• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,027 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Good Things Never Last

-1 month later-

As Corrin finished his shift at the library for the day he quickly walked towards the front of the room before he said to Bookmark “Anything else you need from me today boss?”

Bookmark looked to Corrin and nodded. “There is one thing. Princess Celestia asked for a book to be delivered to her. It's a book about old folklore and songs that Ponies used to sing.” He said. He then handed the book desired to Corrin. “She should be in her room. That will be all.”

“No worries. I’ll deliver that to her… if I’m lucky she’ll be around.”

Bookmark nodded. “I'm sure she will be. No worries my boy. Also, before you go, here's your payment for the day.” He then handed Corrin an amount of about $30. “That's for all your hard work this month. Keep it up!” Bookmark smiled.

“Thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Corrin replied as he walked out the Library.

He then headed towards Celestia’s room. However, before he could knock, he heard singing. A familiar singing that made him widen his eyes.

“You are the ocean’s grey waves...destined to seek life beyond the shore...just out of reach… She sang from behind the door. Corrin was surprised at this. He then decided to feign ignorance for a bit and knocked on Celestia’s door.

“Huh? Who is it?” Celestia asked.

“Celestia it’s me Corrin, I’ve come to deliver the book you requested… may I come in?”

“I see,” Celestia said. “Before you come in, let me get a bit more presentable. I'm kind of in a mess.”

“No worries,” Corrin replied calmly.

As five minutes passed, the door finally opened to reveal Celestia in a dress and giving off a lovely smile at Corrin. “Hello, Corrin. Come in please!” She then held open the door for him as he walked in. He noticed that the room was slightly messy.

“Thank you, princess, here’s the book you wanted,” Corrin said calmly as he passed her the book. “And may I say you really can sing amazingly well.”

Celestia took the book and blushed cutely. “You really think so?” She asked. “I heard the song from one of my dreams and thought I'd sing it to see if I can memorise it and find it in this book I requested.” She admitted.

She then hesitated, and then asked Corrin something. “Corrin, could you close the door behind you? I want to talk to you...alone for a bit.” She requested.

“Sure fire away.”

Celestia hesitated one more time before hugging Corrin and beginning to sob. “I-I'm so sorry Corrin!” She cried out. “That one time I *hic* yelled at you was because I *hic* had a nightmare and wasn't ready to talk about it. I'm so sorry!” She then sobbed harder into Corrin’s chest.

“And I wasn’t with mine… so we’re equal… you ready to talk about it?”

Celestia nodded. “I'm sure Luna already told you, but I've been having these nightmares or visions a lot lately. I didn't want to worry anyone, so I left them off as nothing, but...”

“Same goes for me… when I said my nightmare was nothing I lied… I guess I didn’t want you to worry either… but maybe… if we are both having nightmares or visions we should tell each other and get it off our heads.”

“Alright, Corrin,” Celestia said, now with a smile on her face. “I guess I'll go first as I really wanna get this off my chest.”

“Fire away, let it all out.”

“Okay.” Celestia then breathed in and out and began to tell Corrin about her nightmares. “You see, I dreamt that I was for some reason in those mythical kingdoms that Luna is so obsessed with. I was then surrounded by shadow and fire. There were...things everywhere. So much death and blood. And in the middle of that, I saw a lone figure praying. Once I walked towards her, she began to sing the song I was singing.”

“That song… do you know it’s name?”

Celestia hummed in thought before replying, “Unfortunately no. But if I had to make a guess, I'd say Lost In Thoughts All Alone.” She said.

“Wait… that song… I’ve heard it before as well.” Corrin said in surprise.

“You have?!” Celestia shouted, surprised. “What does this mean then Corrin? I'm scared.”

“The song itself… nothing, it’s just a song… the Nightmare… I don’t know… but mine… it seemed closer to a vision… one I don’t want to come true.”

“What was it about? Will you tell me?” Celestia asked. “After all, we promised each other to get it off of our chests.”

“You really sure you want to know… mine seemed more real than how you described yours… and…” Corrin said before he stopped.

“And? And what Corrin?” Celestia said, now a small bit nervous.

“You, Luna and your parents were a part of it.”

