• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,396 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter Six

Greg opens his eyes in shock looking around to see his mates and Spike sleeping soundly.

"I had it again that stupid nightmare God I'm getting so tired of it. Every night for over a week even Luna can't seem to make it go away." Greg thought to himself as he tried to go back to sleep with no luck.

Although some of the nightmare did happen in real life like the stuff with the CMC and their class and what happened with Twilight and the others. But that was it everything else was nothing but that damn nightmare.

With a light grown he lifted his head looking around seeing that his mates were sleeping soundly as well as Spike. Looking at the little drake Greg could only smile remembering when he came and told the five of them that he was going to stay with them after that incident with Twilight, Luna, and Rarity. But with the help from Draca and the others, he finally forgave them and realized that his crush was never meant to be. Some good news happened for Spike though, three days ago he brought a young dragoness named Barb into the Nesting Grounds.

It took a day for her to tell us that her parents were killed by a rogue dragon who took over their home and horde. She was wondering the forest for days when she bumped into Spike literally and he brought her to us. She was afraid at first not wanting to leave Spikes side, but now she doesn't want to leave his side for other reasons and yes it took the girls to tell me why. So it looks like my little brother is growing up and has found a girl of his own let's just hope they don't want to start a family too soon. And I know what you're thinking how could they be in a relationship like that so fast well when a dragoness or darkena finds a male they have this unique ability to tell if he is the right one for her. She can tell if he's strong, brave, and would be a good provider for their young. But Barb said that what caught her eye was that Spike like me was all that but both of us were also very smart and kind traits rare in dragons.

"Might as well get up and do something maybe I could go to the south part of the forest I heard there are some sauropods around making trouble for the farmers." Greg thought to himself.

Getting up making sure he didn't disturb the others Greg made his way out of the Nesting Grounds only to stop when he heard noise coming from behind him. Turning to look he saw Spike getting up and looking at him.

"Hey bro whatcha doing up so early?" Spike asked rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Oh sorry did I wake you, I was just going to go hunting but you can go back to sleep," I said in the lowest whisper I could do.

Spike stretched once more before he got up and started walking towards me. "Well since I'm up I might as well go with you seeing as you're not the only one who needs to take care of someone," He said looking back at Barb as she slept curled up next to the girls.

I just shook my head and waved for him to come on. As we made our way through the forest I glanced down at Spike my adopted little brother and marveled at how much he had grown since I met him emotionally not physically well physically to seeing as he is half a head taller than Barb now. We walked in silence for a good while until Spike looked up to me.

"So the real reason you're up so early was because of that nightmare again wasn't it?" He asked turning to look at the ground.

After the second time having the nightmare, I told Draca, Spike, and the others about it and about how I was created to be female but could change sex when the need arose. Let's just say they took it well enough Triva and Kirin wouldn't stop laughing after hearing I was really a girl at first but pour Spike was in shock at first hearing that he and I mated. A day by himself and he realized that what he said in the dream/nightmare about taking care of me and the eggs was what he truly felt in his heart. Although he did say if anything like that were to happen he would step up help but as an uncle, not a dad.

"Yeah it's the same one nothing changes in it and even Luna has no idea why it keeps coming back but she suspects something dark about it," I said as we got close to where the sauropods were located. "Are you ready?" I whispered getting a nod from Spike. "Okay since these ones are pretty big will use plan 5," I said as both Spike and I loosened up our muscles and focused on what he each neede to do.

Plan 5 consists of Spike creating a disturbance with his fire shotting it on both sides of the herd making them only able to run in one direction so close together that they would become confused enough that at the end of the walls of fire they wouldn't even notice me as I picked off some of them. But then he would once again use his fire to force them into a big circle so they would stop and begin to calm down before the wall of fire would dissipate leaving them confused but unharmed. The plan has worked every time we used it and today it would be no different.

Far to the west in what is known as the Dragonlands, a large dark figure stood growling to himself. This figure was massive anyone would have mistaken him for a mountain from his size.

"What is taking so long why is that Greg not gone crazy and killed himself?" The mountain of dragon roared only to have a smaller one wrapped in a cloak approached him.

