• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


Comments ( 53 )

Ratings are temporarily disabled. This is to prevent drive-by downvotes from anyone who somehow got the impression that this was porn, despite there being nothing to support that impression in the descriptions. There's also no porn or fetish tag. This is in fact a story with structure, plot, and characters that do not predominantly feature the sexual elements, so you're only going to be disappointed. Y'know, just story things, albeit with more morbid trimmings. :ajbemused:

Until now, I've had no foray into long form mature-rated fiction. The closest was Halfway Mare and most of the mature elements to that were just related to descriptions of a corpse. The same goes for my other longer mature story, Bastard Juice. Both were purely for gore at certain parts. This is quite a bit more than that. While I like what I have now and planned for the future, I'm not entirely certain of my ability in this kind of storytelling yet because I'm not fully realized in the art of grimdark. Comments will be particularly helpful. Or you could be the person who just spams my comment section while I've currently kept ratings disabled. That's your call.


I clicked through a combination of seeing your name and that eye catching as all heck cover. I mean, look at that thing.

I need to advertise my taste in both art and gore-related suffering somehow.

A story by Ice Star? What a coincidink, I was just in the neighborhood!

The neighborhood is forbidden because you will be stabbed.

which one comes first Stay Golden or ichor they both say they are both squeals of the other i hate it when this happens

The description of both makes it clear that they are a NSFW version and a SFW one. I use the sequel function to make them easier to find, and have for other stories with the same situation. Please read the description.

I’m not sure what this comment is referring to or if it’s in reply to anything.

The cover art has a AK-47, I hope I see one as I read.

There is a gun, but I didn’t use that kind. I picked one that was more fitting for the setting and level of technology. The cover art was chosen for other reasons, so when was writing I wasn’t sure if I was going to include one at all.

8/10, not enough gore. need moar plz

Excuse me but I did not expect an actual comment on this story aaaaaa

Also heck, I expected to be told I put too much in!

For Victoria era I would suggest watching gangs of New York possibly.

Hey, is there any chance of this getting an update at some point?

Whenever I can manage it. I’ve been swamped and sick a lot lately. This is more likely to update soon enough because it’s got some chapters mostly written but in need of editing. Also, finishing.

wait, does this go before or after Ichor ?

They're the same story, but one is the mature version and one is the teen version. They loop because all my stories that get published this way loop. One does not come after the other. The reader chooses what version they want to read.

Huh. So this is a thing. Part of me suspects that you are going for a mix between Carrie and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But something was already off with Marrigold long before she ever took that Amulet.

11523660 I rarely get comments on this story, so this is a treat for me! Also, I've been working on the updates lately too. Very gradually.

Those are both good choices, but admittedly no to both. Any time you see some pony in my stories who fits the spectrum of serial killer/mass murderer, they're vaguely going to have some nods to real serial killers (which often inspire fictional ones). There is a full list of books that I read in the development of this story and during the actual writing process in the author's note of the epilogue. So, if you stick around to see that, (which I hope you do) you'll get to see it. But if you want to know some names on there, the ones I read about for aiding in the development of Marigold were: Albert Fish, Jack the Ripper, the Cleveland Torso Killer, and Ed Gein. Whether those indicate the direction the story is heading in, I will not say. I will confirm that Marigold, despite her more age-to-productivity ratio, is a lust killer, if that isn't apparent already.

But something as already off with Marrigold before she ever took that Amulet.

Correct. Though I won't ruin my author's foreknowledge and spoil anything about why that may be.

As for the comparisons to Carrie? Since I don't think Marigold's age needs explaining, I'm guessing your thoughts on comparisons to King's book come mostly from her mother, Petunia? After all, Carrie White is an innocent victim up until the very end. She's more of a parable of how some of our contemporary mass killers have come about. Petunia is not based on any one person particularly heavily, nor did any singular mother inspire her. From the early notes of this story (including those that weren't released) and the 2016 version, as short as it was, one can see that Petunia Petals was always intended to be an antagonist in some shape or form. I do occasionally take notes and pull mannerisms from people, but these appear irregularly and often appear in characters without a logical pair -- example: a character who I gave a few mannerisms a friend may have is not likely to be friends with my favorite character in the story, nor will a character analogous to me really exist in the story. I just need inspiration fodder. Petunia Petals happened to have a significant amount of her quirks lifted from my own mother because it suits her and gives her the dysfunction necessary for the story. But Carrie is still a very good guess.

Well dang, the Amulet reached out and got her, pretty much. I do enjoy this story, its bleakness is an interesting change of pace.

Thank you! I can promise the end won't be totally bleak -- depending on what you count as bleak.

I only noticed this story because the Fimfiction algorithm made appear the T version the featured list, and the fact that my main yet woefully developmental hell The Symphony of Canterlor is listed as a similar story to this one.

...how on earth did the t-rated version make the featured list? The rating is currently disabled.

I have no idea. Or maybe I am confusing it. Point is that I stumbled upon it by chance and one of my works is considered similar by Fimfiction.

I've found plenty of stories that way before too, and the one you wrote was actually on my read it later for some time. I just don't think stories with ratings disabled are able to get in the feature box.

I was mistaken. In truth I saw stories up loaded in one of my groups. Basically my curiosity made me jump. Sorry about that.

Oh, it's fine. I don't usually see group ownership since I add from story pages.

what is the difference between this story and Ichor?

It says in the short description what the differences are, as well as the long description. Please read those before commenting.

Apparently, only the rating is the difference between the two. Ichor is meant to be SFW, while Stay Golden is NSFW.
Hopefully this will make sense, as this is what the author intended from previous comments...:pinkiehappy:

OK, so the only thing is the amount of description involved in some scenes or their complete omission. I've seen stories that have had SFW and NSFW versions and they looked nothing a like by the end. That's why I asked.

They state that they are different in both descriptions.

Nice to know this is being continued. Strange to see just how warped wee Marigolds perception is at that age and while I would say I'm surprised at her lack of common sense, given her home life and level of education it really isn't all that surprising.

I have a backlog of chapters being prepared for publishing. It’s so wonderful to get a comment on the story itself for a change.

Oh Marigold, what a tragic little fool you are.

I enjoy seeing wee Marigold from an alternate perspective. She seems odd but ambitious to someone else who doesn't truely understand her circumstance. Though now it must be said that I fear for that blokes safety, even if she doesn't really go for stallions (if I read her distaste correctly in the last chapter).

Correct. Since her motivation for killing is sexual sadism and she’s a lesbian, Marigold all but avoids stallions except in more opportunistic cases.

oh, I see. Petunia is a goddamn lunatic

This was added to the 'snuff' group despite not being porn, and literally being an inversion of that genre. C'mon folks.

Never read any of The Ripper letters but goddamn does that suit Marigold.

I know, right? I always love borrowing tidbits of things for reference potential.

Goldener is awesome ♥️

I see her worldviews been made into her mothers

Something like that. They do have notable differences, but both are similarly heartless and hedonistic.

They have a very low bar when it comes to insulting the princess.

She's not made of glass!

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