• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,254 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

Lessons & Memories Part 3

After about a month of doing nothing but surviving out in the wilderness of the Everfree Forest, the students were getting the hang of avoiding and dealing with the wild creatures within the area. They were learning how to see, smell, hear, and taste far better than they had ever before. Lately, to help motivate them, Gine would be the first to awaken and leave the campsite with Huck before anyone else. And as she hoped, this helped motivate them to not rely on her better and cause them to focus on relying on themselves and each other. Gine was a little surprised by how quickly they progressed. She had expected it to take them a bit longer, but the young group had advanced their senses in practically no time. They were having little to no trouble surviving on their own now, meaning she knew it was only a matter of time before they were ready for the next phase of their training.

[Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters, 8:07 A.M.]

The sun began to rise over the horizon onto the abandoned castle where the students laid asleep. The sun continued rising until the light managed to shine over the old castle wall and onto Gallus first, who began to open his eyes and sat up, yawning and stretching for a moment before jumping to his feet. "Alright, guys. Up and at'em. Let's get some breakfast and see what happens today."

The others began to wake up from Gallus's wake up call and did the same as he did, stretched for a moment before hopping to their feet as well. Spike extended his wings to get the blood flowing as he popped his knuckles a bit. "I agree. We can't start another day of training on an empty stomach."

Smolder did a couple of stretches as well before looking to them with a glum look. "I'm all for getting some food, but I'm ready for something new. I mean it was cool at first learning to deal with the creatures around here on our own, but now it's kinda gotten boring."

Yona began to shake a little to get the dust out of her fur from the floor. "Yona agree. Yona want something new to happen. Maybe something that really make yak stronger."

Ocellus stood up and buzzed her wings a bit to wake them up. "I'm sure we're all ready for something new. But we gotta remember Gine knows what she's doing. And I'm sure she'll show us what to do next when we're ready."

"Ocellus is right," Sandbar said while popping his arm a bit. "Besides, if the surviving on our own is the first part, I can't imagine what could be tougher."

Silverstream flew around a bit before landing on the ground with a giddy smile. "Oh, I can't wait. I wonder if she'll teach us how to do the cool strikes or something just as cool."

"You're not quite ready for that yet Silverstream." Everyone was taken by surprise when a pile of fruit was dropped in front of them. They all looked up to see Gine land beside it with Huck by her side. "Hope you all are hungry."

Gine picked up a piece of fruit and broke it in half, feeding part of it to Huck, while she took a bite of the other half. As she kept taking bites, she noticed the students looked at her with confusion. "What? You guys not hungry?"

"It's just..." Ocellus started, "We just didn't expect this. We've been gathering our own for the past month and..."

Spike finished for her with, "We thought we'd have to do it through all of the time we were out here."

"And you will," Gine said as she finished the fruit she had. "But I thought I'd make an exception for today."

The rest of the group started grabbing fruit to eat while Smolder asked, "Why? What makes today so special?"

Gine smiled as she bit into an apple. "Because I'm happy to say. You all are ready for the next step of your training."

This caused everyone's heads to shoot up the moment those words left Gine's mouth. "For real?"

"Yes, Scootaloo. To be honest, you all progressed far quicker than I thought. You've gotten to the point where you have no trouble handling what the Everfree Forest throws at you. Don't get the wrong idea, you'll still have to handle surviving against those animals on your own while we're still out there. But now, we can add the next step to your current routine. Now that you've gotten mentally stronger, it's time to get you physically stronger."

Yona was eating a load of fruit, slinging juices a bit around before swallowing and looking to the Saiyan. "You mean we get to start getting as strong as Gine?"

"Yep. But we'll worry about that later," Gine said as she finished another piece of fruit before throwing the core down where Huck ate on it like a bone. "After breakfast, I want you all to get what you've gathered from here and pack up."

This caught everyone by surprise. "Are we heading back to the castle already?" Silverstream asked.

"No. To train physically, we're going to need somewhere better suited than this abandoned castle. And while you all have been sharpening your instincts, I've been searching for a new spot that will be best for gaining more physical strength. And luckily, I found just the right spot."

"Really? Where?"

"I'll show you as soon as you've all eaten and packed up. We'll head out soon after."

The students all agreed and continued eating. After they were done, the students all gathered what they've found around the castle to use as resources and stored them in their packs. Scootaloo was almost more excited than anyone else. "I can't believe it. We're starting to get closer to the cool stuff."

"Scootaloo right." Yona gathered some of the wood and other things she found around the castle for some smashing fun. "Gine getting us closer to Yona becoming strongest yak!"

Silverstream was gathering the water for them all in her pack. "I can't wait to see where our new spot will be. I hope it's nice since we're going to start doing more physical work."

"Come on guys," Gallus said as he finished his packing. "It's Gine. She said she'd be tough on us, but she's still not gonna go crazy on us."

"You're right Gallus," Sandbar said as he finished putting his armor on. "Gine knows what she's doing to train us. I'm sure she has the best plans for us. We'll just have to let her show us what they are."

