• Member Since 12th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen May 24th

chris the cynic

Someone who doesn't know how to describe herself, is always struggling with debilitating depression, and won't stop hanging onto the hope that happy endings are possible.


Unable to convince her former friends she isn't Anon-a-Miss, and out of contact with Princess Twilight, Sunset gives up on everything and tries to end it all. Instead a new chapter in her life begins when she's helped by total strangers, two of whom have familiar names and faces.

As she recovers from surviving her suicide attempt, she rebuilds her life in a new home and at a new school, though lingering forces from her past refuse to allow her a fresh start.

[Do note that the self-harm isn't shown directly, and is limited to the prologue. The story is about recovering.]

Meta notes, abridged version:

Moon-Lite gave me permission to do my own version of Fall of Harmony / Like the Phoenix / Flaming Sun. This is that story.

I asked for permission to do a version because Moon-Lite is not going to do a straight-remake and the old versions are gone, thus leaving no version whatsoever on Fimfiction. I want there to be at least one version on Fimfiction.

Moon-Lite's own new story, which he described as the straight-remake being reworked --kinda-- in a very abstract way, is Phoenix.

For the longer version of the meta stuff I'll make a blog post at some point and put a link to it here when I do.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 55 )



Also thanks for that story, been wanting it really badly!




I know it's not a very Moon-Lite way to do things, but the idea of a Vinyl having a voice sets off "404: Voice Not Found" errors in my head.

Good start can't wait to see the second chapter :twilightsmile:

If this story is a remake of Fall of Harmony, then the Humane Five can pretty much kiss their elements goodbye.

Mute Vinyl is best Vinyl. Don't believe me? Check my stories xD

Gonna keep reading this for sure!

Damn, Sunset got damage so fast, I bet she's still processing the situation, not that it matters to her now. She should kept the Orchestra Girls with her as support. I understand she wanted them safe, but she no doubt needed them during Gilda's beatdown. This is an excellent story you got here, my friend. Keep it up.

Plus an angry Twilight wielding the Rainbow Power (most likely at least on the Rainbow Power part).

I have a need to see those five bitches suffer.

This hurts, yet it's so well done! I need to read more!

this is a really good story so far! I can't wait to see the next chapter!
And just for the record, not on this site but on fanfiction, my first story was a take over. the author didn't want to finish it so he gave it to me he had only written 8 chapters and I wrote it to 42. so, seriously, you're not a last writer. You were just inspired and wanted to show your own take on it.

Congratulations on getting placed into the features box :twilightsmile:

its great to see this story! So far so good, can't wait to see what happens next

*takes a deep breath and then sighs*

I cannot express in words exactly, just how much i want to slap the Humane 5 hard on the cheek... they are just so idiotic that i can't believe it.....

Don't worry your pretty head about it. Since it's based off Moon-lite's Fall of Harmony and I read that story when it was up, they'll definitely gets what coming to them.

CAN YOU JUST MAKE SUNSET HATE EM ALL FOREVER!!! I'M SICK OF FORGIVENESS!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

If you want hate Dainn’s story or The Nuclear Option are probably your best bets.

If you like Moon-lite try Phoenix by Nyhll.

Did you try fimfetch for this one...?

This song is rather fitting for this story.


This is a story which has been "already written" in a way.
The original author made Sunset forget the Mane 5.
And he stopped writing because of people complaining about the forgiveness thing (amongst other stuff), so try not to be too sensitive on that ^^"

You probably know they're the same person ^^
Also, both chris (the author) and I are part of Nyhll's/Moonlite's Discord, so we know eeeeeverything about these :D


Well she still forgives them...

I never seem to tire of these.
Good job so far.:twilightsmile:

Oh, so that is what happened. I was enjoying reading it then the story just vanished. Even the author's page was gone.

Why, I what did her friends do, to warrant being forgotten? They acted as any normal person would in a situation where someone you know had a bad history, and they crime seems to fit with the crimes that person committed.

they probably did it because they wanted it to be her, they waited for an excuse to hate her for good!

That has nothing to do with waiting for an excuse. At that point in time, the Humane 5 had not known Sunset that long, and was still getting used to her not being mean, so when something comes up, that was specifically framing Sunset, that possessed elements of something that she used to do, then it would make sense that they would believe she did it. Sunset hurt them, for a long time before Twilight showed up, saying your sorry and doing one good deed does not undo that torment. Now had this concept happened after "Forgotten Friendship" then I could agree that they were looking for an excuse because by then she has done more than enough to prove shes changed. But during the original Anon-A-Miss incident, it was not long after Rainbow rocks, which Rainbow Rock happened shortly after the first Equestria Girls movie. So, they did not have long enough to really see Sunset had truly changed. Also, you are giving one perspective, from their perspective, Sunset could have just been pretending to be their friend to get more dirt on them.

well the betrayal is pretty much a matter of perspective until the story is complete.

