• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,477 Views, 141 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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Save Nightmare Moon! Goku Arrives.

"What happened to all that power? A couple hard hits and suddenly you're down for the count." Tirek laughed as he held nightmare moon in the air, "Not that I'm complaining...now you're magic, and all the alicorn magic will be mine!" Nightmare Moon was limp, blood pouring from her nose and a cut on her cheek. She winced and closed her eyes as Tirek opened his mouth, creating a devilish hissing sound as a ball of magic grew between his horns. Magic began seeping out of her and towards Tirek.

"N-No!" She said weakly as she began to struggle in his grip, wiggling back and forth in an attempt to free herself, but to no avail.

"TIREK!" A voice now yelled from behind Tirek. He stopped his absorption of Nightmare's Magic, and looked over his shoulder. "HAH!" Suddenly, a creature came flying from the sky at incredible speed, kicking Tirek's clenched fist which held the seemingly lifeless body of Nightmare Moon.

She flew some twenty yards before landing on the ground with a thud, and lied with her eyes closed as she trembled trying to move. One of her eyes managed to open to catch a blurred glimpse of Goku kneeling next to her. "Stay down." He said, "I'll handle this from here on out..."

"How dare you!" Tirek now yelled from behind Goku, "You dare interfere with our battle. I will crush you!" Goku turned towards him and stared with an angry scowl.

"I take it you're Tirek." He said.

"That's Lord Tirek to you! Out of my way this instant!"

"You want her magic so badly? You're just going to have to go through me!" Goku slammed his fast against his other open palm, which sent a small shockwave through the air. Tirek's eyes widened with a smile.

"Yet another challenger...What makes you think you possibly stand a chance against me? I should suck you of your power dry right now just like I did to everyone else!"

"I'd like to see you try!" Goku said. Tirek gave no response, and picked Goku up with his magic, "Whoa! Hey put me down!"

"You said you wanted to see me try." Tirek laughed, "Relax and it will be over quickly." He opened his mouth, and began his absorption technique. A solid five seconds of it, and nothing changed. Nothing was drawn out of Goku.

"What the?" Tirek said aloud, "Where is your magic?"

"Funny you should ask...These ponies might draw their power from magic more than ki...But that's not how I roll." Goku smiled. "HA!" He yelled, and drew out his power, blowing Tirek's magical grip away instantly.

"You can't absorb my energy, Tirek. So, do you accept my challenge, or am I just going to have to put you down?"

"It seems I don't have a choice...let's go then, you hairless ape."

"I hope you're ready. You've hurt these ponies, ravaged their land, and destroyed their homes. I will issue you one final warning Tirek. Return all the stolen magic, and leave forever, and I will spare your life." Goku stared intensely as Tirek kept his eyes locked with his. He made no effort to respond with words, and leapt forward toward Goku with his fist swinging toward him..."You got it!"

Goku backflipped out of the path of Tirek's swing, and jumped into the air. His fists clenched as he released his power, and his aura erupted out of him. 'I can only use half my power for now...my body is still recovering from the fight with Frieza, but it should still be enough.' He thought to himself, raising his power to half strength. The ground heaved and the wind blew rocks and dirt across the ground. Tirek shielded his eyes from the flying debris as Goku powered up.

"That should do it..." He said aloud as he stopped. Tirek growled and stared at him. "Here I come!"

Goku lept toward Tirek with incredible speed, and landed a right hook on Tirek's cheek before he could even react. Tirek threw a right back, but Goku was suddenly gone. His fist swung through the empty air where Goku was just a mere second ago. "HAH!" Goku yelled as he swung around and kicked Tirek in the back of the neck, sending him flying forward into the ground, planting his muzzle into the dirt.

Goku landed on his feet with his back facing Tirek as he picked himself up. "You're strong...stronger than Nightmare Moon. It's a shame I can't absorb your power." Tirek said, "However, it is unwise to put your back to me!" Tirek quickly launched a magic blast toward Goku.

Goku turned around, and stuck his open palm out. The blast was quickly halted as Goku easily overpowered it. "What?!" Tirek's eyes widened. He growled as Goku held the magic in front of him.

"Ha!" With a punch, Goku launched the projectile back toward Tirek. Tirek opened his mouth, and absorbed the magic back into himself.

"I'm afraid using my own magic attacks won't work on me, worthless insect."

"Really? Then how about some of my own attacks?" Goku smiled with a confident look as he extended his arm out, pointing his palm at Tirek. A yellow ki ball flickered and grew in front of his hand, quickly growing to the size of basketball. Goku launched it toward Tirek, who fired another magic blast in return, canceling the ki ball out, and detonating it between them.

"Are you done playing around yet?" Goku asked aloud. "Stop hiding your power already!"

"Fine...but you asked for it." Tirek replied. Using his magic, Tirek uprooted several trees nearby, and threw them toward Goku. Goku jumped into the air as they all came crashing into each other.

"Whoa!" He said, looking down at the mess of branches and wood that nearly crushed him. "Huh?" When he looked up, Tirek was inches away in the air with him. With a left jab, Tirek landed a blow on Goku that sent him barreling towards the ground. Goku caught himself before he hit the ground, and backflipped to a safe landing.