"But she can't if we don't get moving already," Smolder said. "Let's go."

They all finished packing and headed out to where Gine was waiting for them with Huck by her side. "Everyone ready?"

They all responded with nods before Gine smiled. "Alright. Then let's head out. Follow me. We're going to be moving through the forest to get there so remember to keep alert."

With that, Gine began walking with Huck and the students following behind her. Gine kept her ki sensing sharp. She wanted to help the students avoid any predators that might try to attack while leading them to their next training spot. For now, she couldn't sense many around them, and those she could sense seemed too small to be a threat. Ocellus walked ahead of the others to Gine's side. "So how far is our new spot Professor Gine?"

Gine chuckled a bit at Ocellus' formalities. "Just Gine is fine Ocellus. I may be your teacher right now, but you don't have to give me that title. As for your question, I'd say it'll be about a 3-mile distance. So as long as we just keep a reasonable pace, it should take us... Maybe an hour or a little over to reach it. Why?"

"Just curious about how long we might be out here... With all kinds of animals. I mean I know we've gotten better at handling creatures from the forest without having to rely on you to step in, but we've always been within a good distance of our site at the abandoned castle. And I've read that the real dangerous creatures of the forest live deeper in than we've really gone. I guess I'm just a little concerned."

Gine smiled at Ocellus. "Why do you think I'm walking instead of flying? Before I came to wake you all and bring you that food, I looked over the routes between the castle and our new training area to give you all the best way that avoids most of the creatures in this part of the forest. And to also be on the safe side, I decided to walk with you to lead the way and to handle whatever's out there in case something decides to get too close that you guys aren't ready to handle yet. So to put it simply, I've here to watch your backs."

Ocellus smiled a little in relief knowing Gine would help them get to their new location safely. For a while, they all just kept moving, following Gine as she leads the way and slowing down some times and from time to time, stopping to allow everyone to catch their breaths. Things were going smoothly, until...


Gallus turned his head a bit at the small sound he heard. He looked around but couldn't spot anything and kept moving until he heard a stick snap, causing him to stop. While Gine had said the way they were going was supposed to avoid anything dangerous, thanks to their training with their senses, Gallus couldn't help but feel something was watching them. "Hey, Gine?"

"Yes, Gallus?"

"Are you sensing anything nearby? I don't know why, but I'm starting to get a bad feeling."

Gine stopped, causing everyone else to do the same. Gine gained a serious look as she started focusing on her senses while looking around them. She continued this for a moment before looking to her right. "You're right Gallus. We're not alone. I'm sensing a large body of energy."

This made the students a little nervous. Sure they've handled some of the animals on their own for the past month, but as Ocellus said, in this deeper part of the Everfree Forest, there were animals more dangerous than the ones they dealt with. Silverstream looked to Gine. "What do we do?"

Gine looked around a bit more before replying, "Whatever it is, we wait for it to make the next move. Once that happens, you all make a break for it while I keep it busy." Gine then looked to Huck. "Huck. While I'm taking care of it, you lead the others through here okay?"

Huck whimpered a bit at Gine's request but nodded to her none the less. They all stood still until...


Gine quickly moved and grabbed Scootaloo right as a half-cow, half-snake creature jumped from the cover of the forest. It turned to the group with a harsh glare as it raised is hooves with another roar. It licked its fangs with hunger as it appeared it had found its next meal. Ocellus was the first to speak afterward, "It's an Ophiotaurus. I read they're one of the most dangerous creatures since their both quick and strong."

"All of you! Follow Huck!"

The students nodded and took off running behind the Timberwolf. The ophiotaurus made an attempt to lung at them but Gine grabbed it by its tail and swung it back. "Not so fast big guy. You want something to eat, let's see if you can handle something with a strong taste."

The Ophiotaurus roared in defiance before charging at Gine. It lowered its horns to pierce Gine, with the Saiyan catching its horns and skidding back a bit. Gine then did a flip to kick the predator in the chin. She then dodged a swing of its hoof before jumping to dodge a swing of its tail before she landed behind it and gave it a kick from behind that pushed it into a tree. It shook its head before glaring at Gine who smirked a bit. "Come on big guy. Show me what you've got."

The animal then charged at Gine again with the Saiyan dodging the beast's fangs as it tried to bite her. She kept dodging as it pushed her back. Gine quickly dodged another bite before jumping over it where she grabbed its tail and began spinning it around and threw it back into the forest. "Sorry fella. But looks like you're not that good by yourself."

Not long after Gine said that she began hearing more hisses from the area around her. She looked around to see more Ophiotauruses emerging from the woods, all hissing and baring their fangs at her. "Unless, of course, you weren't alone."

All of the animals began charging at Gine as she put up her guard and said, "Looks like I'm in for a rumble."

Meanwhile, the students were still following Huck. Silverstream looked behind them out of caution and asked, "Do you think Gine is okay guys?"

