• Member Since 17th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Just a massive MLP fan hoping to please you by writing decent fanfiction and reviews.


Tirek has stolen all the magic in the entire universe, and everything would be under his tyrannical rule forever...if it weren't for a certain Super Saiyan Blue that came to stop him, Goku.
Now, Goku must do battle with the strongest being to ever exist in this dimmension.
I think this should be obvious, but major spoilers for Dragon Ball Super, so if you aren't up to date with the show, you won't understand some things (oh, and p.s. this is going to be a lot more action involved than my other story, which is more about the journey to fight Tirek rather than the battle itself).

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 60 )

So, this story is brand new and it has gotten a couple of dislikes already. If you would explain why, I would appreciate it as it could help improve my writing.

Interesting And I saw your comment and I can kind'a see why it could get a dislike ;not that I'm disliking it or anything I think its pretty good. But if Tirek is already that big then it won't be a very good fight against Goku sense the size difference would be like an ant fighting an elephant.

And what I mean by that is That Tirek would be way to big to hit Goku and even with SSB All Goku could really do would be to use attacks that could destroy planets. And if they work then boom Tirek's dead after one shot ,but if Tirek is to powerful for even a planet level attacks then its a never ending battle between an ant with power that could rival the gods and a solar system sized titan that's power seems close to rivaling if not surpassing the tree of Harmony

But that's just my thoughts
I'm going to like and follow this story

8105634 I agree on most of your points, however, it is directly stated in dragon ball super that Goku in ssg form could destroy the universe by fighting with Beerus, and ssb is even more powerful, so he would be far above universe level.
Now, if Tirek stole magic from a regular universe, he would stand no chance, but since it's a magical universe, he is also far above universe level, so it would be a fair fight.
And for your point on Goku's size, in my personal headcanon, Tirek's eyes are like they are because he has incredibly enhanced vision, and the larger he becomes, the better his eyes are.
Anyways, thanks for your input and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

8106888 well honestly I didn't mean the fight wouldn't be fair. I expected their power to be close to equal with one another
What I meant and I mean no type of affence in any way ,but the fight it self seems like it would be kind'a weird sense it would literally look like an ant trying to fight an elephant or even maybe a whale. :applejackconfused:

And I honestly if you haven't already planed out their fight with Tirek being the size of a planet I was wandering if I could maybe offer an idea about Tirek :unsuresweetie:

8107351 Well, I do already have it fully planned out, but you can still tell me your idea, and I might change some of the story if I really like the idea. Oh, also I think it would be more akin to an atom fighting a solar system, that's how big he is. :pinkiegasp:

What about gozer the gozarion from Ghostbusters

8107453 Gozer the what now? I've never watched ghost busters.

8107411 oh, well I came up with this idea cause I'm writing a story that uses Tirek but its mostly DBZ style fighting so he learned how to control the way the magic in his body affects him.
And what i mean is he can choose between size and power so if he wanted to even with the magic of the four alicorns he could shrink his physical size down to say as big as Discord and this would only increase the amount of magical power he has sense none of the magic goes to increasing his size.

So long story short if the Tirek in story managed to learn this ability he could shrink back down to about Goku's size and it would give him an increase in the amount of magical energy he has at his disposl.

If this is to complicated. Tell me and if you want I can try to explain it better

8107535 Huh, that's a good idea, hero vs huge titan battles are pretty epic, but I generally find evenly sized fighters can make a more entertaining battle sometimes. I'll definitely think about making that modification. Thanks for the great idea! :twilightsmile:

Gozer is a God who makes ghosts and only the Ghostbusters can defeat gozer

8111466 Oh, so you're connecting them, in the way that only Goku could stop Tirek.

No tirek take's on gozer the gozarian not knowing that the only people who can defeat gozer are the Ghostbusters

8112144 Well, that wouldn't work because A. I know nothing of the ghost busters and B. Tirek literally can't win no matter what. Sorry about that.:applejackunsure:

Pretty good so far :ajsmug:
I liked how Twilight attack :rainbowlaugh:

8156676 well trying is all people can do:ajsmug:
You have more of a story done then I do :twilightsheepish:

I'll admit I wasn't expecting Discord to end up helping ,but it was a interesting turn of events :ajsmug:

8196763 Apparently, one person doesn't think so (+1 dislike :applejackunsure:)

8197058 well that's to bad for them if they couldn't find somthing in the story to enjoy.
And personally I never liked the idea of being able to dislike a story ,I mean if you don't like it then just don't read it. They don't have to hate on it especially if the problem is just they don't like the idea of the story and there's nothing actually wrong with it. And if the problem is just the author makes Spelling ,grammar and punctuation mistakes they don't need to hate on the story they need to explain the mistakes in the comments so hopefully the author can learn from them.

