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All hail best human Sunset Shimmer! Now welcome all to The Destiny of the Ancients


Part of the Destiny of the Ancients

It is the 41 Millenium and in the Imperium of Man there is one thing that everyone should fear; The Inquisition. With the mission of destroying heresy and chaos wherever it appears in the millions of planets that make the largest empire in the known universe, they have their hands full considering how dark the universe is. With dark gods ready to pounce on every single living being, heretic armies marching in and xeno scum ready to plunge what they see as a weakened Imperium.

Of course, not everything is lost, since Canoness Sunset Shimmer and her Order, the Sun of Eternity, the Solis Aeterni, is ready to defend the citizens of the Empire, or if the need appears, burn everything in sight.

Sadly, something went wrong and instead of appearing on a planet in the Imperium, they arrive at Equus were things are not what they seem, since a power even greater than the Dark Gods or the Chaos Marines has set its sight on the planet. Although they have their defenders, they are completely unprepared for the destruction and madness that will sweep across the land.

In this dark hour, where war is the only answer, can Sunset Shimmer make the difference between freedom and extinction for ponykind? Will Sunset even help, or will she burn the heretics, the mutant and the unclean as is her duty alongside her sisters?

Join me as we see how Sunset arrived at the world of Warhammer 40000 and how she began to ascend in the ranks of the Adepta Sororitas also known as Sisters of Battle, how she met her current team and how she could mean the end or salvation of every single universe.

See how she tries with all her might to keep her forces and new friends from killing each other, to create a front against the darkness and the mad power of the Warp and to create a new home for her and her Solis Aeterni.

Burn the Heretic
Kill the Mutant
Purge the Unclean

A Warhammer 40k crossover in 10 chapters.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 71 )

Here are two things that will help the story description flow better.

With the mission of destroying heresy and chaos wherever it appears in the millions of planets that make the largest empire in the known universe, they have their hands full considering how dark the universe is, with dark gods ready to pounce on every single living being, heretic armies marching in and xeno scum ready to plunge what they see as a weakened Imperium.

*is. With
I just thought that one sentence dragged on for a little too long.

In this dark hour, where war is the only anseer, can Sunset Shimmer make the difference between freedom and extinction for ponykind? Will Sunset even help, or will she burn the heretics, the mutant and the unclean as is her duty alongside her sisters?


Also I am enjoying your Adepta Sororitas series so far. MLP crossovers with Warhammer has gotten me somewhat interested in it so I has a passing knowledge on most of the things being discussed so far.

One thing that worries me is that so far this is reminding me of your crossover with Dragon Ball Z. I just hope that this story doesn't end up being deleted like that one was.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_2nM1GEllg&list=PLyiDf91_bTEgnBN0jAvzNbqzrlMGID5WA&index=2 I agree with the part about hwo the Church of the empire has twisted the emperor's words.
This is the if the emperor had text speech installed.

His reaction to the Inquisition had done and how long they been doing it was gold!

Since when did the A delta Sororitas have chapters? I though they were organised into convents and the Adeptus Astartes were organised into chapters. And I just have to say this as well:


Is okay, it is funny at least, sadly this story for the most part will not.

Thank you for always showing those mistakes to me so I can edit them, also, I decided on 10 chapters specifically so it won't suffer the same thing that with Dragon Ball Sol, also, the last one was taken off because it would take a lot of time to get into the good stuff, unless someone else decided to take care of it instead; I mean, with Adepta and with Princess of Lordran, I don't think I could focus on Dagon Ball Son. Now, I know you will say, 'well, what about your other stories?'. I don't write them for now because they are not important on the overall plot yet. They will all be finished because they have something important to do with Noche's entrance into the multiverse and how his son screwed things over for everyone, kind of like the Emepror and Horus really, except that Midnight is an idiot emo boy with daddy issues and noche is a murderous sociopath that enjoys destroying things a little too much.

I love that series too much, I was tempted to put parts of it into the story but, well, it is a little too cheery and funny and I wanted to focus on the rather dark and serious part of making a crossover when one of the worlds is full of xenophobic bastards, something that most creators that try to put these two together forget about when they do their own creations.

Several Codex and even the Dark Heresy books, which filled with a lot of nice goodies about the world, call a group of Sisters of Battle as a Chapter, well, a Adepta Sororitas group since Sisters of Battle are just a small part of the organization. While there are two big Orders in the Sororitas, they are sub divided into many other groups and those are also subdivided. Sunset's group is one of those, part of a smaller Order, but with enough people on them and with enough power and personality that they can be called a Chapter; The Solis Aeterni.

Hope I clarified that.

