• Member Since 16th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


An autistic brony who is the owner of an OC pony named Charming Thunder and a big fan of Star Wars.



This story is a sequel to Equestria Wars Episode XV: Knights of Zero

After dealing with Zero, Charming Thunder sets out with Sombra and his old friend; Radiant Hope, to find the last piece of the crystalized princess of the Crystal Empire; Amore. They will overcome many challenges as they journey across the land of Equestria as Charming Thunder is guided by a Sith spirit.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 11 )

Man, no matter how many people dislike this series, or post hateful comments about it, you never waiver.

Gotta respect that.

And the adventures of Charming Thunder the Gary Stu continues. Seems you forgot about the thing we discussed about him getting an apprentice, or at the very least a successor. Charming has been through 15 stories in thing series alone, not even counting literally all the other stories you've written. And in none of them does Charming's character change in any substantial way. He was a Gary Stu when he was introduced and he's a Gary Stu now. I think it's almost time to move on to a different character as the focus. You can still have him in your stories, as he could be a great mentor figure for a new hero, but his story just seems to be dragging on and on. He's not a compelling character. He's not dynamic, as he doesn't go through any changes in character. He is boring.

Believe me, if I can create a great character, you can too. Example: In an original story I'm working on, the main character is at first completely inexperienced in surviving her home kingdom. But after monster destroy her village, and she has no choice but to travel with a strange, but kind and wise-beyond-her-years huntress, she begins to become stronger and forms a mother/daughter relationship with the huntress. She grows as a character. However, she is still flawed, as she later learns that the person who summoned the monsters to attack her village was her semi-evil twin sister. Naturally, she is angry, and she lashes out at her sister, revealing a darker form of herself. Not an evil form, I should mention, just darker. But she eventually comes to forgive her sister, as she was jut following the villain's orders, and together, they team up to put an end to the villain's reign of terror. The story will be more complex than that, of course, but you get the point.

8245264 like i told you, i am waiting until the time comes.

This is literally Charming's 26th story, and you seem to have run out of Star Wars characters for Charming to face off against and have resorted to using characters from other other franchises, such as Code Geass, Sonic the Hedgehog, Fire Emblem, and even Warcraft. Who's next? Kirito? Well, come to think about it, Charming Thunder and Kirito have about the same levels of personality, and emo-ness. Charming likes to cosplay into battle as Darth Vader, Kirito wears all black no matter which world he's in. Charming is related to Equestrian royalty and in OP, Kirito is OP. They're a perfect match. The only difference is Charming has only one love interest, while Kirito has a whole harem (including his sister/cousin, which is weird).

8250292 i don't plan on bringing characters from sword art online. if you don't like my stories then you should just leave me alone about my character.

It's not that the stories are bad, it's just that the main character isn't interesting anymore, and unfortunately that has a direct impact effect on the story. We know he's going to win in the end, so there is little suspence. The stories aren't bad, but the main character has no real conflict that he can't overcome. The enemy might as well give up immediatly upon learning he has entered the fray, because he always wins, and we know that. We can't get as invested in the story.

What is that robot dragon in the picture?

You might not want to read the Austraeoh series then. Also, who is Kirito?

I wanna vs Charming Thunder since i have became a Demon Pony With a Sacred Gear of power mimic but, i travel on my own i stand alone.

looking through all these stories, i see somany of them. I wont read through them all, but is it seriously just a buncha stories about one oc? ..wow.

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