• Member Since 21st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Monday


Son of Princess Luna. A Bat Pony Alicorn who's small for his age.


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are great sisters, and very mischievous. One day, their mother Queen Lauren brings a tiny alicorn colt home with them after they find him, he is claimed as part of the family. Will the two sisters now learn to behave for their baby brother, or will they include their baby brother in their shenanigans? Or will they do both?

Only reading on will tell.

Rate Teen for safety.

......... This is not a test........ This is an Emergency Cuteness Transmission (ECT)............. Those with fragile hearts do not read this story. ................. Cute Scenes, Diapers, Breastfeeding, and Spoiling are imminent........... seek the nearest Nurse Red Heart should you pass out from cuteness..............-------------------------------------

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 56 )

Blaze: That... Was kind of a really expected start. I wonder why everypony seems to like to use this starting piece so much... I mean, even I was thinking about using the 'Alicorn takes main character to Equestria' one time, and-

Shadow: Blaze, what are you doing?

Blaze: *squeak* N-nothing, Shadow...

Shadow: *sigh* You're looking at my Fimfiction account again, aren't you?

Blaze: ...I REGRET NOTHING!!! *run away*

Shadow: *shakes head* Well, I'm looking forward to this story, keep up your always good work while I try to catch my wife's little sister. *runs after Blaze*

7870369 Sure. Any help is accepted, as long as you don't totally change the story from what it's originally aiming for.

I had someone do that to me once, they proofread, then made something that was an entirely different story all together from what I had made, and I couldn't use it to make updates to my story. (Ex: I make Twilight Luna's little foal for the story, and then they make her Tia's foal. You get what I mean?)

Also, I'd like to keep this in first person p.o.v. just to give you a heads up.

7870474 now that bitch one rewriting your story/idea differ.
because they thing sound so better i hate that.
memory is key

7871584 Thanks for your support.

How did you like the story itself?

*I magically appear,*

(Me) "Wonna, leave Nighty alone!"

Woona: Not a chance. *Uses a teleportation spell to teleport you to Mama Fausticorn.*

Lauren: Ah, I was wondering where you snuck off to. *Casts a spell to block you from using magic as she levitates you over to come your hair.*


(Me) "Aw, Momma! My hair is just fine." I pout.

7872564 Lauren: Then why is it I see a huge cowlick on it? You little rascal. *She ruffles your hair.*


(Me) I wave my hands like a Jedi doing a mindtrick, "The cowlick is an illusion. You are falling into a deeeeeeppp sleep..."

7872683 Lauren: Hmhmhm. No I'm not dear. Jedi Mind tricks don't work on me.

(Me) I pout adorably. "That's not fair."

7872802 (That actually gave me a cute idea that could lead to an comical reason of how Celestia and Luna govern their subjects.)

Woona: *Trots in with a mouth full of my tail and me hanging upside down after I had escaped her magic.* Mama, I got Nighty for you. *Set's me down next to you in Mama Lauren's embrace.*

Lauren: Thank you dear.

(Oh really?)

(Me) Hey Nighty.

7872840 (Yep. You'll see in the next chapter.)

Me: Hi. *I gently bop your nose with my tiny hoof.*

I giggle and boop your nose back.

7872846 (I think you mean boop.)

*I giggle as well*

(Me) "Momma, Woona sealed my magic! Can you unseal it?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.


Lauren: Hmhmhm. I think you mean I sealed it. And don't try to butter me up with those puppy eyes. You still need a bath.

(Me) GASP! "Noooo!" I try to crawl away!

7873152 Lauren: *picks you up in her magic and levitates you towards the bathroom.*

Me: *I giggle as I watch from the crib in Mama's room.*

(Me) I pout adorably. "Momma, no baths!"

7873298 Lauren: I'm afraid I can't agree with you little one. Your a mess. *She soon wraps a towel around you, big enough to cover your private areas, but loose enough to remove your clothing while you were still covered.* You know I wouldn't have to use a towel if you stayed in pony form, but I know you like staying human. I just hope you never force my hoof to make you permanently pony dear. Your little antics are starting to make it head that route.

And so it begins...

