• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 4,371 Views, 396 Comments

How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative - Amber Spark

After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news. Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face. That's the good news.

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“Headline reads: Former star music manager Svengallop of Los Pegasus arrested last night under charges of conspiracy, blackmail, extortion and slander!” Moon Dancer announced as she read from the front page of Manehattan Times.

A resounding cheer erupted from the collected ponies in the green room of Hoofbeats. Trixie’s cheer was twice as loud as everypony else’s.

“Let’s see here…” Moon Dancer’s eyes scanned the page and she grinned. “Oh yeah! Here we go: Police Chief Stablemaker himself escorted Mister Svengallop out of Hoofbeats after a tense confrontation between Miss Coloratura and Mister Svengallop in the club’s VIP Lounge.”

“Aw,” Minuette complained. “No mention of us.”

“Hush.” Cheerilee sipped her morning tea and gestured for Moon Dancer to continue.

“During the confrontation, several major charges were levied at Mister Svengallop. Both the elite of Manehattan Society—including Filly Harp, Rock Dee Fell, Mosely Orange and the Cartwhinny brothers, among others—and several members of the press were present for this heated argument. While Mister Svengallop’s lawyer had assured the media that the charges against his client are ‘a complete and total fabrication,’ sources within Hoofbeats have come forward to corroborate the charges. This morning, an anonymous tip was given to the Manehattan Times and several other media outlets that PonyGram Records—the record label who employs Mister Svengallop—is launching a full inquiry into the allegations.”

Spotlight smiled and let out a happy little noise as she bit into a scone.

However, in the incident last night…” Moon Dancer winced and glanced up at Sunset with an apologetic expression, “it has been confirmed that the rumors regarding the injury of Miss Coloratura’s manager, Miss Spotlight, were indeed true. Neither Miss Coloratura nor Hoofbeats management have responded to inquiries regarding the situation, but eyewitness testimony reports that Spotlight herself admitted that a truss fell on her two nights ago after Miss Coloratura’s show.’”

Trixie hunched down on her sofa, but Sunset poked her in the side, eliciting a small squeak and a large blush. Spotlight chuckled wryly.

In a surprising turn of events, Sapphire Shores came forward to speak to the press regarding the alleged actions of her manager.” Moon Dancer paused and took a sip of her coffee before plowing onward. “In a public statement made from her home in Fillydelphia, Miss Shores said, ‘I am completely shocked by these allegations against Svengallop. He’s always been rough around the edges, but I never would have guessed he was capable of this. The mere idea that he could be involved in such a terrible plot against Coloratura makes me sick. As of today—with the support of PonyGram Records—Mister Svengallop is no longer managing my shows. I have every confidence that my dear friend Rara and I will be able to put aside our past differences and rekindle our friendship. I look forward to seeing her in Manehattan later this week.’”

“I already got a letter from her by courier,” Rara said from one of the couches. She was positively glowing with joy. “Svengallop been lying to her about me for months, telling her all sorts of crazy stories. She pledged five thousand bits to the charity fund as an apology! We’re having dinner on Thursday. Even mentioned doing a joint album together.”

Minuette clapped her hooves together. “That’s great news!”

“I did hate seeing you two at odds,” Spotlight said with her motherly smile.

“Okay, now that’s all out of the way, let’s get to the really good stuff.” Moon Dancer cleared her throat. “Mister Svengallop allegedly blackmailed another pony into acts of sabotage against Miss Coloratura’s show, up to and including the use of an illegal Amp. The unnamed pony in question was apprehended during Miss Coloratura’s Grade School Gala charity event for the schools of Manehattan. Those assisting in the capture of said pony were the Manehattan police, the security staff of Miss Coloratura—headed by Gateway, formerly Lead Detective of the Canterlot First Precinct—and the Princess’s personal student, Sunset Shimmer, in addition to her friends Moon Dancer—hey I know her!—Cheerilee and Minuette. After last night’s concert, Miss Coloratura and Miss Spotlight praised Miss Shimmer and her friends for their diligence and their assistance in ‘apprehending the true culprit behind these attacks.’”

Rara, Coco and Spotlight all burst into applause. Sunset blushed, her ears going back.

“Although Mister Svengallop’s attorney informed reporters that his client had no comment at this time, Chief Stablemaker said this morning in a press conference that ‘we have a very compelling case against Mister Svengallop. His fate is in the hooves of the courts now, but I’m confident the truth will come out.’”

Another round of applause and cheering echoed through the room.

Moon Dancer folded the newspaper with a grin and tossed it onto the coffee table next to the massive mountain of doughnuts, scones, fritters and other assorted high-sugar and high-calorie pastries. She took a huge swing of her coffee and laughed, her glasses falling down her muzzle a bit before she shifted them back up. With a little hop, she landed next to Sunset and nudged her.

“Not bad, Sunny. Not bad at all.” Moon Dancer smirked.

Sunset’s eyes fell on the newspaper where the indignant looking stallion with a fluffy peach mane and circular glasses looked out with a contemptuous sneer from behind what had to be his lawyer.

“Wow,” Moon Dancer said, beaming at everypony in a room, obviously a bit drunk off sleep deprivation. “I’ve never been part of a real police mystery before. Well, not one that didn’t involve the Royal Guard.”

She leered in Sunset’s direction, but Sunset rolled her eyes. “The police were never involved that time and you know it.”

“Could have been!” Moon Dancer insisted. “Still, this was almost better.”

Sunset knew better than to ask about the ‘almost.’