"Dragonlord Scorch I a sorry but the mages are trying their best but using dark magic from this far away can only do so much would it not be better for us just kill this Greg creature than waste time trying to make him do it himself?" The cloaked figure said as it moved across the floor as if it were floating.

"You fool Wrath, Dragonlord Scorch yelled making the one called Wrath flitch. " We can not just kill an Ancient Lord or all involved would have their souls torn from their bodies and their fire snuffed out for all eternity withering away in Tartarus," He said shivering from the thought of the last thing he said.

"As you wish my lord but what should we do with the daughters of Bahamut for they have surely mated with him and laid their clutches of eggs?" Wrath asked as he floated across the floor.

"Do not worry you fool once he is dead they will return to the Dragonlands and as for the clutches of eggs I believe they will meet an unfortunate accident and then in their grief of the loss of their mate and eggs I will take them as my mates that way I will have the daughters of my hated rival Bahamut and have the most powerful hatchlings in all the Dragonlands," Scorch said as he began to laugh the evilest of laughs.

Unknown to the two of them a small red dragon was listening in, it was Garble the same drake that had told the Dragonlord about Greg and the others. He quickly left his hiding spot and made his way outside thinking to himself along the way.

"Why would Lord Scorch do that every dragon knows that an Ancient Lord cant die they can only pass to the next world when they want to?" Garble thought to himself as he exited the giant cave only to take flight."I have to go back and tell them whats happening before Scorch destroys all of Dragon-kind I just hope they believe,"

Back in the Everfree Forest as the sun was rising, our two brave hunters have successfully completed a great hunt bagging three bull sauropods. They both shared a meal of the largest picking it clean to the bone before hoisting the other two on Gregs back to take to the others. On their way back the two of them started to sing.

We finished our song as we got just outside the entrance to see five figures standing there looking at us with big smiles. I walked in and dropped off this week's meal for them only to receive a kiss from all of my mates and for Spike he got a big kiss from Barb. Seeing this made me and the girls dwaaa a little at how cute the two of them looked. Making the both of them blush only made us laugh but that had to end because it was time for them to eat and for Spike to head to Twilights so he could start work. Yes, he still is Twilight's number one assistant but staying in the library feels wrong now with Rarity and Luna staying there most of the time and Rares and twilight both with foal. So he and Barb are living with us, Barb has even gone in and helped Spike with work and made friends with some of the townponies especially with the CMC and Fluttershy. She even made friends with the embodiment of Satan himself Angle Bunny well I can't say that he's my friend too but how he treats everyone else is just wrong. Barb quickly ate her fill before she and Spike headed off to work while I lied down near the nests and watched the others as they too finished their meals as well.

"You had it again didn't you?" Freya asked as she came over to check on the eggs.

I didn't even answer her because she already knew it they all knew that I had been getting much sleep and it started to show especially with how I was beginning to act. Any living creature that has been deprived of sleep for too long would start to show different signs mine was I was becoming short-tempered and growling at every little thing. The only time I was normal so to speak was when I was either hunting or watching over the Nesting Grounds other than that it was getting harder not to snap at the smallest thing. I just wanted one night just one of no nightmare as I laid there I heard Draca and the others greet Luna who had come to visit again.

"Greeting my dear friend how are you faring this morning?" She asked me only to get an eye roll." Ah, the same I see but fear not for I have come up with a temporary solution to aid you," She said making me lift my head to look at her. " Now mind you this is only temporary but will cast a spell that will prevent you from dreaming at all it should last a week and that should give me the time to find out what has caused this to you and stop it once and for all."

Hearing this my attitude changed for the better thinking if I don't dream then I could actually have a restful night for once. I got up and moved over leaning down and nuzzling her cheek. Thank you so much, Luna, but are you sure it'll work I mean," I began to say before stopping midsentence.

"Yes it will work for the spell puts your mind in the same state as what is called a coma that way your body and mind will be able to rest but I must stress this the spell will only work for one week each time you sleep at night it will activate and stop when I lower the moon and Celestia raises the sun and in that time I hope I will be able to find what has caused this to you," Luna said as she stepped away from me and activated the magic in her horn.

