rarity her blanket and slowly got into bed. Once she was snuggled in, Rarity started to drape the many blankets over her, tucking her in so she was nice and comfortable and warm.

“There, now isn’t that better?” Rarity smiled.

Coco nodded smiling back. Just seeing that mare’s warm grin was the best medicine she could ask for. Rarity was always such an incredible source of courage and strength for her. It was Rarity that gave her the strength to quit her job working for that awful Suri Polomare, to be the best she could be. She was her idol, her hero… a perfect depiction of grace and beauty. She would even go as far as to say she cared deeply for Rarity… more than almost any other pony in her life.

But her thoughts were starting to tread in dirty waters, so she quickly squeaked something out. “So… why are you here? Not that I don’t mind the company?”

“Why, to take care of you, of course,” the white mare beamed. “I wouldn’t be a very good employer or friend if I didn’t see that you were properly taken care of.” She looked around the messy loft. “Still living alone I see. It always baffles me that a mare as gorgeous as yourself doesn’t have a coltfriend.”

“It’s OK…” Coco mumbled, turning her head to look away from the white mare so she could hide her worried expression. Truth be told she had never felt that way towards anypony, stallion or otherwise. Maybe it was the uncaring mother, or the abuse she received from Suri but for the longest time she felt like the ability to love another pony had been beaten out of her… until she met Rarity that is. “I mean, I work all the time so I doubt I could hold onto a relationship.”

“Well there must be somepony who catches your fancy,” Rarity asked, trying to see if she could fish out a big, juicy piece of gossip from the young mare.

“Well… there is this one pony…” Coco whispered. “But I don’t think they feel the same way.”

“Well, it’s their lost,” Rarity shrugged. “Anypony who can’t see how wonderful you are is a fool.”

That time Coco almost laughed, but managed to politely keep it down her windpipe. “Thank you…” she said. “Maybe one day…”

“But today…” Rarity said, heading towards the kitchen across the room. “You need to focus on getting better, and there’s nothing better for you when you’re sick than my mother’s special orange soup.” She placed her bag on the counter and started to pull out the ingredients needed to make the soup. There were a lot of carrots, a lot of oranges, and a questionable amount of cold medicine.

“That’s really not necessary,” Coco said. “I have some leftovers in the fridge if I get hungry.”

“Yes, but I think it’s highly unlikely that whatever is in your refrigerator will have the vitamins you need to kick this flu. So not another word on the matter. It should only take me a couple of minutes to make the soup.”

“If you say so…” the cream-coloured mare said. “So… how was the opening. I hope that it didn’t go too badly.”

Rarity chuckled a little, remembering the fiasco of preparations that led to her opening night. “Let’s just say I’ve learned my lesson about leaving redecorating till the last minute. I should have had everything cleaned up the day before at least… and then there were the racoons, and the nightclub, and… ugh, Plaid Stripes.”

“Plaid Stripes?” Coco wondered. “Who’s that?”

“The only teenager I’ve ever felt the strong desire to throw off a building,” Rarity muttered as she filled a pot full of hot water. “She’s my landlord’s daughter and she has… unique ideas. After thirty seconds with her she wanted to sell glow in the dark teeth instead of dresses. Of course I had to let her work for me because her father threatened to raise the rent and I figured, well, I can tolerate the girl for a few weeks before she gets bored and becomes somepony’s else’s problem. Although clothing made out of spoons wasn’t a terrible idea.” Rarity started to peel the oranges and carrots, discarding the skins into the sink. “So I’m afraid you’ll have that to deal with. Just try and be kind with her feelings, I don’t want her crying home to daddy and losing my business.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Coco said with a yawn. “But you mentioned a dance club and racoons?”

“Ah yes,” The white mare continued as she poured the cut up fruit and veggies into the pot. “Well, I had thought I had bought the whole building when I first came across RFY, but apparently that wasn’t the case. Turns out another resident of Ponyville decided to open up a night club on the third floor. A rather odd location if you ask me and it caused a terrible racket. We were able to get that under control for the moment, but I’m working on a buyout of the rest of the building, maybe use it for storage space or a HQ away from Ponyville. That’d be nice actually since we’re all the way out east.”

