• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 4,698 Views, 231 Comments

The Student and The Princess - ModMCdl

Sunset Shimmer is Celestia's prized student. Cadence is Equestria's newest princess. They never really got along well, but after Cadence's coronation, it just gets worse. Especially now that Celestia wants them to be... best of friends?

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7. Academic Probation

Princess Celestia stood on the edge of her balcony, eyes closed in concentration as she slowly lowered the sun. There moon rose up to take its placed, and she let out a sigh as she released her magic and slumped slightly.

"These past few years have been taking their toll on you, Princess."

Celestia turned to face Eventide, her expression tired. "I only need to manage for a few short more," she said softly. "Then I will have one less burden to carry."

Eventide walked out on to the balcony beside her. "Even an alicorn so powerful as yourself was not meant to wield both celestial bodies," she said. With a grim smile, she added, "And with Sunset, it seems you may be trying to wield three."

The Princess of the Sun let out a deep sigh and seemed to slump even further. "What am I to do about her, Eventide?" she asked quietly.

"Perhaps," the unicorn said softly. "It is time you add some real stakes to her game."

Celestia raised an eyebrow in question. "How do you mean?"

Eventide took a seat beside Celestia, gesturing for the princess to do the same. "So far, Sunset's residence and studies here have been absolute. You can be upset with her, and punish her, but right now, she thinks she can stay here indefinitely." She looked up at Celestia. "You need to change that."

"What, you want me to kick her out?" the alicorn asked, surprise in her voice. "I'm not going to do that."

The night seneschal shook her head. "Not immediately. She just needs to know that her actions have real consequences," she said. "I have watched the both of you for some time now, and by my count, Sunset Shimmer is on her last strike."

Celestia sighed. Perhaps Eventide was right. Over the past few years, Sunset had repeatedly pushed the limits of what she could do. She failed to show respect for most ponies, and her anger and temper had grown increasingly uncontrollable. If this were any other student, perhaps she would have been kicked out long ago. But she had graduated from the School for Gifted Unicorns, and was now under the constant tutelage of Celestia. The risks against her outbursts had significantly lessened.

But come to think of it, Celestia could not recall any incidents from Sunset's time at the school. Even when she first took the unicorn on as her student, she did not witness these tirades. It had only been fairly recently that Sunset had begun to act out and be mean, cruel, and rude.

The Princess shook her head. There was no time to dwell on the causes of Sunset's anger, there was far too much to do, and too much else to worry about. She would simply have to take Eventide's advice and give Sunset her ultimatum.

"Raven!" she called into her chamber.

A few moments later, her own seneschal emerged, quill and pad in hand. "Yes, Princess?"

Celestia turned away from the moon and looked at Eventide as she spoke. "Please make an appointment with Sunset Shimmer. I wish to speak to her tomorrow, privately."

Sunset did not wait for the Princess to invite her in. That was the first major mistake she made.

"Sunset Shimmer," Celestia said, her voice already tight at the unicorn's profound rudeness. "It is usually customary to knock on one's door before barging in."

Sunset sighed in annoyance, but acquiesced to her teacher's comment. "Sorry, Princess," she replied, her voice lacking sincerity.

Celestia pressed a hoof to her temple, her patience growing short and the topic about to be discussed was not lowering that at all. "Sunset," she said calmly. "Do you have any idea why I asked you to come see me today?"

"Let me guess," quipped Sunset. "I've done something that you don't approve of, and you're going to explain to me how I need to be a better pony," the unicorn deadpanned with a roll of her eyes. "We've had this conversation so many times before, Princess-"

"Yes!" interrupted the alicorn, sounding exasperated. "We have had this conversation countless times before! And nothing ever changes. That is the problem, Sunset."

Sunset sighed, plopping her rear down across the small table from Celestia. "Here we go again."

"Here we- Sunset! Are you serious?" Celestia's voice rose, causing Sunset to jump and look at her. "What on Equus makes you think you have any right to be so rude?" She stood and glared at her student from across the table. "Answer me! What makes you think you think that?"

The unicorn opened and closed her mouth, not actually knowing how to respond. "I, uh, I don't know," she finally said weakly.

"Sunset Shimmer, over these past years you have grown into nothing more than a vain coxcomb whose singular goal is to grow a pair of wings!" bellowed Celestia, the full extent of her wrath finally revealed. "I have given you everything, and perhaps in doing so, this is my fault. But let me assure you that mistake will be my last when it comes to you."

Sunset shrunk in terror at the amount of rage Celestia was leveling at her. Never before had she seen the alicorn so angry. Celestia was always calm and collected. It was a far different picture than the one she was faced with now. Why, she half expect the alicorn's made to suddenly burst into flames.

"I have given you chance after chance after chance, with some small modicum of hope that you will grow and learn to be a better pony. But no more. You have used them all up."

The unicorn paled in horror. She definitely bucked this one up, that's for sure. Sunset raised a hoof meekly, to do what, she had no idea. "S-sorry," she finally squeaked out, hoping to at least somewhat tame her teacher's fury.

"Sorry will no longer cut it, Sunset!" replied Celestia, her voice quieter than before, but none of the anger having vanished. "Unless you are truly sincere, which I doubt." Her pink eyes bore into Sunset's for a moment longer before she relaxed and closed them. She sat back down, taking a small sip of tea while she let her student stew in worry across from her. Swallowing, she spoke again. "Give me one good reason as to why you deserve to stay," she said. "Just one reason why I should not expel you as my student, and kick you out of this palace. Otherwise, you will be leaving by the end of this week."

