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Advance, lunge. Retreat. It's about speed, but no one can run away. Sunset never thought she'd get the chance to show how far she had come, not in this. Her friends were by her side and they'd always be the greatest change in her life, but this was important too.

Changing bodies when she crossed over to the human world was hard enough. It was a challenge to write, and even harder to learn how to play the guitar. But this sport, fencing, felt nigh-impossible to master. But that was years ago.

Feint, disengage, lunge for the feet. Every time it's a lunge, firing the body like a magic blast from a unicorn's horn, only stronger. Every time she could feel the impact. The bending steel, it spoke volumes about how good the hit was.

Canterlot High had only ever had a fencing club, but the Inter-regional Fencing Tournament would be open to every young fencer, including upstart professionals. Schools like Crystal Prep would be sending their own team members, real competitors who lived with a sword in their hand. But none of them had to go through what Sunset did. She'd win for CHS, and finally give back to the one place that had done so much for her.

Sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/414838/a-summers-gift

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 40 )

Just a short story I plan to be three, maybe four chapters long. I won't be publishing everything else until it's done, but I just wanted to get a public opinion on this concept.

For having been a quadruped and magical scholar for most her life, Sunset seems abnormally talented at a slew of human skills. I've heard of a Renaissance Man, but she didn't even have arms and thumbs until a few years ago, and yet already she is more talented with their use than the majority of humans who have had them their whole life.

This is a really excellent start. Definitely following to see how Sunset fares in this tournament!

Honestly I let a lot of it slide due to the kind of person Sunset is. She is an extremely driven individual and rarely settled for being less than the best before hand. In my eyes she would have obsessed over learning everything she might need as quickly as possible and perfect it.

I don't know if it shows, but I have years of experience with fencing. For myself, I started out young so my instructor taught me a little slowly the first couple years, but as I progressed and got to drill newcomers, I've seen a few extremely driven individuals pick up the sport relatively quick. I won't try to change your mind on how a character ought to be, but as a small aside for self-motivation, don't underestimate the power that passion can have on pushing oneself to do better every day.

ok this story has my attention its very good so far

Who made the cover art?

Its from the show sunset actually is in the fencing club

I really liked the scene at the end with Sunset and Marionette. Offered some good character material.

And of course, the fencing stuff before this was amazing. ^_^

This was a really excellent read. I quite enjoyed it. :twilightsmile: Really nice ending with Sunset, the girls and Marionette.

As a fencer, I support this story wholeheartedly. As an epeeist, even more. Aside from my instant like of the subject, I also like the writing style. The setup is well done and the weapons seen thus far are explained in enough detail that someone unfamiliar can follow it, yet not distracting to people who already know, or so much that it would break the flow. All in all, a very interesting start and I'll definitely give you my full thoughts after reading the rest of the chapters.

That was a very good story. I like how all the weapons got good coverage, and how, during the epee tournament, you even addressed the cheering of Sunset's friends. I personally hate it when people cheer loudly, so it was nice to see it mentioned in a story like this.

I also like the building friendship with Marionette, it gave a nice flow to the story and it progressed very naturally. All in all, definitely one of the best fics I've read here.

Thanks so much for your thoughts! I had to write it for a broader audience, but I'm glad I connected with a fellow fencer.

You really did a good job at it. Are you an epeeist yourself, like Sunset is in the story?

I started out as foil, and I still believe it's the best starter for learning essential basics that cross over to epee, but I have the most time with epee. Still, when I started sabre a few years ago, that became my favourite, and I've heavily modified my sabre technique to blend it with elements of highland broadsword and polish sabre.

You do HEMA as well? Or just studying those styles on your own? I've always wanted to give HEMA a try sometime. Me, I've only ever done epee. I tried foil once, and immediately broke the foil. I don't really like the rules either. I also tried sabre once, and though I quite like it despite the ROW, and love watching it a high level, it doesn't really suit my style. I'm not much of an attacker so I usually try to bait attacks and then parry four or six.

I do HEMA in the sense that I study and apply its techniques when I fence, but I don't go to a HEMA dedicated club, unfortunately. There is one around my area with some of the stuff I'd like to practice, but I haven't had time to reach out to them and see what they're like. I highly recommend HEMA, especially if you have a lot of experience in fencing. You're generally better in terms of physique and footwork, while a lot of times HEMA can introduce a new perspective that can improve your regular sport fencing style.

Unlike most people who may be reading this, I am a rapier fencer. I do historical femcing. I am a little familiar with the Olympic style, however. Rapier fencing is what they did back in the 16th century. As such, when we do it today, our rules are different than those of the Olympic style. For example, we are not constricted to a line. We also can parry with our off hand, and may even have something in our off hand, such as a dagger or buckler. Whole body target, but if you get hit in the leg, you lose the leg. Same thing for the hand and arm. We also do not do doubles. Either both lose or the match is redone. This is because if we were really fighting with rapiers, both parties would be dead. We also have team battles and every man for himself. I did see a few drills in this that would be useful to us as well. I am really enjoying this story. Sunny, you better win all three! XD.

