• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,607 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 39

I stared at the alicorn across the cabin from me before turning to look at the one next to me. I then turned back to stare at Celestia.

“...Are you high?” I finally asked as I shook my head, “No, wrong question. And am I high? Were there some mushrooms in that salad or something? Because I could have sworn you just said that you set Discord on defeating Lord Tirek?”

Celestia nodded, “I did't. We sent him to find Tirek. If we find him early enough, we have a chance to defeat him. Discord's power is a great boon to Equestria and he did help us in the past and if he don't find Tirek in time, he might be our only chance.”

Luna frowned, “I don't like it. But it is the best option in this case.”

“He helped you from a trap he set himself!” I exclaimed and then let my breath out. Fine. “What about the elements?”

“They are unavailable, they are merged with the Tree of Harmony, healing it after it was drained heavily by the strangle vines.”


I just gaped at her.

Not only did they put a spirit of fucking chaos in charge of stopping what sounded like a unstoppable demon lord, but they didn't even have his leash anymore!?

“Discord is off his leash?” I finally managed to ask, looking up at Luna.

She sighed and pressed her lips together, “It was necessary to save the tree of harmony. When it regained it's power, it destroyed the strangle vines and released my sister and me. Twilight Sparkle had to make a choice.”

I felt like screaming.

Discord released the strangle vines, possibly sometime in the past, and as a result it eliminated the only way to defeat him.

“You seriously don't see that he manipulated events so that he would be released?” I asked, turning to Celestia, “Are you that fucking dumb!? Were you blonde before you turned rainbow!?”

Her ears flicked back and she frowned, “Page...”

“Don't you fucking Page me!” I snarled at her and jumped off the couch, “Because of the fucked up security measures, Tirek is free. Discord is free. There is no way to defeat either of them and if you think Discord won't turn on you the moment your back is turned you are so fucking deep in denial, you can see the pyramids!”

“Page!” Luna exclaimed, “That's enough!”

“And you are just as bad!” I yelled as I turned to her, “What in the fuck, Luna!?”

“It was the only thing we could do. Lord Tirek is already too powerful for me and Luna to defeat and without the elements..” Celestia said quietly as Luna stared at me with wide shocked eyes, her ears folded to the sides of her head.

I just shook my head, “I... I just can't... Discord is a chaos spirit for fuck sake! You are relying on a chaos spirit to do the sane thing!? You know what, no. I can't take this right now. I'm going out.”

“Page, wai...” Luna said but I slammed the door to the train cabin behind myself, finding myself in the corridor of the royal train.

Turning to the left, I headed back through the train.

We were all fucked. There was no way this would end well. Discord would fuck us over, I knew he would. There was no way he wouldn't. It was in his nature and now his leash was done.

The question was just if he was going to twist the world into a pretzel or all the magic is going to be eaten by Lord Tirek.

I was just pissed. I was angry with Celestia, I was angry with Luna and I was fucking pissed about this entire situation. It was selfish. I knew that, but... I had been happy. Now things were going to shit and there was nothing I could do about it.

Ponies were going to be hurt. Griffons, dragons... minotaurs. A lot of different creatures were going to pay for this. Luna...Skitter, Celestia, Swift, Cloud, Silver... Twilight and Rainbow. Everyone was going to pay for this.

I reached the end of the train and stopped, looking out the window at the landscape moving past quickly. The sun was shining outside over the frozen landscape. It didn't look like the end of the world. Not yet.

Looking around I found the train car empty. A bit odd considering the significant support staff. Then again me storming through the train while armed likely did it.

Sighing I sank down on one of the couches, resting my head on my frontlegs. What do we do now? I honestly had no clue.

There were years until the mirror open again so we can't even get out of the universe. If Tirek really was powerful enough that they thought Discord was the only one that had a chance to defeat him...

We are screwed.

I just stared out the window for a long time before there was a sound and somepony jumped onto the couch to settle down next to me. I glanced to the side to see Luna next to me.

Sighing softly I leaned silently against her side, “...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I'm just... afraid.”

Luna settled her wing over my back and then rested her chin against the top of my head, “I know, My Page. I forgive you.. But... you were also right. My sister and I have ruled Equestria for a long time, even before my banishment. There have been mostly peace since then with only minor conflicts. Celestia... no, not Celestia. Both of us... we were complacent. Even before my banishment, I think it's part of what drove my fall.” She said quietly against my mane, “We thought ourselves... undefeatable. In some part, I suppose we still did.”

Frowning, I nuzzled at her neck. That made a scary amount of sense.

“What do we do now?” I whispered and pressed closer against her side.

“We hope.” She answered softly, “We hope Discord is capable and that his chaotic nature causes him to reject his nature to betray us just to be surprising.”

That was just depressing.

Luna nuzzled gently, “When we survive this, I promise you... nothing like this will ever happen again. I will deal with it personally... with you by my side.”

I nuzzled back with a nod before I cringed, “...Now if you excuse me, I think I need to go apologize to Celestia.”

Luna just nodded and lifted her wing off my back to let me off the couch.