"I wouldn't worry Silverstream," Gallus said. "This is Gine we're talking about. If anyone can handle an Orphiotaurus, it's her."

The students kept running with Huck until he began to slow down. After moving a bit further, they came to a stop. As they began catching their breaths, Sandbar noticed where they were. "Dude..."

The others looked as well and were also surprised. The area had liquid rainbow waterfalls running down into a stream and a small pond. It also had a small hut in the middle of the area, many trees and plants growing around, and a high view of many areas nearby. Ocellus shook of how amazing the area looked before saying, "We... We're in Winsome Falls."

"Winsome Falls?" Smolder asked.

"Yeah. I read about it Headmare Twilight's history class," Ocellus said. "It's one of the most beautiful places in Equestria."

"I'll say." Silverstream looked around in her cheerful attitude. "Auntie Novo would love to see this place."

"Glad you like it."

The students turned to see Gine land nearby. "Because this is going to be your new training grounds."

"Really?" Ocellus asked.

"Yep," Gine said. "Like I said, you're going to be improving your physical strength now. And I have some exercises in mind that will be perfect for this area."

"Wow! This is going to be great!" Silverstream yelled out.

"Now then, hope you're all ready to start your first exercise," Gine said.

The students all nodded eagerly before Scootaloo asked, "What are we going to do first? Punching? Kicking?"

"Sorry, Scootaloo. That won't be until later on. For now, your first exercise will be a bit different. It'll both improve your physical strength. It will also rely on how well you all can work together."

Gine then walked over to the pond and reached into the water. The group waited for a moment until Gine pulled out a large boulder with eight ropes tied to it. "This will be your first challenge."

"A boulder?" Gallus asked.

"Yes Gallus," Gine said. "Each one of you are going to take one of the eight ropes tied to it and as a group, your first test will be to pull this boulder."

"Pull it where?" Spike asked.

They then watched as Gine pointed up until she was pointing at the top of the rainbow waterfall. "Up there."

"WHAT?!" The whole group asked at once.

"You heard me right," Gine said passing them each a piece of the rope.

"But why do we have to do that? Isn't that a little extreme?" Smolder asked.

"It's a means to show me how far off your bodies are until they'll be ready to handle ki, Smolder," Gine said.

"What Gine mean?" Yona asked.

"It's simple, Yona. Until you're able to pull this boulder up to the top of the waterfall, your bodies won't be physically strong enough to handle tapping into to ki. So, hope you're all ready to climb."

The group looked to the ropes hesitantly for a moment before Gine said, "The sooner you start, the sooner we can move on. Oh. And no using wings."

The group then did as Gine said and began tying parts of the ropes around their shoulders. They began walking while Gine pulled the rock with them until they were at the bottom of the falls. They all stood looking straight up for a moment until Spike said, "Okay guys. Let's do this."

They all nodded and started climbing. Instantly, they felt liquid rainbow pouring down on them as they climbed. They were doing their best to keep any from getting in their eyes while also being careful not to slip. Gine watched from the bottom with Huck sitting beside her. He looked up at her with a small whimper. "Don't worry Huck. If they slip and fall, I'll catch them. Right now I'm just seeing how far their bodies are right now."

The group continued climbing and were soon carrying the boulder off of the ground with them, making their climb even more difficult. "Okay. Not as easy as I originally thought," Gallus said.

"Yona agree. This very tough even for yak," Yona said.

"Slow and steady guys," Spike said as he felt himself struggling with the climb as well.

Ocellus was steadily climbing as best as she could until she felt her hand slipping on one of the edges she reached for. "Oh no."

Right then, Ocellus fell off passed the boulder, and with the rope that she was tied to, she began pulling the others back and made them struggle to hang on. However, with the waterfall beating down on them and making their grips become slippery, they all soon lost their grip and went falling down as well.

Not long after they began falling, they suddenly found themselves coming to a stop. They looked up to see Gine holding the rock which left them hanging. Gine then carried the rock over to the ground and placed it down beside the group. She watched as the students began untying the ropes from the shoulders. Gine smiled as she lowered herself back to the ground in front of them and said, "Well. I've got an idea of how far along you all are."

"Are we close?" Scootaloo asked with a hopeful voice.

"Unfortunately... You all still have a way to go," Gine said. "You weren't even able to get the boulder very far off of the ground after you began lifting it. And like I said until you're all able to lift that up the waterfall as a group, your bodies won't be ready to tap into ki."

This made the students' spirits drop a little. They had been hoping they had gotten closer than that. "So what do we do now?" Sandbar asked.

Gine took a moment to think before she said, "Simple. We're going to get your bodies stronger until you're able to do it."

"How do we do that?" Silverstream asked.

"By using gravity," Gine said as she walked over to them. "You see when I was training out here on my own, I had a device from Discord to help me train physically. A device that allowed me to increase the amount of gravity pushing down on me. Kinda like weight lifting without the actual weights."

"So?" Smolder asked.

