• Published 18th Mar 2018
  • 1,324 Views, 20 Comments

The Raven’s Sky - Chemtest

Ravens Breath has been gone for 200 years, the world is in chaos. Time for the Necromancer, Lord Ravens Breath, Lord of Magic, Lord of Life and Death to return.

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The sun hides away behind a cover of clouds. Yet it’s heat still gets through, and beats itself into any unfortunate enough to be traveling across the Lost Pegasus Way. The sand below absorbs what’s left of the heat, keeping the Ver inside lest they burn themselves trying to get a snack.

Rocks and dead trees litter the hilly desert, providing cover for any raider planning on robbing any travelers.

Ponies wait behind rock and bush, wearing red armor and carrying machetes which are slightly reflected by the shaded sun. They all look out, and watch a peculiar group of ponies.

They wander along, unaware of the eyes upon them. In the lead is a grey stallion, who’s green eyes glare ahead, and who’s dark suit absorbs the sun. Punching weaponry is on all his hooves, mostly knuckles of different quality.

Behind him are two twins. A mare carrying a sniper rifle, who’s white coat and mane glow in the little light, even if covered in dust and dirt. The stallion wears leather armor, and has a shotgun ready to go. He looks the exact same, yet his demeanor is a lot less energetic.

A huge skeleton stays near the middle, carrying a sledgehammer, and having the power to use it. His bones are bleached by the sun, and his eyes are nothing but blue dots.

A pegasus flies above them, wearing a form fitting suit, and with blue eyes scanning the ground below them. On his sides, he has firing mechanisms for a Crystal laser and a Smith plasma rifle.

Another stallion moves along with the group. His fur bleached to a miserable yellow color, and his eyes constantly look in every direction. Explosives are strapped all around his body, and he twitches every so often. He wears nothing but a simple shirt.

Heavy, metal hooves hit the sand, and sink in before they are pulled out. A stallion in Ranger Armor trudges along, the heavy suit and miniguns on his side dragging him down.

A final pony takes up the end of the caravan. A revolver is strapped to his side, and his hat is riddled with bullet holes. He walks confidently, a leather coat covering his fur. A strange mechanism is attached to his hoof, supposedly to fire the gun.

They get to the top of a hill, and look down upon their goal.

The ruins of an age old building lay toppled. Bricks flung everywhere, and different piles promise untouched loot. Bones also lay scattered everywhere, forming an almost complete floor under all the rubble.

The leading stallion sighs, and reaches into his bag. He pulls out a poster. It shows a combined army of skeletons, ponies, and changelings, all dressed in black Ranger armor, and with different weapons strapped to their side. They all come marching out of a tower, where an imposing yet small figure stands on the top.

He looks past the poster, to the current state of the tower.

The pegasus lands behind him, “An idea made too late, Sentinel. Because this is what happened first.”

He simply sighs, “Whatever. It’s just another relic of the past now.” He motions to the twins, “Shield, Shot, go ahead and scavenge everything you can. We’ll watch for Legion or Enclave.”

The two nod, and move down to the tower.


Magic flickers back to life, answering the call of it’s master.

It floats through the pile of rubble, until it finds the mostly intact skeleton laying there.

A black cloak keeps the bones together, still working after two centuries of waiting.

The green flame dives into the skeleton, working itself through until its end.

The kindling is set, the spark has been given, all they need is some oxygen.


Sure Shot picks through a pile of rubble, finding nothing but useless clipboards, papers, and pens. Here and there lay a weapon broken beyond repair, or a few stray bullets. Even an undamaged Crystal sits there, yet only one.

A small flash of light catches her eye, and she leans out of the rubble.

She looks to another pile of rubble, as a deathly green light seems to come through the cracks in the rubble.

She quickly draws her rifle, “Shield, need some help!”

Her brother rushes over, and quickly sees the green light. He nods, and puts away his shotgun, “Watch my back.”

He quickly picks up a stone, throwing it aside. He digs through, throwing at least three more pieces off.

A huge piece blocks him. He summons all his strength, and barely manages to shove it off.

The magic begins, sucking in the ambient Mana from around it.

A skeleton within lights up in a green inferno. It rages and grows, forcing Shield to take a step back.

Then, the skeleton takes a breath, sucking in the magic. The skeleton sits up, and takes a final breath in.

It looks over at Shield, and opens it’s mouth.

No noise comes out, and it looks down at it’s body. It takes a deep breath, and summons it’s Mana.

Flesh begins to grow out of him. Fur sprouts out of that flesh, grey in color. On his flank is a Mark showing a playing card with the Grim Reaper as it’s centerpiece.

His body fully forms, with the cloak changing to fit. He blinks his eyes, still empty of any ball. He looks back towards Shield, “As I tried to say; thank you.”

He draws his shotgun, “Who the hell are you?”

He raises a hoof, “I am-“ He then notices the lack of an actual hoof on that leg, “Ah, shit.” He motions with his other one, “Hey, could you please get that leg for me?”

Shield slowly moves to the leg, and kicks it over to him.

He takes the leg, and places it on the stump. With a tiny bit more Mana, the hoof has reattached itself. He nods, “Alright, now, let’s see if I’ve got everything.” He stands up, ignoring the shotgun being pointed in his direction. He spins around, “Uh, tail, there.” He stops the circling, and pats his head, “Horn is there, and I am currently bald.” More green fire sprouts near his head, and a black mane of hair sprouts out, unkempt but still good looking.

Shield cocks his shotgun, “Last time I’m going to ask.”

He looks in Shield’s direction, “Ah, yes.” He smiles, “I am Lord Ravens Breath, Minister of Death.”