• Published 15th Dec 2016
  • 11,959 Views, 128 Comments

Together Again and Forever - Wahtiff

Twilight Velvet is dead, and Twilight can only blame herself for what happened. However, when she learns of a secret that her parents had kept from both her and Shining Armor, Twilight goes to visit her former mentor, who seems to be hiding a secret

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Chapter 7: The Gala- Romance Blossoms

“Oh, are you SURE I look okay?” Twilight asked Cadence, who was helping her get ready for the Canterlot Princess Gala. Being the youngest, she would be the last to give a heartfelt speech to those in attendance, and it was almost time for them to make their appearance. Luna had finished getting ready first, with Celestia close behind her. Cadence, though she had been ready a half-hour before, was as familiar with Twilight’s nerves as Celestia was and had stayed behind to help her sister-in-law.

“You look fine, Twilight.” Cadence giggled, running the brush through Twilight’s mane, “You look beautiful, like a princess should.”

Twilight bit her lip, looking at their reflections in the mirror, “What if I make a mistake? What if I make a complete fool of myself? What if-“

“Twilight!” Cadence turned her around and laid her hooves on Twilight’s shoulders, “Read my lips: You. Will. Be. Fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Besides,” Cadence put a hoof over her heart, “the speech you give isn’t planned or written out beforehand. It’s given from the heart, and is what you truly mean. Trust me, as the Princess of Love, I HAVE to give plenty of those kinds of speeches.”

Twilight smiled, but frowned when she thought of Ponyville, all of a sudden, “I wish my friends could be here.”

“I asked them, told them that they were invited,” Cadence sadly said, “but they were all busy. Rarity wanted to come more than anything, as did Pinkie Pie for the party, but they both had their own duties to come first.”

Twilight nodded in understanding, but then smiled, “There will be cameras out there, right?”

Cadence nodded with a smile, “And one or two journalists who are going to write down complete transcripts of our speeches. Trust me, your friends will know what you said by tomorrow morning. Frankly, I bet they’ll still be a bit surprised that you’re still in Canterlot at just the right time to take part. It’s definitely easier than forcing you to fly to and from Ponyville or riding the train.”

“I just hope I say something good enough for everypony to like.” Twilight said.

There was a knock at the door.

“Yes?” Cadence asked.

Shining Armor peered in, “It’s almost time.”

“Alright, sweetheart, we’ll be out in a sec.”

Shining nodded and closed the door, leaving the two princesses alone once more.

“Just remember, Twilight,” Cadence put a hoof over her heart again, “to say what you really mean. Nothing scripted, just speak.”

Twilight nodded, “Got it.”

“Good. Now let’s get moving. The show is about to start.”


They emerged from Twilight’s room and headed for the grand hall. Outside the large, closed wooden doors, they found the rest of their group: Celestia, Luna, Shining, and…

“Princess Twilight,” The other Royal Guard present stepped forward, bowed briefly, and removed his helmet to reveal the smiling, handsome face of the pegasus Flash Sentry, “I must say you look really lovely this evening.”

“Thanks, Flash.” Twilight said, blushing.

Shining looked at his friend, “Why so quick to complement her, Flash? You wouldn’t happen to LIKE her, would you?”

Flash panicked, his wings twitching, “What!? No, no, no, Cap’n! I mean, wait, I mean-“

Cadence stepped forward, leveling a glare at her husband, “Do you always have to embarrass your friends like that in front of everyone else, Shiny?”

“Sorry.” Shining apologized, practically bending to his wife’s will, but he was smirking.

Twilight smiled and stepped forward, nodding her head to Flash, “I take it you would like something from me?”

Flash blushed, but still had the courage to offer his hoof, “Well, Milady, it would be a big honor if I was to escort you to your seat for the evening.”

Traditionally, starting with Celestia’s parents, Royal Guards who were either sweethearts or really, really close friends to the princesses were allowed to ask if they could escort the princesses down the center aisle of the grand hall to their thrones before they left to join the ranks of the other guards during the speeches. Also, if their princess allowed them, they could sit next to their throne and enjoy their company for the evening. Shining, being Cadence’s husband, had been the only one to have that honor before Twilight’s ascension. Recently, however, Twilight had managed to find a really close friend in Flash Sentry. It was not a stretch, of course, to say that they might’ve had crushes on one another though Twilight was actually better at keeping her affections hidden from the young pegasus stallion.

