• Member Since 11th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2018

Ari Dufresne


In the wake of new technology, Twilight discovers that amplifying her radio to pick up on frequencies over 1000 light years away might not have been the best choice on her part. Inviting her friends, her brother, and the Princesses might have been a worse choice.

First fic, so I would appreciate some constructive criticism to make it less of a dumpster fire.

A/N I own nothing, all content belongs to respective owners.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 30 )

Sequel. Make one. Now.

This a Warhammer 40K story? It seems like one.

Oh hopeless poor creatures of planet Equuis, they just don't know who are they dealing with. May the god Emperor crush their very soul.

I'm not planing a squeal to this. However, I am planing another story that will have the first chapter out either today or tomorrow.


Darkseid is having popcorn.

“Shining Armor, Cadance, Twilight, Luna, Prepare for war.”
HAHAHAHAHahahahaha! :rainbowlaugh:

7436760 why can't we see just what happens after Twilight tells the imperium of man to surrender? And what happens when the imperium attempts to obliterate the Equis warships?

I had no intentions of continuing the story, but I might write a few chapters with different endings.

i wonder if they would get tempted by the power of chaos and discover the true horrors both mental and physical of that galaxy there some nasty things that won't stop for friendship... and technically the empire of man did trust once but it got one too many knives in the spine

“We have arrived.”

I'm guessing they don't about the Imperium Battlefleet Solar and the planetary defenses on Luna (The moon not the pony). Also after the attack is stopped (I'm guessing Terra would have a better defense force after the Horus Heresy and the army the ponies and their allies made would probably not be as powerful as Horus's traitor legions and certainly not as experienced as them) wouldn't the Imperium attempt to find and destroy the planet Equestria is on for revenge for attacking what is to the Imperium the holiest place in the galaxy.

I did enjoy reading this and I hope you plan on making a sequel or at least a few extra chapters in the future.

Good luck Twilight, because let's be honest, you're going to get fucking curb stomped. It doesn't help that we know why the Imperium declared exterminatus and how things are in 40k and as such they're inherently more sympathetic.

And then poor Twilight and all the ships with her got blown to bits because her armada is drawn from 1 world while the imperium has so many that they loose them and don't even notice. :pinkiesad2:

What happens next??? More Please.

and the didn't get corrupted by warp entities during the travel? the daemons are not exactly united and the unicorns would have a psytic footprint like an eldar, basicly atracting daemons without geller field tecnology also warp travel is not instantaneous and how did they get the coordinated from terra?

7490987 also the ordo malleous on Titan (saturn)

The ponies are being ass holes in this story, they never stopped to think of the most likely good reasons for the planet to have been annihilated.

it was none of their business either.

Meh, there aren't enough stories with ponies in the wrong.

Though I can sort of understand. I mean, if you're a creature that tries to get out of killing even when it's perfectly justified, imagine how you'd feel about someone destroying an entire world, just like that.

Besides, isn't this basically America, bringing Freedom and Democracy in convenient cartridges? ;-]

Tearing nose. There are no good reasons. The Imperium is literally the embodiment of everything any decent human being should loath. A group of xenophobic psychopaths that justify killing billions of beings for a very few being corrupted and use their godemporer (who is not a god, nor anything resembling a good person or ruler) as an excuse to do so. Ponies on the other hand have a literal goddess (or 3) to guide them, have no major conflict in the last 1000 years and try everything they can to solve problems without fighting. Thats not to say each side os one dimensional. Obviously humans in warhammer have to deal with daemons and ponies have their own less than desirables (blueblood cough cough) but on the whole the Imperium itself makes zero sense in the way they fight the daemons, the human civilization shown in the series has major plot and moral holes and ponies are by far a superiour moral species when comparing the two. As to them staying in their own business, ill draw everyone to an important quote, all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Or as i can rephrase, when good people get told to "mind your own business" its a convenient way to shame people for trying to stop bad people. Case in point, we should all mind our own business and leave wife beaters alone, or child abusers, or people that kill others....or a civilization that commits genocide at the drop of a pin and slaughters millions of its own (psykers) just for being born different, hitler would be so proud.

Not a single person even implied that the Imperium is morally superior to Equestria, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to bring it up. I did get a chuckle at the comparison between daemons and Blueblood. Extradimensional entities that simply cannot be killed by traditional means, and exist to spread their unique brand of literally soul-rending agony in order to empower themselves, just so they can do it all over again, or a snobby, uptight noble.

On a more serious note, the Emperor is a god. Whether he wants to be one or not, in a setting where having enough beings believe in something makes it real, with countless trillions of people believing the Emperor is a god, he's almost certainly become one. He's definitely far more powerful than the princesses. The thing is that unlike ponies, who get to live in a utopian land where even the most hostile civilizations are at worst described standoffish and whose country is more powerful than pretty much any that might try to fight them, in 40k everything wants to exterminate humanity (and everything else) and is perfectly capable of doing so if given the right chance.

Seriously comparing the two as you've done is nothing short of absurd, and the fact you say "there are no good reasons" shows you have a poor understanding of both 40k and actual morality. What's the greater evil ending the suffering of millions, or letting them continue to suffer while sending millions more to their deaths in a fruitless attempt to reclaim the planet?

“Shining Armor, Cadance, Twilight, Luna, Prepare for war.”

I know Celestia's made some bad calls in the past, but what in the hell is this?!

He is a completely useless character and I don't even watch the show hell I've never even been really That Into My Little Pony I just read the fanfics simply for the shitz and Giggles because well I'm bored plain and simple from what I've actually seen of the show Celestia's guards are premature serve as little more than well ceremonial guard hell even the guards from Elder Scrolls V Skyrim are even more competent than her own guard forces and that's actually rather funny

You must be extremely new to Warhammer 40K or that you know virtually nothing about it here's a little thing for you every action commit by the Imperium is completely and utterly justifiable and really don't bring more modern standards of morality into 40K they have virtually no place

I wasn't talking about Shining Armour specifically, just the fact that Celestia wants to declare war on the Imperium. It's so mind bogglingly ooc, as well as being completely suicidal, that I had to comment. The disparity in power between the Imperium and Equestria is far too great for the latter to even register on the former's radar. Celestia and Luna aren't even particularly powerful, since they clearly move sun and moon through hax rather than pure magical might.

and now equestria is fucked if thay attack

What the navie and innocent equestrians are about to do will be the dumbest mistake they will ever make in their small, pathetic, miserable existence in the universe. Honestly, it's none of their god forsaken business of what the Imperium does in their part of the universe.

Because one does not simply declare war on the Imperium of Man and expect to come out of it victorious or even in one piece, for that matter. If anything, the equestrians are in for a rude awakening, and they will soon learn that the vast and deep universe is a very dark, cold, and harsh place to live in, which contains all sorts of horrors beyond their comprehension.

The Imperium of Man will be the least of their worries. Let's not forget about the Eldar or the Tau. And may the gods help them if they come across the Orks on their path of galactic-scale carnage known as the WAAAGH!, or encounter the eldritch hordes of the Tyranids, or the relentless mess-armies of death machines known as the Necrons. Pray for their pathetic souls if they encounter the four Chaos Gods, each one makes Discord himself look like an absolute saint by comparison.

Because in the grimdark of the far future, there is only war...


Yeah, they just signed their own death warrants along with every single creature on their home planet.

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