I still hope you can find a way to put some of it in.
Can be a less cheery version of it, possible? so doesn't; clash.

i just stumbled upon this story, and I am interested to see where this goes, but about the Sororitas hierarchy, i feel the need to weigh in with a bit more info as i understand it.

as of current, The Adepta Sororitas are all separated into series of orders as you say with a lot of subdivisions. but that said, Chapter is not something they would tend to use, Order still applies in your case with the Solis Aeterni. sweet name by the way!

Theres 4 core Order types in Millitant, Dialogus, Hospitaler and Famulous, with further smaller orders that have other roles, but to focus on the Sisters of battle...
Theres 6 primary millitant orders, and even more smaller ones, and in my mind, id place the order here based on what i know so far, as a minor millitant order with Sunset at the head. I wonder who the Palatines are and just how big the order is...

I am pretty sure that canoness cannot order guardsmen around, Yea she is higher ranking than guardsmen but wrong military branch. Like astra militarum general cannot give commands to a sister of battle and other way around. Even space marines cannot give orders to a guardsmen but when emperors angel gives you advise you take it like if it was order from emperor himself.

Yes, well, the Text-to-Speech universe raises some very good questions about how the Imperium is being ruled and brings some rather funny and also extremely terrifying points to the table about the wolrd and the lore, It'll be stupid not to take in consideration some of the things that appear in the series consideringthe extremely well research that they creator does on it.

The Adepta Sororitas is rather interesting and is quite complicated, considering they have only been in the Imperium in force since the Age of Apostasy. The Adepta, unlike the Space marines are one single group, unlike the thousands of disjointed groups that make the big guys, that means they have way better organization, that said organization is divided into 4 huge groups, which are Famulous, Hospitaller, Dialogous and the Militia, only the last one is a true army while the rest, although more than capable of defending themselves are more varied in professions which you probably know that information.

About Sunset's Order, well, it is a splint of another big group of Sisters of Battle that have their Chapel on the planet Sunset studied, it is used by both MIlitant and Hospitaller. Sunset's group is mainly used as Shock Forces, quickly coming and resolving most problems as fast as they can, so they are basically the Sisters' Tanith First and Only equivalent. About their numbers, they ar enot that big since their order is centered about quickly attacking and fast reaction so they are not that many; they usually are between 20 and 30 at most since they are constantly being exchanged between Orders, but Sunset's main core force of 10 Sisters usually stay the same; is form that group that there is 5 Palatines in her group, which are the ones Sunset trust the most from them.

Yeah, so, that question has like 4 different answers and I'll try to explain and every one those answers because it is a particular point in the lore of the Imperium of Man and pretty much the keystone on the stoy and how the humans will interact with Equestria.
One of the answers is the Emperor's anser from if The Emperor had a Text-to-Speech device: BECAUSE I COMMAND IT! Althouh, being truthful, it is just a joke.

Now, I'll give you the answer that the Adepta Administratum will give you: Yes she has the power to command, but no, she doesn't have to. For your information, I have bureaucracy like hell.

Now, for the real answers and the ones that may help you understand the situation correctly, the short answer, which is, yes she can because the Sisters of Battle are part of the Inquisition and as part of the Inquisition they have to right to command everyone in the army.

Finally, I'll give you the longest kind of answer possible and explain to you the kind of clusterf**k that is the whole hierarchy inside the f**ing Ecclesiarchy. So, the Adepta Sororitas is the only single permanent force inside the Church that as the right to bear arms due to the f**ing clusterf**k that the f**ing idiot of Goge Vandire had, which was to get complete control of everything; due to that, the Adepta Sororitas is pretty f**ing important inside. Now, in the church, only the Inquisition is over everything else in the administration of the Imperium capable of not only persecuting criminals, but also can judge members of the army and administration if they think they are corrupt or have commited heresy.

Now, you may be thinking, what the f**k does the Inquisition and the Sororitas have in common beyond working for the church, well, while the Sororitas are an organization outside of the Inquisition that does a lot of jobs, among them teachers, trainers, nurses, doctoros, researchers, codex writers, archeologists and other things, since they are the only real army of the church, that meant that automatically, every single member of the Sisters of Battle is part of the Inquisition, which by itself is at the same time logical, since, you know,Inquisitors need to be trained to hunt for heresy while every single Sister of Battle has already been trained to deal with that and they are the only ones inside the church who's permanent job is to be armed and kick the sh** out of demons, heretics and mutants anyway, so, win win for everyone.

On the other hand, that meant that a whole group of zealous and fanatics can very well order a whole battalion of soliders to search or destroy people just because they think they are heretics. in theory, only the Space Marines can say no to an inquisitor, but, they need a very good reason why they have to say no to your request to help them burn a full planet that is under suspicion of being under the control of Slaanesh or any similar chaos being.