“Then escort me, you shall, my dear guardsman.” Twilight giggled, briefly taking Flash’s hoof in hers. The stallion flushed red, but a relieved smile was on his face.

Perhaps I should ask him out sometime. Twilight wondered, wanting to at least try her hand at romance one day.

Celestia stepped forward. In addition to her usual tiara, to keep her hair enchantment active, her appearance was like that of a daytime sky. She wore a dazzling dress made of sky-blue cloth with gold accents. On her feet were silver slippers, the color of which joined with her white coat to represent clouds. Embroidered on the side of her dress, in gold thread, was the symbol of her sun-shaped Cutie Mark.

“Are you both ready to speak to the crowd?” She asked. Twilight and Cadence both nodded with confidence.

“That is good. It really is exciting, getting the chance to hear our new princesses speak. Until now, it has only been Tia and I.” Luna stepped up next to Celestia as she spoke. The Princess of the Moon wore a dress embroidered, though with her own Cutie Mark, like her sister’s, but the overall color of the simple dress was navy blue with silver dots all along it to represent stars, while dark grey slippers on her hooves symbolized clouds at night, with her tiara completing the outfit. Both princesses truly looked like living embodiments of the sky overhead in that moment.

Cadence giggled and Twilight beamed proudly at Luna’s words. Celestia took the moment to look over the two younger princesses, and she was proud of what she saw in her former student and her adoptive niece.

Cadence wore her tiara and a dark red dress, the color of a rose, that was embroidered with her Cutie Mark but was also decorated with hearts and rose-petals, definitely befitting of the Princess of Love- though she chuckled at how it contrasted greatly with Shining’s bright gold armor. The stallion himself actually seemed to be looking at his armor with a bit of disgust, obviously wanting to match Cadence in attire, but there was little choice for him with what little time they had left.

Celestia felt proud as she looked at Twilight. Like the other princesses, Twilight wore an outfit that made her appear to be a living embodiment of her title and talent, and Celestia was overjoyed at the thought of this being her first time speaking as herself in the eye of Equestria’s nobility, whereas she had been forced to be nothing but humble and respectful to them in the past couple of years since her coronation. This was going to be her chance to share her OWN ideas, and voice her OWN opinions, to those who she would normally say ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ to, according to her royal duties. Her dress, as hard as it had been to represent Friendship, definitely succeeded. The cloth itself was covered mainly in twinkling stars, and embroidered with her pink-and-white star-shaped Cutie Mark, all against a black background. On her feet were simple slippers in a royal purple color, while around her neck there was a charm necklace bearing golden replicas of the Elements of Harmony that jingled when she walked. Her mane retained its usual style, like the other three princesses, but the tiara she wore on her head was different from her usual one in that it was made of silver and not gold- the same style, but replicated in silver to go better with her outfit.

It wasn’t Rarity-fabulous, but it was definitely breathtaking even for Celestia in that moment.

Inside the grand hall, trumpets blared from behind the doors, signaling that it was time for everyone to get into position. Celestia and Luna stood side-by-side in front, with Cadence and Shining behind them with their sides brushing together. Twilight and Flash stood together behind her siblings and smiled at one another.

“You really do look beautiful,” Flash said, “I mean it.”

“I know.” Twilight surprised both of them by tilting her head up and kissing him on the cheek. Even with his helmet on, Twilight could see his blush clearly and she felt his wings twitch against her side, “Thank you.”

“Alright, you two,” Shining looked back at them with a faux-serious expression, “new rule: at least five feet away from each other for the rest of the night.”

Both Flash and Twilight both opened their mouths to protest, but Shining’s knowing smile revealed to them that he had only been joking- or was it the fact that Cadence had not-so-subtly stomped on his hoof to make him change his mind so quickly?

“Ladies and gentlecolts,” Twilight’s friend from school, and a Guard herself, Ivory Rook, began to speak as the large doors opened to reveal the grand hall, “presenting Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Canterlot!”

Celestia and Luna stepped through the doors, beginning to make their way down the aisle and through the crowd towards their thrones for the evening.

