• Published 11th Mar 2018
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It All Started With A Big Bang - Cipher800

In a surpise turn of events, Bowser's Galaxy Reactor malfunctioned and reset the universe, with Bowser being the only survivor of the cataclysm. But what would happen if he landed in Equestria after this? Read this story to find out what will happen.

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Bonus Chapter: Amore

Faust wasn't the only kid Bowser had. There was a second alicorn filly, while she was white like her sister, and her hair started out a light shade of red and eventually turned purple. The Koopa King loved them both, partially because they were his only company, and partially because they saw him as a father figure. Finding out about her love magic, he named her, Amore. The two sisters were very close, and went from planet to planet after they were formed. When they found a planet with flora and fauna that matched some of the creatures that Bowser talked about, they settled in and made themselves at home.

"So, this is it. A new world to settle down in." Amore said as she took a deep breath. The air there smelled wonderful, much more than the flimsy gas from the early universe. "Do you like it?" Amore asked her sister.

"I love it, it's absolutely beautiful." Faust replied. "Dad did describe a world similar to this, with some flora and fauna being very similar." The two began to walk around. Nature, in a sense, has much more creativity that the mind of even the most experienced artists. One day, they came across a tribe of ponies, much like them, save for the fact that every one of them neither had both, some had none, some had just wings, and some even had horns. The moment they saw them, they faced towards them and right then, they immediately looked to see two strange angels from the heavens. "Amore, is this supposed to be a bad thing?" Faust asked.

"I don't know what they're saying." her sister asked. "But we can cast translation spells, don't you remember?"

"Oh, right." Faust charged her horn in a golden aura, and cast the translation spell that they learned from their father in case there were in a bit of trouble with languages, just as they grew up. "Now, what is it you want?"

"Oh, sweet mother of Megan, this monster keeps terrorizing our village and we need help." the pony they assumed to be chieftain said. Goddesses? Then again, they looked a tad strange to them. "Hopefully, you two have been appeased by our pleas for help! Please stop this monster."

Amore and Faust blinked before they saw smoke rising from the trees. Flying up to get a bird's eye view, they saw a humanoid rock monster with two heads glanced at the burning village. "You dolts think you can keep Yanshi at bay with your pitiful shamans? Aww, to see such a cute widdle village try to repel me but miserably fail, pathetic." the creature now known as Yanshi said as it breathed fire at one of the houses. Both alicorns knew that this terrible creature had to be stopped, and so, Faust charged a yellow aura and Amore charged a blue aura, and they both unleashed beams of magic at the creature. "Huh?" Yashi said before writhing in pain. He looked to see two unfamiliar ponies with BOTH horns and wings. "So they had their secret weapon after all. Heh, can't say I'm not surprised that this'll be a cinch. After killing you off, this whole town's going next, and the last of your race."

"Hold it right there, rock monster. Leave this village and never return." Faust said, only to be nearly burnt by Yanshi's fireball. "Very well, it's your choice." Yanshi jumped at them, but the two alicorns dodged it as he went to it. The battle was long and fierce, even more so when Yanshi called up all the Titans: Shuang, the Frost Giant, Huo, the Lord of Fire, and the Great Tornado, Bei-nian, who were allied with a rogue plague master. In the end, Faust and Amore beat the creatures and killed the plague master, but at a terrible cost. The chieftain was dying. Both alicorns went to his hut and saw the brown unicorn with a black mane, who was in his deathbed. He somehow had a big smile on his face. "You're dying, but why are you so happy? Aren't you a little bit said about your people.

"Thank you for saving my village, and my people. The Titans were... ruthless. They killed almost all of our kind. If it weren't for you, then our village would've been completely wiped out, and along with it, my race." the chieftain said. "Yes, I feel a bit said that my people will no longer have me, but watch out for the last five hundred ponies, will you, goddesses?" the chieftain said, looking straight at them. They have been treating them as heroes, but, they need a leader to look after them so their species won't fall to extinction.