"So, when Rarity and Twilight made your armor, I asked Twilight if she could make more with her magic. And luckily she did," Gine then walked over to the hut and pulled out a bag she brought. From the bag, she pulled out eight copies of the device she used to train. "As you're climbing, you'll each have one of these attached to the back of your armor. They'll be set to increase the amount of gravity around you individually."

Gine began putting a device on the back of each student's armor. As she was doing so, Sandbar asked, "How high did you reach when you trained with it, Gine?"

"Me? I reached about 50 times the gravity of your world," Gine said, making the students a bit nervous. "But don't worry, I'm not going to make you try and go that high. Your still beginners. So for now, you'll be starting small."

"How much is small?" Scootaloo asked.

"For now, we'll start you off at about 4X normal gravity," Gine said as she began adjusting and turning on each device. The instant they were activated, the students all felt like a ton of weight had been thrown onto them. "For the rest of your training, you'll do what you've been doing so far along with the exercises, all while these devices are activated on your armor. And as you get used to one setting of gravity, you'll have it increased. I'm still coming up with exercises for you all to do as well, so just a warning, be ready for anything."

This made the students sweat a little as Ocellus asked, "So... How high of a gravity level are you going to have us try and reach?"

"To get you strong enough to handle ki," Gine began. "I'm going to get you up to 10X normal gravity."

Gine then pointed to a hill. This one didn't have a waterfall and was smaller than the one they tried to climb. "Now let's get started. That hill will be your first exercise to start things off."

"What? You mean we're going to do more climbing while these things increase our weight?" Gallus asked.

"Yes Gallus," Gine said.

"Are you crazy? We'll never make it up there with 4X our weight," Smolder said.

"You sure about that?" Gine said as she turned around to show she was also wearing a device on her back. Only unlike theirs, hers was set at 55X normal gravity. "Like you all, I've been working myself out here as well. And last I was out here, I stopped at 50X normal gravity. So right now, I'm adding an extra 5X gravity to my workout."

"But you're still moving around so easily," Silverstream said.

"Because I kept practicing," Gine said. "And that's why I'm having you do this. Slow and steady. Now get to climbing."

The students looked at each other for a moment before they all walked to the hill and started climbing. While not as heavy as with the boulder, they all could feel heavier due to the gravity device on their backs. They began slowly climbing up the hill. Gine stood by watching and said, "I'll be waiting until you all reach the top. Then we'll talk about what's next."

Gine then walked off with Huck beside her, leaving the students to their exercise.

"I'm starting to get the feeling she's trying to kill us," Smolder said.

"I'm with ya," Gallus said, wishing he could use his wings. "I'm starting to wonder if there's even a point to all of this."

"Come on guys," Ocellus said as she struggled to reach a ledge to grab onto. "Headmare Twilight and the other professors trust her. So I think that's good enough for us to trust that she knows what she's doing."

Gallus reached a ledge and began trying to pull himself up. "I sure hope you're right Ocellus."

They all kept climbing for a while until they all reached the top where they rolled over onto their backs, trying to catch their breaths. Gine soon landed beside them with a smile on her face. "Not bad. You all did good."

"Just glad we don't have to do it again," Gallus said, exhausted.

"Who said you didn't?" Gine asked.

This made them all look to her with Spike asking, "You mean we'll have to do that again?"

"Yep," Gine said. "For the rest of the time that we'll be out here training, climbing this hill will be one of your routine exercises."

"You're serious?" Gallus asked.

"I most certainly am," Gine said. "Now it's time for your next exercise."

"Can't we have a moment to rest?" Scootaloo asked.

“Sure,” Gine said. “After your next exercise.”

“What?” Ocellus asked, exhausted.

“Don’t worry, after this one, you’ll have a chance to get some food and relax for a bit,” Gine said. “But for now. Let me show you what your next test will be.”

She walked over to the altar where she left her bag. Not long after, she came back and the group was confused when she came back holding a small test tube with a cork on the top. Inside the tube were eight green pellets.

“Pellets?” Sandbar asked.

“What pellets for Gine?” Yona asked.

“Just watch,” Gine said.

They then watched as Gine knelt down and began poking holes in the ground. Gine then put a pellet in each hole before covering them up. She then pulled out another bottle with a green liquid inside. She poured a tiny bit of the liquid on each spot before looking to the group. “You might wanna take a couple of steps back,” Gine said doing so herself.

The group did as she said and backed away from the spot where Gine planted the pellets. They waited for a moment for something to happen until the ground began to shake a little. It then started to crack and rise until…


From the ground where the pellets were planted exploded and shot up a cloud of dust and dirt. The students watched as the cloud grew a bit and not long after, they began to notice silhouettes forming as the dust began to fade. When it faded enough, the group couldn’t believe their eyes.

Standing there were eight strange looking creatures. Each one was short, bald, had red eyes, three sharp claws on each hand and foot, and were letting out high pitch screech like noises as they looked around. Their sights soon turned onto the group before gaining malicious looks. The group started to look at them in fear as the creatures appeared to be preparing to bounce on them. Just as the creatures were about to do so…


The creatures, now known as Saibamen turned to see Gine looking at them with a stern and strict glare. “Front and center!” Gine yelled.