“Trixie and Free Beat’s testimony was enough to get things moving,” Spotlight declared. “Now, that snake’s dirty little secrets are unraveling. PonyGram Records has already declared him in breach of contract. I’m afraid Mister Svengallop won’t be getting any help from them. Other venues have come forward with reports about his behavior, too, from here to Vanhoover! Even better, Stablemaker informed me they have a strong lead on the amp. As soon as he makes the connection between the amp and Svengallop, I’m afraid Svengallop’s days of manipulation are over.”

“And I’m sure the Manehattan elite will be galloping as far away as they can from him,” Coco added. “After all, nopony wants to be associated with a pony with his new reputation.”

Sunset smiled and leaned back, taking a bite of a simply wonderful strawberry glazed cake donut with sprinkles. “He can try all he likes… but I doubt he’s getting out of this.”

Spotlight nodded in agreement in her serene and dignified manner. “It gets better, my dears. According to my own sources within the PonyGram, the Board of Directors is taking another look at several recent retirements and transfers that allowed Mister Svengallop to jockey his way into a position of authority within the label. Even if he does manage to weasel out of jail, he shall never work in this town again.”

“Everypony’s dropping him faster than a horseshoe on fire,” Cheerilee said with a grin.

Sunset, Moon Dancer and Minuette all stared at her.

“What?” Cheerilee demanded defiantly. “Ponyville was founded by earth ponies. You pick up things there!”

The three of them burst into laughter, and everypony else joined in.

“Could Svengallop have really taken over your contract?” Minuette asked Rara.

The singer nodded. “He was blackmailing half of the Board into letting him take over for Spotlight if she ever retired. I would have fought it, of course. I would never work for that terrible stallion. In fact, I would have quit.”

“Wait,” Sunset said, holding up a hoof. “You mentioned it last night, but I never heard the whole story. How do you all know him anyway?”

“After a—”

Somepony knocked on the door. Gateway, who’d been standing silently by the door this entire time, opened it briefly and then nodded.

“Miss Coloratura, Miss Spotlight, the guest you’ve been expecting has arrived.”

“Gateway,” Spotlight said with an admonishing tone. “Don’t you dare leave her out there on the doorstep! Bring my dear niece in.”

Gateway opened the door to admit a pony Sunset hadn’t been expecting. A smooth wave of dark gray locks flowed over her light gray coat. Purple eyes sparkled as they fell on Spotlight and Rara. But the most telling feature was the tiny bit of clothing she wore: a pink bow-tie with a white collar.

“Octavia, dear!” Spotlight called, holding her hooves open. “Come give your Aunt Spotlight a hug.”

For a pony who had managed to work her way into the greatest concert halls of Equestria, Octavia Melody could drop the dignified act at a moment’s notice. She rushed forward to embrace Spotlight in a tight hug.

“I only just heard about your injury!” Octavia said as she let go and knelt before her aunt’s wheelchair. Her elegant Trottingham accent washed over the room, as refined as the mare herself. “I cannot believe you didn’t tell me! Are you well, Auntie?”

“Yes, yes,” Spotlight said with a wave of her hoof. “These fine ponies were quite helpful in getting me back on my hooves… so to speak.”

“Still, Auntie, should you be up and about, even in a wheelchair? I do know just how dreadfully heavy stage rigging can be!”

“Don’t fret, my dear. I’m as fit as your cello,” Spotlight winked at her and Octavia blushed just a bit. “Now, I do believe it’s time for proper introductions.”

Octavia got to her hooves as Spotlight gestured to Sunset and her friends.

“Octavia Melody, I’d like you to meet Miss Sunset Shimmer, Miss Moon Dancer, Miss Cheerilee and Miss Minuette. They were instrumental—if you’ll pardon the pun—in discovering the pony truly behind these dreadful occurrences and freeing Miss Lulamoon from the clutches of Svengallop.”

Octavia smiled warmly at Sunset, Moon Dancer, Cheerilee and Minuette in turn. She even gave Trixie a nod of respect.

“Thank you all ever so much for looking after my dear Aunt,” she said with a warm smile. “I am in your debt.”

“It was nothing much, really,” Sunset replied, rubbing the back of her neck. “We just happened to be at the right place at the right time.”

Gateway let out a cough from behind her that Sunset choose to ignore. It didn’t stop Moon Dancer and Minuette from snickering though. Cheerilee just rolled her eyes.

Coloratura rose and stepped over to give Octavia an enormous hug.

“I missed you, Tavi,” she said with honest warmth. “It’s been so long since I’ve got to hear your wonderful cello!”

Octavia waved away the compliment in a manner all-too-similar to her aunt. “Please. I am and always shall be a background pony for you, Rara. Between the two of us, you’ve always been the brighter star. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I’m not starting this argument with you again,” Rara said with a smile. “Especially after that wonderful little number you did with Miss Scratch.”

To Sunset’s surprise, Octavia went a little red, looking like a filly caught with her hoof in the cookie jar. “Yes well… despite our different mediums, we have been known to make beautiful music together.”

A beat passed before Octavia’s face lit up like the sun.

“Not like that!” she squeaked, but it was far too late.

Minuette was already rolling on the floor laughing her tail off. Moon Dancer had to hold herself against the coffee table to stay upright. A few seconds later, the rest of the room had joined in, even Spotlight, who simply wrapped Octavia in another hug.

“Okay, okay,” Rara said with an even bigger smile. “That’s enough teasing of poor Tavi. After all, I think she might be the unsung hero of the last few days.”

Octavia grabbed a white-glazed doughnut. After Rara had sat, Octavia settled herself beside her friend, a quizzical expression on her face. “Whatever do you mean, Rara?”