“Wait,” Celestia said. “Does this mean they know something? After all, I remember father’s outburst during dinner that one night before we were sent to bed.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know… literally on that day all he asked was how I knew the name of the kingdoms… I was honest and said you told me… that was all.”

“I see,” Celestia said with her ears dropping. “Still, please tell me what happened in your own vision. I want to know.” She pleaded.

“Well okay then… but I can’t promise it won’t scare you… it started with an army of soldiers in blue and black armour attacking us here when I got out there they begin to talk about going after… well, you and Luna as they kill everyone in their way… it then flashes to the throne room where they burst in and… kill both your parents… then take you and Luna before… it goes blank as I see someone that looks similar to me approaching before it ends and I wake up… feeling like someone just killed me”

“That IS scary!” Celestia admitted. “Maybe I should have asked.” She muttered.

“I kept that from you and Luna because I didn’t want to worry you with it… I just hope it is a nightmare… but for me… it felt like I was actually stabbed in the back.” Corrin admitted as he began shaking.

Celestia then gave Corrin a hug. “Don't worry Corrin. If anything like that ever does happen, we’ll go through it together. After all, you're like a brother to me and Lulu.” Celestia said with love in her voice.

“If only that could happen… I don’t think we’re any closer to me getting home… maybe I should just leave that as a dream and stay here.”

“Me and Luna will promise to support you, either way, ok?” Celestia said to comfort Corrin.

“You got it… I’m sure you will… and… if Luna hadn’t told you I promise I won’t let anyone take either of you away.”

Little did he know, that fate would rear its ugly head…

-Unknown POV-

I had to hurry. The Invisible Soldiers were making their move. Soon Equestria would fall and I had to make sure that at least the Princesses survived. After all, the prophecy would not be complete without those two.

As I along with my companion Gunter hurried off, we heard explosions in the distance.

“No…” I whispered. “Are we already too late?”

“Remain focused milady!” Gunter said. “Let us make haste!” And with that, we hurried off, faster than before…

-Back with Corrin and Celestia-

Corrin then stopped as he heard an explosion he’d heard all too many times before saying, “No… this can’t be happening… but.”

Celestia was worried. “What's happening Corrin?!” She yelled, scared.

“Remember my nightmare… It all starts with that explosion… that means… it wasn’t a nightmare but a vision… this is not good,” Corrin said as he grabbed one of his swords.

As Celestia watched Corrin grab one of his swords, she looked for something to defend herself and found a naginata nearby. It was also that she remembered something. “Wait! We have to find Luna and my parents too! Before it's too late!”

Before Corrin could reply, an Invisible Ninja appeared in the room and headed straight for Celestia!

“Not a chance you're taking her,” Corrin shouted before he grabbed his one of the tomes from his side before a fireball struck the Ninja distracting him before Corrin swung his sword towards the Ninja’s head, decapitating him.

As Celestia saw this, she nearly threw up but remained strong.

“I’m sorry… this has been seen by me every night since I got here… this will not be the last time I will have to do this… I hope I can change the outcome, though.” Corrin said sadly.

Celestia nodded in agreement. The two then headed towards Luna’s room getting rid of any opposition in their way. It was then that they heard a familiar voice.

“You are about to be served you, cretins!” A dagger flew by and instantly went straight through the head of a Mercenary that was about to attack the two from behind.

Their saviour was none other than Mirror Image!

“My apologies for the delay! What's going on here?” Mirror asked Corrin. “And why is this happening?!”

“I wish I knew… but… I think they're after the princesses… where’s Luna?” Corrin asked hectically.

“Princess Luna? She's currently with my grandfather in a now heavily fortified royal library!” Mirror said.

“We all need to help them, these soldiers are… I hate to say this… but I think their Nohrian and Hoshidan.”

“What?!” Celestia shouted. “Why would they be Nohrian or Hoshidan?”

“Look, right now… who they are doesn’t matter… they got to you easily… that likely means that even the library won’t hold them for long.”

“I see,” Mirror said. “In that case, follow me at once! I'll take you there. Just watch out for any dangerous debris!” Mirror instructed.

The two now three headed immediately to the library where they saw Bookmark bashing some Invisible Soldiers with a cane. “Back away you foul beings! So long as I've got my coffee, you're not going to harm Luna!” And indeed it was true, Luna was right behind him in a corner.