While this all good and whatnot, why are the guards and other crazies from the Imperium talking to Sunset as if she was the captain? well, because there is no other officer in the ship except her! No sargent, no captain, no general, there are only either raw recuits or people that while technically could command, they all are f**ing scared of Sunset and her Solis Aeterni. While our redhead is no f**ing Sly Marbo or Marneus Calgar she is still capable of kicking your f**ing ass and every single living being in the planet if she wanted to, so yeah, even most Commissars are afraid of her while the others learned pretty quickly you are not to give her orders unless you want to keep your head where it is. So, in concflusion, is because Sunset is part of the Inquisition due to being a Sister of Battle and because the others prefer to listen to her than a Commissar or someone else due to how f**ing badass she is in general.

After that rant I felt like Little Kitten the Custodes.

Ok understand, Be cool thou is the emperor was able to send a message to them and so. Like one telling Pinkie her planet is forgiven for what happened with the betrayal and all.' I found lore and detailed history on different fractions, such as Pinkie's home planet.
be a touching moment can see Death Pinkie weeping tears of joy screaming praise to the emperor over and over and Choir of angelic voices singing in the background suddenly adding to express her joy and love of him. while she is a War Hammer 40 DK Pinkie she still Pinkie.

Also any chance of Sly Marbo suddenly making a one time appearance? Because he the Man, the myth, the Legend he is Sly Marbo

Enough said. :rainbowlaugh:

Lastly is it possible harmony can heal the emperor?


I mean, the f**ing guy can beat the a** of dark Eldars with the power of his voice's subtitles! How much more awesomely manly do you want to be?!


A couple of thoughts on your post here-

first off, the organization subdivisions of the Sororitas is one heck of a thing with additional issues of command staff and a hierarchy of seniority that gets kinda nutty. I did mention all 4 of the organizational types in the post though. most talk sisters of battle because of the whole War thing an’ all.

So Sunsets minor Order is a like A sisters Tanith? and.. THAT small? that’s.. that’s sub Mission numbers. that’s more like a few squads at best, and Sunset nominated 5 as palatine? i gotta say, kinda flummoxed by this one. definitely an unusual structure t’me.

but the bit about the Inquisition further down. As i understand it, the Inquisition is a separate organization entirely. while theres a predisposition of the organization to recruit certain groups as millitant connections, namely Ordo Malleous call on Grey Knights, Ordo Hereticus call on the sisters, and the Ordo Xenos call on the Deathwatch, The Inquisition has always been a.. Loose group.

they were and have been a seperate organization, going so far as to have been on the high 12 via a representative during the The War of the Beast albeit pre Ordo split. recruitment within the inquisition seems to be from other inquisitors usually raising up one of their own acolytes (read: perosnal soldiers) into the role and recommending them as such after a period of training, and the organization has so many splinter ordo’s beyond the 3 main branches it gets kinda crazy once more, as inquisitors can overrule one another.

While there is an overlap at times of inquisitors coming from the sisters of battle as hereticus inquisitors do call on them frequently to burn the heretic A LOT, and from that some get nominated to be inquisitors themselves, not all Battle sisters are Inquisitors. all that said, in absense of the other command roles you’ve stated, just Sunset as a Cannoness is more than enough rank to pull to keep people in line, especially considering her orders role and her experience.

i thought that sister of battle are part of ecclesiarchy. I just want to point a example from book " Duty calls" from chapter twenty where battle sister tells commisar and l quote. "We're servants of his blessed majesty and not subject to the authority of your office. Go and shoot a few malingering guardsmen like you're supposed to, and leave us to our holy task".
Pretty much indicating that commisar cannot order them and they not him. And it is a good that they don't from tactical stand point. You have military officer with years of experience with that peculiar regiments tactics and combat style, you don't send valhallans to a desert or catachans to a thundra.
Or canones from different order with different tactics and weapons.
And how can regiment work without sergeants or officers leading squads and companies?
Of course if you have book that says other wise tell me and l could read it l don't have anything going currently.

Due to many years of taking the image of the Emeperor and saying he is the true and only god, the Church has quite a weird relationship among themselves, which is to say, sometimes they don't trust each other and more than likely will call each a heretic if they start doing anything that annoys the other.

About Sunset's Order, it is mostly a shock troop or black ops order, being send to places where they need their help to fight those that are a blight to the God Emperor of Manking, mainly heretics, xenos and mutant or investigate a place or something similar that doesn't require the usage of Astartes or a whole Guardsmen batallion.