Rara beamed and looked at Sunset and her friends. “When we were fillies, I met Octavia at Camp Friendship, an earth pony summer camp. It was the year after we both got our cutie marks.”

Octavia stared at Rara with an odd expression, her eyebrow cocked as she took another bite of the doughnut. Sunset decided to steal another one with extra sprinkles as she listened.

“We hit it off instantly. After all, we both loved music in our own way. I’ll have you know that underneath that refined Trottingham accent is a pony who isn’t afraid to dive into the mud with a friend.”

“Rara!” Octavia wailed. “You promised to stop telling that story!”

Rara chuckled. “I’ll let you off the hook for today. Anyway, one afternoon, for the camp talent show, we did a little variant of the Equestrian Anthem that I wrote. Tavi here played beautifully… though weren’t you fooling around with a guitar back then, Tavi?”

The gray earth pony shrugged sheepishly. “They wouldn’t let me bring my cello to camp and somepony had already claimed the only violin. I had to make do with what I could find! At least it had strings!”

“It still sounded amazing.” Rara giggled. “The irony is that Tavi only got to come to Camp Friendship when another camper dropped out at the last moment.”

Tavi nodded and smiled wistfully. “I was the first name on the waitlist. I had so looked forward to ‘cutting-loose,’ as they say. I remember jumping about the house for a good twenty minutes after we got the letter!”

Sunset grinned, imagining a filly-sized Octavia bouncing around like Minuette. It was almost too cute to handle.

“Well, when camp was over, we both headed back home,” Rara said. “I was living in Fillydelphia at the time while Octavia was still in Trottingham. We wrote back and forth for a while until I told her I was moving to Manehattan to try and make my way there professionally. She was thrilled and promised to meet me when I arrived. Even chipped in a little for my first flat. But she did something far more important.”

Both of them turned to Spotlight, who just smiled maternally at the two of them.

“I had already made some progress at PonyGram Records,” Rara continued. “In fact, the management there was getting ready to set me up with…” Rara trailed off.

“You’re kidding,” Minuette said. “Svengallop?”

“The very same.”

“Yowza! You dodged an arrow there!”

“I didn’t know how much until today,” Rara admitted. “After I got settled, Tavi introduced me to her Aunt Spotlight and asked her to look after me. Spotlight pulled a few strings and got herself assigned as my manager instead of Svengallop. And the rest… as they say, is history.”

Coco took a sip of tea and sighed. “If you hadn’t ended up making friends with Tavi, I think I can safely say all our lives would have been different. I don’t think that stallion would have let me anywhere near you.”

“Probably not,” Rara said. “I can say I definitely got a better deal in Spotlight.”

“I’m just happy to be of service, my dears,” Spotlight said with a little smile. “Nothing more, nothing less. My job is to make you shine… and you make it a very easy job.” Spotlight hesitated. “Well, when there aren’t pieces of the stage falling on me, after all.”

Once again, Trixie winced and huddled in her seat.

Coco was the first to notice this time.

“Trixie, what are we going to have to do to make you believe that we’ve forgiven you?” she asked, sincerity pouring from every word. She took another drink of her tea. “We’re not pressing any charges against you. We’ve even brought you on board to tour with us! You signed the paperwork this morning! What more do you need?”

“I… I…” Trixie swallowed. “I’m sorry. I… I still have trouble believing this is really happening.”

“Whatever do you mean, my dear?” Spotlight asked, leaning forward in her wheelchair. “Have you never seen generosity or kindness at work before?”

“Well… The Great and Powerful Trixie hasn’t,” Trixie admitted, rubbing her hooves together awkwardly. “Svengallop was right about that. Like Miss Coloratura said, that’s… that’s what I used to call myself. Used to always say ‘Trixie’ instead of ‘I.’ Used to think I was the greatest thing on four legs. But then my shows started to fall apart. One night after a… terrible act in Fillydelphia, Svengallop showed up. I was living in my wagon at the time. Didn’t have any other home. Barely had enough bits to pay for food.”

“Why?” Cheerilee asked, looking aghast. “What about your family or friends?”

“When you think you’re the greatest thing in the world, making friends isn’t high on your list.”

It was Sunset’s turn to wince. “Okay, I could see that.”

Trixie looked up at her and her eyes softened. “You actually get it.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said. “I wish I didn’t… but I do.”

“As for my family… well, that’s complicated.” Trixie shook her head.

“Trixie,” Sunset said, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “If anypony understands issues with family… it’s me.”

“She does,” Moon Dancer said with an emphatic nod. “Trust us on this.”

That seemed to give Trixie the little extra push she needed.

“Well… Gateway was right. My father is Aether Lulamoon. All I ever wanted was to be just like him.” Trixie sniffled and fiddled with the hem of the cloak Coco had made for her. “But… he earned his reputation and position on his own. I wanted to prove I could do that too! I even added ‘Lulamoon’ to my name to remind me of what he had been doing at my age. He always encouraged me to come home… but I was too proud to listen. I can’t imagine what he’d think of me now.”

Cheerilee smiled and leaned forward.

“I’ve met Aether. I got to assist him at GU for a few months when his usual aide went on maternity leave. I remember him going on and on about his wonderfully stubborn daughter. I remember becoming pretty tired of it, actually.” Cheerilee winked at Trixie. “It was a few years ago, but I can’t imagine anything has changed.”

“I know.” Trixie’s voice cracked. “That’s… that almost makes it worse.”

“You should see him,” Coco said soothingly, putting a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder. “But you can do it in your own time. We won’t push.”