“Oh no… we need to get to them… fast,” Corrin ordered.

“Right!” Celestia and Mirror said in unison. Mirror used his skills with a dagger well and distracted the soldiers along with Celestia helping by increasing his power with her magical abilities. Also, it appeared that when she sung, it rejuvenated people too.

“Keep pushing through!” Corrin shouted as he killed another one of the soldiers around him knowing their movements all too well after each of his visions.

As they continued to fight, a Berserker managed to break in and grab Bookmark, leaving Luna defenceless! Before Corrin could help, a voice shouted, “I will cut you down! Yaaah!” An old, yet seemingly experienced soldier with an armoured thestral as a ride and grey hair appeared. “Ha! War and I go way back!” He said confidently.

“That voice… where do I remember it from?” Corrin muttered before he reached Luna and quickly turned around.

He was greeted by the same man that saved her. He looked at Corrin in confusion before saying, “Who are you? Are you with these soldiers? Speak or else I'll cut you down!” He demanded.

Mirror immediately stood by Corrin along with Celestia. “And who might you be?!” Mirror shouted. “I could ask the same of you!”

“Yeah!” Celestia shouted.

“Both of you… if he’s here to save you all… I’m not against him appearing,” Corrin admitted before he recognised the armour before he said “Wait… Gunter… this is really weird.”

Mirror put down his dagger nodding while Celestia did the same. The man, now identified as Gunter, nodded to Corrin. “Indeed I am. It's strange, you look similar to milady. But I digress. Follow me and I'll help you all escape.” He said.

“Listen… I’m not going anywhere without the King and Queen… I swore to protect them, and that's what I'll do.”

Gunter could see the determination in Corrin’s eyes and shook his head. “Very well.” He said. “Grab Princess Luna and we’ll head to the throne room. I'm sure Corrina will be there as well…”

Mirror complied and grabbed a staff for Luna to heal them with just in case. Luna accepted it gratefully; albeit with shaky hands. They all headed towards the throne room with purpose in their stride.

Gunter quickly and effortlessly cut down anyone in the way, helping Corrin and the others preserve their energy. It was then that they finally arrived at the throne room. However, the doors were broken down, giving them all a bad feeling.

“Oh no… this is not good,” Corrin said as he made his way to the door.

“Agreed lad,” Gunter said. “We should proceed with caution.”

“But what about mother and father?!” Luna shouted scared.

Before anyone could reply, an immense pressure washed over them. It was not just any pressure either. It was pure, focused killing intent.

The group immediately headed in and saw a cloaked figure about to attack a weakened Eclipse, while Eternity was laying on the floor bleeding out.

Thankfully, it appeared the blade was being held back by another's. She looked similar to Corrin but where his hair was cut short her was longer almost reaching half the way down her back, and possessed a similar sword as well. Only it was glowing with a dark aura. She wore a somewhat revealing attire, signifying her class as a Nohr Princess.

“I’m assuming this is the person you’re following Gunter.”

“Aye,” Gunter responded. “Her name is Corrina. But let's spare the chitchat. We have to help her!”

“For once we’re in agreement,” Mirror muttered to himself.

“Agreed,” Corrin replied as he made his way towards the cloaked figure his blade still drawn.

The figure, however, saw Corrin coming and immediately kicked Corrina in the stomach dispatching his blade from hers and parrying Corrin’s. “Show me what you can do...heh heh…” he whispered dangerously.

“Ugh… Both of you get out of here,” Corrin ordered Eclipse and Eternity before he said “Corrina… I need your help to stop this… thing.”

Eclipse helped his wife up and Corrina immediately dashed to Corrin’s side. “So partner,” she said. “What's the gameplan?” She then drew her blade.

“Honestly… each time I had my visions of this… you were never here till after I was killed… so… I have no plan made.” Corrin admitted.

Corrina put a hand to her chin while the figure waited for them to make a move. “I know!” She said. “Why don't I distract him with my Thunder Tome while you find a weak point?” She suggested.

“Wait… are you familiar with the Fire Emblem series?”

“Well, yah!” She huffed. “I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.”

“True… he looks like the guy who killed the queen in the game.”

