• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Matthais Unidostres

I am Matthais Unidostres, I'm a Christian and I love FanFiction!


Applejack travels through space and time.

A "deconstructed" Ice Age crossover. My own unique take on what it means to be a crossover. I’m going to try to capture the essence of Ice Age’s surreal humor and the absurdity of its situations, while also basing this FanFic's plot on the concept of one of the animated shorts from the Ice Age franchise, rather than simply merging the stories.

Also, this FanFic is a flattering parody of Austraeoh by Imploding Colon. This means that it will be a very long, ongoing, and possibly never-ending series of short chapters focused on one single character.

For those who want to figure out what the title means:
Old Norse Dictionary
Old English Dictionary

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 14 )

Pretty good so far, I can definitly see how you took spin on Imploding Colon's concept. Not bad. I personally think Applejack will be pretty good to do this on. And I already know in some way, she's gonna keep losing her hat and getting it back, so that's one thing I like too.😊 And hopefully she finds out who made that device and how it got to Applejack. I look forward to the rest.

Oh my gosh, the story's first comment! And it's a positive one! I was honestly afraid this style of parody wouldn't go over well, but you've calmed my worries with your enjoyment of my story! Please keep reading and enjoying what I hope will be a very funny experience for all who give this story a chance!

Does this mean Applejack will be an Invincible Hero?

An Ice Age & MLP:FIM crossover?

This I've gotta see...

No. Applejack is not necessarily winning anything, nor is she actually triumphing over anything. It's mostly good luck with the occasional quick thinking on Applejack's part. She is by no means flawless in this. Sure, she probably won't die, but the point of this fanfic the way Applejack gets through various absurd situations.

I do like the story is starting to slowly shift from her hat. Slowly.

The amount of focus on it will be more like the movement of high tide and low tide. Also, why did you hide it under a spoiler bar?


To avoid spoilers. :ajsmug:

Will any of the characters here be based off of characters from Ice Age/Austraeoh?

Well, at least your cover isn't a triumph of artistry ruined by the words "IMPLODING COLON" superimposed in the back.

I can't say if any of the characters will be. However, many of the situations will be based off of situations from Ice Age.

How many chapters long will this story be? I don't want to read a story that won't end.

It will end eventually, but is a really long story a bad thing? Especially when it's a comedy that offers new laughs every time? Also, maybe a story that doesn't end could be a good thing? It would always have something new for you to discover and constantly leave you wondering what will happen next and how it would compare to what you've already seen.

I don't want to have to keep reading updates. It distracts me from doing other things. Having seen the author's note in the final chapter, I have to ask, how many chapters are you planning on making?

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