Well yeah, the author has the liberty to make and change the story however they see fit.

This issssss soooooo gooooooddddd, I love the orchestra group involvement here. Super awesome writing skills too. Virtually no typos.

No, depression flared up really badly from mid-March through April, the depression flare up meant I wasn't doing the whole eat/drink/sleep thing properly, and my body is still readjusting to actually getting adequate hydration and calories. Mostly my digestive tract seems to be having trouble getting back into the swing of dealing with food. Hydration is pretty quick to fix. Sleep is . . . uncertain. Hopefully the last two nights have been aberrations instead of a new normal.

None of of that is exactly conducive to creative endeavors. Doesn't mean I've abandoned anything.

Also the next chapter, being the immediate aftermath, is probably going to be, structurally, the most unique one in the whole work. ("Probably" because plans do change sometimes.)

Well I like it and I'm glad it's not forgotten. Seen it FAR too many time's around here.

Holy crow! This is super awesome! I’d love to read more. :pinkiehappy:

[don't read if you don't want to hear about depression.]

Thanks for saying so.

It really helps to hear such things especially when I'm going through hard times depression-wise. I swear I though I was coming out of a down time two or three months ago. That obviously didn't happen, things stayed in a pretty steady state of "bad" and finally a week and three days ago I had a total sobbing breakdown.

I suppose I should always be thankful that I've never been one for self harm, but apart from that there hasn't been much in the way of bright-spots and . . . being reminded that people get joy from what I write really does help a great deal.

- - - -

Have a preview (of the chapter after next, I believe):

“Given how you seem to insist on being alone,” Cadence said, “I wasn't expecting to hear from you again.”

“Yeah, well . . .” Sunset said as she looked out the window, “you did say that if I needed anything . . .”

“I did,” Cadence said with a nod. “So, tell me.”

“I thought that after my last birthday I would finally be free from people trying to force me to live under the scrutiny of 'responsible adults'” the fact that the wires and tubes had been disconnected from her made air quotes so much easier, “given that I'm no longer a minor,” Sunset said. “However, because of the reason I'm here, the doctors . . .” and Sunset found she wasn't quite sure how to phrase it.

They weren't actually afraid that she'd try to kill herself again, which was . . . either gratifying or disturbing, depending on why they weren't afraid. Either way, though, they were cautious. Their belief that she wouldn't try again didn't translate into acting like she wouldn't try again.

And how did one say that simply and clearly?

“They're antsy about the prospect of releasing you into your own care,” Cadence offered.

That worked.

Sunset nodded, then said, “It's not like they can keep me here forever, especially since I don't have insurance, but they've still got fair amount of latitude over precisely when I'm discharged.

“How do you think I can help?” Cadence asked.

“I need a place to stay,” Sunset said. “Legally I'd just be a house-guest. There's no paperwork or anything, but I need someone, someone the doctors trust to look out for me, to take me in.”

Cadence was silent.

“If I have that I could be out of here tomorrow,” Sunset said. “Otherwise . . . I really, really want to get out of here.”

“Are you asking to stay with me?” Cadence asked in a way that made it pretty clear she thought she was going to give Sunset bad news.

“No,” Sunset said quickly. Maybe it was a bit too quickly; she could expand a bit: “I mean, if you offered then, yeah, I'd gladly take that. But it doesn't have to be you. Anyone the doctors won't look askance at is fine.”

“You know that Celestia and Luna would jump at the chance to have you stay with them.”

And Sunset found herself looking out the window again. “I'd rather stay trapped in here,” she said softly. She sighed. “It's nothing against them, there's just . . . a history there.”

Sunset turned back to face Cadence.

“The truth is that most of it doesn't even have to do with them,” Sunset admitted. “It's not fair, but Celestia reminds me so much of someone I used to know that I'd never be able to spend much time with her without blaming her for things she didn't even do.”

Sunset looked at her feet. “The truth is, it wasn't until recently that I even tried to see her for who she is instead of who she reminds me of.”

Sunset felt Cadence's hand on her shoulder and looked up to see pure sympathy in Cadence's eyes.

“What matters is that you're trying,” Cadence said.

In any world, that was Cadence: way too understanding for her own good.

Cadence removed her hand, then said, “The reason I suggested them is that you know them and they already care about you. If you're fine with strangers--”

“I am,” Sunset said. The great and powerful Mi Amore Cadenza would never stick anyone with people who might mistreat them.

“-then I think I know just the people,” Cadence said. “My place might not have space for anyone other than me and my boyfriend, but the fact he's there means that his parents have a spare bedroom.”