“Presenting Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire, accompanied by her husband, Prince Shining Armor!”

The two aforementioned ponies began to make their walk through the applauding crowd, leaving only Flash and Twilight.

“And now, presenting Canterlot’s latest addition to the royal line: Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, accompanied by Commander Flash Sentry!”

The applause grew louder as they began to walk side-by-side down the aisle. Twilight was surprised at how well she was taking all the unwanted attention that night. Whether it was because Flash was there with her, as nervous as she was, or something else, she did not know. There was one question she had for him, however.

She whispered out of the corner of her mouth, “Commander?”

Flash nodded, “I was promoted just last week. Captain Shining Armor still has his rank in the guard, and they didn’t want to replace him JUST yet."

“Are you sure about that?” Twilight deadpanned, keeping her eyes forward and smiling at the nearby ponies who were clapping for her, for the both of them.

“Okay, MAYBE I had to beg them not to promote me that far, but come on, you know how good of an operator your brother is. He’s training the Crystal Empire’s Royal Guard personally, after all. Despite that, for whatever reason he asked ME to 'help' him- as if he needed help in the first place.”

Twilight nodded, her smile never fading. Despite their differences in rank, Flash and Shining would always be friends and partners to the end, looking out for each other just like they would with her, and if there was one thing Twilight had learned from her studies in Ponyville, it was that such close friendship like THAT never faded unless you tried to break it.

Not they ever would, of course. Twilight had been down that road once with the rest of the Elements of Harmony. She didn’t want to make THAT mistake, again.

They soon arrived at her throne, and Flash bowed to her once before positioning himself with his fellow pegasi and unicorn guardsmen, off to one side of the dais where the thrones were set up. After a moment, the crowd quieted down and Celestia stepped off of her throne, walking up to the edge of the dais and sitting, looking down at the gathered nobility with a smile before beginning her speech. It was short, Twilight recognized one of Celestia’s trademark four-hundred word speeches, but it was received positively by those present. The princess spoke of upcoming events and recent happenings and her own views on them, before ending with a hopeful wish for everlasting peace in Equestria.

Luna was up and giving her own speech before the crowd could even applaud for Celestia. Unlike Celestia, who was all serious, Luna’s speech was a mixture of hard seriousness and soft humor which earned quite a few laughs from the audience. The lunar diarch spoke of how pleased she was that many more ponies were staying up later to enjoy her beautiful night sky, and made a point at looking towards a small group of ‘professional’ astrologists when she said her final joke,

“Let us just be clear on one thing, my dear researchers: There is truly a very good reason I put that flower-shaped constellation in the sky.”

One of the researchers, known to be one of the most annoying nobles in court, stepped forward with a glint of piqued interest in his eyes, “What was the reason, your highness? Some scientific, magical or mysterious reason, I presume? What is the flower’s meaning?”

Luna smirked, “I just thought it was pretty, like ALL of the constellations I put up there!”

Her fellow princesses couldn’t help but join in the eruption of laughter that exploded in the hall at that one. The researcher, for all good reasons embarrassed beyond belief, quietly slunk back into the group and the humiliated astrologists proceeded to move to a secluded corner of the hall where they would be away from most prying eyes.

Luna strode back to her seat, and Cadence took her place. The Princess of Love began to tell of how proud she was to see new love of all kinds blossom every day between friends and family, as well as lovers. The former foal-sitter also spoke of her life in the Crystal Empire with Shining and how, before they had met, she had not even considered what the love she helped to share among ponies was truly like until then. She continued with her heartfelt words, and by the time she was done, everyone in the hall, including Twilight, Celestia, and Luna, all had tears in their eyes from hearing the lovely speech of the pink alicorn.

She truly has a way with words, Twilight thought, then realized what was about to happen, unlike me!

All eyes in the grand hall were suddenly on her, and without hesitation, Twilight slowly stood from her throne and walked to the edge of the dais. She sat, and for a brief moment, she simply gazed upon the excited, expectant faces that were all staring at her.

Okay, Twilight, remember what Cadence said: from the heart.

She took a deep breath and, much easier than she expected, began to say what was on her mind.

“First off, I would like to join my fellow princesses in welcoming you all to this celebration. I, for one, am honored to have you all here this evening.”