Trixie shook her head as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You… you really are everything Svengallop wasn’t. At the start, he offered me a chance at something I never thought possible. He offered to pay me to sabotage a few shows just to run some pony out of a job. Then, he promised he’d make me an opener in Coloratura’s concerts! I couldn’t say no! He… wasn’t exactly nice though. He... um… let’s just say he… forced me to stop the whole third-person thing. And… other things.”

Sunset’s blood boiled. She thought back to how he had talked to Trixie last night and just how degrading he’d been. Suddenly, Sunset wanted nothing more than to teleport down to the police station to buck him into next week. Then find some way to travel forward in time just so she could buck him back.

“It all got out of hoof so quickly. At first it was just a few spells. A few smoke bombs. Designed to scare ponies or create accident reports. But when Miss Spotlight didn’t leave, he started to get desperate. Ordered me to do more and more things. Dangerous things. After the accident with the truss, he gave me the amp. Anyway… you pretty much know the rest.”

“But why didn’t you just leave?” Moon Dancer asked. “You had to be able to walk away!”

“Like I said last night…” Trixie bit her lip and didn’t met anypony’s eyes. “I tried. Every time I tried, he told me if I did leave, he’d tell the police everything and pin it all on me. He was good. He made sure nothing could be traced back to him. It would be the word of a respected manager in PonyGram Records versus a two-bit illusionist.”

Moon Dancer gritted her teeth. It looked like she wanted to buck Svengallop into next month.

Trixie let out an explosive sigh. “I just… went along with it, hoping that it would work out. I even think I knew he would throw me to the timberwolves in the end, but I was just so scared, I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t face my father, knowing what I’d done. And…” Trixie trailed off, her voice hitching again.

Sunset’s heart twisted in her chest, thinking back to a conversation she had once had with a yellow unicorn filly in a dark classroom.

“He made you feel worthless, didn’t he? Just… constantly ripped you apart? Made you believe he was your only way out.”

Trixie nodded.

“I understand,” Sunset muttered.

Trixie looked up, surprised. “You do?”

Sunset winced, even as Moon Dancer nudged her.

“Well… once upon a time… I was a lot like him.”

“She’s better now,” Moon Dancer said instantly. “A lot better. Still screws up all the time, of course. But she’s definitely not evil anymore.”

“Thanks.” Sunset raised an eyebrow at her best friend. “I think.”

“What are friends for?”

“Trixie, you are no two-bit illusionist,” Rara said, getting the conversation back on track. “I think everypony in the room can say that with quite a bit of confidence. We all saw that dragon, Trixie. It was amazing. Terrifying, but amazing.”

Everypony—including Spotlight and even Octavia—nodded.

“Yeah, but I was using an amp!” Trixie protested, wincing as she tried to touch the singed area around her horn. “Celestia, it still hurts.”

Sunset winced. “Sorry, but that’s not something any healing potion will fix. You’re probably not going to be able to use any magic besides basic levitation without pain for at least a few weeks.”

“It’s a small price to pay,” Trixie said quietly. “And one I’ll happily pay since all of you have forgiven me so easily.”

“Everypony deserves a second chance.” Sunset nudged her on the shoulder.

Trixie smiled at her with a few more tears in her eyes and nodded.

Sunset blinked and bopped herself on the head. “I do have one question though…”

“What’s that?”

“I can’t believe I forgot about this… but why did you try and impersonate me of all ponies a few nights ago?”

Trixie blinked at her, the tears vanishing as she stared at Sunset. “What are you talking about?”

“Well, I assume it was you.” Sunset shrugged. “Gateway said that somepony impersonated me a few nights ago trying to get inside.”

“I… I’ve never been able to do an illusion spell like that before,” Trixie said, shaking her head. “Anyway, I was already a stagehoof. Why would I need to sneak in?”

“Ah.” Everypony turned to look at Gateway. For the very first time, Sunset saw the gigantic stallion look almost awkward. “That. In the chaos of everything that happened last night, I’m afraid I forgot to mention that we found out who that was.”

“Wait, what?” Sunset stared at Gateway. “Who was it? Don’t leave me in suspense! Was it some sort of contingency plan by Svengallop?”

“No,” Gateway said. “In this case… it was just a fanfilly good with spells. She tried to get through the main doors without a ticket. Crabgreen—believe it or not—caught her shortly after Svengallop was escorted out.”

“So… who was it?” Sunset demanded. “I’d really like to know who’s been running around using my face!”

“She actually was just a fanfilly.” Gateway chuckled. “She’d put an illusion rune on a necklace. I had a long talk with her about it and confiscated the necklace. Handed it over to Officer Hops for proper disposal.”

“Wait… so it had nothing to do with Svengallop? Or the sabotage? Or any of it?” Sunset cried. She flailed her hooves.

Give me a break! I need some answers here!

“I’m afraid not. This one was just a run-of-the-mill fanfilly.”

“Well, did you arrest her? Or something?”

“I let her off with a warning,” Gateway grumbled. “After everything that happened with Trixie, I felt it was within my jurisdiction to be… lenient.”

Trixie looked surprised, but Coco and Rara just grinned.

“I always knew you were a softie at heart, Gateway.” Spotlight giggled.

“Don’t you start with me, Spot!”

“At least tell me you got a name!” Sunset pleaded. “Please!”

“She’s harmless,” Gateway replied with a roll of his eyes. “Listen, I may come across as intense, but I can tell when somepony got caught up in the moment. I doubt this Starlight Glimmer filly will ever bother you again.”

