• Published 8th Apr 2017
  • 5,697 Views, 325 Comments

Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia - bigbear

Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

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Chapter 4 - The Invitation

Some weeks later, Twilight landed at Canterlot Castle early for teatime. She had ponies to see before her meeting with Celestia. The first one she sought out was Celestia's private secretary, Raven.

“Good afternoon, Princess Twilight,” Raven said.

Twilight looked conspiratorially right and left, to be sure Celestia was not in earshot, and then summoned her checklist and quill. “Is everything prepared... in case she says yes, I mean.”

Raven flipped open the folio she was holding and consulted her notes. “I made sure Princess Celestia has no meetings set for this evening. The Solar Box at the Canterlot Symphony Hall has been reserved. The managers at the hall have arranged a landing space for the Royal Chariot, a red carpet, and a greeting committee. They have prepared the Solar Box and its reception room. I confirmed that appropriate food and drink will be available.”

“Check, check, and double check.” Twilight’s quill made precise marks on her list. “Thank you for everything, Raven.”

“My staff and I are happy to help, princess,” Raven replied. “We appreciate that you alerted us weeks ago, so we could create a comprehensive event plan.”

“I’m all for detailed preparation. But I can’t believe there have been so many details to take care of.” Twilight shook her head. “The symphony hall is just across Canterlot.”

“A royal appearance such as this is a public event of some importance,” Raven said. “Everypony involved wants to do the best they can for their sovereigns.”

“We all want the best for Princess Celestia,” Twilight agreed.

Next, Twilight found Lieutenant Steel Wing of the Royal Guard. If Princess Celestia were to leave the castle on this night, he would be in charge of security. The Lieutenant, a white pegasi in golden armor, saluted as Twilight approached.

“Ah, thank you, Lieutenant,” Twilight said. She looked for Celestia again. Not seeing her, Twilight summoned her list and quill again. “Is everything ready to go?”

Lieutenant Steel Wing stood at attention. “The Royal Chariot passed its pre-flight inspection. Guards have reviewed the route between the castle and the symphony hall, and within the hall between the front door, the Solar Box, and an emergency exit. There is a protection plan in place for all. My entire squadron has been assigned to protect both princesses during the event.”

“An entire squadron. That seems very… thorough,” Twilight said. She quickly marked off the last items on her list. “It seems you have things well-in-hoof. I hope to see you tonight.” The Lieutenant saluted again.

Twilight turned and headed for the castle garden. It was almost teatime. As she wandered the halls of the castle, busy ponies that worked for the government passed her left and right.

I’ll bet at least 50 ponies have become engaged in my little outing,” Twilight thought, “Next time, Celestia and I should just go to The Hay Burger in Ponyville.

In the dappled shade of the willow tree, Twilight and Celestia exchanged pleasantries and a most amazing nuzzle (still one of the high points of any teatime). But, before Celestia could continue their teatime pattern, Twilight jumped in with her own question first.

“Do you remember two musicians named Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch? They’re roommates in Ponyville and have played at castle events.”

Celestia began to brew the tea. “A cellist and a DJ? As I understand it, they were originally roommates at the Royal Academy of Music as well.”

“I didn’t know that.” Twilight recovered from being deflected and continued. “Anyway, a few months ago, Vinyl lost a bet with Octavia, and the forfeit was for them to create a piece of classical music together. They came to my archives in Ponyville to gather inspiration from some ancient volumes. I haven’t heard the music they composed, but they’re debuting it at the Royal Canterlot Symphony Hall tonight.”

Celestia continued the tea brewing ritual. She raised an eyebrow and put on her “...yes, and?” smile.

“I’m going to the symphony to show my support.” Twilight took a deep breath and swallowed hard. It was amazingly hard to continue. “I was wondering... if you... would like to go too... with me?”

Celestia glanced up and considered. “I would have to check my schedule...”

“Raven confirmed you have no meetings tonight and the ponies at the hall are ready for a Royal visit.” Twilight's words came out in a rush. “Lieutenant Steel Wing has the chariot ready and a plan for the route and the hall itself.”