A short applause from the crowd. So far, so good.

“I will admit,” Twilight said, “to this day, it is very hard for me to look down at you and call you subjects, when not too long ago I was just like the rest of you: born to a noble family, like many in Canterlot, and taught in the ways of magic like all unicorns are- including my brother, Shining Armor,” Twilight nodded to her brother, who smiled in return, “and my sister-in-law.” Looking back, Twilight shared a smile with Cadence before returning her attention to the audience, “But let me ask you all one question?”

Everyone, even the normally indifferent and stern pegasus legionnaires, leaned forward in anticipation.

“Has there ever been a time in your life, where you felt inadequate?” Twilight asked, to which she received a few confused glances, “Many look at ponies like me and probably think ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle, she MUST be the most perfect pony I’ve ever seen’, when in fact there is some truth they do not know- so hidden insecurities that you know you have?”

Off to the side, the Wonderbolts had gathered alongside their fellow pegasi. From Soarin, Spitfire, and all of them, she received nods.

“I have felt that way, because I am not perfect. I used to look up to my idols and think that they were the best image for me to follow. But, as I just recently learned,” Twilight glanced back at Celestia, who gave her a smile, “we are not all perfect. In the end, we are all flesh and blood. Me, my fellow princesses, all of us were born into our own families at some point and had to learn what we know to this day.”

In the audience, many ponies looked at one another and nodded their approval at her words.

“I am now the Princess of Friendship, but I am not the best at my position and I know that very well, but so far you all have been patient and have helped me grow into this position, to help me learn politics and leadership almost as easily as I learned magic. Therefore, tonight, I would simply like us all to treat one another as equals, to teach each other and learn from one another as is our nature.”

Twilight bowed her head, nodding to the audience, “Tonight, we are not pegasi, unicorns, Earth ponies, or alicorns. Tonight, I simply wish us to be Equestrians, to be just ponies in general.”

For a moment, there was a deathly silence in the hall, but Twilight actually felt better. She felt proud that she had been able to say what she had to say, and she was shocked by how EASY it had actually been to just pour her heart out. Now, all that was left was the audience’s response.

She got it in the form of cheers and applause that was far louder than it had been for the other three alicorns. Bowing, she returned to her seat, and noticed that the other three princesses were applauding as well. Had her speech really been that good?

To Celestia, it was and so much more. Throughout all of Twilight’s speech, she had felt proud of her, to see her ‘most faithful student’ and fellow princess repeat the lesson that Celestia had taught her in the library, mixing it with Twilight’s past fears of inadequacy as a princess. She had been a leader, Luna had been a comedian, and Cadence had been heartwarming, but Twilight? Twilight’s words had been like theirs, straight from the heart, but they held something that no other alicorn could ever hope to receive from their people, even for one night.

That something was equality.


Once the energy that had come as a result of Twilight’s speech had died down, the hall was quick to fill with the sounds of soft ballroom music and conversation amongst the ponies. The princesses continued to sit on their thrones, conversing with one another. Shining, now that the speeches were over and the guard detail dismissed to their usual posts, had walked up to sit on a cushion beside Cadence’s throne, nuzzling his wife in greeting before joining in the conversation.

It hadn’t been five minutes since Shining arrived that Twilight felt somepony’s eyes on her. With a smile, knowing who it was, she turned and saw Flash Sentry standing a few yards away, almost as if he was trying to remain unnoticed. Twilight cast a curious look at him before he realized that his eyes were darting back and forth between her and her siblings.


With a giggle, she beckoned him over with a hoof. He blushed, realizing that he had been caught, but after a hesitant moment he slowly walked up with his wings tight against his sides. Twilight motioned to a nearby unicorn servant, pointing her hoof at Flash, and the servant was quick to get the message and bring a cushion for the pegasus to sit on. Flash cast her an embarrassed look, but she smiled knowingly, and he didn’t complain as he moved to sit beside her on her left side. He took off his helmet, and took a moment to shake out his handsome dark-blue mane.

“Thanks.” He said, nodding to her.

“You walked me in,” Twilight told her friend, “so the least I can do is this.”

He was silent for a moment, his hooves shifting nervously, “That was, um, a beautiful speech.”

“I guess it was, wasn’t it.”

