• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 7,380 Views, 81 Comments

The Blue Blur - MetalJrock

Sonic the Hedgehog finds himself on another world and has to defeat Eggman once again.

  • ...

We Can

Sonic kicked an Egg Pawn backwards, watching its metal feet clanging and stumbling trying to regain balance. He turned his head and noticed the Equestrians fending off the robots as best they could. "This your first robot fight? Trust me, you'll get used to it." assured, using a Homing Attack to pierce right through a Badnik.

"This Eggman guy has quite the army." Twilight pointed out, shooting back a Slicer as its pincers drew out of its arm, trying to slice the alicorn, but she ducked underneath them.

Knuckles uppcutted an Egg Pawn so hard that it actually flew into the air, where Rainbow Dash drove both of her hooves directly into it, breaking it apart instantly. "You're telling us! We have to deal with this almost every month!" the echidna growled, ducking under a laser beam and reaching his fist so that it could pierce through the robot.

Pinkie hopped over a Motobug and dug her hooves on top of a Crabmeat's body, smashing it. "Woohoo! This is fun!" she cheered proudly, now back on the ground. She zipped over a Slicer and allowed Applejack to buck it backwards, throwing it on the ground upon impact, where the metal shattered in a small explosion.

"Pinkie's got the right idea!" quipped Sonic, charging a Spin-Dash to ram through some Egg Pawns that were lined up perfectly in front of him easily.

Rainbow Dash watched Sonic uncurl in awe, "Heh. You gotta teach me that sometime." she suggested, flying past a Motobug before its pincers could attack her. "In fact, you say you're fast. But I think I'm faster." she boasted, swerving down as she tackled a few Motobugs down as hard as she could.

"We'll see about that!" laughed Sonic, spin-kicking a lance-wielding Egg Pawn while doing a backflip. He then zipped behind and Egg Pawn and uppercutted it, removing its head with a single punch. Rainbow was about to attack a Slicer, dodging its homing pincers with a quick swerve, but Sonic stepped ahead and kicked it into the air, allowing it to fall without a care, "See?" he joked. Rainbow glared at the hedgehog, who didn't seem to mind.

Applejack rolled her eyes, hopping over a Slicer's pincers. "Now's not the time fer showboatin' and makin' yer usual brags, Rainbow!" she yelled in annoyance, turning her body so that she could kick back a Crabmeat that came crawling towards her. She crouched, unknowingly ducking below a Buzz Bomber stinger, the beam barely grazing the top of her stetson, surprising her.

Sonic and Rainbow charged after the Buzz Bomber, the latter bumping into it while the hedgehog curled into a ball and smashed it to pieces with a Homing Attack.

Knuckles drove his fist through an Egg Pawn, "If it makes you feel any better, Sonic has an ego too."

"I'm not that bad." Sonic joked, fistbumping Rainbow for a job well done, "You're the one always challenging me to a fight anyway." he reminded the guardian.

Spike slashed a Coconuts hanging from the side of a building with his claws, leaping into the air using his green fire breath to catch it off guard before it could throw something, "These robot minions are something else all right." he groaned, kicking a coconut back at another monkey Badnik, blowing its head off.

Sonic and Applejack kicked an Egg Pawn at the same time, seeing its body burst into itself, "Not a bad kick. I thought I was the master of it." quipped the hedgehog.

"Well, clearly, ya haven't worked at Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack replied with a smirk.

The hedgehog hit a Motobug with a Spin-Dash, "Nah, i prefer trashin' robots for a living."

Knuckles, while punching a Slicer, said, "You and me both!"

Rainbow pinned down an Egg Pawn Rarity was levitating, "This is awesome! You should bring me on one of your adventures one day!" she cheered as the Pawn exploded.

"Maybe." replied Sonic, using his Homing Attack to reach a Buzz Bomber as fast as he could.

Rarity pursed her lips, "How could you both discuss this at a time like now?"

Sonic held an Egg Pawn's arm up and curled into a ball, tearing it apart with a Spin-Dash, "Eh. I've been doin' this for years, it's sorta like second nature to us three. As if Egghead can make me take this seriously anyway. It's rather lackluster compared to some of his other plans." he quipped.

"I heard that, you filthy rodent!" Eggman spat, overhearing the conversation through the robots.

The hedgehog shouted back, "Ya know it's true!"

Twilight groaned, holding back a Motobug and Crabmeat at the same time with her magic. Spike hopped and drove his feet into the robots, denting the metal a little. "Huh. So it can be done." the dragon realized, avoiding the crab's metal claw, his tail barely getting pinched, earning a surprised yelp.

Eggman laughed, "If you wish the battle to end, then I will repeat myself once more! Reveal to me the location of the Elements of Harmony, or suffer!"

"How does he know about them?!" Twilight muttered to herself again in disbelief.

Knuckles smashed his fists together then uppercutted a charging Motobug. "We'll explain once we trash Eggman's scrap!" he revealed, driving his hands forward to attack a floating Buzz Bomber, gliding and drilling into an Egg Pawn.

"As if!" snarled Rainbow.

Sonic chuckled, "You're gonna need a better battle tactic than that, Baldy McNosehair!"

"Is that nickname really sticking?" groaned Knuckles in disappointment.

Rainbow snickered, "Baldy McNosehair...? Ha!"

Sonic smiled, "Wait until you see him. He lives up to the name."

"Shut up!" yelled Eggman. "Now tell me, or I'll have you vaporized on the spot!"

Pinkie chimed in, "Yeah! We'll never tell you they're in Canterlot!"

"Pinkie!" the girls shouted at the same time, scolding the pink party pony in anger. Upon realizing what she just said, Pinkie shrunk, a sheepish smile on her muzzle.