Thanks for your input, I'm also familiar with rapier, though I don't follow a single codified system. I haven't had time to go through a whole manual yet, I'm working on Fiore's work and 1.33. I've gone through highland's broadsword though, interesting stuff. Plus, they have horsies.

Just finished reading this story from beginning to end. It was fantastic. I particularly liked the fencing scenes. I'm no fencer, but I do greatly appreciate the effort and research that goes into things like that. And I just now read in the comments that you practice HEMA. No wonder you know so much. Good on you, boyo. And it's always nice to see another practitioner of European martial arts.

Thank you! Everything we write spreads a piece of our soul with it to the world, I'm happy that I've finally been able to share such an important aspect of my personality.

Waiting for the kendo fic now.

Good story. A really enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.

This is pretty impressive.

Interesting, a story focused on fencing, with an indept look into fencing. Haven't seen that before. Haven't really seen fencing or the like in stories. I kind of second the kendo story

I'm down for a kendo story, but I closest I've gotten to doing Kendo is watching a few classes at a gym along my weekend jogging route. But maybe, just maybe, someone out there has the experience to make a kendo spinoff.

"Ponies began to gather as the final was about to start, even while the young men's eliminations were going on." Just noticed this tiny error, should be points, yes?

Fudge. After multiple revisions, I'm surprised that got by me. It should be "people began to gather," thanks for pointing that out for me. Fixed it.

No prob, loving this story. While I've only read a few manuals, and whatnot, I have found fencing interesting

Excellent job

I forget, are you making a sequel to this or did I imagine that post?

There are two sequel stories that are shorter and character focused. But yes, I'm working out the details for the first chapter of a true fencing-focused sequel.

As Sunset began the next hundred-meter sprint, she figured Rainbow enjoyed seeing her struggle through a warm-up routine. Aside from Pinkie Pie, she was the most mischievous of her friends. But it was also seeing her improve. Rainbow was, without a doubt, the most athletic person at CHS.

yep, she really is. :rainbowdetermined2:

"—after the bleachers." Sunset was already moving for the icebox, but Rainbow grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. "Drink water now and you'll be weighed down. Plus, going up and down the bleachers with a stomach full of water is going to make you feel sick."

wait is that true? :rainbowhuh:

She didn't care about the burning in her legs. Now she knew why Crystal Prep fencers were ranked so highly. Their trainers isolated every part of their arsenal so they could improve it until it could never fail. She sprinted to the other side of the field and ran its bleachers without hesitation.

sometimes I even wonder if any of the students who attend CPA like doing all of that training just to win. 🤔

"That's perfect," Twilight handed her papers to Sunset, "because I have some notes Sour Sweet wrote for me. She said she was willing to talk to her friends on their fencing team, as a favour for working with them on the music video."

That was nice of them. :twilightsmile:

She thought it would fall but Cloud Kicker was light on her feet, rushing forward to give her share of pressure on the mask. Back and forth they felt each other's energy, measuring how much of their own effort was needed to hold up the mask, and when to release a bit of energy. It lasted about ten seconds before they both thought to retreat and the mask hit the gym floor.


They went again, pushing and pulling and feeling each other's motion through the pressure they applied. And again, the mask fell, this time over fifteen seconds. A few more times they managed thirty.

This is sure gonna take a lot of practice.

She'd know every fencer's weakness before the direct eliminations even started.

IMO, it be best she doesn't do it.

Of course, she couldn't use her magic. That's not why she wanted to win. She had to do it right, to prove she was a part of their world. A part of a world where her success was not because of mystical powers and ancient artefacts, but because of her own hard work and dedication to her home.

tha'ts the spirit Sunset, use the skills is better than the magic over this.

A career. Sunset thought to herself. What am I going to do in the future?

Only you can find out the answer Sunset.

The Stormer replied with a redoubled lunge, striking the hip even when Sunset thought she had retreated enough. It took another minute, but Sunset managed to win in the end with a fifteen to twelve score. The two girls shook hands as per the rules, but she clearly didn't want anything to do with Sunset after that loss. She grasped Sunset's hand in a rough handshake and stomped back to her fencing gear.

Good for you sunset :pinkiehappy:

"Too bad Rarity's flight from Manehattan got delayed," Fluttershy added. "I sent her a video of the last few points and she texted that she loved it."

Huh, that explains why she isn't here.

Sunset sat down and tightened her shoelaces. She did her best to ignore the whispers from the other side. Were they judging her for taking their techniques? Or were they hoping that one of their own could put her in her place for thinking she could be as good as them? Sunset tried not to think about it.

Hopefully no one knew sour sweet was the one who told them this info.

"Keep it up and that trophy's in the bag," Rainbow squealed excitedly. The three girls left the strip behind and walked together to rejoin their other friends, but in the sea of strict trainers and meddling parents shifting throughout the gym, Sunset wasn't surprised the others got a little lost. But there was one person standing by her gear who looked like she knew exactly where she was going.

Couldn't agree more with you Rainbow.