To the students’ surprise, the Saibamen instantly did as they were told before lining up in front of Gine. Each one stood at attention, waiting for Gine to speak. “That’s better. Now let me get this clear. You don’t do anything to the group before you unless I say so. Understood?”

The Saibamen frantically nodded before Gine continued, “Now then. To start off, there will be no killing. And no attempts at injuries. Understood?”

The Saibamen began screeching annoying and defiantly until Gine charged some energy into her hand, making them quickly silence themselves. “Do I need to repeat myself?” Gine asked. The Saibamen quickly shook their heads in response.

This surprised the students. The Saibamen seemed ready to tear up anything in sight after they sprouted from the ground, but Gine was able to intimidate them and keep them in line like children.

“Freaky little things,” Smolder said.

“Everyone. Come here please,” Gine said.

The students looked to the Saibamen with worry until Gine said, “It’s okay. They won’t hurt you while I’m here.” Gine gave the Saibamen a strict look before asking in an intimidating tone, “Right?”

The Saibamen quickly nodded out of fear in response. After that, the students slowly walked to Gine and the Saibamen. Gine then walked to the altar again to pick up her bag and began pulling out wrist covers with numbers one through eight on each one.

“Saibamen. Hold out your arms,” Gine said. The Saibamen each held out their right arm in front of them. Gine walked by each of them and placed a wrist cover on each Saibaman’s wrist. After each Saibaman had a wrist cover, Gine looked to the students and said, “For the rest of your training. These Saibamen are going to be your partners.”

“You’re not gonna make us fight them are you?” Scootaloo asked.

“Don’t worry. That won’t happen for a while,” Gine said. “For now. I want each of you to pick a Saibaman.”

The students looked at the Saibamen before they approached them and began choosing. Ocellus took Saibaman 1, Gallus took 2, Silverstream went with 3, Smolder went with 4, Yona went with 5, Scootaloo took 6, Sandbar took 7, and Spike took 8.

“So if we’re not gonna fight them, what are we going to do?” Spike asked.

“For now, your next exercise will be a bit simpler. You’re going to catch your respected Saibaman.” Gine said before looking at the Saibamen. “All of you. Take off running. And no flying.”

The Saibamen nodded before they began running. Gine then said, “For the next challenge, as I said, all you have to do is catch your chosen Saibaman.”

“Seriously?” Smolder asked.

“Yes. Seriously. Good luck,” Gine said walking to Huck and sitting down beside him. “Don’t think it’ll be easy. Saibamen may be small, but they’re strong and fast. So you might want to get started.”

The students looked at each other in confusion for a moment before doing as Gine said and took off running after their respected Saibamen. Ocellus ran after Saibaman 1 as he was a ways ahead of her. She was panting hard as she started running faster to reach him. However, Saibaman 1 did a small skip and Ocellus found out why when she accidentally tripped on a rock and fell facedown. She looked up and saw her Saibaman was still running making her groan and say, “I just started and this already feels impossible to do.”

Yona ran after Saibaman 5 with still ahead of her. Yona was doing her best to try and catch up to him and looked at him with a look of determination. “Yona will catch little green man.”

Saibaman 5 kept running and before Yona could react, he jumped up and started climbing the hill and caused Yona to run into it and get her horns stuck. Yona struggled to pull her horns free with a groan and eventually pulled free and fell on her butt with a groan as she looked up to see Saibaman 5 still climbing. “Saibaman won’t get away from Yona so easily!”

Gallus was chasing Saibaman 2 while the little green creature still remained ahead of him. “Come here you little thing!” Gallus yelled. Gallus kept running as fast as he could to catch up as Saibaman 2 headed for a tree. Gallus kept running and thought he was about to reach him, only for the Saibaman to duck and made Gallus run into a branch that knocked him to the ground. “Why you little-!” Gallus yelled before getting up and running after him again.

Sandbar chased after Saibaman 7. The Saibaman ran for the water stream with Sandbar following as fast as he could. “I’m gonna catch you!” Sandbar yelled.

“You’re not gonna get away from me,” Scootaloo said while chasing Saibaman 6, who was also heading for the stream. Scootaloo ran hard, panting like crazy as she did. When Saibaman 6 and Saibaman 7 both reached the stream, they both jumped over Scootaloo and Sandbar and made them both crash into each other headfirst. They both fell to the ground from bumping their heads and groaned from the pain. The two Saibamen looked at the two in amusement while they both got up and began chasing after them again.

Silverstream was chasing after Saibaman 3 while he ran for part of the forest for cover. Silverstream kept running after him and attempted to make a grab for him but missed. She then chased after him more as he ran for a boulder before using it to jump over her and run in the opposite direction. This made Silverstream skid to a halt and trip over the boulder he used to jump with. “You won’t get away from me Saibaman!”