“Having a spare bedroom isn't the same as wanting--”

“I wasn't finished.”


“I'm pretty sure they'd help you out regardless,” Cadence said, “but they also happen to have a daughter about your age who is . . . painfully shy. They would love for her to have someone outside the family to interact with in the emotional safety of their home.

“Of course, if you're not up for dealing with that . . .”

“Does she go to CHS?”

“Crystal Prep.”

“I'm up for dealing with it,” Sunset said.

“That's great!” Cadence said, hopping slightly, while exuding a kind of saccharine excitement that Sunset had never seen from the human before, but knew well from the pony version.

After a moment, Cadence seemed to realize what she'd just done, stood extra straight, adjusted her hair, and --with an air of professionalism-- said, “I mean, that sounds good and I'm hopeful that this will work out of for all of you.” Sunset rolled her eyes. Cadence continued without noticing, “I won't know for sure until I've had a chance to ask them --I could be wrong about how they'll respond after all-- but if for some reason it doesn't work out--”

“This isn't a performance review,” Sunset said, “and I can't think of a single thing I might've done to give you the impression I want you to pretend to be something you're not.”

Cadence looked guilty for a moment and then said, “My boss is pressuring me to be less . . . informal. Apparently showing positive emotions 'sets a bad example' for our students.”

Sunset was well aware that in academia in general a dean was seldom the head of their school, but she also knew that that, at least according to some of the pop-culture she'd picked up in this world, a high school dean was sometimes a principal by another name. Combine that with the fact that Cadence didn't have anyone but Celestia, and now Luna, above her in Equestria and Sunset had just assumed . . .

Now Sunset was wondering just who might outrank Cadence, so she asked:

“Your boss?”

“Principal Cinch,” Cadence said. Sunset recognized both the way Cadence said the name and subtle ways her posture changed as she said it. It might as well be Princess Cadence mentioning Blueblood.

It could mean only one thing: this Cadence wanted to believe Cinch was a good person at heart, and tried to convince herself of that --she probably spent an inordinate amount of time looking for good qualities and coming up empty-- but she was aware on some level that reality just didn't support that. The resulting dissonance she felt was what distorted her usual speaking voice and posture.

Sunset hadn't appreciated the alicorn Cadence nearly enough. Maybe she could do something about this Cinch, to help the human Cadence. She didn't exactly have an abundance of plans, and if she left CHS with a mission, then it didn't feel so much like running away.

Of course, none of that really had anything to do with talking with Cadence right now.

“Well, your boss isn't here now,” Sunset said, “and I don't think 'hide your true self and be a drone' is a good example to set.”

“I agree,” Cadence said, “and thank you. I guess I'm just getting into the habit of . . . That's not important. We were talking about you.

“On that subject, even if the family I'm thinking of won't accept you as their guest, and I really think they will, I'll figure something out.”

“Thank you,” Sunset said.

“Think nothing of it,” Cadence said. “I'd do it for anyone.” Sunset made sure not to roll her eyes, but did note that this was, very definitely, the same old Cadence. “No one should have to be alone. Especially at this time of year.”

Sunset did not scoff. It took effort, but she most assuredly did not scoff. This was a good thing as alienating the person who was helping her would not be a good idea.

While she made sure not to scoff, she did allow herself to voice her reaction:

“It's just a season,” Sunset said, “same as any other.” After a beat she added, “Just colder.”

“That depends on who you spend it with,” Cadence said. “I hope that I can prove you wrong.”

“Try if you want,” Sunset said, “but if you help me get out of this place, I'll be more than satisfied with that alone.”

I liked the story very well and everything, please continue with the story

Ah. Another Anon-A-Miss story that ends on a cliffhanger.

Never to be known what happens next.

Well, given that it's a remake, you could always turn to the original to learn what happens next. You can literally read the sequel, so there's that if you want to know what happens after what happens next.

Or, if you scroll up in the comments a bit, you'll see that I gave a sneak peek of the chapter after next.

And, look, if you happen to have the cure to depression (which is what's preventing me from writing more of this) I'd love it if you'd give me that rather than be a jerk in the comments. I have enough problems without total strangers going out of their ways to make me feel like worthless. Also, I already feel that way anyway, so you're wasting your efforts.

1) I'm just commenting on the fact that is one of the many stories I've come across that will not be finished in the near future.
2) I'm sorry I've coming off as rude
3) You have depression? What caused it?

Thanks. I am, in fact, working on it. It's just the same thing I've said before: my depression has been really bad for a long time, which has made progress nigh impossible.

I hope to have it out soon, but I've hoped that before.

Can you please continue this I want to see more

The plan is to do just that. Depression has just been really, really bad for a very long time.

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