“No, it really was.” He said with a sincere tone, meeting her eyes, “And to be honest, everything you said was so true. I couldn’t stop listening.”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. Seeing this, Flash was quick to explain himself- or try to, at least, “Well, you see, I-“

“Problem, Flash?” Shining suddenly spoke up from their right, followed by a giggle from Cadence.

“N-no, no problem!” Flash said, stammering. Twilight cast a glare at her brother, letting him silently know how nervous Flash really was at the moment- and that jokes were not helping. Shining got the message and made the motion of zipping his lips shut.

Twilight suddenly felt a new pair of eyes being cast in their direction, and this time when she looked, she saw that Celestia was casting a suspicious glance their way, or rather, FLASH’S way. The guard, realizing this, started to shiver from the wingtips to hooves with nervousness. Twilight looked at Celestia questioningly, and Celestia considered her for a moment before smiling and looking away. Luna, meanwhile, was struggling not laugh at the silent exchange between both princesses.

“Is there something wrong, Flash?” Twilight asked, finally focusing her attention on the stallion next to her.

Flash looked unsure for a moment, glancing at the others, before seemingly coming to a silent conclusion with himself. Looking into Twilight’s eyes, he let out a deep sigh…

…and then leaned forward, gently nuzzling Twilight’s cheek. Twilight was surprised at the sudden act of affection, but she smiled and nuzzled him in return. Next to them, she heard Cadence give a quiet squeal at the sight.

“Why, Flash Sentry,” Twilight tried to joke as they pulled away from each other, “I know you liked my speech, but I didn’t think THAT much.”

Flash looked like he was about to panic, “I-I’m sorry, princess, I shouldn’t have-“

Twilight put a hoof over his mouth. Flash stared at it cross-wise, almost in disbelief, for just a second before moving up her arm to look Twilight in the eyes.

“It was just a joke, Flash. Don’t worry.” She said, all serious.

He blushed when she took her hoof away, “Still, after all of that, I wanted to know one thing…”


He cleared his throat, looking to where a circular space had been cleared for a dance-floor. Couples consisting of both nobles and common middle-class were swirling around, engaged in time to the waltz that the small orchestra was currently playing. With a final sigh, Flash turned to Twilight again and held out a hoof.

“May I have this dance, princess?”

Twilight shook her head with a frown, “No.”

His face fell, “Oh. Okay...”

Before he could even think about making up an excuse to leave in embarrassed disappointment, Twilight smiled.

“Tonight, there is no PRINCESS Twilight.”

Flash’s eyes widened as her words registered, but then he smiled with a bit more confidence and hopefulness, holding his hoof out to her again.

“May I have this dance, then,” He asked, “Twilight.”

She laid her hoof over his, and rose from her throne with an excited smile, “You may.”

Celestia watched with both interest and caution as the two descended the steps of the dais and headed towards the dance-floor. The surrounding crowd parted to let them through, and within moments, the two smiling ponies, alicorn princess and Pegasus guard, were both joining in the waltz. Celestia wasn’t worried about Flash’s intentions. He had been a friend of Shining’s for awhile, and had even been chosen to go to the Crystal Empire and help the prince train the Crystal Royal Guard. Celestia knew for a fact, from what Shining told her, that Flash Sentry had had a crush on Twilight for a long time, yet he would never do anything unless he was given permission- he secretly was THAT nervous around Twilight, even before she had ascended into a princess. Still, the protective side of her, always active for Twilight, kicked in as she watched them dance the waltz. Now that she thought about it, however, Velvet had always made more than one joke about Twilight’s own crush on Flash Sentry, and this night WAS a night of newfound romance after all…

Velvet. The mere thought of Twilight’s deceased foster mother made her heart ache. It was all the more reason to tell Twilight what she wanted to tell her, even if it meant losing it all and destroying their friendship.

Celestia shook her head, this time watching the dance with a smile. The secret would come later. For the time being, it was best if both of them got to enjoy the evening first before delving into anything serious. As if on cue, however, Luna poked her in the side with her hoof to get her attention.

“You know, sister,” Luna gestured to the dance-floor, where Celestia suddenly noticed Shining and Cadence had joined in the dance, “it seems so unfair that they get to have all of the fun. Even Twilight, who normally dances badly, seems to be enjoying herself with Corporal Sentry.”