Smolder ran after Saibaman 4 while running as fast as she could. Given the gravity device on her armor, she was unable to fly after him so running was her only option to try and catch him. She ran as fast as she could and closed the distance between them a little before she jumped and attempted to grab him, but Saibaman 4 ducked and ran under her in the opposite direction, making her fall to the ground. She lifted her head and spot out some grass before glaring at the back of the running Saibaman. “You won’t get away from this dragon pal!” Smolder yelled as she quickly got up and kept running after him.

Spike was chasing Saibaman 8. He took a sharp right to turn around and chase after the little green creature. He then, to his luck, began to close the distance between them and right as he was about to make a grab, Saibaman 8 evaded him by running up a tree and make Spike run into the tree. Spike fell down on his tail before looking up to see Saibaman 8 looking down at him while laughing at him making Spike yell, “Laugh it up you little freak!”

Gine watched with Huck as the group continued trying to catch their Saibamen. Huck looked to Gine in confusion before she rubbed his head and said, “Trust me, Huck. I know what I’m making them do may not make sense for now, but they will see soon.”

Huck remained silent for a bit before laying his head back down. For about the next week, the students were having to try and catch their Saibamen. They kept trying and trying, with the Saibamen finding ways to evade them. Gine continued watching on with interest as they appeared to be learning from each attempt. Gine sat on top of the hill, watching with Huck as the students chased the Saibamen. But this time, it appeared they were guiding the Saibamen somewhere. The students continued chasing them and Gine soon noticed as the Saibamen were running towards each other without them realizing it. However, when they did realize it, it was too late. They tried to stop with a few skids, but when they did, the students each made a grab and held their respected Saibaman in their hands.

“Alright!” Smolder yelled out.

“Yona and friends finally catch Saibamen!” Yona yelled out afterward.

“Yeah! We did it!” Silverstream yelled out as well.

“Good job. All of you,” Gine said as she landed beside them all.

“So what now?” Spike asked as he and the other let the Saibamen go.

“You’re going to catch them again,” Gine said.

This shocked the students. They had just spent a whole week trying to catch the Saibamen and now Gine was going to have them do it again?

“You can’t be serious,” Smolder said.

“I am. But this time, your gravity devices will be set to 5X normal gravity,” Gine said.

“Oh come on!” Spike said.

“Yep. It wasn’t gonna get any easier.” Gine said.

“That’s it!!!” Gallus shouted as he pulled his armor off and threw it on the ground, surprising everyone. He then walked right up to Gine and glared as he said, “We were hoping doing this with you during the summer would be us learning how to do the things you can do like you said. But so far, all you’ve done is work us to death. I’m done with this! I thought you’d know what you’re doing since our teachers trust you, but it seems to me you don’t know anything about teaching us!”

Gallus then walked past Gine as he said, “I’m going back to the castle. Maybe I can enjoy what little time of the summer is left.”

The others watched in shock and worry as Gallus walked off. But before any of them could try and say anything to stop him…


The students flinched and Gallus stopped walking when Gine yelled out his name. Gallus turned around to see Gine’s back still to him before she slowly turned around and looked straight to him. The others backed away as there was nothing but silence for a moment. Gine then held out her hand and pointed to the ground in front of her and said, “Come here.”

The others watched nervously and in suspense as Gallus remained where he was for a moment before sighing and did as Gine said. He walked up to her and stopped in front of her, looking at the ground. The two stood in silence for a moment before Gallus decided to say, “Look. I’m sorry Gine. I just- WHAAAA!!!”

Gallus was cut off from having to move and avoid a sudden punch thrown by Gine, shocking the others. Gine then threw a right cross with Gallus moved back to dodge as well. Gine then threw a left cross, which Gallus quickly moved to dodge as well. He then moved to dodge a left jab thrown by Gine. The others watched as Gallus continued to back away and dodge Gine, none able to move or do anything. Gallus then ducked to dodge a kick before moving to the left to avoid a right jab. He then found his back to a tree and ducked to avoid a kick from Gine that was strong enough to break the tree in half. Gallus was on his back on the ground and moved away from Gine while she stood there with her back to him. Gallus got to his feet and shouted, “Are you crazy!? What was that about!?”

Gine remained where she was in silence while Gallus looked to the others, who were looking in shock, not at Gine, but at him. “What?”

“How easy was that Gallus?” Gine asked.

“What?” Gallus asked confused.

Gine turned around to look at him, but her expression was calm as she asked, “Dodging my attacks. How easy was it?”

Gallus then realized what she meant. “I… I…”

“You remember the spar I had with the guards back in Canterlot? Well right then, I was using the same amount of power I used to take down Garble. Matter of fact, while it wasn’t anywhere close to my full power, it still would’ve been enough to do a lot of damage. So I’ll ask again. How easy was it to dodge every one of those attacks?”

“It… Wasn’t hard at all,” Gallus said, shocked.