Looking forward to this brother

(Me) "You... you wouldn't! You know how I feel about that!" I start to wiggle in her magic. It looked like I would start crying any second.

7873350 Lauren: I won't if you behave son. It rests on your actions.

It sill looks like I was gonna cry!

7873380 Laruen nuzzled you to make you feel better and told you she still loved you, even if you were to force her hoof to make you permanent pony.

(Me) Sniff, "I love you too Mommy, but I don't think I'd be able to handle being a Pony all the time!"

7873737 Lauren: *smiles* I know it would seem hard to accept, but when your brother Nighty was first transformed permanently, he didn't take to it too well when it happened to him at first. That is.... til he found all the benefits in it.

(Me) "I like being Human Momma. I don't really like my Pony form all that much."

7873790 Lauren: I feel you don't know what you're missing sweetie. Never having to actually wear attire, well, other then your padding if your too young. Being able to soar across the sky without the use of magic. Getting all the mares around to fall for you. I heard a lot of them say they think your pony form is quite handsome for one so young, so imagine what will happen when you get older. And if you want to try and hide from me, you'd have an easier time as a pony then a human dear.

*She didn't tell him that even if he used his pony form to his advantage, she would easily find him still.*

And don't forget..... Woona thinks your pony from is so adorable.

(Me) "My Airbending is just fine... I could fly if I wanted too... and did she really say that?"

7871882 i can't judge story by one chapter.
it all deepen what next.
i would hate if can't remember thing or lose more memory as time go on.

7873821 Lauren: *nodded.* Yes. She always tells me that she wishes you would stay pony, but she never tells you because she thinks you'll get mad at her for telling you. And she doesn't like making her little brothers mad.

7874080 I agree. But yeah, it's hard to find help that will appeal to your story the way you intended it.

I hate it when people think I'm boneheaded enough to let them take charge, completely change my story, and then expect me to use it instead of what I was aiming for.

That user even had the nerve to explode on me. I posted a new chapter, they notice that I didn't make any changes and get all butt hurt about it.

Well, guess what, I snapped right back at them. I pretty much told them, "You completely changed my story. What, did you think I was just gonna read the part that stated you made the corrections and just post it for you? No, I actually read over everything and saw you completely changed the whole plot. I couldn't use your "editing"."

They snap back at me, saying, "I was trying to help make your story have more depth to it."

And I snap back "Completely changing my story is not giving it more depth. It's making everything go the way you want it to go. If you want to completely make a story different from what I have developed, do me a favor, PUBLISH YOUR OWN STORY!!! Don't be completely sabotaging my work!"

After that, they shut up. I knew I had cracked a nerve in them, because then they sent a new message stating an apology for what they did.

Forgive my rant, but I had to vent. I held that in for too long.

(Me) Sigh, "Maybe... I'll be a Pony tomorrow. But only tomorrow!"

7874631 Luaren: *Smiles and nuzzles you before placing you in the tub full of bubbles.*

I smile and start to play with the bubbles!

7875976 Lauren: *Smiles as she washes you while you play.*

Eventually, I get all clean.

(Me) "All done Mommy!"

So will this story actually be updated or it like Mama Nightmare and the others, and be one-shots that you label as incomplete?

8028422 None of my incompletes are oneshots. I just have a lot of things on my plate at the moment that it eats up my time to make updates. I want to update them, but real life gets in the way and I can only start the idea before I'm sapped for energy again. When I catch a lucky break, then I will start updating my stories.

This would be interesting if it didn’t stop here. Moar please!!

*I pull my glasses down in a dramatic way* QUICK WE NEED TO FIND MORE OF THESE CHAPTERS ASAP

*different scientist runs in*
Sir, the scanners indicate that the chapters are being organically generated at a currently unknown rate; we're going to have make the D'aww stretch for as long as we can!

That's the other problem, sir; the Uncertaintometer is showing dangerously high levels of temporal entropy. We don't know how long we can stretch the chapters without acquiring some form of supplement, we don't know if we're going to have to stretch them, and we sure as hell don't know if the cat is dead or alive. to put it simply: We're uncertain.

On it, Sir. Sending out the Reconnaissance wisps as we speak. Should have a new source of D'aww within a couple of days.

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