"Will do." Amore said. "Now, is there anything else you want?"

"Yes, but be careful. This land is dangerous. Over the years, you must migrate my tribe eastward so we can grow safely and securely." The chieftain noticed that his remaining strength was fading away. "Now, I don't have much time at my disposal, and we are very small. But I can see it, the looks of great leaders behind your eyes. I bet your father will be proud of you." With his final breath, the chieftain muttered his final words. "Knock 'em dead buddy." No heartbeat. No pulse. No nothing. The two alicorns cried the following day, but they still had a promise to fulfill for the chieftain. In the following century, Faust and Amore looked across various lands in the east. They labeled themselves as princesses rather than queens, the title of king belonged to their father, after several hundred years, they found a land that was promising for them. No titans, no carnivorous plants, no nothing too threatening.

In the thousand years they ruled afterward, the ponies eventually became numerous, and went from a few hundered to several hundred thousand. Life was shining for them. And something else was shining for the two sisters. "Discord, this isn't funny!" Faust said. She met the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony during their trek eastward.

"Oh, I'd say it was priceless, Faustie. The way you slipped at that banana, coming tumbling towards your sister. And you were smooching up a storm!" the draconequss replied.

"That wasn't kissing! That was ramming snout to snout!" The white alicorn had a completely red face by now.

"Oh yes, that. Oh well, Amore should be screaming in pain about... now!" Discord exclaimed. Faust knew that Amore was going to have her child soon. Both of them had their lucky stallions, and to absolutely no one's surprise, Faust bore two alicorn foals, whom she named Celestia and Luna. Amore bore a filly as well, a pink alicorn with a purple, yellow, and magenta mane, whom she named Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence for short. The draconeqqus just snapped his fingers and vanished without a trace as Faust began racing towards Amore's room in the castle.

"Come on, just push it out." Amore's husband said. Giving birth was a painful experience, Faust and Amore both knew it because, they did it. The white alicorn came barreling into the door, panting heavily. "Oh, hey Faust. Discord told you the news, didn't he? Forgive me, he was the quickest way I knew of getting it to you. Sorry if he was a bit rude."

"I forgive you, but we have more pressing matters to attend to, no pun intented." Faust said as she looked to Amore. "It's all gonna be okay, sis. Just, let it all out. The pain will be gone pretty soon." Faust said. In a few seconds, Amore's pain stopped, and the baby was born. It was a light purple alicorn filly with a navyblue mane, she had a purple and a pink strip in both of them. While they didn't know it, purple eyes were resting comfortably under her lids.

"Aww, would ya look at that. I'd like to congratulate Amore having her brand new baby girl." an all-too-familiar voice said as its speaker appeared. "So, Inkbutt." Faust glared at him for that nickname. "Oh, sorry, should've been more polite since you have a new niece for your sister to look after. I came to congratulate you right before you decided on what to name her, just because I can. Toodaloo!" Discord said before he snapped his fingers once more. Faust let out a sigh of relief, she was constantly annoyed by him, but that was besides the point. She looked at Cadence's new younger sister, who was now wrapped in a night sky blue blanket with its pin being a magenta star.

"Sister, this is your foal, so you should decide on what to call her." Faust said as Amore looked at her child, and then thought about the stars of the night sky.

"I was thinking of something among the lines of... Asteria." the younger sister said.

"I think that is a beautiful name. Now you should get something to eat. I'll get the chefs to whip something up." Faust said as she exited the room.

Author's Note:

The comics are non-canon in this story, although Princess Amore still exists. And wait just a second here, is that, can she really BE her? Yes, this is Twilight, or should I call her by her by her BIRTH name.

Why was she born an alicorn?

How did she get turned into a unicorn and Cadence to a pegasus, or something among those lines... and why didn't Discord tell them WHEN HE KNEW!? And what was the fate of Faust and Amore?

Find out next time on...

🎵Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery that all started with a BIG BANG!🎶

Seriously, it's catchy.