While they are not their own Chapter like the White Scars, UltramarinesSmurfs or the Salamanders, Solis Aeterni still works semi-independently, being sent to missions by the Ordo Hereticus or by the higher ups in the Adepta Sororitas, this has turned them from simple Sisters of Battle that burn heretics into an elite group that takes to the battlefield with a combination of superior tactics, armament and enough luck to make even Ciaphas Cain and Ibram Gaunt smile in pride.

Although there are 5 Palatine at all times in Sunset's group, they are mostly her inner circle, advisors and bodyguards, the whole group usually has from 20 to 30 sisters working under Sunset's command depending on their mission or orders, although at times, like the denfese of a fringe world from Ork forces, the group has grown to encompass over a hundred Sisters, but is only for a while before the Solis Aeeterni return to be mostly 30.

Unlike most other big groups, this numbes do not hinder them since they are mostly send into their missions and investigations instead of being send as cannon fodder to impossible situations, although, well, sometimes intel can be wrong and instead of being send into an abandoned fortification, ends up having to fight necron forces.

Also, I recommend you reading The Inquisitor's Book and Blood of Martyrs from the Dark Heresy RPG, it contain a TON of information about the church, how it is organized and also a lot of important information about the Sororitas as a whole.

Finally, let's remember that we are talking about a product that was made by Games Workshop and the idiots like to f**ing retcon everything every single Monday before lunch time so if something is wrong, let us all agree it is their fault.

While it is not something that can happen, since both the military and the Sororitas tendo to act on very different cases, it can 'theoretically' happen, the point is that the two groups are usually working for different objectives, with Sororitas mostly having to deal with problems internally or working by themseles while the army, well, tend to get killed or defend the line for enough time for a group of Space marines to come and kill everything or everything will simply go to hell, like any mission of the Sororitas in which mother F**ING C**K SU**ER A**HOLE Matt Ward had something to do with it.

If you want to know about them a little bit more, I reccomend you the Dark Heresy books, like literature books and RPG books, they explain a lot about the inner working of not only the Ordo Hereticus, but also their responsabilities and missions, explaining also the fact that INquisition members, which Sunset Shimmer has been given that status, can call for the help of normal citizens, army and even Astartes Chapters, not that it is something that it is used very often since it only gets used in situations were the planet is getting a complete invasion, chaos forces ar einvolved or in this case, a whole freaking ship gets lost in another universe.


I'm mildly surprised Sunset's been able to keep everyone from going rabid and murdering the filthy xenos. Of course, if they knew SHE was one...

And Sunny's chaste while surrounded by so many lovelies?! Say it ain't so!

Also, poor Felicia.

That final line made me laugh

The constant pressure of the troops in the ship thinking about attacking the planet is making the headache of Sunset now a permanent resident. Also, unlike most troops in the imperium, they are basically immune to the callings of Chaos, I just played a little bit with the idea. Yes, poor felicia, although this won't be the last time she ends up being the chew toy of fate.

I just had to put that one there.


Damn. Poor Sunny really had a rough time in this universe. At least she's home...?

“No, it’s a xeno planet.” And only sound she could hear were a sound of thousands of lasguns powering up.
And by the way when you said that all officers have disappeared did you mean all from lieutenant upwards or everyone from corporal upwards? It doesn't matter because astra militarums command is like this anyway

This is an intresting idea. Wouldn't have expected it to involve Sunset of all ponies. The reveal though of her true heritage is likely going to be awkward in the extreme though.

Unless your squad has some kind of cool name and an interesting planet, you ar emostly cannon fodder, and sometimes that's not even enough of plot armor to withstand the power of grimdark. Also, I love those sketches, they are so freaking funny!

Unless she is capable of saying that information in the correct way, things will go beyond awkward.

It seems to me like Sunset is to fast to judge the troops under her command. The soldiers of Krieg hold self-sacrifice in high regards but they will not run headlong into enemy fire. They are experts of sieges and will hold a line no matter the cost (does not make them suicidal in my book).

Same with the Catachan, they may look like big brutes but they are experts ambushers and there are no better jungle fighters.

Just think she should know better - book - cover you know.

Said thing is I seen people use those tactics with blue berries.:facehoof:

that's not even the worst part wait till you see imperial navys pilots training video

There is a one way she could destroy Sombra and give back to Celestia by lance striking crystal empire till there is nothing left. That way enemy is greatly reduced and would give a middle finger to Celestia. And if they ask why did she do that she could just say that "meh it was not one of imperiums cities sou why would she care?

We will have war true and total war!

Some nitpicks (changes in green). There were a lot of awkward run-on sentences and incorrect tenses.

