• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


When Twilight and Spike are summoned by Rainbow Dash to Zecora's hut, they're alarmed to discover that Fluttershy has a parasitic plant attached to her back. Unfortunately, getting rid of this monstrosity is only one of the problems they'll have to confront...

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 20 )

The cover art is a screenshot from Hurricane Fluttershy, right?

I( can tell this'll be an interesting story. I'm looking forward to the next chapter already.

Not had a chance to read yet, but the premise is more than enough to land this on my read later, and I will follow you for more interesting things.

This looks to be fascinating. You've got multiple conflicts going on on top of the main one, and so far everyone seems to be in character.

Now, as for that parasitic plant, there's several things they can try to do.

Plants often have day and night cycles. One thing they could suggest to slow it's activity is to keep Fluttershy out of direct sunlight. Perhaps not total darkness, but just don't have her go out, put blinds on the windows, and such. That might suppress some of its growth if it does in fact need sunlight.

Secondly, if it is parasitically merged just cutting it off might not work, or it might, depending on scale. What I mean is if it's somehow fused her nervous system into it (despite plans not having nervous systems), then she might feel the flower parasite. In which case, I would say this is certainly a magical plant, if it is even one, because no real world plants have nervous systems which could even theoretically be fused with a host organism.

So, cutting off bits of it might not work very well. However, if there is a large central stock or severe smaller ones, a rapid, split second cut to detach the flower might be enough to kill the plant entirely. However, what its tendrils might do in such a situation is entirely unknown. They might just go dormant without the rest of the plant to give it orders, alternatively they might kill Fluttershy- although I doubt this. Why? Any parasite that kills its host immediately probably would not naturally develop.

Poison is a difficult subject as while it is almost certainly vulnerable to poison, so is Fluttershy. Twilight would have to find a poison that would only affect the plant, but is harmless to Fluttershy.

One big problem Twilight addresses is how many unknowns are here. What is the parasites end goal? Does it want a mobile reproductive host? If that's the case-that is, it merely wants to be able to spread its seeds far and wide-then the strain on Fluttershy might be bearable, at least int he short term. However, if it wants a host specifically for the nutrients and energy it can acquire, then Fluttershy might be on borrowed time.

Regardless, you have caught my attention.

but if there’s one thing we need, it’s the right tools and as many measurements as we can get.

No, Twilight, what you need is to wring Fluttershy's and Rainbow's necks until they tell you what happened. :facehoof:

Also, you might consider consulting with the several-thousand-year-old entities you happen to be friends with. :rainbowlaugh:

7917948 My initial thoughts are 1) find a cockatrice and aim it at Fluttershy, then remove the plant; 2) teleport Fluttershy but not the plant; 3) transmute Fluttershy (or the plant) into something else; 4) Rainbow Power; 5) Discord*. :rainbowlaugh:

* Discord, of course, would ruin way too many stories, so really we can exclude that option. :twilightsheepish:


It's from "Magic Duel", specifically the part where Twilight figures out how to beat Trixie. I liked the simple homey look of the scene, the way Twilight's making notes while Zecora and Fluttershy are looking on. Admittedly, there isn't actually a scene in this fic that'll look exactly like that, but it borrows elements here and there, and it was close enough.


Always good to hear. Might take a while, mind, but it'll get there preferably before St. Valentine's Day. I've got a bit of work to do first.


:fluttershysad: Oh, you poor unfortunate soul. What have you gotten yourself into? :applecry:

:scootangel: Nah, I'm pulling your leg. Thanks for the follow! I will do what I can to justify it. :rainbowdetermined2:


:raritystarry: My, my! I don't even remember the last time someone showed this much enthusiasm for my work. It is extremely gratifying... if a teensy bit worrying. Seriously, there are some good suggestions in there I hadn't thought of. I particularly like the "direct sunlight" and "split-second cut" points.

Now hoping like heck I don't mess this up somehow. :twilightblush:


:trollestia: Neck-wringing. Interesting tactic, but I don't think it'd look good on the Princess of Friendship's portfolio. Besides, she's an alicorn with connections. She'll have this plant off in a couple of chapters like nothing. Right?

And ah yes, reformed Discord, the fanfiction writer's constant game-breaker. To be fair, the show's just as happy to put him on a bus when it suits the plot, so eh. (All the same, this would have made a lot more sense pre-Season Three.)

Thank you all for the enthusiastic comments! Always a pleasure to see others enjoying the results of my efforts. :yay:

7918846 Okay. Please enjoy your work that you need to do first.

7918846 I forgot to mention, 1) it suspiciously reminds me of a Slaver Sunflower; 2) it might be a Supox, try talking to it; and 3) has anypony tried smoking it? :rainbowlaugh:


Thank you for your patience, Flutternight. The next chapter is here, as promised. I hope you enjoy it, and I apologize for making you and everyone else wait so long. It's been one of those fortnights, sadly.


Funny you should mention the slaver sunflower... which by the way are absolutely terrifying in Ringworld. They're gonna take over, and there's nothing the inhabitants can do about it...

As for 3)... :ajbemused: Someone just had to ask, didn't they?

7944552 Hey, they could always call in Treehugger... if anypony would know if it's smoke-able, it'd be her. :rainbowlaugh:

Apologies for being late, but hopefully you can see why it took so long to get this one out. Anyway, here we go: chapter number four, AKA the chapter that justifies the Zecora tag.

And the dark tag.

Really can't wait for the next chapter! :)

8041281 You brave soul, writing all that Zecora dialogue. :rainbowlaugh:


That's what I like to see. Thank you for the comment. :scootangel:


At the risk of boasting, it's not as hard as you'd think. The hard part, if anything, is stopping: so much has to be packed into those couplets, or else you end up with epic-length poetry covering the page. I'm still not entirely sure I got the balance right.

8045394 Well, for my part I think you're doing an outstanding job with it. :twilightsmile:

nice work on all chapters out so far and looking forward to more

Interesting beginning. Wonder what happened between Dash and Fluttershy? I hope this plant doesn't harm Fluttershy further.

What in the world did Spike do that he feels so guilty about? I can really feel the mounting frustration. Exciting scene in the Everfree.

The build-up of the storm was very ominous. Dash's story of the Desolation was very exciting. I wonder how the weather is relating to Fluttershy's condition?

Love the mounting sense of horror, but lucky there's a cure.

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