• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 8,152 Views, 366 Comments

Sparks Catch - Tale Swapper

Sunset Shimmer has emerged from the events of Anon-A-Miss with deeper bonds with her friends- and a proper home for the first time in a decade. The fires of friendship burn brightly within her. But Friendship is magic, and fire tends to catch...

  • ...

Epilogue: Hotspots

Adagio stared at her sister. Sonata glanced at Adagio, then carefully posed herself in the same position beside her, before opening her mouth the to mirror the girl beside her.

As one, the two girls said "Huh?"

Aria turned her hand over, inspecting he gauntlet she'd formed over her fist. "Yeah, I know. I'm just as surprised as you guys, but at least I've got some magic back." Looking up, she grinned at her sisters. "And, since you had headaches too, I'm guessing you have your own powers waiting to come out."

Adagio glanced at the fading gauntlet. "But it's not our siren powers back. Or at least, you didn't get them back."

"Nope." She shrugged. "Sunset said we'll likely get powers which match what we want to do- so for all I know, you might get something like your siren powers. But, I kind of doubt it."

Adagio sighed and rubbed her head. "I suppose, then" she slowly said "that your plans to work with the Rainbooms haven't changed."

Sonata stared at Aria, and before she could respond, cut her off. "You spent the night with them, twice, right?" As Aria hesitantly nodded, the blue girl continued. "So... Rainbow or Applejack?"

As Adagio blinked, Aria's eyes widened. "What are you talking about-"

Sonata grinned. "You mentioned helping someone with fighting, but your posture shifted, and you actually had to bite back a grin. You found a new sparring partner, right? And that means someone athletic, so-"

"Applejack." Aria said, looking spooked. "Nata, the way you read people's body language..."

"Yeah, it's saved out butts a bunch of times." Sonata grinned. "So- is she just a sparring partner, or is she a sparring-"

Aria's eyes bulged. "NATA!"

As Sonata started cackling and Aria started yelling, Adagio looked down at her hands. Aria was always standing up to adversity; for herself or for us. Getting a suit of armor, especially one which gets stronger the more people's anger focuses on her, matches her really well. Sonata and I, though what will our magic do for us?

Adagio let a small frown form on her face. And how will I use it?

Celestia Everfree, principal of Canterlot High School, looked up from the paperwork on her desk. While she'd expected quite a few heated letters between herself and parents over the new forces bubbling up in her school, she had not expected the transfer request sitting on her desk. She'd originally thought it a joke, but a call to the Velvet-Light residence had confirmed the request.

Twilight Sparkle transferring to this school could be a blessing in disguise- or a curse of the worst sort. If she can help Sunset without disrupting too much, she may help our resident expert get a grip on magic faster. Considering her disruption last Friday, however, she may do more damage before the situation stabilizes.

Celestia sighed. She had no intention to turn the girl away; despite the pointed email Cinch sent. Cinch didn't make any pointed threats, or even veiled accusations. Her hands are tied- and I suspect Cadence had a hand in that. Twilight Velvet had made it abundantly clear that her daughter's story was both believed and detested, and that the news of both intellectual equals and friendships at CHS had been more than enough to sway the woman's mind.

Still, that paperwork would have to be set aside for now. Looking up, Celestia walked to the door and looked out at the four figures waiting in her lobby. As she opened the door, she beckoned in Sunset Shimmer, who immediately removed a notebook at clipboard from her pack. "Sunset, thank you for coming. If you'll go ahead and set up in my office, we can get started." Turning back to the remaining figures, she cleared her throat. "Ms. Lulamoon, come in."

As Trixie entered, she crossed her arms with a humph. "Trixie does not know why she is here- what occurred was a complete accident!" Trixie turned to the other figure. "And Trixie also does not know why the- why Shimmer is here."

Celestia nodded as she sat down. "I believe you are correct. However, we still need to discuss what happened." Nodding to Sunset, she continued. "Sunset also has the greatest knowledge concerning magic of any here at CHS. She may be able to help you stabilize yours."

Trixie's scowl deepened. "Trixie has control over herself in every way! She does not need the help of a-"

Sunset cut her off. "So you meant your new homemade smoke bomb to cover the entire cafeteria in smoke? You meant your new sparklers to blind three students?" Sunset shook her head. "You haven't hurt anyone yet, but those sort of unrestrained alchemical reactions are a sign of excess mana infusion."

Trixie's scowl held for a moment, then faded. "All I wanted to do was to Create wonder, not overwhelm the audience." She frowned. "And from what Pinkie Pie said of the other Trixie, should I not have illusion magic?"