“That may be true, but I know that's not him. After all, this isn't a game.” Corrina wisely said.

“I know… but the enemies are real… I have a feeling… they are the same as the ones from the games.”

“You DO have a point,” Corrina admitted. Before she could say more, the figure interrupted.

“Looks like I'll attack first then…” the cloaked being then sped to Corrin attempting to cut into his side which he quickly parried before drawing a second Yato before trying to strike him.

The figure grinned but dropped it when he was hit by a Thunder spell, courtesy of Corrina. She then drew a Levin Sword, the blade crackling with energy. She then rushed at the figure.

Seeing the danger, the figure immediately sped away and had to dodge Corrina’s furious strikes. Corrin noted that Corrina fought similarly to Lucian and Marth in the games.

She then managed to temporarily stun the foe with her electric blade giving Corrin a chance to strike. “Now Corrin!” She shouted. “Get him!”

Corrin nodded and at the same time, both struck, defeating the cloaked figure. “What a shame…not bad...” it managed to mutter out before fading in pink flames.

Corrina wiped the slight sweat off her brow and nodded to Corrin in approval. “Good job.” She complimented. “Shall we check on the others? They're most likely with the King and Queen.”

“Yeah… thank you for your help.” Corrin said as he sheathed one of his blades.

“Sure!” Corrina nodded with a beaming smile. “Glad to help a fellow Displaced. But I'll get to that later. Let's go!”

Corrin nodded and the two exited the throne room. There, meeting them was a sad sight. Eternity lay in a pool of blood while Eclipse could hardly stand.

Mirror then looked to the both of them shaking his head on Eternity’s health. She was gone. “As for Eclipse, he’s beginning to fade as well…” Mirror reported with tears in his eyes. Celestia and Luna as well had tears in their eyes.

“No…. this can’t be happening,” Corrin said.

“Corrin…” the king managed to mutter out. “Come closer…”

Corrin then approached the king as he said “Yes.”

“I have a favour to ask before I *cough* expire… Please take good care of my little girls...and from this point on...I name you *cough* as a member of the royal family...my heir…” He then closed his eyes, gone.

Corrin then lowered his head before he said, “I… why would you do that… I can’t lead your people… but I can protect your dau…. No… our family.” Corrin said sadly.

Corrina put a hand on Corrin’s shoulder in comfort. “I'm sorry for your loss, but we have to leave. More of those soldiers will most likely be on their way. I know of a place we can stay in the meantime.”

“Where?” Mirror asked with a shaky breath.

“The Astral Plane.” She answered.

“Oh yeah, we would be safe from both sides there.” Corrin admitted.

“Wait.” Celestia interrupted. “I may know of some things that can help us.” At this, everyone looked at her in slight confusion. Gathering her wits, she continued, “Before mother and father...passed, they told us of some unique items that could help us on our way to defeat this threat. They're known as the Elements of Harmony.” She explained.

“I thought they were simply legends!” Mirror said in surprise, Luna nodding alongside him.

“Yeah, sis. Since when do YOU believe in fairy tales?” Luna asked.

“All legends have a speck of truth to them…. Take Hoshido and Nohr for example, they clearly exist.” Corrin pointed out.

“True.” Celestia agreed, “So why can't we believe that these Elements are real?” She asked to those who were still uncertain.

After a moment of silence, Corrina stood alongside Corrin. “Well, I for one, believe we should do this thing. Who's with me? Gunter?”

“I go where you go milady.” Gunter replied.

“What do you think Corrin?” Corrina asked. “You're the leader in a way after all.” She pointed out.

“If I didn’t trust my family, I'd be a useless brother… I think you're right about this,” Corrin admitted

“Even if they are real,” Mirror said, “Where would we start looking?”

Gunter then said, “Well, there are some ancient texts and maps in the Astral Plane’s library. We can check there.” Mirror nodded in agreement.

Corrina then said, “So...shall I open the gate to the Astral Plane?”

“We should get these things first… what about those caves under the castle?” Corrin said.

“Good point. That just might be a good idea.” Mirror said. “Before grandfather was taken, he showed me a secret shortcut to get out of the castle if there was ever any trouble. Shall I lead the way?”

“That may be a good idea,” Corrin said before he looked to the others and said, “Everyone ready?”

