• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen May 23rd


I seem to have one job in life. Failing my one job in life.


My name is Theos Sammunds. I am the shadow to the Princess Who's Title Will Forever Be Debated. As in I'm the vampony version of her, and sharing a body with her. Interesting stuff. Maybe. Now we have to deal with all sorts of beasts that I either thought were mythological, she thought were mythological, or she knows all about.

Will add tags as need be. Please tell me if I'm missing any. Any feedback will be appreciated, as long as it's not straight up hate without reason.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 102 )

Ouch! Well, this seems like its gonna be interesting!! Lets see where this goes, eh?

Ouch indeed! I also wish to know where this goes, as my style of writing is pretty sporadic. I get an idea, and then make most of it up as I go along. While not the best way, it allows me to be lazy, and gives adaptiveness to the story. I also will take inspiration from places, including if other people comment ideas and I think its an awesome idea! I hope, as the first story I am truly writing, it will bring a sense of reprieve to you and others who read it, and hope they will be inspired to help or write their own. I might be getting ahead of myself tho:P

Eh, I'm pretty much the same. I got an idea a while back, fudged it up in a hurry to get it put out, cancelled it and my subscription to my 'Brains ideas central', they didn't accept my cancellation, and now my head is flooded with ideas. So now one of my ideas is sitting untouched except for one chapter over on fanfiction by an account of the same name............soooooo many story ideaaaaassss...........



I also have a bucket ton of ideas. Most of them hie I'll admit, tho the one I know isn't. Like, I was choosing whether to work on this idea or two others. But if you have any scenarios that are slice of lifey, or even some of the more adventurous ones(like a vampire coven needs to be dealt with, or some other eoh threat) you'd like to see in this story then please do share. I would love to see other peoples ideas on how things might go down, or even ideas they would love to see go down. After all, I'm but one pony, and others can come up with ideas I would never dream of, or solutions I would never dream of. I really do want to make a community of my works, not something just I made, but the readers as well.

Well, most of my ideas revolve around Rwby. Have you seen it? Another one is a terraria/mlp crossover. Another is the backstory of my OC. I even have one that isn't a fanfiction!!

I have seen rwby, I'm only a few episodes behind actually. Also...TERRARIA IS AMAZE GAME PLAYS AMAZE GAME HOIK MOONLORD IS EASY CHEESE STUFF ABOUT STUFF SUMMONER IS FUN! Ummm,and I have a few ocs, one as an actual one, one based off of The Darkness games/comic, and one based off of the typhon from prey. That last one was for another story idea I had. Tbh, I think you have truly inspired me to write more. I also think I found an image on the intynets that fits Theos's vampony twilight look quite well, which hopefully I'll be able to link in the next chapter. Which I only have a beginning thought out for. INSPIRATION! I NEED YOUUUUUUUUUUU*gets kicked off a cliff by someone wearing a mask that says inspiration* HOW COULD YOU BETRAY MEEEEEEE!!!!!

Lol, I personaly go for the melee class. And I may or may not be a couple episodes behind on Rwby. I'm glad I inspired you to write more!! Also, why would one cheese the moonlord? Git gud sun!! Just make sure you give credit where credit is due on the art(if you can). I'LL SAVE YOU! TREE POWERS, ACTIVATE!!*turns into tree**you fall, land on me, get hit by various branches, then land on the ground in a large puddle of blood*

Ah, memes.....

EDIT: also, I just noticed it, thank you for the watch! But its gonna be a little while before stuff is updated.......

One would cheese the moonlord cause its funny. It actually broke one time. If you would like to know how, it is made easier by using the melee class, and I am willing to tell. Thank goodness I die so many times that I just get up and walk away, notice a tree that looks very nice, have a lightbulb give me a concussion, faint, wake up, notice the tree is still there, leave come back with a chainsaw, and cut it down, listening to the sweet yet out of place screams, to which I go "huh..." And as for the follow/watch/whatever its called, eh, you deserve it.


The Timberwolves gathered, each one howling to the moon in greeting. In the middle stood something familiar. While it was most definitely equine in shape, except for standing on two legs, it bared an uncanny resemblance to the Timberwolves surrounding it. This, was a timbermaw. And it stared at the barn of the ones who had cause him such grief before…

This sounds legitimately terrifying.

I thank you, and I couldn't come up with an equivalent for werewolf, so I made one up. I hope it looks terrifying in your mind too.
How're you finding the story so far?

I like it. Its a nice difference from other stories like this.
The main reason it sounds so terrifying to me is because when I see Timbermaw, I think Thresher maw. And that is not a good image.

