• Published 29th May 2018
  • 582 Views, 0 Comments

Eira Caresse - NannyLamb

Bella Willows has a normal life. That is, until her best friend, Eira Caresse turns out to be some magical being from another world... who knew?

  • ...

I - Cookies



"I have something for you."

Bella removed a shiny chain from her pocket with half a heart hanging from it as a pendant. She gave the necklace to her friend. Eira's eyes widened at the sight of the blue half-heart crystal.

"Wha- how?" she said.

"I've got the other half," Bella said, smiling. She held up another pendant that she wore, nearly identical to the one that she had given Eira. "It's a friendship necklace."

Eira smiled back. "Uh... thank you." Bella pulled her friend into a hug. Eira began to hum.

"What's that from?" Bella asked.

"uh... my aunt taught it to me."

The girls pulled apart from each other as Eira began placing her new jewel around her neck.

"Hmm. I didn't know you had an aunt. On your mom's side or your dad's?"

"Uh... my father's side. His sister. She... never mind."

Bella cocked her head. "Come to think of it, I've never met any of your family. You think I could meet them this weekend?" she asked.

Eira bit her lip. "They, uh, don't really live close by. I just send them letters."

"So you live alone?"

"Yes... but I'm fine."

"No! You will sleep over at my house tonight! We will make chocolate cookies! You got that?" Bella protested.

"Uh... actually, my mother sends me letters every night to check up on me," Eira explained, "I'd really hate to miss them. Also, I'm not very comfortable sleeping in a room with other people."

Bella sighed, thinking about her friend's reasoning. The last rule was a simple fix; Eira could just sleep in a private room. The first condition, however, confused Bella. Her mother sends her letters every night? How? I mean, how can they reach Eiry so quickly if they live far away?

"But I'd love to come over for a while!" Eira said, snapping Bella cack out of her thoughts, "Chocolate cookies sound great."

Bella managed a smile. She was still pondering about Eira's whole situation with her parents and family. How could they send letters so quickly? Eventually, she came to a simple conclusion.

"So, your mom emails you every night? Is that what you mean by 'letters?'"

Eira appeared slightly startled. She brushed a lock of purple and blue hair out of her face. Then, she quickly nodded.

"Oh, of course, that's what I meant. I mean? Meant? Well, yeah, emails, yup! That's what I meant, of course!" She seemed panicked. Although Eira tended to be that way quite often. She started to put her hair up in a ponytail.

Bella smiled. "Then you can just bring a device and sleep in a separate room!"

Eira's hair elastic snapped as she tensed up. Her hair fell back down.

"Oh, well, uh, I guess I might just prefer not to sleep over. I can come for the rest of the afternoon and for the morning after, but-"

"Fine!" Bella yelled, noticeably startling Eira to pieces. Then she smiled. "You don't have to stay over if you really don't want to."

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to our hangout!" Eira exclaimed enthusiastically.

Bella raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you just come home with me?"

"Uh, I have to grab a few things first and... put away some of my, uh, school stuff."

Bella shrugged. "Okay! I'll come along."

"You're really stubborn, you know that?"

Bella chuckled. "You told me that yesterday."


The two friends walked to Eira's house side by side. Bella blasted music on her iPod and sang along with a bounce in her step, causing her loose messy bun to wiggle at the back of her head. Eira giggled.

"Who did your m- hair?"

"I did."

Eira started laughing.

"I know. I suck at it," said Bella, "Who did your hair?"

Eira cocked her head. "Nopo- I mean no-one. It's natural."

Bella laughed. "No, it's not. I meant who dyed your hair." She held up a lock of her friend's shiny magenta curls.

Eira blinked. "Uh... oh, my, uh, mother. She dyed it."

"So you have to travel to get your hair dyed?"


"You said your mom lives far from here."

"Oh, yeah. I travel to see her sometimes anyways. Also, the colour stays in for a long time."

"Is your mom a hairdresser, then?" Bella asked.

"A hairdresser? No, she's a- never mind."

Bella narrowed her eyes. Then she smiled.

"Wow. What does one do as a 'never mind?'"

Eira blinked. She started laughing.

The girls continued walking until they reached a small wooden house on the corner of the block. The walls were covered in vines and the yard was overhung with weeping willow trees. A few of the windows were stained glass and the house included a mini turret jutting out the corner.