"That's not the point." Marionette cut her off. She took a seat next to her, giving a sympathetic look that almost made Sunset feel small from all the pity. "I wanted to give you some tips before tomorrow. I know it's a little short notice, but it's going to help you in the long run."

Well that sure caught me by surprise.

Sunset stepped back and saluted her opponent. Fifteen to eight, her favour. It was the last elimination she needed to reach the epee semi-finals. The semi-finalist she would face was already determined; she was a Gryphonstoner, as Sour Sweet liked to call them, and she had finished her bout just a minute before Sunset.

I like the name gryphonstoner.

Sunset waved back to her friends watching in the seats. Rarity was with them today after her flight touched down last night. Sunset was glad her fashion show turned out well. It gave a positive attitude that was driving her to fence her hardest. Twilight and Rainbow were already hard at work watching the other competitors, going over the notes and tactics they came up with all morning. It was a relief to have the two by her side. Alone, both of them could make or break a competition. But their talents together were so much more.

Glad to see rarity arrived home safely.

Sunset tightened her glove and changed out her epee for a spare one. "More reason to be careful, then. If dealing with magic has taught me anything, it's to be prepared for the unexpected."

Yep, always be ready for the unexpected.

Where was Pinkie's shrill cheering? Sunset wondered if she was so stressed that she couldn't hear anything beyond the director's voice. The gym sunk to silence all of a sudden, sound suspended in the air until a clashing of blades.

See Marionette, the cheering was helping more than you thought.

Feohgiffa grabbed Sunset's hand roughly and shook it very briefly before jogging over her to friends and family on the other side of the gym. Sunset tossed her sword and mask into her bag and flung her glove onto the ground. Her hands, the hands that failed, were shaking.

Wow, I can't believe it, Sunset lost.....

"Because you're not like other fencers!" Marionette slapped her hands down on the bench. "All the fencers at Crystal Prep, and the other schools too, they're all in it for something else. We're all in it for something else. But not you. Your talent isn't being good at the techniques or being super athletic like that rainbow-haired chick. I saw you fence and I knew, without a doubt, that you love this sport. Everyone works hard, don't get me wrong, some even harder than you, but they don't do it right. It's hard to quantify, but they don't feel fencing the way you do."

She's taking this way to serious imo.

"Heard of it, but I've never had vegan food before," Marionette said slowly, thinking it over. Going out with friends wasn't a thing most students did at Crystal Prep. There were club meetings and socials, but those were all for school business. Even the sports teams only went out when they won.

I'd so accept that offer if I were you :ajsmug:

And now that chance was right here, she couldn't bring herself to refuse. "Alright, dinner sounds fun."

Good for her. :twilightsmile:

Pinkie Pie's shrieking cut through Sunset's bedroom, a sonic boom that no fighter jet could match. Sunset had recorded and set that sound as her alarm on her phone, a sure-fire way to wake up every morning. " Wake up Sunset Shimmer! " Those words ran in a loop for about ten seconds before she couldn't handle it any more. Sunset tumbled down from her bed to her desk where her phone was charging.

I'd hate to have an alarm like that one.

There was a list of five tournaments that the IFT council acknowledged, each one taking place one year after the other. The first three were juvenile competitions, for fencers below the age of fifteen, and Kassa had taken first place in sabre for all of them. Then the fourth and fifth were IFT sabre events, in Cloudsdale and Aurora City respectively. Both times she was the losing finalist.

Dang, this sure will be tough to beat.

"Thanks, but I was asking them." Everyone looked around, but they couldn't see who or what Pinkie was referring to.

Did pinkie just break the fourth wall?

For that moment the IFT didn't seem like it was about to resume in a few hours. The group had gotten to know Marionette more. After last night they were finally comfortable enough to talk with her. Sunset even noticed how she matched her friends' personalities. Marionette was no less competitive than Rainbow Dash or Applejack, but she had a soft side that shone with Fluttershy.

Glad to see they're making a new friend. :twilightsmile:

It was a common practice to pose questions to the director, but fencers had to be careful. Telling the director your version of what happened was not allowed. Still, that didn't stop young students from releasing their frustration in the form of expressive inquiries.

Huh, that's interesting.

It was as if the positive and negative side of things were cancelling each other out. She failed to give something back to CHS, but she also made a new friend in the process. Maybe it was selfish, but it was just nice to make another friend. Everything with her other friends was like a comfortable routine. She loved them, but with Marionette, getting to know her was something new.

What matters is you got this far Sunset, and you did your best.

Marionette stood up. "They didn't make me do anything! Listen to yourself, you act like they are terrible people just because of their school."

She's right, they're taking it to serious.

Overall great story and learned a lot more about fencing.

The thing about water is true this is why in boxing you see the coaches won't let you get more than a sip or two of water or any at all. And just using it to wet their mouth and then spit it out with possible blood as well from the round just ended. Not only can it weigh you down more so give you a bloated sick feeling. But on top of this if you get hit with a hard body shot can literally make you throw up which pretty much is a guaranteed fight ender. Since recovering to fight after throwing up much less getting back to full strength is damn near impossible. Especially cause you most likely would have had the wind knocked out of you during this.

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