Sunset ground her teeth until Moon Dancer poked her in the side. “Come on, he got the necklace, so it’s not like she’s going to sneak into any secret meetings or anything. She just wanted to see the show last night.”

“Okay! Okay!” Sunset threw up her hooves and let out an explosive breath. “You all win. I can let it go. Anyway, you’re right. Just a fanfilly. Sorry, since that’s kind of what got us involved in all of this… it’s hard to believe it was really nothing.”

“I’m glad you agree,” Gateway replied with a hint of a smirk. “Because once I reported it to the Royal Guard, they agreed with my assessment.”

Sunset speared him with a look that should have frozen him solid. “You were waiting for that, weren’t you?”

Gateway smirked at her. “You had it coming.”

Sunset groaned and buried her face in her hooves. “It’s a conspiracy.”

A knock at the door interrupted whatever Moon Dancer was going to say next. Gateway once again opened the door, only this time, he looked surprised.

“Miss Shimmer?” Gateway called. “I think this one’s for you.”

Sunset stood and faced the door, only to have a white pegasus stallion in Royal Courier armor—a sleeker version of the traditional Royal Guard armor—march into the room with a small package. Sunset gulped as she recognized the seal.

Oh, ponyfeathers.

The courier hooved her the package and nodded before marching back out.

“Sunset?” Rara asked. “What is that?”

“Oh,” Sunset said weakly. “It’s only from the Princess.”

“Why do you look so scared?” Trixie asked.

Sunset grinned and hoped that her friends didn’t see the nervous twitch. “Because I may have played a little fast and loose with my ‘authority’ in the last few days.”

“No point in drawing it out, Sunny,” Moon Dancer said. “Just get it over with.”

Sunset nodded and broke the seal on the brown package. She tore away the wrapping to reveal a small book with a note attached. On the top of the note was Sunset’s name in Celestia’s iconic flowing script.

“Let’s hear it,” Moon Dancer prompted.

“Moon Dancer!” Cheerilee said. “You don’t need to force her to read it out loud!”

“It’s good for her character!” Moon Dancer said.

“You might as well, Sunny,” Minuette said with a shrug. “You’ll have to tell us all anyway.”

Sunset nodded. There really was no escaping it. So, she unfolded the note and began to read it aloud.

“‘Dearest Sunset. I just received today’s copy of the Manehattan Times with a rather interesting report from Police Chief Stablemaker by way of Raven. I find myself somewhat surprised about your involvement in the incident with Miss Coloratura in Manehattan, especially as I do not recall authorizing you to have any sort of police authority in any city, let alone the biggest city in Equestria. As such, I believe you may need some further lessons in a subject that’s come up from time to time. I wrote this some years ago. The last time somepony needed a copy, it was dear Blueblood. After this incident, I think you’d benefit from reading it. We’ll discuss your thoughts on it when I see you in Canterlot next week.”

“Okay,” Moon Dancer said. “That’s not the worst she could have sent you. So, what’s the book?”

Sunset, feeling numb and a bit giddy for getting off with such a comparatively light slap on the hoof—despite the comparison to Blueblood, of all ponies—moved the paper aside and lifted the small book up so she could read it in the light.

She facehoofed and groaned.

“It’s called How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative.

The laughter echoed through Hoofbeats like music and didn’t stop for a very, very long time.

Author's Note:

Theme Song for How Not to Use Your Royal Prerogative

And so, at long last, How Not to Use Your Royal Prerogative, comes to a close. With this, I'm delighted to say that the Origins Arc of the Wavelengths Timeline is now complete! While I may add stories to this part of Sunset's life at a later date, now it's time to finally move forward and see what happened after the events of the Applications Arc!

As usual, I have a full-blown retrospective of Prerogative coming soon, exploring everything from how a 32,000-word short story evolved into a 64,000-word novel, the science and magic of Amps and all about that little name drop I did at the end. Expect it by the end of the week!

As usual, huge thanks goes out to the Wavelengths Editing Team, with the special guest pre-reader of Tchernobog, who was absolutely essential to working out that wonderfully fun AppleDash angle. And yes, you may see more of AppleDash in this universe sometime!

Ebon Quill, as usual, remained the voice of reason and made sure I had the best version of this story ready for you guys to enjoy. Beltorn kept us on our toes by finding more details than I ever thought possible. Little Tinker, of course, worked tirelessly on the original version of Prerogative and helped out some on the "May 2017" edition.

A very special thank you goes out to Cursori. How Not to Use Your Royal Prerogative is actually how he joined the Wavelengths Editing Team! Personally recommended by none other than Monochromatic herself, he joined the team to provide a fresh new perspective on a story we'd all worked ourselves to death on, Cursori helped me tremendously (and continues to do so every day). Cursori is a font of encouragement and positivity that I cherish more than you can possibly believe. He's always fighting in his own way to make these stories the best they can possibly be, while staying true to the overarching vision.

He's also the only person who's seen the FULL SCOPE of Wavelengths. He knows where I'm going and what I'm planning. Poor guy.

And of course, Painted Heart, my dear wife, for dealing with my ramblings, reading my stories, finding all my stupid missed words and a dozen other things.

Finally, thank you all for bearing with me. This story has made me scream, made me cry and made me bleed, but at long last, you finally get to experience it in full. I hope you enjoyed the final product as much as we did. And I hope it makes you look forward to what's to come. Because there's a whole lot to come. Saddle up, folks. We ain't done yet. Not by a long shot.

I'll see you all for the next story!


(P.S. I still can't believe this story doubled in length. Heck, even Rara has opinions on it!)