“And now you see why I’m making you do what you’re doing. Chasing your Saibaman in 4X normal gravity has made you much stronger and faster than before,” Gine said.

Gine then walked over and held out her hand to Gallus. Gallus looked at her hand for a moment before taking it and allowed her to help him up. He then looked to the ground in regret as he said, “I’m… I’m sorry Gine. I didn’t mean to get so upset. I just-.”

Gallus stopped talking when Gine put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay Gallus. You learn from your mistakes. But now you see why I’m making you do these things. It’s to help you get strong enough for your bodies to learn to tap into and handle ki. But along with that, I told Twilight I would teach you all about trust. So now I’m asking you, do you trust me enough when I say I’m doing this stuff so you can be ready?”

Gallus remained silent for a moment before looking to Gine and nodding which made Gine say, “Good. Now come back over here with the others.”

Gallus followed Gine back to the group as they looked at him with amazement. Gine then said, “Now then. As I said, you’ll be working to chase and catch your Saibamen again, but next time, it’ll be with 5X gravity. But that won’t be until tomorrow. Since you’ve all been working so hard for the past week, you have the rest of the day to relax. Do what you want. Enjoy yourselves.”

“Really?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yep. That’s an important step. You need to take breaks from time to time after gaining new limits. If you don’t, your bodies can’t adjust to those new limits, making all your hard work a waste,” Gine said.

This took everyone by surprise but didn’t argue. They all ran off to the falls to enjoy themselves. The Saibamen looked to Gine before she said, “You guys too. Revert to your pellet state and take it easy.”

The Saibamen screeched happily before doing as Gine said and they all reverted to their pellet forms. Gine picked up each one and placed them back in their test tube. She then walked off to join the students as they enjoyed the free time they were given.

Later that night, they all once again sat at a fire, enjoying whatever food they gathered, making jokes and having fun. While they ate and had fun, Gallus turned to Gine with an apologetic look. “Gine? I’m really sorry about earlier. I should’ve trusted you.”

“Don’t worry about it Gallus. You just needed to take time to understand why I’m doing what I’m doing to train you,” Gine said with a smile. “Trust me. I know how it can feel.”

“You do?” Gallus asked.

“Yeah. I do,” Gine said. “Before we were mates, Bardock was more than just my squad captain. He was also my teacher. And let me tell you, compared to what he put me through, the work you had to go through would be a walk in the park?”

This caught everyone by surprise. They had to spend at least a week until they were able to catch their Saibamen, along with the additional exercises. And Gine was saying the way Bardock trained her was much harder. Yona asked, “Gine mean Bardock made Gine do much harder things?”

“That’s right Yona,” Gine said with a chuckle. “Bardock was hard. He never held back on training any of us in the squad when we needed it. He was determined to push us to our limits and beyond. Hell, I remember the first time I asked him to help me improve.”

“Oh. Story time!” Silverstream said, making them all focus on Gine, resulting in her giggling.

“Alright. It was a long time ago. Back during the time we served Frieza to the bone,” Gine said, a little disgust in her voice when she mentioned the tyrant’s name.


Bardock’s squad had just returned from a mission, their armor damaged and they all panted quite a bit. They all left their pod hanger and were met by King Vegeta and Lord Frieza before they bowed, out of respect for King Vegeta, but out of business for Frieza.

“King Vegeta. Lord Frieza,” Bardock said for them all, reluctant on the latter. Though it was obvious for Frieza, he seemed to not care and let it go.

“You and your squad have done well once again Bardock. That last planet has been quite a target for a long time and you have delivered it. Well done,” King Vegeta said before turning to Frieza. “I hope you are pleased Lord Frieza.”

Frieza looked to Bardock and his squad with his usual stern and blank look before saying, “I read the report of the attack you all used to secure that planet. Most of your performances were adequate. Though I do recall one lagging a bit and almost costing me the possession of that planet.”

Frieza’s eyes looked to Gine, who held her head down to avoid eye contact. Once again, despite her efforts, she had the most trouble on a mission and resulted in the others having to bust her out of it.

“However,” Frieza said, eyes still closed and a small menacing smile appearing on his face. “You obtained that planet for me as I requested. So I am willing to overlook that. After all, no point in killing monkeys in front of the top ape.”

The saiyans of the room grew tense from Frieza’s comment, but restrained themselves as Frieza spoke again, “I shall be off now. Back to your lives.”

With that, Frieza walked off leaving and once out of sight, King Vegeta looked to Bardock and his squad and said, “Back to your duties. Get yourselves to the medical lab and the healing chambers.”

Bardock nodded before they all began making their way to said area. As they were doing so, Gine couldn’t help but think about what Frieza said.

‘Frieza does have a point. Once again, I got caught up in a situation where the others needed to get me out. I need to get stronger somehow.’ Gine thought.

They all reached the medical lab where Fasha, Borgos, Shugesh, and Tora all entered the healing chambers. But before Bardock had the chance to.


Bardock turned to see Gine looking at him before she was about to enter hers as well and asked, “What is it?”