“Yes, you’re right.” Celestia nodded her head, sadly. She had never really been in love herself, save for a few flings here and there during Luna’s banishment, but nothing ever serious, especially after she had started to become distant from the rest of her subjects. Before Luna’s banishment, however, she had fond memories of being an extremely open warrior princess, who would always welcome the occasional guard or serving-maid to her chambers. It was a Golden Age in more ways than one could imagine.

Now, she had no one except Luna, Twilight, Cadence, and their friends and family.

As if sensing her thoughts, Luna’s smile turned sincere, “You know, tonight is also about friendship and fellowship, as well as love.”


“If that is the case, then,” Luna stepped away from her throne with grace, and held a hoof out to her older sister, “may I have this dance, sister?”

Celestia looked at her with wide-eyes, unsure of what to say. She was truly touched by Luna’s gesture, the complete opposite of what her little sister might’ve done a thousand years before, when there had only been a rift between them. Finally, she smiled and laid one hoof over her sister’s, repeating the same words that Twilight had told Flash.

“You may.”


When the waltz, and the romantic slow dance (suggested by Cadence, of course) after it, had ended, the couples bowed to one another. Twilight and Flash did the same, though Shining and Cadence still remained close. Nearby, Luna and Celestia had wandered from the dance-floor and to the table of drinks that was set up off to the side.

“That was fun, Flash.” Twilight told the stallion, who had seemed anxious the entire time despite his smile.

“I-I’m glad.” Flash said, scratching the back of his neck with a hoof, “It was an honor, Twilight.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” Twilight insisted, stepping closer.

“You know,” He chuckled, “I once heard your friend Rarity say that you were a horrible dancer.”

Twilight winced, “Usually, I am, but not this time for some reason.”

“Maybe it was me.” Flash suddenly said, before clamping a hoof over his mouth, “I-I mean-!”

Twilight giggled, and then came closer, “You know what? Maybe you’re right.”

“Really?” He asked, surprised.

“Yeah, because to be honest,” She brought her head closer to whisper into his ear, “I really enjoyed dancing with you.”

“You did?”

“Mhm, and you know what?” Her smile turned mischievous.


“I would like to do this again, sometimes, if that’s alright with you, of course.” Twilight blushed slightly, knowing how bold she was being on her part.

Flash looked like he had just been frozen, “Y-You mean it?”

“Definitely.” He still looked unsure about whether she was just being nice or if she was actually being sincere, and bold thought came to her, “Here. Let me give you my word.”

With that, Twilight leaned forward and gave the Royal Guard a kiss on the cheek. Flash’s entire face lit up red, his wings twitching again, and he looked like he was about to faint, “T-Twilight, I-“

She giggled. Casting a glance off to the side, she noticed Cadence waving a hoof at her to get her attention. The pink alicorn pointed to Flash, and then to her, and then to her mouth before doing a bow. Twilight grinned, knowing exactly what she was suggesting. Shining was just trying his best not to burst out laughing at the sight of Flash’s expression.

“You know, Flash,” Twilight sat down on her haunches, lifting Flash’s face with a hoof cupping his chin, “I think there’s something you’re not telling me.”

“Something I’m not…? No, nonononono, there’s no secrets, here!” Flash’s flushed face grew redder, until it was almost as bright as one of the Apple Family’s prized fruits.

“Really? I truly think you’re forgetting something.” Twilight pouted.

“I don’t know what you mean, there’s nothing wrong, see?” He gave fake ‘I’m not alright, but I’ll say I am to you, anyway’ smile, before suddenly looking towards the windows, “Oh, look at the time, I had better get back to my post.”

“Oh, so soon?” Nearby, Cadence was now also trying not to laugh at the stallion’s awkwardness as Twilight spoke.

“Yeah, you know me, always busy.” Flash nodded, almost desperately, “And I’m sure there are many others who wish to speak with you, right now…”

He started to inch away, but Twilight was not having any of that and she remained close to him, following him.

“Oh well, if you say so, but…”

“W-What is it?” He asked.

“Well, this is still quite a formal occasion,” Twilight looked around with faux disinterest, “and that means it is only right to treat one another with proper etiquette- especially on the dance-floor.”

