• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


This story is a sequel to Barr|iers

The stars did aid in her escape... now what? Celestia only wants to apologize to her sister for everything that happened so long ago, no matter how dangerous she seems, Celestia would know her little sister anywhere.

She's still Luna, isn't she?

A gift for NorrisThePony to celebrate 400 followers. A stand-alone sequel to the previous stories. Previous cover art by MagnaLuna. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 24 )

The picture looks like one you'll see on a clopfic lol but I like the image.

8074125 There isn't any in this story, as you can tell. And maybe someone has already used this image before, but I didn't bother to check. There's plenty of stories that feature the same cover art.

Since I saw this in a post on Ponyverse, I've believed it
....The stars will aid in her escape
And she will bring about endless night.
Look at Twilight's Cutie Mark
Remember that more than1 her escaped that night -including Luna
Remember, Royals often have a poetic but meaningless title or 2.
If you assume one of Luna's was "The Unending Night" (or whatever. It's been awhile since I've seen the pilot)
then the "she" in the prophecy is obviously Twilight & the whole thing was completely accurate, if rather poetically expressed.

This is amazing:twilightsmile:

Before I read this, what is the Thriller and Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

People always assume NMM banished Celestia to the Sun... but how could she?

The ELEMENTS banished Luna to the Moon, NOT CELESTIA. Therefore, to assume NMM would possess a similar power is illogical.

Instead, take notice of the elapsed time period from when the shadow of NMM vanished from the Moon once the stars had aligned to her appearance in Ponyville... a minute, at most? Hardly time for any sort of confrontation.

Instead, is it not much more likely that Celestia, having set her pieces in order, simply stayed back and awaited the outcome she hoped for?

Often times the simplest solution is the correct one. I see no need to overcomplicate that which is self-evident from the available data.

...That's literally not what happened in the story. You read it, right?:twilightsheepish:

8423108 Uhm... kinda seemed like it.

I've reread this over and over... kinda seems like they had a long-winded conflict that ended with Celly stuck in the Sun.

There just wasn't time for any of that, even if somehow Celestia thinking about being stuck inside the Sun has some sort of vague metaphorical meaning instead of the overt implication that she's trapped in the Sun that I cannot grasp.

8423982 Watch the end of the first episode of the show again. It was less than a minute from the time the stars aligned and NMM's shadow vanished to when she appeared. There wasn't any time at all for a confrontation between NMM and Celestia.

It seems to me that Celestia simply slipped away as the time drew near once she saw that Twilight had found 5 friends who looked 'Bearer-ish' and waited for things to play out.

Now... that's pretty weak writing and character... after all, waiting to see how things play out tends not to work out so well in most cases... 4:58 and 7:40 and of this video here illustrate this point quite succinctly. :trollestia:

But, that's the canon. And it wasn't what Lauren Faust had wanted to do anyway. In her original vision, the fight against NMM would have lasted the entire first season and been much more dramatic... think more along the lines of fighting against the Diamonds in "Steven Universe" or the Lich in "Adventure Time". As Hasbro wanted a kiddie show only and there wasn't enough time to develop the conflict in just two introductory episodes while at the same time introducing the whole world and central cast, Celestia was just sort of absent and NMM just popped right in. Anything different is alt-universe. Same thing with regard to Luna being absent during the actual invasion in "Canterlot Wedding". Sure it would've made MUCH more sense for her to be present at the actual royal wedding, but she'd have complicated matters had she been there, and apparently no one could come up with a reason she too would be defeated, given Chrysalis had to struggle against Celestia and Luna could have easily blasted her from, the other side and it'd be game over (of course, Twilight could have done that too rather than stand there retardedly watching her mentor fighting alone, but she's not exactly swift on the uptake in high-stakes situations... also the plot couldn't allow common sense :facehoof:). So Luna was just ignored until the invasion was over.

It didn't HAVE to be that way. A little better writing would take advantage of the changeling's abilities much more. They could have been waiting in Canterlot in droves for weeks, soaking up stolen love and then transferred it to Chrysalis, making her easily powerful enough to beat both Celestia and Luna... buuuuut then the Deus Ex Machina solution would have felt even LESS plausible than it already did... they really wrote themselves into a corner. Nothing satisfying could come out of that scenario. It needed to be completely re-written to make the ponies and changelings more competent from the get-go and have a sensible mechanism to deliver the conclusion instead of some inexplicable love EMP pulse... maybe foreshadow Cadance's powers at least a little and build up some implication that she can trigger some sort of sympathetic resonance with those she loves... some kind of reasonable-sounding magical BS jargon that works to explain the otherwise randomly inserted super power victory.

Compare to DBZ, where Super Saiyans were referenced CONSTANTLY in the build up to Goku's transformation and it was long hinted that he'd be the one to achieve it first. When DBZ has better plotting... yer cartoon's got issues. :trollestia:

You realize that this is just a story set in a continuity devised by a fan writer? It's going to vary. I've seen that episode many times, and I know much of what your comment has stated already. I'm not sure if you read through this or just skimmed it, but it does show that NMM/Luna wasn't using purely her own power and that Celestia was holding back, among other things.

I quite enjoyed the emotions that you have put forth in this 3-chapter story, bravo.

Thanks! Gotta love them emotions.

Thanks a lot for the review! I particularly liked the 'quirks' section since it highlighted a lot of examples and but them in context for the story regarding what you had gripes (if any) with.

Interesting story. The descriptions were thrilling to add flavour to what we already know of the events that transpired. That is both its strength and weakness.

The descriptions of the first too chapters while good, dragged too long that I nearly stop reading from how long it dragged in description. But it was worth it for the final chapter which had the perfect balance of surrounding descriptions and story.

Thanks for reading!

Actually the NMM timeline in Cutie Re-Mark shown Moonie managed to boot Celestia to the moon on her own.
If she could do that, most likely she could boot Celestia to the sun too(but went for the moon for a more "punishment" due to NMM lost a 1000 years by being stuck up there)




Thank you, that's what I strive for!

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