“I… I want to become stronger,” Gine said. “Ever since I joined, you and others have all had to get me out of trouble. I want to make sure I can look after myself and help you and the others more.”

Bardock looked at her and as he saw the determination in her eyes, he turned back to his healing chamber and said, “Give me an hour after we’re all healed here. Then meet me in our usual squad’s training grounds.”

Bardock then entered the chamber while Gine smiled at his willingness to help her before she entered her own healing chamber.

An hour later, Gine was flying towards the training grounds where she was met by Bardock who stood with his arms crossed. “I’m here Bardock.”

“Good,” Bardock said in his strict tone before turning around to face her. In his hands were saiyan hand and feet training weights with chains hanging from them. “Put these on.”

Bardock threw the weights down in front of Gine. Gine, confused, reached down and used the chains to tie them to her arms and ankles. Once they were on, Gine could feel how heavy they were as they caused her to hang her arms down. “Okay. Now what?”

Right after Gine asked that, a blast shot out in front of her, making her fall back from the force of it. She looked to see the blast fired by Fasha from a hidden spot.

“What’s going on?” Gine asked, a bit panicked.

“Training!” Bardock yelled before firing another blast at Gine, while Tora, Shuggesh, and Tora revealed themselves and joined Bardock and Fasha in firing. Gine was shocked but quickly began doing her best to dodge the blasts. However, due to the added weights, she struggled quite a bit in doing so. She dodged some, but some landed and did some damage to her. She then watched as Tora and Fasha charged at her. She managed to dodge a kick from Tora but was then hit by a right cross from Fasha, who then continued with a knee to her stomach. She then found herself on her back from a punch from Tora.

“This is crazy!” Gine said, right before barely dodging another kick from Tora.

“No one said you were done!” Bardock said as they kept throwing attacks at Gine.

For the next few hours, the training kept going non-stop. And soon Gine found herself on the ground, holding herself while desperately trying to catch her breath. Bardock looked at her with a stern expression as one of the weights chains came undone on her arm and fell to the ground. “Is that all you can do Gine? This is how the rest of us got to where we are now and you can barely deal with it after one day?”

Bardock then turned his back to Gine and said, “Maybe you shouldn’t even be trying. It’s obvious me and the others are just going to have to keep saving your tail from trouble.”

Those words made Gine grit her teeth as she looked to Bardock’s back and the chuckling faces of the rest of her squad mates. Then, in a burst of anger, Gine took a grip on the chain of the weight, swung it forward to wrap around Bardock’s foot before giving it a yank and pulling Bardock to the ground as well, surprising the others. Bardock sat up and looked to Gine who continued glaring at him. The others remained silent, watching in suspense until Bardock smirked and said, “There it is. The spirit we were looking for.”

Bardock got to his feet and held his hand out to Gine. After a moment of glaring at it, Gine took his hand and allowed him to help her up before he undid the chains to the other weights. “You show promise Gine. And we’re gonna keep working on that. Get yourself to the medical lab again and meet us here first thing in the morning for the same training.”

Gine panted for a moment, glaring at him before giving a quick nod of acceptance. Then with support from Fasha, Gine made her way to the medical lab, with nothing but determination to pass her squad’s training in mind.

End of Flashback

“And for the next few weeks, they kept pushing me and pushing me. Never relenting, never holding back. And thanks to them, I became stronger and stronger with every session,” Gine said, seeing the astounded looks on the students’ faces.

“Wow,” Sandbar said. “I had a feeling Saiyan lives were tough, but that… That’s just harsh.”

“It seems that way. Yes, they did a lot of damage to me every time we trained, but it was also the easiest and quickest way to give me a boost in power.”

“What do you mean?” Ocellus asked.

“Well Ocellus, like I told Twilight, when a Saiyan survives large amounts of damage, we grow stronger in power. It’s kind of a way our bodies and skills adapt to new threats and challenges.”

“So you’re saying the more damage you took, the stronger you’d become afterwards?” Smolder asked.

“Yes. As the saying goes, what doesn’t kill you, just makes you stronger,” Gine said.

“Wow,” Scootaloo said. “Wait. You’re not gonna…”

“No. Don’t worry,” Gine said with a chuckle. “I’m not going to train you like that. So far working with what we’re doing is the best way to go for now. Speaking of, I think we should all get some rest. You’re going to be doing more gravity than before so you’ll need your strength.”

“You heard her guys,” Gallus said, determined to take on whatever Gine would throw at them next. “Let’s get some sleep.”

They all nodded and all laid down, the students even more determined to push through anything as they let sleep overtake them for another night. Gine couldn’t help but smile as she rubbed the head of a sleeping Huck on her lap. ‘Like I said before Bardock, what you and the others have taught me will live on through them.’ Gine thought before letting sleep take her as well.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the ending seemed a bit rushed. I just wanted to get this done before Spring Break ended.

Also, enjoy it. Because while I can't spoil too much, I can tell you this, the next chapter will give a hint of what's really to come.