“Etiquette, you say?” He gulped, looking off to the side.

“Yes. For example,” Twilight reached out and had their eyes meet, “it is proper for partners to look at one another while they are dancing.”


“Then, it is only right for them to be close to one another, and to dance in time with the music.” Saying that, she drew closer to wrap her forelegs around his neck, and then smiled at him. Flash gulped again, his eyes never leaving hers.

Flash didn’t want to ask the question, lest he was being too bold, but he couldn’t help it, “W-What happens next?”

“Well,” Twilight smiled, “when the dance is over and they separate, go their own ways, it is only right for them to give one another a proper farewell.”

“You mean like a goodbye? Or a bow?” Flash asked, though he had a faint idea that this was not at all the case.

“Hmm, I was thinking something more,” Twilight leaned in, “like this.”

With that, she pressed her lips against his. Flash’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, his wings springing straight upwards on their own, but the feeling of Twilight’s lips and body against his quickly overwhelmed his senses and he soon went along, melting into the kiss and letting his wings relax. Her lips tasted like strawberries, with an almost spicy sensation like a firecracker, while for Twilight, she tasted almonds with a faint hint of apple cider on his lips. Slowly, but surely, she felt Flash wrap his hooves around her barrel to pull her closer.

Twilight could only think back to the argument between her and Velvet that had seemed to start of all of this in the first place, about how she had been too busy to think about love. Should she be feeling guilty that she was currently doing exactly what she had yelled at her adoptive mother for talking about? Was it because tonight seemed just too perfect to NOT have a moment with Flash? Twilight felt she should feel guilty later, but for the time being, all she could really feel was that this kiss, this warmth, all of it, was…right.

She couldn’t really lie to herself anymore, not after everything that had happened since she had first seen him in the hallway up until now. Since she had first seen him IN GENERAL.

She loved Flash Sentry. She had definitely and irrevocably fallen for the guard Pegasus.

And now, she was in the arms of that very same stallion, who she was currently sharing her first kiss with. Both of them were feeling the urge to deepen the kiss, but neither didn’t, not wanting to really ruin the moment of bliss that they were already having. Even so, Twilight couldn’t help but move her tongue across Flash’s lips invitingly, letting him know that she was thinking about it.

Their lungs screamed for air though, after a moment, and they were forced to pull away from each other. No words were said for a moment, both of them staring into each other’s eyes.

Finally, Flash decided to speak, “That…that was…um, would you like to, maybe one of these days-?”

“Just tell me when and where,” She leaned her forehead against his, “and I’ll meet up with you.”

Flash smiled, a goofy grin that only Twilight could love, but it faded as he grew nervous again.

“Twilight,” He took a deep breath, and then tried to speak his thoughts, “I lo-“

Twilight stopped him with a hoof to the mouth, “I know.” She leaned over and whispered into his ear, “I love you, too.”

She then moved back to his mouth, and this time, it was Flash who kissed her. She smiled, once again enjoying the feeling of their lips locked together. By the time they pulled away, both of them were red in the face but grinning ear-to-ear.

“Flash~!” Shining’s voice broke them out of their stupor.

“Oh, no.” The pegasus muttered as his captain and prince walked up next to them. Quietly, Twilight backed away from their embrace but gave an encouraging nod to Flash. He smiled back at her, before turning to Shining, “Cap’n, listen-“

“Wait. Don’t tell me.” Shining asked, “You really do love her, don’t you?”

“Yes, but if that’s not okay with you, then-“ Flash looked like he wanted to fly away, but Twilight trapped him in her magic to prevent him from escaping. He gave her an ‘are you crazy!?’ look before Shining spoke again.

“Oh, it’s not okay.” Shining said with a deadpan expression, but then he smiled and suddenly slapped his friend on the back, “It’s a relief, is what it is!”

“Huh!?” Flash Sentry was so shocked, he looked like Shining Armor had just told him he had murdered somepony.

“How long have you kept your feelings hidden, Commander Sentry?” Cadence walked up and pointed an accusing hoof at Flash, “Six months? One year? Since you met her? BEFORE?”

“I, uh…” Flash gulped.