To be honest I didn't care if lasted for a week or not just the idea of having a full night's sleep was enough to make me smile. As I watched her the magic of her horn reached out and started to surround me and I felt as if a small part of my mind was cut off from the rest of me.

"There that should do it tonight you will have a dreamless sleep," Luna said smiling at me.

"Thank you so much for this I don't know how I'll ever repay you," I said looking down at her.

Luna looked up at me with a grin. "Well, you could name one of you hatchlings after me," She said chuckling.

I raised an eyebrow looking at her. " I would but, Moonbutt doesn't sound like a name for a dinosaur," I said only to get a raspberry from her.

We both laughed at that and I thanked her again for helping me with trying to stop this nightmare and for being my friend in general. After a short conversation with the girls and me, Luna bid us farewell and returned to Canterlot. When she was gone I got up and started head for town, only to be stopped by Triva.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked in a stern tone.

"Into town to talk to everyone and apologize for the way I was acting why?"I said looking at her.

"Sorry but not today," She said making me look at her with a little confusion. "For today we rest because tomorrow the whole family is to head to Trottingham to meet with our cousin Butte to meet his new mate a griffoness named Gilda and don't worry Celestia said she would watch over the eggs while we are gone,"

I looked at her confused again. "Why can't one of the girls watch the eggs why do we need to bother Celestia?" I asked getting a surprised look from all of them.

"Have you not said time and again that the girls are more of a family to you than your old one," Kirin said walking over to me making me turn red.

Yes, I have said that on many occasions and I still believe it to this day. So thinking about it that would mean Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, the CMC, Spike, and Barb would be joining the five of us on a little trip that should take three days. One to get there one for a visit and one to get back I know that's short but none of us want to be away from the eggs for too long. So it was decided today rest and tomorrow a road trip. I figured I could see if Luna's spell would work as I lied down curling myself around the nests closing my eyes and falling asleep with no trace of that damnable nightmare for once.

Canterlot Castle Trone Room

Luna entered the throne room in a rage nearly tearing the doors off their hinges. Celestia sitting on her thorn looked up from her paperwork at her sister.

"Luna please be careful those doors are a thousand years old and the pony who maintained them retired last year and I have not found a replacement yet," Celestia said a little irritated at her sister.

I am sorry, sister but I have just returned from my visit with Greg and found some disturbing news," Luna said making Celestia stop what she was doing and get up from her throne.

"What disturbing news Luna what is causing Greg to have this nightmare?" Celestia said as she made her way to her sister.

"When I cast the spell on him this morning I saw a trail of magic that connected to his mind it was coming from the west but the main thing is it was dark magic," Luna said making Celestia take a step back.

Are you sure it was dark magic?" Celestia asked getting a nod from her sister. And it was coming from the west true west?" She asked she had to make absolutely sure.

"Yes sister it was dark magic and it was coming from the west true west why do you ask?" Luna said now wondering why the direction was important.

Celestia's look and attitude changed from worried to angered. "That Son of a Salamander, How dare he do this to not only one of our subject but to an Ancient Lord and mate to my daughters<" Celestia yelled releasing a large burst of energy pushing Luna back a few feet.

Yes, you read it right Draca, Triva, Freya, and Triva are Celestia daughters how you may ask? Well with her sister banished to the moon Celestia became lonely and sought out companionship in many different forms most of the time it was a personal student but others it was for more of an adult reason. Until one day she had met these two young Drakes as she watched them compete in different activities, she noticed that one of the was always the victory but he never let it go to his head which was strange for a dragon. She continued watching until the other one got angry a flew off cussing his so-called friend. And at that moment she decided to introduce herself to this now attractive drake.

"Greeting Master Dragon I am Princess Celestia," She said only to be surprised as the dragon turned and bowed down to her without hesitation again unlike other dragons.

"Greeting my Princess it is an honor to be in the presence and if I may be so bold one as beautiful as you," He said still kneeling before her.