"Your house really does look like something right out of a fairy tale," Bella remarked. Eira smiled.

"Alright, I'm'nna go and... do... some stuff," she said. Bella raised an eyebrow as she watched her strange friend rush inside her house, swinging the door closed. Well, almost closed. In her apparent rush, Eira had left the single door ever so slightly ajar. Curious about whatever her friend was evidently hiding from her, Bella cautiously opened the door. It was surprisingly... un-squeaky, considering how old and rustic it looked.

Bella had never actually been in Eira's house before and was caught off guard by how colourful it was inside, in stark contrast to the mysterious look of the exterior. Everything was mystical and magical and... fun! There was a fuzzy purple rug beneath Bella's feet and a shiny coat rack to her right. Ahead of her was a large stained glass window depicting a... pink pegacorn creature wearing gold jewelry. To her left, a hallway extended into the rest of the house. There were crystal-shaped fairy lights hanging above the archway that led to it. A whimsical light fixture was suspended awfully low from the ceiling and was covered in gems and light.

"Whoah..." Bella muttered under her breath.

As soon as the slight sound escaped her mouth, she heard a small gasp and a strange zippy-zappy-POOF sound from down the hallway. Soon, Eira came rushing down the hallway with her hand on her forehead, which seemed to be a wierd habit of hers. She looked terrified. Then she started hyperventilating.

Bella rushed to her friend's side and started trying to soothe her.

"It's okay, Eiry," she said, "I'm so sorry. I probably should've just left you to do your own thing. It's just that I've never been inside your house before. It really is beautiful."

Eira managed to calm down.

"Thank you."

After a minute, she began to hum again. Soon enough, that humming turned into singing.

Best friends until the end of time
We'll have each other's backs
And let our true selves shine
And that's because everything we need is all right here
When we're with our team

"That's the song your aunt taught you?" Bella asked. Her friend nodded.

"Do you take voice lessons?" she inquired. Eira shook her head.

"Wow. You are a really talented singer, Eiry."

Eira blushed. "Thanks. Now... I really gotta go get my things from... my house."

Bella raised an eyebrow.

"Because you could also get your things at the Eiffel tower," she said teasingly.

Eira giggled awkwardly and dashed down the hall. Bella sighed.

"Hey Eiry," she called out to her friend, "why don't you show me around your house?"

Eira stopped and turned back to her friend.

"I... I dunno, Bella. I... sorry."

"Oh, come on, what's your reason? I know you're hiding something."

"Ye- no. Of course not. Why would I hide anything from my best friend?"

Bella raised an eyebrow. "Okay... one question, then."

She gestured to the pink winged unicorn stained on Eira's window.

"What is that?"



"Obviously. She's my- she's an alicorn. Uh... mythical creature. Magic abilities. Interesting stuff."

Bella cocked her head.

"From... greek mythology?"

"Oh, uh, no, she... she's from the Crys... uh... Eque... Equestrian myth. Yeah... but it's, like, old, and it's an ancient colony... almost no... nobody can remember... their existence. I find it interesting because... reasons."

Bella blinked.

"So... how did you find out about this 'Equestrian civilization'?"

"Oh, I found out about it in some... random corner of the... internet. Mentioned somewhere at the bottom of Wikipedia or... something. Hard to find much information. "

Eira smiled awkwardly.

"Uh... Eiry? You know I'm not gonna judge you for being interested in some cool ancient colony. I'm probably even less likely to judge you for whatever your house looks like. Actually, from what I've seen, I think your house is amazing."

Eira sighed.

"Thanks, Bella, but... I'd prefer not-"


Suddenly, a translucent glowing yellow wall appeared between them for only about half of a second, catching Bella off guard and causing her to stumble backward. She bumped her head hard on the silver coat rack. Startled, she then pivoted around, accidentally bumping it a second time, this time on her funny bone, causing it to topple on top of her with a loud clang.

"What... just..."

Then Bella fainted.

Flurry heart paced her colourful bedroom, Bella awkwardly lying unconscious on her pony-sized bed. She sifted through one of Zecora's books in a frantic search for confirmation that the girl was okay. Then she paused and examined the necklace that Bella was wearing.

How in Equestria did she get her hands on two pendants that look exactly like the Crystal Heart?

She levitated the other half over to Bella's pendant. They fit together perfectly.

Bella began to stir.