“Let's go!” Luna and Celestia said in unison.

Gunter merely nodded his head while Corrina put her hand on her hip. “You're acting like a leader already.” She complimented. “Why not?” She asked rhetorically.

“In that case,” Mirror said, “Follow me!” The group then followed Mirror Image and eventually reached some underground caves. The only two problems were that the caves had little to no light, and were crawling with Invisible Soldiers.

“Oh dear.” Mirror said. “I never accounted for this! What now?” He then looked to Corrin.

“...How narrow is the passage?” Corrin asked

“Umm…about average. Partly narrow, partly not.” Mirror replied. “Why?”

“I need to be sure… in case…. Something happens.” Corrin replied.

“Alright. But shouldn't someone go with you to be safe?” Mirror asked. “Like maybe Corrina?”

“No… we all go together, we leave one behind and they could be overwhelmed by whoever attacked us.”

“Then I say we get this show on the road! What's the plan then?” Corrina asked.

“I lead in front… Gunter… think you can take the rear?”

“My arm may be slightly rusty, but it's still serviceable Corrin.” Gunter smiled.

“Okay, Celestia, Luna I want you in between all of us, Mirror behind me, Corrina in front of Gunter… everyone okay with that?”

Everyone nodded, then got in the required order as requested. “Before we begin,” Mirror started, “I brought along a healing staff just in case Corrin; should one of us get hurt.”

“Don't forget me too!” Luna said cheerily.

“I didn’t. You're sticking with your sister,” Corrin said.

“Got it!” Luna said.

“Lead us to victory Corrin!” Gunter encouraged. Everyone was then ready.

“Okay, when I start moving, follow me,” Corrin said calmly before he made his way into the tunnel.The others followed shortly after, not knowing that something was watching… it then signalled its partners to follow it and find Corrin and the others.

A few minutes later after fighting their way through multiple invisible soldiers they reached a large open cavern that had little in it except a large tree that looked to be made of some sort of gem.

“Is this what I think it is…? Mirror muttered in awe. Everyone else also had looks of amazement on their faces as well except Corrin who seemed on edge suddenly.

His caution was warranted as suddenly, many Invisible Soldiers led by a Berserker began to surround them. Strategists also prepared to strike the tree with Fire and Thunder Tomes.

“This is bad, they mean to destroy this place,” Corrin said as he began to draw his sword.

Corrina did the same. “So do we make a stand to protect the tree?” She asked.

“I think that may be the best option, if Celestia is right we need to protect this place… Everyone, we need to take them down… but don’t get hurt we may not be able to reach you in time.”

“Right.” Mirror said calmly.

“Gotcha!” Corrina replied.

“Shall we get started then?” Gunter asked.

“Of course,” Corrin said before he quickly turned and charged towards the soldiers that were aiming at the tree before shouting “Leeroy Jenkins!” as he decapitated multiple soldiers as he passed them.

Corrina joined her friend’s side (they were friends now right?) and cut a Strategist in half who was aiming for the tree. “Eat that you sons of guns!” She shouted, completely in the mood for some more fighting.

Gunter decided that it was better to protect the Princesses and used his lance to ward off any foe that dared to come by. A Swordmaster nearly got him when a dagger was thrown into its eye socket, allowing Gunter to finish it off. He gave a nod in thanks to Mirror, who nodded back.

As for the Princesses? They did their part too by healing anyone who got hurt. Almost every enemy was annihilated except for one. It was a Paladin. It raised its sword at Corrin and Corrina in challenge. Almost as if taunting them.

As they looked closer, the figure seemed similar to Xander from Fates...

Corrin then looked to the figure before he said with authority as he placed his sword over his shoulders. “What is your name, as the heir to the throne of Equestria, I wish to know who has slaughtered my people.”

“...I am Xero, Leader of Nohr.” The figure spoke monotonically.

Corrin then looked to Corrina before he said “Your army is destroyed, leave with your life while you still can, I am showing you mercy for the sake of my sisters.”

The figure known as Xero considered his options. On one hand, he could still fight for his lord and master, but on he other, he was outnumbered. In that case…

“I will not surrender unless one of you bests me in battle. Is that fair?” Xero asked brandishing his blade and pointing it at the two.