If you come across any errors, please let me know by PM!

Comments ( 82 )

This has been a very nice story and I'm glad to see that Svengallop is looking forward to prison for a long time. This won't be last we hear from Starlight Glimmer it may seem innocent now but she's going to return and cause a huge amount of problems for everypony.

Well, he's definitely going to get some kind of punishment. What that is... heh. Maybe you'll see someday. As for the other? Well, you can never be sure... :moustache:

“Well, when there aren’t pieces of the stage falling on me, after all.”

"No offense."

In any case, that wraps it up neatly. All the Bearers-to-be have assembled, and we have a tantalizing glimpse of the mare who set everything in motion... though whether that Glimmer is this one remains to be seen. Also a fascinating ripple effect that explains so many of the changes we saw.

Congrats on getting this finished, and thank you for it.

If you heard something funny just now, that was me facepalming myself across the internet.


Also a fascinating ripple effect that explains so many of the changes we saw.

That's actually my favorite part of this story, just how one piece leads to another and to another and on and on. We've all seen the way it went in the Main Timeline, but temporal vectors are always so fun to explore!

I love that sound! :heart:

You... you... augh! You set up that innocent offhoof line about Starlight Glimmer ten chapters in advance! You scheming, manipulating, odaic, awesome butt! :raritydespair:
Sweet Bob and George, what's gonna come next? :facehoof:

Also, of course there's a book. I was almost worried you were going to break with a tried and true tradition.


ten chapters in advance!

I've been waiting for a flippin' YEAR for that reveal. The best part? They don't have any reason to think why she would be a big deal. After all, she's just a fanfilly... right? :rainbowderp:

Sweet Bob and George, what's gonna come next? :facehoof:

You are SO not prepared. :pinkiecrazy:

Also, of course there's a book. I was almost worried you were going to break with a tried and true tradition.

Hell no. Every single story in Wavelengths will be a book name that appears somewhere in the story. In this case, it was just the punchline!

So, out of curiosity, how is Chaos Theory coming along?

First draft is done. About to go to edits starting later this week or maybe next week. I'm aiming to start publishing in January. :raritywink:

Whyever do you ask, darling? :duck:

And cause I wanna read horse words, I haven't seen anything telling me, and the process of writing such a universe as this intrigues me.

Then you'll definitely want to check out the Retrospective later this week (and probably go over some of the other ones in my blogs!)

Holy moley. That was a great job on the final chapter. The exchanges, characterizations, general story wrap-up and future story set-up are all well done in all the right places. I particularly liked the discussions while reading the paper, the little For Want of A Nail details, Trixie's mentioning her dad and how she got into the mess she did (as well as Sunset's empathy toward Trixie) and the passing mention of Starlight (and yeah, I have a feeling they WILL be hearing from her again, though under what circumstances is yet to be known) . Plus, Celestia's note was a nice touch too.

I'll very certainly be looking forward to more from this universe. This is a darn good ride so far.

Meanwhile, in "The Application of Unified Harmony Magics"

“Twilight Sparkle?” Sunset blinked. “Sometimes, I swear that every parent who had foals in our age group used the same thesaurus. I was subbing for Polish’s new aide, and I met a new student named Sunburst who mentioned he had a friend named Starlight Glimmer.”

Moon Dancer laughed. “Seems to be a theme, eh?”

“Maybe I should keep an eye on them. One of them could turn out to be my evil nemesis in the future!”

Oh man, my blood froze at Starlights name, and given celestias order to keep ears and eyes out for her, i wonder if her movements will be CLOSELY tracked now.

The bit anout a spot opening at the camp last minute, poor Applejack, really hit me hard too. At least she and Rainbow found eachother (Even if I will go down with my TwiJack ship)

Yeah, all the little back and forth bits between the characters while reading the newspaper was one of my favorite parts of this chapter. Each character gets their own little moment to shine.

For Want of A Nail details

It's so much fun to play with... and then to blow people's minds when I finally show the entire puzzle.

I'll very certainly be looking forward to more from this universe. This is a darn good ride so far.

Coming soon to a computer screen near you!

Aww, you missed Moon Dancer's awesome quip back!

Moon Dancer stopped and stared at her.
“No offense, Sunny, but even though you’re the Princess’s personal student, I don’t think you really rate a nemesis.”

In reality, a few years have passed between Prerogative and Applications. During that time, Sunset did finally realize the Imposter wasn't anything to worry about and eventually just shoved it in the back of her brain. After all, nothing else became of it. No reason to worry. So, the name didn't end up ringing a bell when that student mentioned that particular name.

All according to plan... :trollestia:


Oh man, my blood froze at Starlights name, and given celestias order to keep ears and eyes out for her, i wonder if her movements will be CLOSELY tracked now.

Remember, Prerogative happens a few years before The Cloudsdale Report! At this point in time, the name doesn't mean anything. In fact, the name doesn't mean anything then either, since the ESS Report never actually had her name! Unless Gateway gave a full description of the pony in question, they might not have the pieces to make that connection!

The bit about a spot opening at the camp last minute, poor Applejack, really hit me hard too.

Don't worry! She's obviously not miserable here! Seemed pretty darn happy... or at least content! :ajsmug:

Finally, the name-drop in book form arrives! I had nearly forgotten about that little tradition.

Anyway, a lot of stuff happened in this final chapter. Svengallop getting got (good riddance!), the Octavia Blindside, Glimmy getting namedropped... All in all a great end to a wonderful story, it had me laughing quite a few times. And also, as others have said, a great demonstration of the ripple effect - one that I need to take notes on.

