• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday



Hi! Okay, I shouldn't really be talking yet - I mean, it's kind of cheating to get started here - but I'm going to because I can! Today's a really special day, but I don't want to spoil anything, just that there's someone special...really, somepony special - and I want her to know how special and I've been waiting so long and everything is going to be AMAZING!

Sunset Shimmer is going to have the best Saturday EVER!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

Well, I guess you can’t since you can’t talk but it’s the principle of the thing! Pinkie Promise. Cross your heart and hope to fly and you know the rest. Five points for Canterlot if you did it! Or wherever you’re from. Pinkie Points are good in every universe, redeemable at any Pinkie Pie for cupcakes, cookies, and chewy confectionery of every scrumptious variety!

i find this humorous.

This was amazing! :pinkiecrazy: :heart:

Those poor balloons.


This does a thing at the end that I would normally hate. I don't even mind.

Mostly because the Pinkie Pie voicing here is just so excellent.

Good luck in the contest! :pinkiesmile:

You wrote that pretty well. I've heard writing pinkie is pretty hard to get right but i'd say you pulled it off.

was this all written for the pun at the end? because i'm not sure if i should be impressed or depressed...

I'm glad you do! It was meant to make people giggle!

Pinkie's favorite balloon was named Melody. Fortunately, she later discovered Melody's string got tangled and she was still tied up and so got to give one balloon to Sunset after all!

I regret nothing about THE THING.

The pun was an integral part of the story from the very beginning :raritywink:

Yes sir, that's my fix right there.:heart:

I am both absolutely livid and in admiration at that set up and delivery. You magnificient S.O.B. :pinkiecrazy:
Take my upvote and fave. You EARNED it!

Thank you muchly and glad you liked it!

Thirty-five hundred words of Pinkie monolouging, you have exceptional endurance!

Clever, fun, and true to the character, so nicely done on that. I admit that a lack of commas tends to make me trip over myself and get a little lost, but when i think about it, I was probably reading it the way Pinkie would...and that's probably the point. I bet the writing portion came out the same way :pinkiehappy:

You wrote this all for the sake of the pun at the end, didn't you?

Maaaaaybe :raritywink:

A while back, I tried reading Ulysses, which was the novel that popularized the stream-of-consciousness style. Turns out I have a limited tolerance for it, but a short story in that style is just the right length for me. Pinkie is a natural fit for it, since she talks that way as a matter of course. Finally, the digressions were amusing, and--thank goodness--did not overstay their welcome.

You seem to be growing more prolific lately. Keep it up! :pinkiehappy:

tarīku bet’ami t’iru neberi! yegets’e-bahiriyatini idigetina beweri ti‘iyinitochi mekakeli inidēti inidetek’eyeru iwedewi! megilech’ahi desitenya inidihoni āderegenyi. minit’afuni belibisi mat’ebīya wisit’i inidalasigebu yaregagit’u!

I was hoping for the double-Pinkie love triangle. The feghoot was a delightful cherry on top. Thank you for this canoe ride down Pinkie's stream of consciousness.

Also, how exactly does she know about sunken R'lyeh?

Pinkie Pie knows many things that mortal minds often cannot comprehend. It's a small homage to Antlertis in Carabas's universe.

Aw. I thought this was going to have a sad ending. And then it didn’t. Which is fine by me. Cuz I like funny lots, too :pinkiesmile:

Author Interviewer

You are a bad, bad person XD


I don't know why, but this made me laugh a lot.

Huh. Interesting fourth wall break.

... ... ...


:pinkiehappy: I regret nothing

You’re a bad person, and you should feel bad.

But I'm a happy person, and I want to feel happy! I know that was a surge of pained delight, and delight is the name of the game! Well, actually the name is like, 'Life', but 'Delight' is kind of close! :pinkiegasp:

"The telling detail in a Feghoot is the groan emitted by the reader/listener when s/he hits the punchline." Yep, I guess you perfectly fit that description then!

I think it is still sad. All that preparation that Pinkie put in, gone to waste. And I sortof got a little bit of implication that the rival knew about it and was deliberately bypassing it? And that would just be mean.
But I guess Pinkie herself wouldn't see it that way. The end result was a bunch of smiles and I'm sure she'd see that as worth it, so I guess we should too.

This is in the entertaining category of fics where there's another one it's similar to, but naming that other fic here would be a spoiler for that fic, and naming this fic on the other one would be a spoiler for this fic, so we have to just wink about it.

Is that other one one that came out recently? Because I totally read that one if so, and know exactly which you mean.

Also it is sad in the moment but the author's note should make it clear that it has a very happy ending.

Many very happy endings, in fact, are heavily implied.

:pinkiehappy: WHAT?! I have a very juvenile sense of humor!

You are entirely correct on all counts :raritywink:

:pinkiesmile: I regret nothing

I love this so much and I'm so happy for Sunset and both Pinkies. :pinkiehappy:

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