Corrin then looked to Celestia and Luna before he said “If we do that… my only request is that whoever loses must leave their weapons behind and that you leave my family alone.”

“Such arrogance boy…but so be it. I will not lose though!” Soon Xero began to glow with power as an energy cage appeared around the others preventing them from interrupting his battle with Corrin. “This barrier will disappear once you have won. Now...dance for me!” Xero then charged with his weapon poised to stab.

“As you wish, Xero Prince of Nohr.” Corrin said calmly as he held his Yato firmly in his grasp along with his Tome in the other.

Xero and Corrin then clashed, neither giving the other an edge. Xero blocked when he needed to, as did Corrin. Their blades danced almost unseen to the naked eye. As soon as the battle began to wage a stalemate, Xero stated, “You fight well Equestrian Prince, but I shall finish this now.” Xero then began to back up and shouted “Luna!”

The attack landed and hurt Corrin badly, yet he was able to stand his ground much to Xero’s surprise. ’That blow should've killed him...and yet…’

“You know for a pawn in the schemes of your King… you fight stronger than anyone I have met in my month of being trapped here… it’s sad to say I never wanted to rule… but today your kind murdered my adopted mother and father in cold blood… for that, I can’t forgive you for what you have done.”

“Don't bother boy. One such as myself needs no forgiveness when all he seeks is the thrill of battle!” Xero stated.

“Well… I guess you leave me with no choice then,” Corrin said as he sheathed his sword and grabbed a small stone from a bag at his side before a purple and red stream of energy surrounded him as he body began to change slowly changing him into a dragon.

Xero nearly crumpled in shock at the amount of power Corrin gave off. ’Wh-what is this power?!’ he thought in awe.

As the light faded in Corrin’s place was a white and black dragon that looked towards Xero with almost no look of emotion at all before it roared before locking its eyes onto Xero’s form.

Xero knowing he was now outmatched, nonetheless grinned. This was what a battle should be like! “Heh...ha ha ha! Very well! Let our final clash decide the victor!” He then glowed with an incredible power and prepared a skill known to all as a deadly one. “Prepare for Aether!!!!” The two then charged and in a moment, the air was over as Xero fell to the ground in defeat.

“Blast…*cough cough*” he muttered. “Not bad...Prince of Equestria…”he then passed out and faded into pinkish-red flames, leaving his blade behind...

Everyone was amazed at the incredible power both Corrin and Xero both showed. It was simply awe-inspiring.

Mirror had fainted due to the power being released as Celestia checked him over. As for Gunter, he simply nodded in respect towards both Corrin and Xero.

Luna was ecstatic, though. “My brother can turn into a dragon!! So cool!” Everyone else couldn't help but sweatdrop slightly at this.

Corrin then turned to look at Luna before suddenly roaring at her, the same anger and force coming from him as with Xero.

“Oh no…” Corrina whispered.

“What is it?” Celestia asked with Mirror now fully recovered.

“Since the Dragonstone he used is not attuned to him and it's his first time using that form, he might lose himself if we don't do something!” Corrina responded back in fright.

“Luna! Get out of there!” Celestia shouted, now afraid for both her sister and brother.

“My lady,” Gunter said. “I'll help you calm down Corrin, but we need Celestia to do that.” He said.

“Right!” Corrina nodded. She then grabbed Xero’s sword (which was actually a Wyrmslayer) and stood protectively in front of Luna. Gunter then charged at Corrin as Luna got to safety. Corrina then told Celestia, “You have to sing!”

“But…” She hesitated.

“Do it! It's the only way to save Corrin!” Corrina shouted pleadingly as Gunter was knocked back and Corrin headed over to Corrina, pissed off badly.

“I-I'll try!” Celestia said. She then closed her eyes and began to sing. “You are the ocean’s grey waves…”

Corrin then paused and roared in agony, as if the song was hurting him. Nonetheless, Celestia continued. “You are the ocean’s gray waves, destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach...yet the waters ever change...flowing like time the path is yours to climb…”

As Corrin was distracted, Corrina landed a final blow with the Wyrmslayer (making sure it wouldn't cut too deep) until finally, Corrin roared as he reverted, losing all his energy in the process; to the point of nearly falling unconscious.