As always, I greatly look forward to the next piece in the timeline.

I doubt this Starlight Glimmer filly will ever bother you again.”


I think this falls under the category of (as tvtropes would put it) an innocuous important episode


Octavia Blindside

If you check my Full Synopsis, you'll see:

Co-Starring: Spotlight, Security Chief Gateway, Vinyl Scratch and special guest star Octavia Melody

She's been there since launch. :pinkiehappy:

And also, as others have said, a great demonstration of the ripple effect - one that I need to take notes on.

Heh. It helps when you work backwards. :raritywink:

Delighted you enjoyed it! Especially, the final moments! This is really sort of an Epilogue, but I didn't want to wreck my naming convention! :twilightsmile:

Isn't it glorious?

Yeah, I did love that little drop. I'm glad everyone else did, too! :heart:

So the imponyater was just a red herring with a meaningless name that we'll never hear again because it doesn't matter at all. Yep, we sure have seen the last of that name. Sure have *Sun Sage is currently concussed from using a Sonic Facepalm technique and is likely delirious; pay him little mind*

Setting that aside, the other reveal here was also quite well done, and answered the last few questions I had concerning Sven and Rara's past as it happened this go round. Coco's involvement also got explained, nice work tying it all together.

I'm certainly going to miss weekly updates in this continuity, but to quote de Lancie "...all good things..."

Art is seldom appreciated in its day, they say. Or is it just not fully appreciated? Either way, this was art and I, and many other readers, appreciate it. Thank you for writing, Novel. See you again soon, I hope.

Loved the story!

So that was the divergence point from The Countess to the more humble Rara. I wonder how long until Sunset starts wondering how many unicorns have similar sounding names (Sunset, Moon, Starlight and eventually Twilight). Well, not like we'll ever hear from that filly again, yup. :eeyup: More seriously, figures she would be powerful at that age, but wonder how she ended up a fanfilly rather than setting up her own cult (eventually), unless her failed attempt at sneaking in only further drives her grudge against inequality.

Not sure how happy or not Celestia is. Although being compared to Blueblood is either her chiding or her trolling (its always hard to tell with her :trollestia:). Nice to see the finale of the Origin Arc with Sunset's group background established, looking forward to more present/future stuff.

YUS, complete, TIME TO READ!!


*Sun Sage is currently concussed from using a Sonic Facepalm technique and is likely delirious; pay him little mind*

Heheheheh. :twilightsmile:

...the last few questions I had concerning Sven and Rara's past as it happened this go round. Coco's involvement also got explained, nice work tying it all together.

Yeah, you can see why I didn't want to end on the "Invincible" chapter. While it had a great tone, I needed to answer a few more questions.

Thank you for writing, Novel. See you again soon, I hope.

I've got another story coming out shortly and the next Wavelengths story will hopefully kick off publication in January. Don't go too far! :raritywink:

Thank you! :yay:

You're as bad as I am. :twilightblush:


I wonder how long until Sunset starts wondering how many unicorns have similar sounding names (Sunset, Moon, Starlight and eventually Twilight)

She actually comments on this in The Application of Unified Harmony Magics!

More seriously, figures she would be powerful at that age, but wonder how she ended up a fanfilly rather than setting up her own cult (eventually), unless her failed attempt at sneaking in only further drives her grudge against inequality.

That assumes a few things... :trollestia:

Not sure how happy or not Celestia is. Although being compared to Blueblood is either her chiding or her trolling (its always hard to tell with her :trollestia:).

I could easily be either or both with her. Who can say?

Nice to see the finale of the Origin Arc with Sunset's group background established, looking forward to more present/future stuff.

We're going back to the present time (for Wavelengths), so saddle up!

I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much! :derpytongue2:

And Novel, congratulations on this story. It was EPIC. I just finished reading and it was awesome.

Oh, and when the name "Starlight Glimmer" appeared on my screen, I literally had chills running up and down my spine and had to stop reading for a bit, completely caught up in how the characters can't know but I wish I could tell them why that's so freaking significant (and then getting heavily sidetracked by everything else I'd have to explain....which only got the adrenaline pumping more as it's so incredibly intense...) and wishing I could even imagine what this could mean...

That actually reminds me of another thing about these stories. I dearly, dearly love this world you've created, but I'm quite frequently very torn. I want all the ponies I adore--the Mane Six--to have the happy stories we know for them in the show, and I feel sad for them, not getting that amazing life from the show, and I want to tell how the timeline should have gone, give them all back a chance at it...but then I realize just how much that would hurt the characters you're making me come to love. Besides Sunset! Just take Moon Dancer! And this story shows how the little changes would have made Coco and Rara miserable and led to long waits for them to find their happy endings. It's a painful emotional tug-of-war because I want them all to have the best possible lives, and to be the characters I love...but they're kind of mutually exclusive :fluttercry:

Or I suppose, as pointed out later, you could also say she's very generous. Even in relatively little things (at least at this point!), Novel, you love your smoke bombs and red herrings. *sigh*

I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much! :derpytongue2:

Well, if you insist! :twilightsheepish:

And Novel, congratulations on this story. It was EPIC. I just finished reading and it was awesome.

I'm going to keep this comment somewhere safe and bring it out to remind me after a bad day. :pinkiesmile:

I literally had chills running up and down my spine and had to stop reading for a bit, completely caught up in how the characters can't know but I wish I could tell them why that's so freaking significant

And this gives me goosebumps reading this. :heart: I love playing with reader perceptions vs. character perceptions, especially for something like this. They can't possibly know... (but the real question is... does it actually matter?)

