• Member Since 10th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago

No one is home

The lights are on...


This story is a sequel to Awkward Conversations And Other Stories

Mint Surprise Pastel was not Pinkie Pie, but she used to be. It was another life, and another world, and now that she's passed on it is time for the last part of her story to be told. The story of why she left her home world, and why even if it still existed, she could never have gone back.

This Story is a Sequel to David Silver's One Step, Pink Step., and my own Awkward Conversations and Other Stories.

Also, HiE: so if you hate HiE save yourself the trouble and don't read this story :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 24 )

He even Bagel Swore that he was telling me the truth.

Now I want a dictionary for all those code words even more...and to know how the Bagel Swear goes...and that it doesn't go in the eye. Sugar and frosting may irritate the eye but salt burns(childhood experience, don't ask.)

Even a pinkie promise might have context issues, but a bagel swear was their own special words in their own language. It always meant the same thing. There was no "if you break a bagel swear" because the nature of the words demnded absolute truth. If you break a Pinkie Promise it could end your friendship. There is no "if" with a bagel swear. It is simply the truth. By using the words they knew there was no chance that it could ever mean anything else. The safe words left no room for secrets and lies.

I'm really sorry that I haven't been commenting, Ki, but I have been following along and reading all your stories as you release them! :twilightsmile:

I like the feel of this one and I want to keep reading and see where you're taking it.


7619007 Good to hear from you! I've been meaning to write this one since the end of Awkward Conversations. I hope you enjoy it. Obviously it's not going to be a happy story, but I'm hoping it's sad in the right ways, like Z and Ki's near miss quest to find each other in the coma-verse. :pinkiesad2:

told charlie Twilight just


fought Tyrek


stay at sugar cube corner

Sugar Cube Corner

nd not the good


her o Canterlot


muffi parties


Poor Charlie, he went through so much only to end up being bound by Nefertari...come to think of it, we never did learn what Nefertari intended to do with him, did we?

I this world


invasion of canterlot


some pony hey loved

somepony they

real luna


What i did next


Well, as you've mentioned in a blogpost, she broke the world alright, two worlds to be more accurate and boy did she break it big time. Still, its an interesting way to see what was going through Pinkie's noggin when she hopped through the portal.

7625546 Typos found and sanctioned with extreme prejudice. Charlie met a terrible fate. Will we ever learn what became of his ghost? Perhaps Surprise will somehow reunite with him one day in the spirit world. :pinkiesad2:

7625565 Typos lost to the void.
Surprise indeed learned a horrible lesson about the fragility of reality. It cost her dearly, but it was a lesson that would serve her well when she finally got the chance to make things right in the real world. :pinkiesad2:

they were just both from the same mommy

remove 'just' or replace it with 'even'

He had been by a train

been hit

would ever fell


twisted version of equestria


So Just Desserts was a memorial for her Charlie...the bakery burning down now feels a lot more sad and meaningful than before. And the thing that took Surprise was cancer. I always thought it was something obscure but to be taken down by the dragon...damn.:pinkiesad2:

7631005 Typos buried in a forgotten grave. The story gets a little more upbeat after this, I like to think, anyway. Even if we all know how it ends.

The plot thickens, much like the mood. The past clears.

Sad and dark memories end with hopes for a brighter future, perhaps?

I remember when you explained your feelings about 'happy endings" to me, so perhaps what we have here is a happy beginning, instead?

You're doing good work, Ki. It's not always fun to read, but it's never regrettable, and I hope that makes sense. :twilightsheepish:

Sequel hook line and sinker.

I would have expected Silver to be more affected by news of Surprise' passing. Still, I bet he'll pay a visit to the Pastel family soon...provided whatever Nefertari's actions concerning Ghost Charlie doesn't get in the way.

Even if Surprise intends for Train Wreck to move on, I can't help but imagine the awkwardness that would ensue if he happens to walk in on her when she's talking to Night Watch or the other members of her former herd.

For Pinkie its true.

There is Always time for One Last Game.

The Last Great Hope.

7641561 Honestly I thought of this as a hopeful story. Yes, Surprise Pastel died, and she led a hard life, and followed a very trying path. But in he end she DID get her happy ending. She couldn't bring back her Charlie, and the former human who did eventually walk through that door was a different person than the one she had left, but that would have been the case in any circumstances. As she told the goat, "We find our friends."

Tarotius was at the funeral, in one of his rare appearances outside of the Belfry. So were the Freaks. Surprise felt a special kinship with the ponies from the world she had infected. they never blamed her. Nopony ever blamed her for that. How could they? She had spent every breath on their world bringing smiles and laughter to those who needed it most. On the world of Pink Step they had a saying, "We laugh and giggle at the horrors on the path the devils fear to tread."

Discord wasn't at the funeral. He said he was allergic to funerals because they made his eyes sweat. He did, though, spend a lot of time at her bedside towards the end. Nopony knows exactly what they talked about, but it made her smile, so nopony asked any questions. Surprises last words to the Lord of Chaos were, "Thank you for everything you did for him."

Fast Change stood by her friend and his family that day. She had promised Surprise that she would always look out for Z-978 and Diane, and that she would make sure the latter would grow up one day to be a fine changeling queen. She even held Z and Train Wrecks Daughter, Zilia Face Hugger Pastel while Z delivered a heart-felt (if ometimes confusing) eulogy for her beloved herd sister.

Luna attended the affair incognito, as did Celestia, as Starry Nights and Sunny Days. Luna stood near the back, unable to bring herself to approach the pony Discord refered to as "thier son" in his time of grief. Celstia watched in silence, wondering how much she really had in common with these other Princesses of the day who created soldiers and monsters so casually.

Iam Noone did not celebrate that day. He uttered nary a maniacal laugh. Instead he just quietly got drunk. When Velvet Hammer tried to offer him any comfort or support, he would simply to tell her to go away.


:pinkiecrazy: I told myself I wasn't going to write a funeral chapter, and I didn't. But a small summary for one of oldest followers. :pinkiecrazy:

It won’t ever come to you on it’s on, because bad ponies have taught it that trusting ponies hurts.


but ponies always immediately go <i>there</i> when it comes to “donuts”

italics not working?

I thought about stepping down and passing my Element on to some other ponie.


He said it would be better if ? just wasn’t there anymore.

? = he

7736069 Typos drowned in the author's tears. :pinkiesad2: It serves them right. Let me know what you think when you finish.

7736753 Only spotted this story a week ago, has languished in my tracking list a bit, I'm afraid. do the next chapters today or tomorrow if time allows, it's working for me so far.:pinkiehappy:

7736768 Actually, you reached the end. :pinkiesad2: This leads into David's Silver Shield and current Pony Dreadful. I'm working on the end of the Iam Noone story now in Pony Dreadful, and Surprise and Charlies advetures continue from beyond he grave in Silver shield. :pinkiecrazy:

7736845 I meant i haven't read the last couple chapters yet, I accidentally clicked on the last one without reading it somehow and...

Don't wanna think Resident Evil, T-virus zombies all as good as walking dead already, nothing left of the original. At least P-virus makes nice, good ponies. Or does it??
(Notice Derpy is unchanged, I think she was patient zero)

7736845 Now I'm done on this one.

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