Once Corrin reverted back to normal, he began to groan in pain before he muttered “What just … happened… why does it feel like that stupid nightmare again… and why aren't I in my bed like normal?”

Corrina and the others immediately sighed in relief. Corrina, Luna, and Celestia then went over to him as Corrina took Corrin's Dragonstone from his grasp.

“It’s alright Corrin.” Celestia said reassuringly. “You're here with us. Do you remember what happened at all?”

“Ugh… someone… what was his name Zero or something like that… I fought him, was in bad shape then used that stone… then hearing you sing then… well this,” Corrin admitted.

Celestia sighed, thankful that Corrin didn't receive any damage to his head. Otherwise, things would've gotten rather awkward. It was then that Corrina walked up to Corrin and lightly bonked him on the head with a stern expression.

“What was that for?”

“That my friend was for not showing me this stone before!” Corrina said while holding said stone up.

“Like I’ve had a chance… we only just met… and besides… it’s not like I knew that stone would even do that,” Corrin pointed out.

Corrina sighed and pinched her temples. “ Nonetheless, if we did have the chance, you still should've shown me. If your Dragonstone is not attuned to you, you could go insane from the draconic power running through your veins.” She explained.

“Good thing we were prepared for this should it happen.” Gunter said. “It happened once to Corrina as well.” Corrina could only blush a small bit of embarrassment for being in the spotlight now.

She then brought the topic back to its original course. “I understand Corrin. Sorry, I got mad. Here.” She then handed Corrin his Dragonstone. “It's attuned to you now so it should be okay.”

“I hope I never need to use that thing again, god that’s scary… you feel like you're trapped in a cage and can’t escape,” Corrin admitted as he took the stone and placed it back in the bag he got it from.

Corrina smiled. “It's ok. I can help teach ya if you want me to.” She then looked towards the Wyrmslayer she acquired. “Since you fought and beat Xero, this is yours.” She said handing him the Wyrmslayer. “After all, you're going to need diversity with your weapons.”

“Yeah I guess you're right,” Corrin said as he tried to grab the sword only for it to fall from his grasp as he grabbed his shoulder and winced in pain.

“Oh no! Are you hurt brother?” Luna asked worriedly. “I can heal you?”

“I… I’ll be fine… don’t worry,” Corrin replied clearly in pain.

Luna gave a pout and knew he was lying in order not to worry her. “Big brother, I know you're lying. Please let me help!” She insisted.

“Ugh… you’re as hard to lie to as my sister… oh wait,” Corrin chuckled as he realised that she was now his adopted sister.

Luna caught on to the hidden meaning nonetheless and gave a small giggle as well. “Alright, Corrin. Stay still.” She instructed and then used her Mend staff to patch up Corrin’s injuries.

Mirror followed Luna’s example and did the same with everyone else. “There we go.” He said as he and Luna were finished. “What now Corrin?” He asked.

“I guess we get whatever these elements are and get out of here and search for any survivors in the town… although… I don’t hold high hopes on the survival rate of the civilians,” He admitted sadly.

It was then that the tree that everyone began to protect began to glow and blind everyone temporarily. A voice then rang out You wish for the Elements of Harmony warriors of Equestria? It said.

Everyone drew their weapons as they did not know if this voice was friend or possibly another foe. “Who is there?” Corrina said fiercely.

“Corrina… if this person was hostile it would have attacked us when we were getting healed up…. At least I hope I’m right about that,” Corrin admitted only holding his tome.

The voice then said once more, “Be at peace young warriors… I am not your enemy. I know what you have come to seek for. The Elements of Harmony correct?

“We only wish to find them to make sure they can not be used to harm anyone else… if the people who attacked us used them, it could mean the end of anyone that opposes them.”

The voice, which now undoubtedly sounded female, chuckled. “Then look no further brave warriors. For the Elements are here right in front of your eyes.

Gunter then said, “What do you mean?”

I am the Tree of Harmony, and only I possess the power to gift to those the Elements. I can tell your hearts are pure and so, I shall gift them to you in these dark times…

“Gift them us… what do you mean?” Corrin asked.