Sunset sat there, doing her best to avoid making eye contact with the Princess. She knew that her threat was not weightless, and that her next words would make the decision for her, regardless of what they were. She desperately tried to come up with a reason that Celestia would accept, playing countless options though her mind.

She was a good mage, one might even call her prodigal. However, in her own admittance, she was probably one of the worst students Celestia had ever had. But she learned things quickly, and was always striving to learn more. Her quest for knowledge could not be satiated. Yet, Celestia would probably connect that to her idea that Sunset was also power-hungry.

In reflection, Sunset found that she was agreeing with many of the things that her teacher had said about her. She was rude, insolent, conceited, and horrible to most of the ponies in this palace. She failed to show even the most basic of respect to the Princess of all ponies. Sunset was a horrible pony.

"I- I can't," she finally said quietly. "I can't think of a good reason." Tears began to well at the corners of her eyes. The reality of the situation was finally taking its toll on her, and she didn't know if she could take it much longer. Sunset had not cried since she was a little filly, but she did not know if she could hold it back now.

"Nothing?" questioned Celestia, flatly. "Nothing at all?"

The lack of emotion in the alicorn's voice shook Sunset. This was a new experience for her, a position she never expected to be in. Up until now, she had thought herself untouchable. But it was quickly being revealed that she was helpless. In that instant, the unicorn realized that she depended on Celestia for everything, and it was all going to be taken away.

The dam finally broke, and tears streamed down Sunset's cheeks as sobbed, collapsing forward in a pathetic heap before Celestia. "P-please P-princess," she cried out. "Please d-don't send me away!" Her tears soaked into the carpet against her face as she begged. "I'll do better, I'll b-be better! I'm so sorry!" She choked as she spoke, fighting through the tears. "I promise I will change!"

A golden-clad hoof rested itself on Sunset's shaking shoulder, and the unicorn looked up at Celestia. Her teacher's eyes were softer than they were before, but her face was still stern. A handkerchief was levitated over to her, and Sunset took it hesitantly.

"Dry your tears, Sunset," said Celestia. "I will not be sending you away." Sunset went to speak but the Princess silenced her with a hoof. "But, this is your last chance. Your final warning," Celestia said. "You have promised me you will change, and I expect you to do so. There will be no more chances."

Sunset nodded, blinking away the last of her tears in relief. "I understand, Princess."

"I hope for your sake that you do."

The alicorn's words carried a heavy weight, and Sunset could not help but be fearful of the consequences should she break her promise.

"Take a moment to collect yourself," Celestia said after a moment. "There is more I wanted to discuss with you today."

Sunset wiped her face with the silken cloth, and folded it neatly on the table. "What is it you wished to discuss with me, Princess?" she asked quietly. Her voice held a degree of politeness that Celestia had not heard in many years from her student. At least not genuinely.

The Princess sighed. "I wanted to discuss your accusations at dinner a few nights ago," she said. "As valid as your concerns were, that was not the time or place to go about voicing them. Definitely not the manner in which you did, either."

"Wait," Sunset said. "What do you mean by 'valid?' Do you mean I was right?"

"Are you doubting the conclusion you came to?" Celestia asked in return.

The unicorn thought for a moment, before shaking her head. "No. I know what I saw," she said firmly.

Celestia nodded. "And I believe you," she said. "However, I also believe Cadence." Sunset raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Cadence does not believe she is intentionally manipulating you with her magic, and neither do I," Celestia explained. "However it is not outside of the realm of possibility that she is unknowingly using her magic. After all, she does not exactly know how to control it."

"But she is manipulating me," said Sunset quietly. "You just said so yourself."

To the unicorn's surprise, her teacher's eyes sparkled with mirth. "Cadence's magic does not create love, Sunset. She can not manipulate you by 'making you love her.'" She explained with a small smile. "Her magic can only affect what is already there. Perhaps you are in love with her and you do not even know it!"

"P-princess!" Sunset gasped, blushing at what Celestia was suggesting.

The alicorn laughed lightly at Sunset's discomfort, which despite the unicorn's embarrassment, was a welcome change to the tone she had only a few minutes prior. "I speak in jest," she said. "The feeling in the room was too stiff."

Sunset balked. "O-oh," she mumbled.

"But," added Celestia. "I was not lying. Her magic is incapable of creating love where there is none. It is not necessarily true that you love her, but I think that deep down, you do indeed care about her in some small amount."

The unicorn sat in silence, digesting Celestia's words. Even though the Princess had been making a joke before, her second affirmation did not seem too far off of her original comment.

"I just want you to think about it," the alicorn's voice interrupted her thoughts. "You are free to go."

Sunset nodded and stood, idly walking towards the door. She was still lost in her thoughts, and the implications of her teacher's words still ringing in her ears.

"Oh, and Sunset?"

She turned back to look at Celestia. "Yes, Princess?"

The Princess gave her a soft smile. "For the love of all that is good, will you please try to be a bit friendlier to her? She is all alone except for us."

Sunset nodded, Celestia's earlier warning echoing in her mind.

"I will do my best, Princess."

Author's Note:

Sunset seems to finally realize that her actions have consequences. Maybe she will do better.