"Oh gosh," Flurry Heart yelled, caught off guard. She had to act fast.

Bella groaned groggily, slowly managing to open her eyes and let them adjust to the light... until a random bright flash caused her to close them again. The next thing she saw was Eira's face looming over her. Bella brushed her friend's voluminous purple locks out of her eyes.



"Get out of my face."

Eira giggled.


She sat up, moving her hair off of Bella's face. Slowly, Bella managed to sit up, too. She felt awfully dizzy.

Blinking, Bella took in her surroundings. She was sitting on an oddly small bed surrounded by flowy silks hanging from the ceiling. In front of her was a silvery door engraved with crystal-like shapes. to her left, an old-fashioned writing desk sat in front of an open window, complete with a stack of parchment and a red quill sticking out of an inkwell. A little art easel sat in a corner of the room. The walls were covered in paintings of brightly coloured ponies, some of which appeared to be unicorns or pegasi. A few of the paintings also depicted the aly-horn creatures that Eira had described earlier. All over the room, crystal-shaped strings of lights provided mystical and ambient light. Huge heaps and stacks of old looking books were shoved against deep blue walls.



"Where are we?"

"Oh! Umm... welcome to my room?"

"This is your room? Eiry, this place is amazing!"

Eira smiled. "Thanks! I'm glad you're okay. Um, do you remember what happened?"

Bella furrowed her brow.

"I think so. I mean, I'm pretty sure I remember what happened. I just don't... know what happened. Do you?"

Eira slowly shook her head.

"Also," said Bella, "why is your bed so small?"

Eira shrugged her shoulders.

"I dunno. I just like to really curl up in bed or something. I don't tend to take up much space when I sleep."

As soon as the word sleep came out of her friend's mouth, Bella was struck with an idea.

"What if I sleep over here!"


"Oh, come on, Eiry, what's your excuse this time? It'll be fun! You don't have to worry about sleeping somewhere that makes you uncomfortable and I can just sleep in another room!"

"You really want to have a sleepover with me, don't you?"

"Come on! Just show me around your house and... think about it?"

Eira looked defeated.

"Okay fine, I guess I'll... show you around."

The two girls got to their feet and Bella followed Eira out of her room. Eira fumbled with the doorknob a bit before managing to open it properly.

Eira's bedroom was situated at the corner of a short hallway. Down the hall were three other shiny doors.

"So this is the washroom, here's the... I dunno, another room, and this is, um, just storage. Not much interesting stuff in there."

The girls finished touring the hall and took a right into the rest of the house. In front of them was a circular room that must have been the inside of the house's turret. It was a cozy living space with a few cushioned chairs and poufs arranged around a stone hearth. The left wall was decorated with a stained glass window of six colourful mini horses that looked familiar from the paintings in Eira's room. One was all pink and happy, one was orange and was wearing a hat for some reason, one was blue with a rainbow mane and tail and... wings, another winged one was yellow and kind of timid looking, one was white with a glamorous purple mane and... a unicorn's horn, and the sixth was another one of those pegacorn aly-horn things like the one depicted in the window near the front door.

Bella found it weird that she was easily able to discern their facial expressions as if they were almost human, even though they obviously weren't. She opened her mouth to ask about them when she found that Eira had already exited the area by taking a right.

Looking at the rest of the house, Bella found herself standing in a modest dining room with a little round glass table and four intricate white chairs. Further ahead, a small old-fashioned kitchen was separated from the dining room by a blue half wall. A rather large stack of cookbooks rested in the corner of the counter.

"Your house. is so. CUTE!" cried Bella, giving her friend a surprise hug and lifting her a few centimetres off the ground.

"Thanks... Bella... I need to breathe."

Bella quickly let go and ended up dropping Eira on the floor.


Eira giggled as she got to her feet. Then she sighed.

"Bella," she said.


"Can we make those chocolate cookies now?"


Eira got ingredients out of her cupboards while Bella found a recipe from one of the cookbooks and read them out.

"What's your favourite chocolate bar?" asked Bella as she kneaded some chocolate chips into the dough.

"Uh... chocolate?" Eira replied as she just managed to open a jar of Nutella, accidentally exploding it all over her when she yanked the lid off.

"Hmm," said Bella, "mine's Nutella."

She dipped her finger in the chocolate puddle on the counter and put it in her mouth.

"And now it's your kitchen."