I can see why that's so terrifying. I'm glad you find it so different, as being different is something I pride myself on. It doesn't help that I still need to think through whatever happens next, and I don't know how to write a battle scene, but we all start from somewhere amiright? I can only say I hope I keep you interested, and that I would love to hear your input on things.:D


Is that all u got m8? If so, that was pretty gr8, would r8 8/8, would r8 8/8 again, for how great it was. May I also good sir/madam, inquire into ones thoughts on the chapter I have just made? It seems like inspiration has kicked me in my posterior off of a volcano edge this time.

*reads chapter* pfft, while not the easiest thing, that math problem is as easy as they come. Hold on a few.

x*x=?……x= a=BC/2B……B=23……C=19






I never once used a calculator. It may not be exact, but I think it's close. May have to check me with a calculator. If I solved a question on SOMEONE'S homework.........well........screw you............

Yeah, it is easy, I fully recognise that fact, but convoluted, with how much you have to remember, and note, since he had no control over the body, he had nowhere to write anything down, and thus had to do the entire thing in his head. And no, you didn't do my homework. *goes on to do maths homework and sees it there* EGADS! I be trippin'! But still*starts pouting adorably* you didn't exactly give your thoughts on the chapter... Ah well, I'm glad to have you here and reading. I am new to this, and really love hearing feedback for some inexplicable reason.:F

Edit: I really hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries here.

Your good! And yeah, the chapter was awesome!! By the way, I did it all in my head! >:3

Someone's arrogant.>:] and sure, I don't doubt you did. And thanks, you have no idea how much it helps to hear you're enjoying it. And next time I get to try and do a fight scene between Theos and this Timbermaw, who actually has no back story, cause I'm dumb, and don't plan ahead. We also get to see some epic vampony powers be activated.*whispers*(better than tree powers). So I hope you'll look forward to it, and will continue to inspire me to create more of this haphazard story of mine. Again, if you have any ideas, don't be afraid to tell, cause even if I don't use them, they could get the gears working in my head. Heh, gear.

Yes indeed! I'm pretty good at math, but I hate it with a passion. You just don't get that tree power joke, do you? ASDF movie. Google it. Also, noice pun. Give me minuette to come up with one myself. x3

I absolutely LOVE this series and cannot wait for more!

I absolutely love asdf movie so I did get you with the tree powers joke. And that pun. Oh dear. I don't know what to say. I'm also (supposedly) good at math, but I don't hate it. What I hate is English. Uhgh, thinking that I needs learn language natural goodz hurts adorable headsies. But with your pun, I can happily say, you have set the gears in motion for a pun war.

Good, but I will warn you, I'm good at puns.

I knew I shouda kept my adorable snoot shut. However, luck is on my side, as the gears have only been set in motion for a pun war I said, which means, pun war has not been declared! Maybe! Puns are awesome. Wish I was funny enough for them. Wish I was funny at all! If you pun me, go ahead. I love a good pun!

What is an 18 wheelers favorite hairdo?

A Tarp-e!

I'm gonna pretend I get that. I don't. But its probably more down to my lack of knowledge. But you'll be happy to know the next chapter is nearly done! And this ones a longun, so look forward to it! Or you know, don't.

hahahahaha, i love it! more please! this is awesome!

Awwwwwww, thanks. As I said, I do feel some parts could be better, but what do you think of this chapter, nay(or would that be neigh), this story as a whole? I would love to know what about it you love so much! :D

Also, what's your favourite part and why?>:)

Well, on some loads that truck drivers haul, they are required to use a tarp. Tarp=toupe. Get it now?

Also, noice! I get a new chapter to read........ On mah birfday!!!!!!! No, seriously, it's my birthday!!

It was.........so..........beautiful.........

Oh wow! I'm glad it took so long then! Happy Birthday! Take this as my present to you!*looks up date*MUST USE TERRIBLE MEMORY TO REMEMBER!!!!!!! As always, I would like to ask what gave you such a reaction, as I would love to hear your thoughts an opinions and ideas, and of course,

What was/were your favourite moment/s, and why?

I'm so evil.

i love this chapter, showing how twilight and main character interact with each other while explaining some abilities and having a small battle to show some others off.
favourite chapter so far is a very hard choice, i like the 1st, because it intrigued me to read on, and i like this one as it was badass and fun.
why do i like the story all together? well, i'll be honest i haven't read many fics like this, and the ones i have read are... below par to say the least. this has a good drive so far, the chapters are easily link-able and the plot is clear.

I wonder how long that plot clarity will last. And thanks:D I really do hope it was badass, I have no idea how well I did the whole fight scene, so I am really glad you like it! I was in a slump after some things that have happened today, and reading comments and feedback really cheers me up! Thanks!

glad i can help cheer you up! i look forward to reading more of the story! and hope you have a better day tomorrow!