Without a second thought, he jumped back at Tirek feet first, quickly closing the distance. CRASH Goku's kick landed on Tirek's jaw, again, too quick for Tirek to react. Goku flipped around, and swung a right, then a left, and two more right hooks, landing all of them successfully! Finally, to finish the combo, he brought his fists together above his head, and swung down on the top of Tireks head, sending him crashing down. The ground shook as Tirek landed...

The ground shook, knocking Fluttershy off her hooves as they stood near the Tree of Harmony. "Whoa!" Applejack said aloud, regaining her balance as the ground heaved.

"Goodness, darling are you alright?" Rarity ran to Fluttershy, lending her a hoof.

"Yes...I'm fine, thank you." She said as she took Rarity's hoof. She stood back up as the ground shook again, but not as much as before.

"Hey girls!" Yelled a voice from above. It was Rainbow. "I found Twilight!" She was flying slowly, with a flightless Twilight in her hooves. She landed as softly as she could with Twilight in her hooves, who's eyes were barely open.

"Twilight!" Applejack ran over to help, "What's wrong, can you stand?" She asked frantically.

"Yes...I can stand, barely." Twilight replied, standing up on her own hooves. "Thanks for the ride dash."

"Where'd your cutie mark go Twilight?" Pinkie asked, staring at her flank.

"It's gone...along with my magic. The princesses and I gave our magic to Princess Luna."

"Luna?!" The rest of the girls exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yes...somehow, she was able to transform and control Nightmare Moon at will. With our combined powers, she went to fight Tirek. Now Goku has joined the fight, but I'm not sure how things are doing."

"I saw them fighting over there on the way back!" Rainbow pointed in the direction of the fighting as the ground heaved once again, nearly knocking everyone off their hooves. "We have to go help!"

"No Rainbow, stay here! We can't risk getting our magic, flight, and strength taken away!" Applejack struck the ground with her hoof.

"Well we can't just stand here! We don't have all the keys to the box, and we're not going to find the last one just standing here!" Rainbow then took off toward the battle at her own leisure.

"Darn it Rainbow!" Applejack ran off after her. "You all stay here and look after Twilight!" Applejack ran up the stairs after Rainbow as Rarity and Pinkie Pie tended to Twilight.

"Fluttershy, aren't you coming?" Pinkie asked. Fluttershy did not respond. She only spread her wings, and took flight after them.

"Where are you going?!" Twilight asked.

"I have to look for Discord!" Fluttershy said.

"He betrayed us Fluttershy...He is the reason Tirek got so strong so quickly!"

"I don't care...I have to find him." Fluttershy ignored Twilight's plea and continued on toward the battle. She scanned through the forest looking for any signs of life.

"Wait!" She heard behind her. Fluttershy turned to see Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity running behind her. Fluttershy landed on the ground to meet them. "You can't do this alone. Magic or not, we need to stick together!" Twilight said. Fluttershy smiled and nodded, once again taking flight.

The three searched as AJ ran after Rainbow in the distance. As they neared the battle, Rainbow realized the ferocity of their strength, and flew into a cloud to hide. Using it for camouflage, she flew over the battle from high up, and observed. Below, she could see Applejack covering herself in dirt and mud for her own camouflage.

Back in the forest, Fluttershy split off from Rarity, Pinkie, and Twilight, still looking for the draconequus. She walked quietly, hearing the shouts and booms of the battle not far off. Her ear twitched as the sound of rustling bushes caught her attention nearby.

"Um..hello?" She called, "Discord?" She crept over to investigate. Behind the thicket, she found what she had been searching for. "GIRLS!" She called.

Quickly, the other three were on the scene, where Discord lied nearly unconscious in a ditch. "Discord!" Fluttershy ran to his side, picking up his head. "Hey, Discord!" She called again. His eyes opened weakly as he stared at Fluttershy.

"F-Fluttershy?" He said.

"I'm here. Discord...What happened?" She asked.

"You should be ashamed, Discord. Equestria might fall because of you!" Twilight scolded. Discord ignored her and only spoke to Fluttershy.

"I had no idea...I'm terribly sorry Fluttershy." He spoke. "I thought I could have something I didn't have...when I was foolishly blinded by somebody I used to be. It cost me the one thing I did have. Friends..." Fluttershy did not respond, and only hugged him.

"You didn't lose me as a friend...we all make mistakes."

Discord turned to Twilight, and removed the necklace Tirek had given him. "Tirek tricked me into believing that he could offer something more valuable than friendship..." He held it out to Twilight, "But there is nothing worth more. I see that now. He lied when he said that this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty." Twilight took the medallion from him, and stared at it. "But when I say it is a sign of our true friendship...I am telling the truth."

"Even though you betrayed us Discord...I know we all need to band together to defeat Tirek." Twilight put the medallion over her neck, and reached out to Discord to help him up. Discord smiled, and took her hoof.

"Thank you, Twilight."

As Twilight inspected the medallion, she saw a rainbow shimmer reflect across it. Her eyes widened in realization. "The last key...This has to be it!" She said. "Girls, find Rainbow and Applejack, we have to get back to the tree and give it a shot!"