Celestia looked down her muzzle at Twilight. “And have you spoken to the Royal Pastry Chef? What about cake, Twilight? Will we have sufficient cake on our outing?”

“I didn’t think to talk to the chef,” Twilight worried. “Raven said the ponies at the hall would provide appropriate food.” She looked up at Celestia’s stern countenance and then took in a deep breath. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”

Celestia lit up in the smile that Twilight had decided was just for her. Her heart melted. “Only a little. It sounds like a very pleasant evening. And the caterers at the Royal Symphony Hall serve the most wonderful tiramisu.” Celestia picked up the freshly brewed pot. “Tea?”

“Please.” Twilight smiled back. Everything was right with the world once again.

They drank delicious tea and nibbled on tea cookies. “Are you planning on wearing your regalia tonight?” Celestia asked.

Twilight realized this was something she hadn’t planned for. She seldom wore her crown outside of official events and hadn’t worn her golden boots more than a few times since her coronation.

On the other hand, Celestia seemed to live in her regalia. The few times Twilight had seen her without crown, torc, and boots, Celestia looked... naked. Many ponies went without clothes at all, but without her regalia, Celestia looked incomplete, vulnerable.

“I hadn’t really thought about it,” Twilight replied honestly. “I don’t normally wear my crown. I don’t want it to distance me from other ponies.”

“The symphony is a formal event,” Celestia said. “Many in the audience will dress up as a sign of respect.”

“Is wearing my regalia required?” Twilight asked.

“Expected, perhaps. You’ll find as a princess many things are expected, even if few are required.” Celestia set down her teacup. “For many, our symbols of office remind them of their connection to the nation, to their fellow ponies. When a leader presents themselves with confidence and respect, ponies feel stronger bonds with the herd. And Equestria is a herd for all of our ponies, writ large.”

Twilight looked thoughtful. “OK then, give me a moment.” She closed her eyes and set her muzzle in deep concentration. She channeled powerful magic, and there was a loud pop! Twilight opened her eyes, and her crown and boots were sitting on the stone table between them, wisps of leftover magenta magic dissipating from around them like smoke.

“You summoned these in from…”

“The storage cabinet,” Twilight said. She took in a deep breath and let it out. “At my castle in Ponyville.”

Celestia nodded and smiled. “Most impressive.”

Twilight grinned shyly. “Thank you.” Praise from Celestia still made her feel warm, just like the sun did.

She nudged the boots and they clinked together. The boots were gold and each had six purple diamonds set in a star to resemble her mark. “I almost never wear these things.”

“Good boots provide support and cushioning as well as improved traction. Remember how hard it was to keep your balance when you tried to stand on the icy rock?” Twilight nodded. Celestia lifted a foreleg to show off her own golden boots. “They can even subtly shift your posture and make it easier to be on your hooves all day. I wouldn’t think of facing the world without them.”

Twilight levitated her boots and slipped them on. She grimaced as she got her balance, then put on her best princess smile.

It didn’t fool Celestia for a moment. “Take those off, I don’t think they fit you quite right. Let me call the Royal Farrier and we’ll see what he can do to help.”

Twilight slipped all four boots off and levitated them back to the table. Relief was visible on her face. Celestia tinkled a small bell next to the tea set and a royal guard responded. “Please ask the Royal Farrier to join us at his earliest convenience.” The guard saluted and left to deliver the message.

Twilight used magic to pick up her crown. Formed of thin, crisscrossing gold beams that ended in five points adorned with small purple jewels, she’d selected it because the gems reminded her of her five best friends.

She placed the crown on her head and put on a smile for Celestia. When she looked up, the crown shifted off center and messed up her mane. She dropped her head and her smile dissolved into a frown. “Then there’s the fact that the crown keeps slipping around all the time.”

Celestia inclined her head at Twilight’s crown. “May I?” Twilight nodded and Celestia picked it up in her golden magic.

“Crowns fit better if they are oval. I know that reference works say crowns should be round, but the writers clearly never had to wear a crown all day.” Heat waves in the air shimmered around the crown as the shape subtly shifted in Celestia's magic.

“The crown should also lean slightly forward to help frame your face most effectively.” The shape of the crown shifted again, then Celestia blew gently on the crown and the heat waves disappeared.