8197926 I also never dislike a story. If I don't like it, I just don't like or dislike it. Anyways, I'm glad you've enjoyed my story so far and I'll have the final chapter up hopefully this weekend.

ok I’m not going to lie:applejackunsure: I didn't think the combine power blast the three of them shot was actually going to defeat Tirek?:unsuresweetie:
and I cant see Tirek just giving up so easily and what I mean is I get he knows he cant win ,but he seems more like Frieza as in he would rather go down attacking his opponent even if he knew he couldn't win before he would ever just surrender.

but that's just me:moustache: either way good story

Well, Frieza was at least almost at half of Goku’s strength, and even if you think about Frost and Hit, where Frost was probably a lot more than 100x weaker, at least they were kind of in a way on the same level. But Tirek, Goku could’ve killed him a trillion times over in a second if he wanted to, and Tirek knew this. Even a surprise attack would just tickle Goku. And Tirek, as seen in the episode, is clearly not dumb. He is clever and witty, but even that can only go so far. As for Tirek being like Frieza in the first place, would he really? Think about Tirek before he absorbed magic, and think about whether or not that Tirek would be dumb enough to try that. Anyways, thanks for your feedback, and I hope you enjoy any more content of mine you may read. :pinkiesmile:

well in the show when Tirek first escaped and Discord arrived Tirek tried to attack him and that was when Tirek only had a few random ponies magic so he’s not afraid to attack an obviously stronger opponent.

but I did like how you said Discord’s chaos magic basically grew back:ajsmug:
and honestly that how it should be sense he’s the spirit of chaos he shouldn't have a set amount of magic like Celestia and Luna ,their powers are connected to the sun and moon which would make them really powerful ,but even the sun and moon have a set amount of energy while chaos does not.
and honestly if you want to go into more detail about why Discord’s magic returned you could say its from all the chaos caused by the battle?

True, all of that is very true.

what is the point of this story the very concept is flawed

Well, I wrote this because I just had the idea in my head, and also, how is the concept flawed?

its basically have a hero from some other series show up to take care of a villain instead of letting the heroes of the story handle it

the 2 franchises have nothing in common

Well, a reply to your first statement, there are other stories like this, such as Tirek is Doomed, which also have someone from another universe defeat Tirek. And to your second statement, have you seriously never read a Dragon Ball crossover on this website? They're all over!

yes and? both those ideas are dumb regardless of who does them a cross over should never make 1 side look weaker than the other

and dbz does not fit MLP they have nothing in common and again the Z cast is so far abouve anything in MLP it makes the heroes useless

Well, that's your opinion. Writers are allowed to write about what they want, and as you can see from the story I linked, there are very well received stories about this topic. Think of the story like this: You're being bullied by a big, buff guy, while your a weak nerd, and a person sees this, and helps you out. Is there anything wrong with that? :unsuresweetie:

Hey wait a minute?! What about Super Sonic?! He can beat Tirek too with Chaos Control and can wipe him off the face of the earth! Beside Sonic can hold his own against gods and he is just as tough as Goku.

Sonic? Strong as Goku? Nah, I don't see it. Though he is a formidable fighter. Just not able to casually wipe out universes in his base form. :rainbowwild:

Probably not, as I doubt many many people would want to read the sequel to a story with more dislikes than likes. :applejackunsure:

That's okay. Everybody starts somewhere. I meant that I didn't want to spend many hours on a story that would likely not get much attention. And anyways, I'm working on this big story right now that's gonna take a looong time to finish. I may consider it, but don't take my word for it.

Time for Goku to go all out!

Well what if Saga creates a Super Sonic Blue form for Sonic then he can defeat Tirek without breaking a sweat!

I doubt it. Then it'd be too obvious they're pipping off from Dragon ball. And actually, one version of Super Sonic might be able to. Sonic 06. He fought someone who would collapse all timelines in past, present, and future.

Yeah good point, but it would be cool that Sonic would get a more powerful form of Super Sonic.

Well kinda of I was thinking of Super Sonic Blue since Dragon Ball unveiled Super Sayian Blue I'm sure that Sonic is going to get something like that.

I think Toei would sue Sega.

Well what if Sega asks them first about a Blue form for Sonic.

Well, it's especially a problem because Sonic is already blue. Maybe red? Anyways, I think Hyper is enough.

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