“Okay, you two, that’s enough.” Twilight said, giggling, “I already agreed to a date with him, so I need you guys not to give him a heart attack, okay?”

“Oh, we would NEVER do such a thing!” Cadence pretended to look hurt, but then she burst out into a giggling fit. Twilight released her magic hold on Flash as his captain and his captain’s wife both turned and wandered off, still laughing.

Twilight cast him a glare, “You didn’t really have to be on guard duty, tonight, or have a post to fill, did you? How long were you standing there, waiting to sit next to me?”

Flash looked like he was about to protest, but then he hung his head, “Ever since your speech ended. To be honest, I snuck around while you were talking, and hid in the shadows. I just, um, wanted to be closer, is all.”

Twilight smiled, a sincere and honest smile, before walking up and giving him a peck on the lips, “Well, now you don’t have to be nervous and hide, do you?”

“W-What if this causes a scandal? What if-?” She kissed him on the corner of his mouth, making the words die in his throat.

“I asked for equality, tonight, remember? I doubt that any scandals would arise so soon just because a princess wanted to be among commoners tonight, and just HAPPENED to meet a handsome stallion who she fell in love with.” She said, pointedly, knowing that the story would be the perfect cover-up for a time. In fact, it wasn’t even that far from the actual truth, and then she hugged him, “So next time, just ask, alright? Will it be easier, now?”

Flash didn’t even need to think about his answer, and he returned her embrace, “Yes, it definitely will be.”

“Twilight!” Pulling away, Twilight looked to see Celestia and Luna waving her over. She sighed. Duty still called, even on such a romantic night. That didn’t keep her from giving Flash one more peck on the lips before she let him go.

“I’ll see you around, okay?” She said, smiling, “In fact, wait for me near my chair if you want, until I return. I promise Cadence and Shiny will not make fun of you, anymore.”

Flash nodded. With a bow, and one last loving glance at Twilight, he trotted over towards the four thrones with a happy-go-lucky grin on his face and a blush on his orange cheeks, his blue mane waving around with the motion. She watched him go, a dreamy look in her eyes, before sighing and walking towards where the elder princesses were standing.

Celestia was watching Flash Sentry with a look of suspicion, but when she met Twilight’s eyes, the look that her fellow princess gave her seemed to tell her everything she needed to know about what they had witnessed between the two. Luna, on the other hand, was trying her best not to coo in delight at the image of the two kissing.

“Before you ask,” Twilight said, walking up to them as if they had not understood the message in her expression, “we are in love, alright?”

Celestia smiled at her, a familiar smile that always made Twilight feel warm and comfortable, but her eyes were concerned, “I understand, and I trust him as a faithful soldier, but if he does anything you don’t like-“

“I know.” Twilight nodded quickly, “So, did you need something?”

Celestia’s face fell for some reason, and Luna glanced at her sister with a look of…was it expectancy? Twilight looked back and forth between the diarchs, puzzled.

“Actually, Twilight, there’s something serious I need to…discuss with you.” Celestia said, quietly.

“What is it?” Twilight asked, but Celestia shook her head.

“Not here.” She then gestured with a wing towards the outside, “I believe the gardens would be more appropriate- and out of the way of prying eyes and ears.”

“Hmmmm…” Twilight looked at her, not sure what to think, but then she nodded, “Okay, I guess. Let’s go, then.”

“Luna?” Celestia looked at her sister, and the two had a moment of silent communication.

“I understand.” The lunar diarch replied with a nod, “I will wait here.”

“Come, Twilight,” Celestia led the way, and Twilight followed, “there is…much to discuss.”

Author's Note:

If you haven't already guess by the title of the chapter, THIS is where I decided to bring some shipping into the story. Admittedly, shipping fics are actually my specialty (NOT clopfics).

Looking back, I think I like a few other ships better than the one I chose (Twishy, Raritwi, etc), but hey, it's in the story and it's totally fused with the rest of the plot, so there's no going back now. Besides, if all goes well and I do write a sequel, there'll be a reason Twilight's not paired with any of her friends. Oh yeah, and before I forget, Twilight's slight approach to equality regardless of social class and status is actually a part of what I believe equality is, so it might be OOC for her character. What also may be OOC is the nobility's reaction and of course Flash Sentry and Shining Armor.