“The greater the volume of your mane, the easier it is to keep your crown from shifting. Luna and I have a natural advantage in that regard.” That was certainly true, Twilight thought. The diarchs ever flowing manes were larger than their entire bodies! “But small changes in mane style make a huge difference.” Celestia summoned a brush in a golden magical flash. “May I show you?”

Twilight’s eyes were wide as she shook her head yes. This conversation was taking a decidedly personal turn.

Celestia moved with great care, as she ran the brush gently through Twilight’s mane in long luxurious strokes.

Twilight stood very still and leaned into the strokes. She could feel the soft bristles against her scalp and the tug on her mane that seemed to go on forever. She half lidded her eyes so she could concentrate on the sensations and lost count of how many strokes Celestia gave.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Celestia withdrew the brush and placed the crown gently back on Twilight's head.

Twilight was trepidatious. Hadn’t the crown been hot enough to soften gold just moments before? But now it was cool against her brow. And when Celestia put the crown on her head, it snuggled down like it was meant to be there. It had never felt so comfortable before.

Celestia summoned a mirror and held it up. At first glance, Twilight could not tell how her mane had changed, but under further examination, it seemed fuller than before. And the modified crown really did frame her face better. Maybe it was the crown. Maybe it was the mane style. Or maybe it was because she felt so darned good right now. But Twilight thought she looked… regal.

Celestia examined her handiwork and nodded in satisfaction. “How does it feel now?”

“Amazing.” Twilight beamed. “Like it belongs there.”

“It’s easier to keep your crown in place if you keep your head level, and move slightly slower than you’re used to.” Celestia turned her head with practiced slowness. “Remember, when anything happens, everypony is looking for your reaction. A deliberate gait or a gentle nod is often all you need to get your point across. Not only will this help you keep your crown in place, it can help you look more poised and thoughtful.”

Twilight turned her head slowly as she examined her reflection in the mirror. She practiced a gentle nod. It felt… weird. Slow. And a little bit like playing dress up. This was going to take some practice. But Twilight was never one to shun hard work or concentrated effort. If looking the part was important to being a princess, she would figure out how to look the part.

The door to the garden opened and a heavily built unicorn stallion with dark blue coat and iron gray mane and tail entered. He had a thick apron covering his barrel and his mark was a pair of crossed hammers, a small one atop a large one. “You sent for me, your majesty?”

“Thank you for coming,” Celestia replied. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, this is Meticulous Hammer, the Royal Farrier.” The unicorn made a short, but respectful, bow. Twilight practiced making a gentle nod so that her crown wouldn’t slip.

“Meti, Princess Twilight is having some trouble with her boots. Do you think you could take a look at them?”

“Of course.” He turned to Twilight. “Your Highness, may I examine your hooves and boots?”

Twilight was not used to being called “Your Highness”. After her ascension, she’d made sure no one in Ponyville even called her “Princess” unless it was some kind of formal affair. But Celestia hadn’t made a fuss when Meticulous called her “Your Majesty”. If Twilight was going to be dealing with ponies around Celestia, maybe she was going to have to get used to hearing her titles.

Twilight agreed and levitated the golden boots from the stone table and put them in front of Meti.

The farrier glanced at the boots but directed most of his attention on Twilight's hooves. He tapped the back of her left foreleg, and she instinctively raised her hoof. He examined it closely. “Everything I know about ponies I learn from their hooves. From your development, I can tell you used to be a unicorn. When Princess Cadance was growing up in the castle, I could tell she used to be a pegasus.”

Twilight wondered what he could tell from examining Celestia’s hooves, but didn’t ask.

Meti put down her forehoof and got her to raise the hind one. “You live in an earth pony town and walk on a lot on dirt roads. Not in the fields, but not on pavement either. You should spend more time in the fields. There’s still a lot of earth pony potential you’re not taking advantage of.”

Meti moved to Twilight's other side and tapped her right foreleg. Her hoof came up. “You’ve traveled more than a few leagues on the march, likely with earth pony companions. You don’t just use your wings or teleportation to get places.