Eira smiled. The two friends stared at each other in awkward silence for a few seconds.

"Okay," said Eira, placing a hand on her forehead, "I guess I'm just gonna go and wash myself off now?"

"That makes sense," Bella chuckled. "Should I wipe down your kitchen? Where do you keep your rags?"

"Uh.. you don't have to clean up. I can do it later."

"Are you sure?"


"Are you really sure?"

"You're really stubborn, you know that?"

Bella rolled her eyes. "You told me that earlier."

"Right. But seriously, you don't have to."

Eira began stepping away into her hallway, wiping Nutella off her arms.

"Just continue with the cookies while I rinse off, okay?"

Before Bella could agree, her friend had already dashed away. She sighed and resumed the task of kneading the dough.

Suddenly, Eira came back, looking as if nothing had happened. Her hair wasn't even wet!

"Okay! I'm back!" she sang, bouncing into her kitchen. She paused when she noticed her friend staring at her with a raised eyebrow. Her smiley face changed to one of fear. She rubbed her forehead. "Did I, uh... say something?"

"Dude, how'd you clean yourself up so fast?" Bella exclaimed, dumbfounded. "You haven't even been gone two minutes and you're completely dry!"

Eira's eyes widened. "Uh... I dunno," she muttered something under her breath as if she was angry with herself. Bella thought she caught the words "Twilight" and "Problems."

She's got to be hiding something.

"So, um, cookies?" Eira said awkwardly.

"Yeah, sure," Bella replied.

Soon the girls were back to giggling and chatting while they rolled out the chocolatey cookie dough and laid out some heart-shaped cookie cutters.

"Woah. This recipe makes a lot of cookies," said Bella.

Eira giggled. "I guess it's for parties. Either that or whoever wrote it really likes cookies. Does one write recipes? Is that a thing? Or do they invent recipes?"

Bella put her hands up. "I have no idea."

"You know, I really like spending time with you," Eira said as she situated a heart cookie on a buttered pan.

"You'de better."


"Cuz I like spending time with you, too. Duh. Why else would I want a sleepover?"

"Right." Eira sighed. "About that-"

"You're gonna let me sleep over?! Yes!"

"Yeah. I thought you would like it." Eira shoved the cookie pan in her oven and turned it on.

"You should probably take a trip over to your house to fetch a sleeping bag, then, huh?"

She turned around to see her friend already holding up a misshapen green sleeping bag.


"I was planning for this all day!"

"You WHAT?!"

"Come on, Eiry, you know I'm too stubborn for you to say no."

"You know, that stubbornness is going to get you in trouble one day."

Bella rolled her eyes. "As if I haven't gotten in trouble for it before."

"Right. So should I go and clear out a room for you?"

"Sure! I'll come help."

Eira let out an exasperated sigh.

"Of course you will."

The girls walked into the second room from Eira's chambers. It was full of stacked books, random African masks, a few kites, a bunch of pretty rocks, feathers, weirdly unproportionate dresses, and strange bags connected with straps. It was a mess.

"I thought you said that the next room over was storage," said Bella.

"Yeah, well, I guess I just have a lot of storage. If you go find your stuff I can move some of it to my other uh, storage room to make some space for you."

"Are you kidding? I'll help you."

Eira bit her lip and placed a hand on her forehead. Then the oven started beeping, indicating that the cookies were finished being baked.

"Whoah. That was fast," said Bella.

"Yeah, hehe," Eira replied awkwardly, "You know what? How about you go and test the cookies to see if they're ready and I'll start moving some things."

"Good Idea!" Bella said, licking her lips. Cookies!

She slid around the corner and got to the kitchen as fast as she could without causing herself a concussion. Then she swung open the oven door. Eager to get cookies in her mouth, Bella almost forgot to put on oven mitts but managed to lazily slip them on her hands. She reached into the oven to grab the cookie pan, but on her way out she accidentally let her bare arm touch one of the elements.

Letting out a sharp shriek, Bella fell backwards, launching the cookies in the air and almost hitting her head on the wall behind her when out of the corner of her eye she saw a yellow flash of light. Suddenly, she and all of the cookies were frozen in midair.

Author's Note:

Hai! I hope you liked my first chapter! It's kinda short and a bit too fast-paced, and it's really obvious what Eira's hiding, but I hope it's at least likeable nonetheless.

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