“That’d be nice…” Coco muttered with another yawn, imagining if Rarity one day decided to move to Manehatten, and they could see each other more often, hang out after work, and go on lunch dates… Her eyes felt droopy and pictures of her and Rarity sitting at a café table, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes as they began to lean in closer and closer towards one another…

“It would be, and I’d save a fortune on hotels,” the unicorn said, stirring the pot and adding some of the many bottles of cold syrup. “Now where was I?” she thought for a moment. “Ah yes! The family of racoons living in my janitor’s closet. I guess they were just looking for a home but I am running a civilized business, not an animal shelter. But I suppose they’ve grown on me… you should see the little outfits they have now!” She gave her soup a little sniff. “Perfect!” She said, digging through the cupboards and getting a bowl for the soup. She took a ladleful of the orange, sweet-smelling liquid and poured it into the bowl. “I hope you’re hungry, Coco because you’re in for… a… treat…”

Coco’s eyes were closed as she purred peacefully in her sleep. Rarity sighed jokingly, rolling her eyes as she put the bowl down and covered the pot and bowl to keep them warm. It was really only a matter of time before Coco would have passed out, the poor thing. But it was good that she was getting rest. She could have the soup when she woke up. Rarity spent a quick minute putting everything away and cleaning up her mess.

Once the kitchen was clean she wrote a quick note for Coco to tell her where her food was and to call her if she needed anything and placed in on the bedside table. The white mare looked fondly down at the cream-coloured mare, brushing a few strands of her aqua-blue hair out of her eyes. Rarity stared at her for a moment, wondering what she was dreaming about before giving her a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Get well soon, darling,” Rarity said, grabbing her bag and heading towards the door, being careful not to close it too fast and wake the sleeping mare up.

As the lock clicked behind the white mare, Coco slowly started to smile as she slept, her dreams that day would be riddled with her idol and her face covered in kisses like the one she felt on her head as she finally drifted off and got some well deserved rest.

Author's Note:

Thanks to ACTASAP for editing, and Pia-sama for the cover art!

Comments ( 22 )

Amazing coco pommel fic best of luck for the upcoming projects

This was a really nicely written. I really loved the dialogue, and how you described Coco's feelings for Rarity. It was nice, subtle, not overtly in your face, and it made sense. Your descriptions of her illness were also well... descriptive haha. My personal favorite was how you described Coco's churning stomach like socks in the laundry.

I actually chuckled at the fun reference to those old shirts Spike used to wear. Makes you wonder what did Spike do with those. Now we know, but not really.

And because I'm a grammar nazi:

“Well, it’s their lost,” Rarity shrugged. “Anypony who can’t see how wonderful you are is a fool.”

Small typo here, should be "their loss,".

I can tolerate the girl for a few weeks before she gets bored and becomes somepony’s else’s problem.

Should be "somepony else's problem."

the unicorn said, stirring the pot and adding some of the many bottles of cold syrup.

Not a typo, but oh my gosh, is Rarity trying to kill Coco here :rainbowderp:? She's pouring whole bottles of cold syrup into the soup? Sorry that just stood out to be and I had to comment on it haha.

Can't wait to see more of this. Though, shouldn't this technically have the Romance tag since Coco likes Rarity?


Rarity caled her shop "Rarity for You" :facehoof:

:facehoof: :facehoof:
man the epsiode keeps looking worse and worse


anyone that gives the episode a good mark has never watched tv, bad episodes are badm, weak plots are weak WEAK, get it together, this episode was a poorly constructed mess that serves no purpose other than making us want to kill of rarity

I thought it was one of the better episodes this season. Really like the whole flashback via flashback thing they did, some good gags in there. Plus at least they tried something different with the name instead of calling all of her stores 'something-something' boutique.
As for killing Rarity, I think that might be a bit of an extreme reaction.