“And yes, I can see signs that you teleport in your hooves. The keratin gets slightly discolored from repeated extra-dimensional exposure. Need to be careful with hoof care because of that. Your lower limbs are among the most sensitive places in your body. Isn’t that right, your majesty?”

“Certainly among the more sensitive areas of mine,” Celestia replied.

Meti put down Twilight's forehoof and got her to raise her rear one. “You’ve some speed in ya. I’ll bet you’ve run races for fun.” Twilight nodded. “Earth pony town... the Running of the Leaves perhaps?” Twilight smiled and nodded again.

“I’ve told her majesty that she needs to get out and run more so she can get back her speed.”

“Meti, I’m faster than any runner at the Equestria games,” Celestia retorted.

“But you’re not as fast as you could be.”

Celestia snorted.

“Not as fast as your sister is.”

Celestia frowned but didn’t dignify Meti’s claim with a response. He addressed Twilight again. “Somepony clearly helps you take care of these. An earth pony used to giving hooficures to working ponies, not just for beauty.”

“Lotus Blossom and Aloe, at the Ponyville Day Spa.”

“I’ll get in contact with them. They’ve done a good job, but there are things about alicorn hooves they need to know to give you the best possible care.”

He produced a small pouch of tools from beneath his apron and proceeded to measure all four of her hooves with gauge, ruler, and dividers.

“Alicorn hooves aren’t like the hooves of any other type of pony. They are closest to earth pony hooves but can be even stronger. I know more about alicorn hooves than any physician. I’ve made boots for all five known alicorns if you count the baby booties I made for little Princess Flurry Heart.

He looked at his measurements. “I’ll bet you’re still growing.”

“A hoof taller in the last year,” Twilight said

“While you’re growing, you should have your boots checked and adjusted every few months. I remember when Princess Cadance first started wearing boots after she graduated from school. I must have adjusted her’s a dozen times while she grew into marehood.”

He put the tools away, whipped a small notebook from a pocket of his apron, and began sketching with a pencil.

Twilight stretched her neck to try and see. Meti showed her his work. The drawings were as precise as any she’d seen in a medical text. They included exact dimensions and specific notes. “Very impressive,” Twilight said.

“Thank you, Your Highness.” Only then did Meticulous Hammer examine her boots. “I recognize these. Fine materials, but I seem to remember having to make them in a hurry.”

“My coronation was on short notice,” Twilight said.

Meti nodded. “I can have these adjusted and back to you after dinner.”

“That will be fine, Meti. We’re going to the symphony tonight,” Celestia said.

“Nothing like royal boots to dazzle a crowd.” Meti stashed the notebook back in his apron and picked up the boots. “By your leave?”

“Thank you very much,” Twilight said.

The unicorn made a short respectful bow and exited the garden.

“Let’s inform Raven of our plans,” Celestia said. “What do you think of a light supper before we go?”

They talked for the next hour until it was time for sunset. Through her connection to the sun, Twilight could feel it getting lower in the sky.

Twilight followed Celestia to a reception room, curiously called the Twilight Room. It had a grand balcony that overlooked the royal square and was near the top of the central tower in Canterlot Castle. The Royal Sisters each had their own Solar and Lunar towers, with quarters and smaller balconies. Skyways connected them to the central tower. The sisters could rise and set their celestial bodies from anywhere. Celestia had done it while flying with Twilight some weeks before. But the grand balcony was the most common place for the sisters to meet when they worked together to manage the transition from day to night.

From the balcony, the sparkling city spread out before Celestia and Twilight. The buildings cast long shadows until, with the coming of dusk, the shadows merged into a cool darkness that blanketed the city. Lights, arcane and practical, flared to life along the roads and in the buildings.

The door to the Twilight Room opened and Luna made her entrance, a large steaming mug of coffee held in her azure magic. “World's Best Princess” adorned the mug.

“Hail and well met, Twilight Sparkle!” Luna called as she strode into the room. “And a good eve to you, dear sister.” Celestia smiled her ‘sister smile’ and nodded. It was a smile of genuine pleasure.

“It’s good to see you too, Luna,” Twilight replied. Luna was dramatic, mercurial, and intense. Twilight considered her a good friend.