"Right away!" Fluttershy took off, and searched, heading toward the battle.

Tirek landed heavily as Goku stood away from him with barely a scratch on him. "Give up, Tirek. You're no match for me, and you're running out of options!"

Tirek struggled as he picked himself up once again. His face and body now bruised and bleeding, he thought to himself.,'If only I could get the that damned Alicorn. With her magic I would have no equal.' Nightmare Moon still lied unconscious behind Goku.

"Goku!" A voice yelled from the forest nearby. Both Goku and Tirek looked to see a yellow mare with a pink mane standing there in shock. She covered her mouth with her hoof, and stood there terrified.

"Fluttershy!?" Goku stared, shocked. "I told you to get far away from here, what are you doing?!"

"There's my opening..." Tirek said quietly to himself with an evil grin. Suddenly, a massive ball of fiery magic grew between his horns. Lightning and electricity flowed around it as it grew larger and larger. Tirek quickly fired it directly toward Fluttershy with no restraint.

Fluttershy winced and trembled, too scared to move. "Get out of the way Fluttershy!" Goku yelled. "Fluttershy!" 'Oh no!' He kept quickly toward her. Fluttershy ducked and covered herself, tears now running from her eyes as she screamed. "NO!"

She looked up just in time to see Goku diving in front of her. The blast struck Goku and detonated. Fluttershy could hear Goku's scream of pain as the explosion sent her flying back into a tree.

"Agh!" She winced in pain as she hit the trunk of a tree, and landed on the ground. Debris and dust flew toward her as the ground heaved. The dust quickly cleared, and Fluttershy looked to see Goku standing there before her vision seemingly vanished. Now bruised, clothes torn up, and bleeding from a new wound on his shoulder, Goku looked around for Fluttershy.

"Dirty bastard!" He said aloud. He turned to see Fluttershy lying on her side, now unconscious. He gasped, and ran over to her aide. "Fluttershy!?" He picked up her head gently.

"Oh no, Fluttershy!" Two new voices called. One from within, the forest, and one from above. Two mares, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, both came out from their hiding spots.

"Fools!" Tirek said aloud. He approached Nightmare Moon as she was coming to, and picked her up with her magic. He wasted no time, and quickly began to drain her of her alicorn magic.

"NO!" Goku said. "Damn it!" He realized it was too late.

"AHHH!" Nightmare Moon screamed in pain as she felt the power leave her. Tirek threw her across into the trees with full force, knocking her back out of commission.

The sky blackened. Clouds formed over head as lightning struck the ground around them. Tirek shouted and roared as his size grew once again. "AHHHAHHAHA! IT'S ALL MINE!" Black and red electricity sparked around him as the alicorn magic pooled in to his power.

Goku trembled, as he looked back at Fluttershy. She suddenly coughed, and blood came out of her open mouth. Rainbow and Applejack stared at Goku as he trembled, not of fear, but of anger.

"Get out of here." He said in a raspy voice, as if he was holding back the urge to shout. "Now! Take Fluttershy somewhere safe, and go!"

Suddenly, the other three were there on the scene, Rarity, Pinkie, and Twilight.

"Oh no...he's absorbed the alicorn magic." Twilight said.

"THERE'S NO TIME. GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Goku stood up now, his arms shaking out of sheer anger. He turned towards Tirek, who laughed maniacally. "You...You bastard!" He yelled. "You hurt her. You made her BLEED!" Goku's hair was seemingly flowing upwards on its own. Lightning was still striking the ground around them, blowing apart anything it struck. Trees. Rocks. Buildings.

"We need to go, now!" Applejack said. Tirek realized the anger he had sparked in Goku, and was now fixated on him.

"Aw, what's wrong? Did I hurt your puny pony friends?" He said mockingly.

"You nearly killed her. You destroyed countless lives." Goku's head reared upwards as his hair now flickered yellow, and back to black. "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" He shouted.

The ground shook more than ever now, as lightning bolted down from the sky, and struck Goku. Trees now bent over nearly completely sideways as hurricane force winds now blew down houses. The girls stopped their retreat, and looked on as Goku's hair flared up.

A blinding yellow light made them shield their eyes as the Goku shouted again. "AAHHHHH!"

"What's happening!?" Rainbow Dash struggled to stay airborne as the wind pushed her back further and further, eventually knocking her out of the sky.

"TIREK!" Goku yelled, "I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" The light began to retreat, and Goku could be seen again. A blazing fire like yellow aura now engulfed him, as the ground around him was nearly blown away. He now stood with golden hair, and an angry look in his eyes. Tirek finally pushed him over the edge, and brought out his real power. Through anger, awakened by fury and rage, Tirek awakened the super saiyan might of Goku!

Author's Note:

Chapter Recap: Goku saves Nightmare Moon from having her power absorbed, and begins to fight Tirek. Meanwhile, the girls search for the last key to open up the chest at the Tree of Harmony. After successfully finding what they think is the last one, Fluttershy nearly gets killed by Tirek. Goku, through anger, awakens the super saiyan within him, and faces a Tirek more powerful than ever.