Celestia was taken back by this for no one pony or other has told her she was beautiful in such a way to make the Dieachey of the sun blush to the point her white fur was pink.The dragon seeing this took it upon himself to aid the flustered princess by taking her hoof in his claw and patting it to get her to calm down. And it seemed to work for after a few pats Celestia regain her senses.

"Thank you but please may I know the name of a dragon who is so kind and noble?" Celestia asked just like a princess would in a storybook.

"Forgive your Highness my manors I am Bahamut son of Balthazar eldest of the Ancient Lords Ruler of the Dragonlands, Bahamut said taking hold of Celestia's hoof giving it a chased kiss making the Sun Princess blush once more.

Celestia didn't know why but being with Bahamut made her feel whole oh she did still miss her sister terribly but the emptiness in her heart wasn't as big anymore. Every chance they could they would meet and just talk nothing big just plain things like what they had for lunch or they would lie on their backs and look up at the clouds as they floated by. Or at night they would stare at the stars but when Celestia would see the shape on the moon she would become saddened at the sight and tears would fill her eyes and Bahamut would then hold his friend in his claws and console her until the last tear fell. But over time their friendship grew into something more and on one faithful day, it blossomed it to love true love. That night under moon they exchanged that love in vows and the consummation and conception of four eggs that would hatch into the four young Drakena now the mates of Greg the Indominus Rex King of the Dinosaurs and master of the Ancient Lords.

After Celestia had told her sister the truth Luna nuzzled her sister consoling her. "Oh, Tai, I didn't know so that is why you have never taken a stallion as a husband after all this time because you are married to him?" Sha asked for Celestia to only nod. But what has happened to him and why do they not know of you as their mother?" Luna asked stepping back from her sister.

"We had agreed to withhold that from them so they could grow up having a normal life," Celestia said looking down at the floor. "As for my love, he is forever sealed in Tartarus for killing an Ancient Lord," She said with tears falling from her eyes.

Hearing this Luna stood there in shock. "But how, why would he do such a thing did he not know what would happen to him?" She asked raising her voice a little.

"Of course, he knew but he would not even let his own father harm or kill his wife and children," Celestia said starting up and looking at her sister with a cold expression." When Balthazar heard about our marriage and the eggs he was appalled how could his own son wed and mate with a pony even if it was a Princess and in his rage, he tried to crush the eggs and kill me but Bahamut stopped him and in the struggle, he had accidentally killed his own father but I could never understand why he would try such a thing or what made him go mad he was a great friend and loved all ponykind. But for Bahamut, the deed was done and his sole was stripped from him and dragged to Tartarus as for his body I cast a spell and turned him to stone and that is the statue in the center of the maze in the garden." Celestia said as she broke down and started crying not caring if any pony saw her.

Luna teleported them to Celestia's room and placed her sister on her bed." Sister I know it is not much but you may have lost your love but you still have four beautiful daughters and soon you will have many grandchildren to spoil with love," Luna said as she covered her sister so she may sleep after a hard day.

Celestia laid there as her sister left the room only to look at a small picture on her nightstand of her and Bahamut with four eggs between them. "Your right Luna I still have them and my grandchildren and by, mothers name nothing will ever harm any of them even if I have to shove the sun up Dragonlord Scorches Ass," She said through gritted teeth before she laid back down clutching the picture.

Back in the Nesting Grounds, Greg, Draca, Triva, Freya, Kirin, Spike, and Barb all settle down for a good nights sleep Greg found out earlier that the spell Luna did worked and he had a restful nap after which he took over watching the eggs while the girls went out and did stuff they said what it was but he didn't quite hear it as he was too happy at having no nightmare. getting ready for bed Spike and Barb laid down in the center of the four nest then Draca, Triva, Fyera, and Kirin incircled them and the eggs. While Greg incircled all of them keeping his head facing the opening so he could see, smell, and hear if anything would come to cause harm to his family and with that they all closed their eyes.

Meanwhile, at the border of Equestria the young drake Garble flew as fast as he could, he needed to reach them and tell them of Scorche's plan hoping he would make it in time.