Sunset opened her mouth, then closed it. "I'll have to ask Pinkie how she knows that, but I suspect I won't like the answer. However, we've already seen some deviations from what magics a person and their counterpart gain. The other Trixie wants to pretend to be the greatest mage who ever lived- you just want to have the greatest show ever. Different goals, different methods, different magics."

As Celestia listened to the banter back and forth, her phone buzzed in her pocket. Looking down at the message, she smiled. Standing, she spoke. "Sunset, I need to greet a visitor outside. Can you handle the three new mages while I'm away?"

Sunset blinked. "I think so. I mean, I can;t hand out punishments, but I can record what they're capable of-"

"None of these three need to be punished." Celestia grinned. "All of them simply suffered accidents."

Sunset nodded. "Thank you for trusting me, ma'am." Then a look of realization crossed over her face. 'Wait, is it-"

"Luna informed me that our new tutor is arriving from the other side." Celestia nodded, ignoring Trixie's puzzled expression. "I'm going to go meet him now."

As Celestia left her office, she passed Flash Sentry and Sweetie Belle, each slouched in separate chairs. Sweetie's idle humming and Flash's darting eyes stilled as Celestia passed, but she paid them no mind.. Moving out into the hallway, she quickly made her way to the front of the building.

Luna stood next to the statue (thankfully restored to its old position- although the horse was now sticking out its tongue) beside a stocky man in a long-sleeved, buttoned shirt and cargo pants. As Celestia approached, he hesitantly centered himself on his feet, then pulled himself into a rough salute. As Celestia came up next to him, he allowed himself to relax, allowing Celestia to get a better look at him. Blue-gray hair with a dull gray streak framed a dark-skinned face, and his schooled expression and natural parade rest stance showed his bearing.

Celestia extended a hand. "Hello there, Mr.-"

For a moment, the man examined Celestia's extended hand, then hesitantly brought up his own to match her shake. "Apologies, ma'am. You remind me much of Princess Celestia." He nodded. "Lieutenant Idol Hooves, Canterlot Royal Guard, at your service."

Celestia nodded. "Thank you. I assume you'll be our tutor with the new magic?" As Idol nodded, Celestia continued "If you don't mind me asking, why were you assigned to this task? I assumed we'd be getting a tutor or theorist to assist us."

Idol nodded. "The princess believed I would make a good instructor due to my passing familiarity to multiple types of magic, nonstandard magical applications skills, and high adaptability as is common to my race." He then frowned slightly. "The princess was planning on coming here to explain this in person, but upon our arrival in Ponyville, she was forced to attend to an urgent matter of emerging royalty. She left me to introduce myself alone, as she was uncertain when she might be available again."

Luna blinked. "Emerging royalty" is a strange euphemism for a birth, Mr. Hooves."

Idol blinked. "I am not speaking about live birth, ma'am. Apparently, Twilight Sparkle shared some information with her friends, which led to an unexpected ascension."


Celestia Solaris, princess of Equestria, had possibly the best understanding of the normal pony psyche of any in Equestria. Those few who could possibly match her understanding (whose numbers included professional psychologists, a few lawyers, and Pinkie Pie) usually recognized her supremacy regardless, as her ability to plan events well in advance was legendary among scholars and feared by the nobility. More than one noble house had fallen in their dreams of conquest or carefully planned coups when they discovered that the solar diarch had planned circles around them.

Still, even Celestia could be surprised on occasion. For all her contingency planning, there were still random elements to the world, and Celestia had long learned that sometime,s you had to scrap your plans and start over. When the cosmic twang she'd heard twice before had echoed through her head, she'd been absolutely flabbergasted.

Somepony managed to ascend. But- As Celestia rose into the air, she frowned. It's too close to me for it to be Shining Armor, so it must be a Ponyville native. I suppose Rarity could have recalled Inspiration Manifestation and managed to control the power, or Rainbow Dash shatter the laws of physics. Or PInkie, for that matter. Shifting her perceptions, she pulled herself into the ethereal plane. Whichever of them it is, I'd best tamp down their enthusiasm- after all, being a princess is-

She blinked as she saw the huddled yellow-and-pink form sitting in the center of the endless white plain. Or, it could be Fluttershy.

As Celestia approached, Fluttershy raised her head. "Princess? Is that you? Where am I?"

Celestia knelt down next to Fluttershy. "We are on the ethereal plane, where all that is and could be may form." Tilting her head, she frowned. "I did not expect to find you here, Fluttershy. If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing before you arrived here?"