Listen well,” the voice soothingly said. “When I said I can gift the Elements, it means I can give them to those who are worthy of possessing them. In a way, I'm the guardian; although I have not been up to the task in a while and fell into a deep slumber. Your battle awakened me and I am ready to protect this world by giving you these Elements.

“You mean Equestria… or as it was most likely called before… Valla.” Corrin admitted.

Correct young Dragon Prince.

“I had a feeling that was the case… so… I assume there’s a certain god around here still…. Or is he long gone.”

During my long sleep, there was once one. But now, he has been usurped by another. A creature who’s name I dare not say.

“So there's a creature that's stronger than Anankos around now… that’s just great,” Corrin groaned.

Indeed...however, with these Elements, I'm sure you can win. Forgive me if I had upset you.

“No… not at all… I just hoped that wasn't the case because then I had an idea what to expect.”

I understand. The tree said. “Now, are you ready to receive the Elements?

“...I guess so… but what about you… what will happen after you do this?”

If you think I shall die, I won't. I will merely teleport myself to a new location. Each time someone attempts to find me, I disappear into a newer hard to find location.” The Tree said. “Without further ado, I gift to you the Elements of Harmony. Princess Luna has been dubbed the Element of Laughter, Gunter has been dubbed the Element of Loyalty, Princess Celestia has been dubbed the Element of Magic, you Corrin, have been dubbed the Element of Kindness, and Corrina has been dubbed the Element of Generosity...and finally, Mirror Image has been dubbed the Element of Honesty.

“I don’t know what to say,” Corrin said lost for words.

“All I can say is this,” Corrina said. “This is amazing!”

Indeed. Please use these gifts well. Although I have one more to give you.” A light then flashed and there in front of them were five Master Seals and Five Heart Seals. “Use these to become stronger young warriors...I wish you the best of luck…

Corrin then nodded his head before bowing to the Tree of Harmony before he said “We will use these gifts you have given us wisely.”

Thank you...I now bid you adieu… The Tree then soon vanished in a flash, leaving the others alone.

“Well, talk about a light show.” Mirror said in a joking manner. “What do we do now?” He asked once more to Corrin and Corrina.

A new voice then said ominously “For now you all need to gather allies and begin to help find people to assist you in the upcoming battles.”

Everyone was surprised to hear this strange voice, but somehow knew it was an ally of sorts. Still, Gunter was suspicious. “Then where do we go first?!” He shouted.

A Figure covered in black armour with purple smoke coming off his back, he also had a large sword resting on it’s back then appeared in front of them that said “For now that is not something I can tell you, nor can I lead you… but know this me and my master will be watching you.”

“Master?” Corrina asked in confusion.

“You will learn of us in due time… for now get stronger… and know we will both be watching your progress,” the figure said as he looked up to reveal he had a dark blue face and a short black mane.

“Who are you?” Corrin asked.

“As I said, you will find out when the time is right… but you Gunter… I have a feeling you are well aware of who my master is… don’t you.” the figure said with a smirk.

“Wait...you don't mean…” Gunter trailed off.

“... ah, ah… secrets… wouldn't want him after you after all.” the figure chuckled, “Just know he looks forward to meeting you again in the future.”

A flash of light revealing to be a portal then appeared beside the mysterious figure. It revealed someone in a black coat and it said to him, “Come. The Master has been waiting for both of us to return.”

“Of course… I suppose we have left him long enough… we will see you again soon… Corrin… Crowned Prince of Valla.” The first figure said as they both walked back through the portal as it closed behind them.

“What… how did he…” Corrin replied in confusion.

“I...I honestly have no clue.” Corrina said, her mind too in confusion.

“Gunter… what do you know of these people because they clearly know you,” Corrin asked.

Gunter was silent at first, but then he spoke. “I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you enough. They are retainers to a man that me and Corrina once were in the care of before we arrived here. She doesn't remember because she was a child back then. All I will tell you is this: they're not our enemy. Allies of a sort, though.”

“Why'd you hide this from me, Gunter?” Corrina asked in sadness.

“It was for your own good.” Gunter responded. “Some things are better left a secret…”

“Anyway, we should all get out of here before more of the Nohrian army arrives.” Corrin admitted. At this, everyone agreed and quickly followed Corrin’s lead out of the cave.

Little did they know, the adventure was only beginning...