I want all the ponies I adore--the Mane Six--to have the happy stories we know for them in the show, and I feel sad for them, not getting that amazing life from the show, and I want to tell how the timeline should have gone, give them all back a chance at it...

Remember, just because a pony's life is different doesn't mean it's bad. After all, Jackie seems to be doing pretty well. Rainbow's a freaking Wonderbolt years before she makes it there in canon. And while Twilight has a rough time of it, remember it wasn't until the return of Nightmare Moon that she even figured out that friendship mattered to her. So during these points in the canon timeline, she still would have been alone. But after meeting Sunset again in Applications, she's got some amazing new possibilities ahead of her! As for Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, well, you'll meet them soon enough.

...but then I realize just how much that would hurt the characters you're making me come to love. Besides Sunset! Just take Moon Dancer! And this story shows how the little changes would have made Coco and Rara miserable and led to long waits for them to find their happy endings.

Yeah, Moon Dancer's easily the best example of just how different things could turn out. It's why I love my sassy Moon Dancer so much. Coco and Rara both get a whole new life, one under kind and loving mentors. The key of the Origins Arc was to reveal how those little changes snowballed into something very different... but often very similar. It's a strange state.

It's a painful emotional tug-of-war because I want them all to have the best possible lives, and to be the characters I love...but they're kind of mutually exclusive :fluttercry:

They aren't necessarily. After all... the story isn't over yet. :twilightsmile:

Good news, that. But I'm not too likely to go anywhere. Well, relatively speaking. I roam all sorts of places, lately the Commonwealth and also a rather interesting Equestria where everypony was born a bit differently, Discord's a massive jackhole (yes, more than usual... WAY more than usual), and Twilight actually got sick of a library... you're probably familiar with both. But the magic book the kids are calling 'them interwebz' or some such always comes along, assuming Twilight doesn't find a way to steal it from me. Until that day, I'll be ready and waiting to hear more.

I have some passing knowledge of that particular corner of the multiverse. Happens to be a favorite haunt of mine. Enjoy your time there. Don't worry, Sunset will be here when you get back. :duck:

Indeed so. Until recently I was assisting with it. Alas, I was cursed and can no longer find the Library. Still, the world and its creator remain most welcoming.

...I don't know if smoothness and I are compatible, honestly. Not like that, like you wrote Svengallop. I can't think that way for some reason. (Although, if it comes to telling believable lies, I practice when I read Spider-Man stuff and he makes pathetic excuses for where he was and I come up with REALLY OBVIOUS ONES THAT ARE PERFECTLY BELIEVABLE sorry I like Spider-Man a bit much and talk too much about that stuff...). But yeah, clever comebacks and stuff like that make my brain hurt when I try to come up with them :applejackconfused:

Oh no! That...that....ugh. I mean, I'm honored you'd save my comment to bring out on a bad day, I really, truly, am. I just hate that you have bad days that need them. I should have remembered it from The Tarnished Crown and that you said you have panic attacks--you couldn't write that stuff without experience. *makes mental note for later* I hope you have good thoughts for a long time!

I'm going to talk a lot about writing him in my upcoming Retrospective, but I'm happy to say that EbonQuill was a critical element in writing him. While we had two different visions of him, his vision made me think really hard about my vision. I'm really happy with the final result. I'm glad you are too!

I just hate that you have bad days that need them

Everyone has bad days. I just try to be honest about mine (hopefully without it seeming like I'm begging for attention). Anyone who acts like they have everything together... they have it together the least.

you couldn't write that stuff without experience.

While there are some AMAZING authors who don't need direct experience for this kind of thing (and I sit in flippin' awe of them), the experience "helps" makes it very much more real.

I hope you have good thoughts for a long time!

One day at a time, my friend. One day at a time. :twilightsmile:

Your response to the second post leaves me feeling a little...confused, I guess? I have experience with depression and anxiety as well--one of the reasons I can tell that they're portrayed extremely accurately in your writing--so I guess I'm a little surprised by your response. Yes, everyone has bad days, but the ones with anxiety and depression are beyond your average-mental-health person's bad days, and I'm wishing you few of those. Thanks to lots of therapy and medication, my depression is under very good control, so I can think happy, positive thoughts, and I'm wishing you luck with that. I hope it goes well.

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that you were saying anything about not having bad days. This was more just a general commentary on people! I've met a lot of folks (thankfully, very few on FimFic), who like to pretend that everything's fine, everything's wonderful, everything's perfect. I always feel bad for them.

Believe me, I know plenty about all those topics and just how difficult they are and how much freaking WORK it takes to keep that under control! So kudos, not only for keeping in the fight, but also being one of the people strong enough to actually get help for their stuff, no matter how big or how small. :yay:

Thank you very much! Getting help really is crucial. I spent years learning to manage all my stuff--depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, and Tourette's syndrome--and as a result I can now function enough to hold down a full time job, and am very close to qualifying for my dream job (and worked a 4 month internship in that competitive field this summer!) when originally my docs thought I might never be able to hold down a job and would have to go on disability, so I'm extremely proud of that. Lots of moments I thought I'd never make it, but here I am!! It just takes literal years of hard work and a lot of help and lessons...

I was waiting for the book. The entire time. Gotta have that title book.

In the words of J.R.R. Tolkien "The tale grew in the telling"


Lots of moments I thought I'd never make it, but here I am!! It just takes literal years of hard work and a lot of help and lessons...

Amen to that.

Heh. Thankfully not quite that much...

And I thought my puns were bad... yours made me groan and walk away from the screen. All signs of a master punner at work.

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