Fluttershy looked down at her hooves. "It was Rainbow Dash. She was trying out a new trick, trying out something Twilight mentioned, trying to accelerate to a running leap from a standing start. But she missed an opening in the trees and crashed right into a branch, at her fastest speed." She shuddered. "Dash's wing was broken, and I- I went to her, and-"

"She healed Dash." Twilight approached, her own wings fanned behind her. "I'd told her about her counterpart, and she- she channeled her Pegasus magic to heal Rainbow Dash. It nearly killed her- but then she vanished." Twilight glanced up. "Celestia- does this mean-"

Fluttershy squeaked. 'Wait- no, no no!" As the two alicorns watched ,Fluttershy was pulled into he air, squeaking softly before vanishing in a pink blaze.

As the princesses watched, Celestia sighed. "This may be a joyous day, but I fear for the headache this will cause."

Twilight's face twisted into a massive smile. "Yeah, but my friends can handle it." She shook her head. "When I told her about what her counterpart was capable of, I didn't expect her to replicate it! If Fluttershy can ascend- why not Pinkie? Or Applejack? Could all of us-"

"You might all ascend some day, I suppose." Celestia murmured. "But, I was not talking about her headache- Twilight- I was talking about mine. The nobles are going to throw a fit- again."

Without another word, Celestia fell back into normal space, shaking her head. All my plans, and I never accounted for something like this.

Still, she thought as she winged towards the Everfree forest, and the heartbeat of the newest Equestrian Alicorn, It seems to me that the changes which come will make the world far brighter than it was.

I may not know what comes next- but I think I'm looking forward to it regardless.

Author's Note:

New magics seem to be popping out of the woodwork, aren't they? Celestia and Luna are starting to come seek out their own magic, the sirens are coming to grips with what might be possible, and Trixie is- well, acting like Trixie.

Yes, I gave human Trixie Alchemy powers instead of illusions. I wanted her power set o be unique, and show that a single talent word- such as Create- can have different effects and permutations.

Oh, and Fluttershy's an alicorn now. Don't worry, it's not going to affect the plot that much, but it seemed... appropriate to show that the events in the human world are having widespread consequences.

Idol Hooves is not my character, and I have little plans to use him in any further stories. If you want to see more of him, please read The Changeling of the Guard by vdrake77. However, I think that a changeling would make a pretty good general magic tutor- they have to know how three different forms of pony magic and their own changeling magic work.

Nothing more to be said here...

Comments ( 48 )

This series is freaking amazing. I can't wait for the continuation.

I feel like the following is appropriate for describing my current feelings:
To quote the J.T.Machinima song about Markiplier:
"You're the man who's leading,
All of us down a dangerous road!"

Keep up the awesome work!

Adagio stared at her sister. Glanced at Adagio, then carefully posed herself in the same position beside her, before opening her mouth the to mirror the girl beside her.

I think there's a name missing here. Sonata, maybe?

Without another word, Celestia fell back into normal space, shaking her head. All my plans, and I never accounted fro something like this.


Okay, this was lots of fun! I really liked the two different sections with the two Celestias ("Everfree" is Principal Celestia's last name, huh? Interesting XD), and also the ascension at the end.

God, I can't wait to see where this AU will go next :pinkiehappy:

"Lieutenant Idol Hooves, Canterlot Royal Guard, at your service."

Yes please.

Or, it could be Fluttershy.

Well now, I imagine Discord will be pleased by this series of events. If for no other reason than the chaos it will cause.

Silly Nobles. You can't always just yell at a problem. It might look at you and freeze you in place.

Of course! Of friggin course! We already have Schadenfreude, why not bring in Idol Hooves next?!

I am insanely jealous of all the cameos you're tying into this story and I dread which ones the next sequel might bring. :trixieshiftleft:

(I nominate Clutterstep)

Thanks for the chapter. Love this series and can't wait for the next part! :pinkiehappy:

Well, color me interested in where things go from here.

Next cameos are in the newest chapter of Stray Thoughts and Small Fires.

*Eye twitches* :twilightangry2::pinkiecrazy:
Now you're just messing with me.

Yay, Fluttercorn! I assume we’ll find out eventually, but can Idol Hooves shapeshift in the human world?

Very fascinating developments. The Sirens are definitely gonna be wild cards and I imagine Sunset will be butting heads with Trixie a lot as a result. And while there may not be much planned, the idea of Fluttershy ascending certainly opens up so many possibilities. A well done trait of your stories is that there are consequences, even to the best of actions. Can't wait to see where they lead. :twilightsmile:

Great story. Fluttershy was unexpected. I hope the next ascension is Pinky. Makes the most sense. And her original model was a Pegasus before they made her an earth pony. And the show gives the impression that the Pie family in general is powerful and not just Pinkie. Can't wait to find out what magic everyone gets and how things develop. Keep it up.

Well now Fluttershy is a Alicorn, at least until the rest of the mane 6 all become Alicorns, then they will be Friends Forever!

:pinkiecrazy: FOREVER!