Eggman could be heard laughing, "Why thank you, pink one! Come back to me, my minions. We have another town to conquer!" at that, the robots all warped away from Ponyville, confusing Sonic, Knuckles and especially Tails who noticed the Egg Carrier taking its leave.

Knuckles shook a fist to the sky yelling, "Eggman! Come down here and face us, coward!"

"Nah!" boomed Eggman's voice, the carrier slowly getting away right above them. "To Canterlot we shall head to!"

Twilight gulped, "W-What...?"

Sonic growled loudly, "Egghead! Get back here!" with a sigh, he looked to the sky and noticed the fox's biplane making a slow descent, and then he had to find a spot to land the plane.

The alicorn frowned and glared at Sonic, "What the hay is going on?!" she finally blurted out, "First he shows up, then the robots, and now you three do?! And now Canterlot is at risk...! What does he want with us and thr Elements?!" she groaned in pure frustration, unable to comprehend the series of events that comprised of her day.

"I'm sorry, Twilight..." Pinkie sighed, disappointed in herself, taking the fall for Sonic and Knuckles.

Twilight's gaze softened and she frowned at Pinkie, "Pinkie... I-I'm not mad... Just really confused."

Spike wiped some sweat from his scales, "Thank goodness... I didn't want to see the aftermath." Sonic looked down and put his hands on his hips in confusion at his vague comment, but he shrugged it off.

"Look, Twilight," Sonic began, "We didn't mean for this to happen. Trust me, the last thing we wanted was for Eggman to bring our battle to another world. Trust me, we're going to bring him down. It's not the first time my friends and I stopped him and it certainly won't be the last." he explained in a calm tone. He noticed the alicorn calming down slightly, judging by how her wings curled back to her side and her softened gaze and breathing.

Then, the Tornado finally landed, the wheels grazing the grass as it slowly halted. Hopping out of the air vehicle was the two-tailed fox, and he looked around, "What did I miss?" he wondered. "And where did Eggman go?"

"Not much. Egghead just sent some robots down, and apparantly the Elements of Harmony he's lookin' for are in a place called Canterlot, which we gotta head to." Sonic explained.

"Where I'll finally get payback!" Knuckles declared.

Fluttershy tilted her head, "Are you Tails...?"

Tails looked at the meek pegasus, "Huh? Oh, yeah, that's what my friends call me. Who are all of you?" once the Equestrians introduced themselvrs to Tails, the fox continued.

"Nice to meet you all! Sorry about being late."

Twilight then immediately looked at the Tornado with interest and curiosity, "What is that machine you were just flying in? I've never seen magic or technology like this until you all showed up."

Applejack cleared her throat, "Well, pardon me, ya three. But how the hay did the likes of you end up here? And just how does Eggman know of the Elements of Harmony?"

Knuckles folded his arms, "The Chaos Emeralds... That's what brought us here."

"The what?" Rarity wondered.

"Chaos Emeralds." Knuckles repeated, "Seven gems that once collected together wield infinite power. The user can use that power for any purpose they wish. As guardian of the Master Emerald, they are my responsibility as well."

Tails added, "We're always trying to keep them away from Eggman's hands. Even though he hasn't been after them lately. It's better to be safe than sorry. They're, as Knuckles said, immensly powerful."

Spike gulped, "Uh, how bad are we talking here?"

Sonic raised a finger, "He kinda broke apart our planet into chunks at one point and destroyed all of time and space."

"...What?" Rarity gasped.

Rainbow blurted, "That sounds awesome!"

The fashionista put her hooves to her head, "How could you say that over such a perilous situation?!"

"Look, Rarity. I'm not sure what goes on in this world, but those incidents are nothing new for me." Sonic added.

"What do you mean?" Twilight wondered.

The hedgehog shrugged, "I mean, it's no weirder than saving genies in magic books, or rescuing enslaved aliens from an interstellar amusement park/secret energy factory, I guess. Heck, Eggman tore apart the planet twice already."

Applejack asked, "Did... did any of that really happen?"

Knuckles nodded, "Yeah, well I wasn't for those events. But I did notice the planet getting torn apart, I had my duties as the guardian of the Master Emerald."

"What happens in this world anyway?" Tails questioned, "Because it sounds like this is something that's never happened to you."

Twilight nodded, "Not like this anyway. The worst we had to face was Discord and Sombra, who didn't want to destroy Equestria but conquer it. But Discord reformed now."

"I destroyed Sombra." Spike bragged.

Sonic put his hands at his sides, "Really? I guess you know something about saving the world. At least you lot can fight."

Knuckles shook his head, "Well, Eggman has destroyed before. We just don't want anyone getting hurt."

Rainbow blinked, "How can a guy named Eggman do so much damage?" she wondered.

"Not too sure about that, but that's not what we should talk about." Sonic insisted, "I think you all could use a quick recap of how we ended up here and why."

Tails turned around from adjusting the Tornado's propeller, "Yeah, we knew of the Elements of Harmony when we were attacking Eggman before ending up here."

"You did?" Fluttershy asked.

Knuckles scowled, recalling the events, "Yeah, he explained it right befor we were about to stop him."

The cyan pegasus rolled her eyes, "Make it quick. We can't waste anymore time.

Sonic and the others gave her a deadpan stare, then the blue blur smiled again, "Luckily, quick is my middle name!"

"I thought it was 'the'!" Pinkie commented.

The hedgehog, fox, and echidna all looked at one another before Tails cleared his throat, "Right. Anyway, it probably wasn't even an hour ago when we were about to chase Eggman's Egg Carrier..."

Author's Note:

I've been listening to Infinite's Theme too much. Send help, it's so darn good!