Thanks, just listening to songs and watching animations to cheer up. Remember, I'm more than happy to take in ideas you or anyone gives me. It could really help inspire me! While the idea in itself will most probably not be used, its cool to see what people come up with, and can set the gears of thoughts moving! I've only got the beginning of the next chapter done in my mind, so I'm sad to say you may have to wait a while. I sure hope not tho! So I hope you have a happy foreseeable future!

take your time! nothing good is ever rushed too much. if i have any ideas i'll let you know!

Thanks man! I'm gonna be whooping my buddy with a paintball gun in a few days in celebration!! The parts I enjoyed was Twi/whatshisface where figuring out their new abilities, but the fight scene won out! I love those things!!

Sadly, when I went paintball gunning, I didn't have the be experience, but I hope you have lots of fun ANNIHILA-spending time with your friends while shooting "harmless" projectiles at each other. And I'm glad I did well with the fight scene... I didn't know exactly if I did or not. First time writing one properly after all:P And be prepared for more once I climb back up this canyon inspiration kicked me down!

The more you do it, the more experience you will accumulate. If you compare gaming with Rl you'll find that gaming has it pretty down pat. The more you work a skill, the more exp you gain. The more you do something irl, the better you get. Yaknow?

And I'll be lookin' forward to that fight scene, ya hear?

I hope to make the fight scenes epic, things getting crazier and crazier as things go along. Due to my tablet being dumb with typing potential, my statement was mistyped. I meant I didn't have a good experience with paintballing. The gun jammed a bunch, and at the end it started to rain. I'm sure its a lot more fun than I give it credit for, and I wouldn't want to mar my opinions with worse case scenario. I'm also not very physically fit. While I'm able to physically do things well, I get worn down very quickly, and I have so much apathy, its hard for me to effort things:P this of course means I don't get better, but luckily, I managed to pull through with making the first chapter of this (which took me weeks to finish, even though in total it probably only took an hour) and your comment truly inspired me to make more. I truly am thankful for that. Thanks to you, I can puts effort into this. I truly hope you keep inspiring me through the ages. Maybe you'll even replace that strange man who wears a mask that says inspiration on it who seems to keep kicking me off high places eh?

Ah, bad experience. As for apathy, I kinda lost most of that in middle school. And YES!! I SHALL REPLACE YOU, INSPIRATION!! In all seriousness though, I have a pretty good imagination and if ever you need it I would gladly give you an idea!

Yeah, I hope I lose my own soon too. Its really annoying wanting to do something, getting up to do it, then thinking,"I can't be bothered", and then sit down and do something else, no matter how much I wanted to do that other thing.<_< And you don't need my permission to give ideas! I'd love to hear at any point what ideas you come up with, no matter how out there they are! So if you're ever bursting at the seams to give me an idea, but feel for some reason you can't, don't feel like you can't and do it anyway! What good is that imagination if you can't share it! Unless your like me, where imagination might leas to certain thoughts and ideas which are bad and depressing. In other new, heard of VRchat, cause I want a vive now, as I wanted to use it with friends and all, but now they added pony stuff, I want it even moar! Y vr be so hard to get!

Well, theres a couple ideas I have. I think Twi/whatshisface could totally have another form. Or maybe they could have a combat effective familiar. Either one is cool, but I'm kinda leaning more towards a familiar.

Both are very good ideas... I'll have to think on them, it could be...interesting. I mean that honestly. I am sad to say little progress has been made due to my terrible week, and how prone I am to anger and depression. Hopefully my mood will improve soon and story progression continue. Again, I thank you for your support, and I have no intention of giving up on this. So, just sit tight, hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow after playing some warframe n stuff.:)

Hey, life is to short to worry about bad stuff.

“William pay this good author some of our money. What’s that we left our money in the other world?
Oh dear that’s just dreadful...Jeeves would have just gone back in time and pre ordered bars of gold if this happened to them but no all the really good butlers are taken. Granted you aren’t an immortal time traveling butler, William but I guess you have potential. Now go sell something. What about a video game to Luna I’m sure she would like that.
What’s that we haven’t met Luna before. Crap you are right.

Ok looks like we can’t pay you but good job.

Worry not, to me, you and the others who comment on this story are gold enough for me... Wow that just sounds so cheesy. But alas, I must inquire the question everyone hates. What was your favourite bit and why? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!>:)


HOLY GYZE! IVE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE SO NEEDING MORE FOR SOMETHING FROM ME! SUDDENLY I HAS URGE TO WRITE! Thanks, I'll try my best. May I inquire why you seems so desperate for more?>:]*hears evil laughter in the background*

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