So the magic from the human world could be the alicorn creating magic that ponies would need to do in order to ascend? Huh, neat

She blinked as she saw the huddled yellow-and-pink form sitting in the center of the endless white plain. Or, it could be Fluttershy.

*blinks rapidly*

What in the what?!?!?!

Funny, I found this when searching for girl genius crossovers...and then someone on the CoTG discord pointed to this story.

fun fact,the rumors suggest pinkie will be the next canon alicorn...

But... It isn't a Girl Genius crossover.

So I take it there'll be a sequel?

Hmm, interesting bit of pondering going on at the Siren's abode... I'll be looking forward to seeing how they adapt to their new powers, and those powers temptations, once the sequel arrives.

Also, sqeeee! Princess Fluttershy, the adorableness is going to give me a heart attack. :raritystarry:

I searched for "spark". :trollestia:

Well, at least Discord will have an immortal companion.


....we're doomed.

Honestly, I'm more scared of a Dracoequus Pinkie than an Alicorn Pinkie.

Wow, sequel story is going to be HUGE at this point. You going to write it inside this or as a new whole thing? Trixie gaining alchemical enhancement abilities. The truest power to CREATE power. Damn, that's, well...the potential for how the magic works into understanding of that one word they all get means this power can do some downright scary shit when trained to just well, be creative and have imagination.

Keep it up!

Well now... New discoveries await us...

Oh, this is getting good...

I’ll admit that I nearly fangaism at work when Idol Hooves showed up. This is an interesting read. Keep it up.

According to IDW, there really is no difference.

Pinkie next?! Wow.

I am hoping that the mane six does eventually all ascend, in canon. I wonder if that binding would make Twi and the rest true immortals?
Currently, WoG says that she's not a real immortal, so they can avoid her outliving her friends (and/or because her power relates to her friends, who are currently mortal), so if the others ascend, and get similarly linked, or to something that isn't reliant on an outside source for their lifespan...

Can I hope?

I was really hoping that pinkie pie was the one that ascended... then she could break reality as we know it :pinkiecrazy:

9042818 You mean more than she already does?:applejackconfused:

I became FAR too happy when Idol was induced. One might even say I cackled.

Outstanding work throughout. I'm always a sucker for more widespread human magic, and you're approaching the concept from a fascinating angle. And the Fluttercorn and any future Equestrian ripples should make this very fascinating indeed. Thank you for a fascinating world.

Well that was a nice surprise cameo and a hilarious accidental Ascension. 8/10 story. Very good job. Can't wait to read the sequel.

There gotta be more. What about cinch and all the new magic running around.

For a moment, the man examined Celestia's extended hand, then hesitantly brought up his own to match her shake. "Apologies, ma'am. You remind me much of Princess Celestia." He nodded. "Lieutenant Idol Hooves, Canterlot Royal Guard, at your service."

Well, he’ll be interesting. Then again, who better to teach all the kinds of people than someone who can be all the kinds of people?

Twilight's face twisted into a massive smile. "Yeah, but my friends can handle it." She shook her head. "When I told her about what her counterpart was capable of, I didn't expect her to replicate it! If Fluttershy can ascend- why not Pinkie? Or Applejack? Could all of us-"

Now that will certainly be intriguing to watch.

All in all, I can’t wait for the thrilling continuation. Ahem...

Edit: Adding DBZ recap music because I think it fits.

Will Cinch’s new lab monkey Moondancer take the glory? Will Blueblood’s team be too late to make magic laws? What thrilling adventures await Team Myriad next? How will Fluttershy’s ascension and Discord’s attempts to restrain himself for the good of others turn out?

Team Greed. Team Law. Team Myriad. Which will come out on top?

Catch the sequel when it comes to find out, and pray that it’s our tested and trued troupe of teens, next time on...


Oh man i can't wait for the next one🥳🤗

Me too. I suspect that cinch will try to get Cadence out of the picture probably by death because she knows too much about her dirty business. And that would be the best way to stop her from causing trouble. Though I worry about the fact she got someone else to look into magic and that means more trouble.

10739106 Somehow I don't think that even Cinch would be THAT stupid.

says the head of a school that just witnessed gaint man eating Venus fly traps try to eat students and decided using the same magic which brought those to the school to win a competition was a good idea. You really think she wouldn't do whatever it takes to on top.

For a moment, the man examined Celestia's extended hand, then hesitantly brought up his own to match her shake. "Apologies, ma'am. You remind me much of Princess Celestia." He nodded. "Lieutenant Idol Hooves, Canterlot Royal Guard, at your service."

Bwah?!?! What a twist! Idol Hooves!

Alicorn Fluttershy huh? Interesting. Not my first guess, but makes perfect since in context.

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