“Will you be joining us for supper after the rising?” Celestia inquired.

“Nay, coffee only for me right now. I’m breaking my fast later with my Night Guard.” Luna slurped a gulp from her alicorn-sized mug.

“Twilight and I are going to the symphony tonight.”

“Two musicians from Ponyville are debuting a new work,” Twilight said.

The disappointment was clear on Luna’s face. “I’m sorry to miss the opening. Perhaps I’ll be able to catch a future performance.” She glanced out at the sun that was just above the horizon and brightened. “It’s time, sister.”

Celestia and Luna stepped onto the grand balcony. Celestia gestured an invitation with a wing feather and Twilight joined them. Celestia’s horn lit, and she gazed out at the sun.

Twilight matched her gaze. She could feel the warmth of the sun within her. She mouthed silently, “Thank you for your light and warmth. Thank you for providing the energy for all the ponies and creatures and living things in this world. Thank you for being Celestia’s friend and my friend too.

Celestia’s thoughts were her own. She gently nodded her head, and the sun dutifully dipped below the horizon. The sky blazed with the sunset and twilight fell upon the land. “The day gives way to the night,” Celestia intoned.

Luna’s horn lit, and she took in a great breath. She raised her head dramatically and the full moon rose over the horizon, bathing the world in its silver light. “The night accepts dominion,” Luna replied.

Twilight let out a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding. She’d witnessed the different parts of the rising and setting many times. But to stand here on the grand balcony in her crown, to witness the oaths, and to feel like a part of the ceremony through her connection to the sun, the totality of the experience was overwhelming. She at once felt bigger and smaller than she had before. Bigger, because she was actually a part of something so large and critical to all life as the cycle of day and night. And smaller, because that cycle was so immensely huge that any one pony, no matter how important, was just like a grain of sand on a vast ocean beach.

It was Luna who broke the spell. She took another large gulp from her mug and made a happy sigh. “I’m off to break my fast with the Night Guard. Enjoy the symphony. Sister, I will see the on the marrow.”

The evening air was cool but comfortable on Twilight’s coat, and there was almost no wind. One advantage of pegasus weather control was ensuring that the sovereigns had a pleasant environment. It was so nice, that Celestia and Twilight decided to sup on the grand balcony and pony watch over the great city before them.

After their meal, Meticulous Hammer knocked on the door to the Twilight Room. He entered carrying Twilight’s boots. They’d been polished to a high sheen and the purple diamonds glimmered in the silver moonlight that filtered in from the night sky.

“May I confirm how these fit, your Highness?” Meti asked. Twilight presented her right forehoof, and Meti slipped on the boot. Twilight raised an eyebrow. The boot gripped Twilight's hoof and covered part way up her leg. It was cool to the touch, but the fit was perfect, more like a glove than hard metal. “Stand on it and tell me how it feels.”

Twilight stood up. The boot fit different than before and she shifted her weight to compensate. It felt good. “May I try the other ones on, please?”

Meti fitted the rest of the boots. Twilight shifted her weight and pranced a bit in place to get a feel for them. Except for the cool touch, and superior traction, the boots fit so well they seemed to disappear in her mind unless she was looking at them. Twilight walked over to a full-length mirror. The boots looked even better than she remembered them. Combined with her crown, she looked very much like a princess. “They’re perfect,” she said.

“Thank you, your highness.”

Celestia stood by Twilight in the mirror. “Those suit you very well.” She addressed Meti. “These are angled?” He nodded and Celestia went back to addressing Twilight. “You’ll find these shift your weight slightly forward. This has a few advantages. It’s more comfortable to stand for long periods of time, and because of this, you’re less likely to fidget. Also, it gives you a more barrel-first posture, a type of power pose, and ponies will subconsciously see it as a sign of authority.”

Goodness, there is a lot to being a princess,” Twilight thought. “I’ve had my wings for a couple of years, but I’m just learning this stuff now.” She turned to the farrier. “Thank you, Meticulous, these are wonderful.”

“Happy to be of assistance. I look forward to seeing you again in a few months so we keep them fitting well.” Meti made a small bow and took his leave.