7240590 oh, man your sarcasm is KILLING me, the comedy masks the awful plot, everyone is a complet BUFOON, and there is NO plot, and yes, they are going to kill raroty in the movie

Hmm. It's certainly a cute follow-up to the episode, but I'm a bit confused. Not by your decision to make this an Anthro story when it didn't need to be; that's your decision. But, why is it marked incomplete? Is there really anywhere else this story can go? What's your angle here? :rainbowhuh:

As a one-shot, it's certainly nice and fluffy, even if some of the dialogue is questionable (I don't think Rarity hated Plaid Stripes that much). But really, the story has been told. I don't see how this is supposed to continue. Plus, uh, it's a bit heavy on the Lavender Unicorn Syndrome. The characters have names. Don't be afraid to use 'em. Those are my only real contentions, though. The Anthro thing really just boils down to personal preference. I honestly don't see why this particular story needed it, as you could tell the same story with just the ponies and nothing would be lost. But if that's what you wanna work with, more power to you. :pinkiesmile:

7240642 I'm being quite genuine, my friend. I really did enjoy the episode, why else would I have written this?
And I think you might be mixing up My little Pony with Game of Thrones on the whole killing Rarity thing. Also may I get some verification as to whether or not you think the episode had an awful plot, or no plot at all? It must be one or the other I'd imagine.

7240689 You are correct! Originally this was supposed to be a one-shot but a friend of mine wanted me to expand on it a bit more, so I might add another chapter or two. There's always a way to expand on something. The plaid stripes thing may have been another friend of mine's personal opinion on that character being voiced through Rarity. As for my lavender unicorn syndrome, perhaps I did go a tad overboard, but it's better than some fics where there's next to zero variation in the character's description but I'll take what you said to heart. So thank you for that.
In regards to antrho... you're absolutely right. this could have easily been ponies and the plot or structure would have remained the same, I've just written so much anthro stuff/human stuff that my brain just tends to go there as a default setting. Plus, then I wouldn't have been able to use Pia-Sama's fantastic artwork for a cover :raritywink:


7240818 it was as predictable as it gets and the mane 6 were idiots, also VERY poorly written, the mane 6 expected it to be bad without even reading the review, it was pointless, knowing that it worked out in the end, and just stupid, the interviewer interviewed the ponies rather than going to the even, that would get you fired, the lesson was horrible showing that it's ok to solve problems you know nothing about, and the memes just show how little effort or care was put into it, i hope they fire calafonte and get a writer with a brain, and i hope rarity loses her business license, cause she never even MENTIONS having to go to business college, and running business without a licence is ILLEGAL

7240856 Your passion for hatred is almost admirable. If I could, I would put it in a museum for all to witness.
You can say that almost every episode is predicable, and that everything will get resolved one way or another, this is a show about magical cartoon horses with a target audience of little girls so everything usually works out in the end. The interviewer wanted to get the behind the scenes story of the grand opening, something he couldn't get by just attending and seeing the finished product.
But I'm starting to get the notion that you really don't like Rarity period, would that be correct?


7240898 did the episode SAY that, no, all he had to do was review the botique NOTHING ELSE, hence making it so stupid

thsi episode is even worse than newbie dash, an episode that made rainbow dash LITERALLY impossible to like, well this episode manages to make the entire mane 6 impossible to like in one scene, ugh i wish someone could go over to hasbroo studios and shoot calafonte in the face

7240928 You're a pretty violent individual, you know that?
It seem that you're pretty content in just hating this episode. Just as I intend on having enjoyed it.
I do hope that one day you learn to look at things from another angle and just tell yourself 'relax, it's just a cartoon' So I will go back to liking this episode, and you can go around hating it, deal?

How cute. :raritywink:


“But you mentioned a dance club and racoons?”

And Coco is totally going to think that was a fever dream.

Cute slice of life? Count me in! Can't wait for next chapters! :D

This is such a cute story. I hope you decide to continue it.


I did a (sort of) dramatic reading for this. Check it out!

This was adorable

NNNNOOOOOOO! Another unrequited romance? There needs to be a sequel, this can't end this way. :raritycry:

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