Sunset was sad that the man had brutally committed suicide by stabbing himself in the back 40 times and then cut off his own head. What a tragedy.

Planet Equus may be a paradise world, a peaceful place that knew nothing about true war and terror, where the creatures living in it knew nothing about struggle beyond indecision about what to eat that morning.

Well, seems like those days were finally over since this was not a social visit and instead, everyone reunited here was ready to talk about something much more fun and something that Sunset was more than used to - the complete elimination of the enemy.

Well, those days were over. This was not a social visit. Everyone was here to talk about something much more fun, and which Sunset was far more used to: the complete elimination of the enemy.

Well, probably not, but she has seen that happening and for what she have heard, it really reduced expenses and increased the tithe to the Emperor as if by magic.

Well, probably not, but she had seen it happen before, and it reduced expenses and increased tithes as if by magic.

The ponies that they have been time ago didn’t exist. They was gone, their souls consumed by the shadows and the whispers that crawled through their minds and flesh.

The ponies they had been were gone, their souls consumed by shadows and whispers.

slaving Diamond Dogs

Diamond Dog slavers,

She is right. Sombra will not be stop with just the re-conquest of the Crystal Kingdom.” Sunset had everyone’s attention around the room and she had something to say about the matter. “And with the kind of power he is using right now, I can tell you he will not stop with just that piece of ice that he controls now. The chaos that permeates that area now will begin to spread, and with it, his forces will grow, ready to make a full out assault on the rest of the planet, until every single living being is either consumed, or worst, used as playthings for those that held the power of chaos.”

"She is right. Sombra will not stop at the Crystal Kingdom," Sunset broke her silence and drew everyone's attention. "He is using chaos, and it will spread until every single living thing on this planet is consumed and their souls are playthings for entities of the Warp."

Equestria was not a land that was new to the forces of darkness, but those were isolated situations.

Equestria had fought the forces of darkness before, but those had been isolated situations.

She will not be used as a pawn by someone she owned no loyalty anymore, she was a Daughter of the Emperor, she was his light and his hammer, not a tool for filthy xenos that could be trampled by chaos and raped for all eternity by Slaanesh if they failed at stopping Sombra, which they will do considering the kind of trouble chaos was on a daily basis back home. She may not know why the fuck chaos have made appearance on this world, but Sunset was not going to send the little troops she had under her new command into the grinder just to save a bunch of xenos and she was about to say that to Celestia with a very well places bullet from the bolter at her back, but there was something that stopped her hand. Sunset’s eyes met those of Cadence, a pony that knew her well.

They have never been friends, not because the pink princess hasn’t tried it, but it was Sunset’s fault that at the time she hasn’t tried to connect with her. Sunset sometimes thought about the young alicorn, at moments when Sunset could give herself that luxury and her image was always followed by guilt and shame. If only, she said to herself those times, if only she had understood that it wasn’t Cadence the one at fault, she never tried to become a princess, she just was and while it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t her fault still.

She will not be a pawn to someone she owed no loyalty to anymore. She was a Daughter of the Emperor, His light and His Hammer, not a tool for filthy xenos who had no idea what Chaos was capable of. Chaos would trample their forces, and Slaanesh would rape their souls for all eternity. She would not send her new command into the grinder for them.

She was about to say just that to Celestia – and probably put a bolter round in her – when her eyes met Cadence’s. They had never been friends, though not for lack of trying by the pink princess. Sunset had blamed Cadence for being an alicorn, and she felt guilt and shame now for it. Cadence had not been at fault, Sunset had.

I hope sunset tells off twilight for being so dumb in how she handles things and never questioning Celestia

Nice as a it and am player I'd like to suggest a tank to make priority. Given demons are all "soft" targets and often have some flyers I recommend hydra tanks not only do quad linked auto guns shred light armor and enemy air. But the shear shock on someone when you turn that posse on cavalry and infantry. Also they use either a rino or chimera tanks bull so they are a adaptable frame.

I agree thous hydras will tear them apart but they are only demons sou their mostly prefer close combat, sou what l would do with astra militarum would be to get as many self propelled guns like basilisk, manticores, wyverns and just keep pounding them to dust and move if they get too close with good mobility. And send small strike teams to enemies flanks with hellhounds and chimeras to harass enemies movement and spread them where they are easy prey for concetrated attacks. But that just what l would do.


Emperorspeed, Zephyr. May you die in the opening volley. Er, I mean...may you die in the opening volley.

tactical genius


Main problem for Sunset will be the supply line, fuel, food and ammunition. Plus she has a finite number of people, so it does not matter how many tanks she gets build if there is no one to man them and use them properly. On that note what tanks/weapons can her people use. The Imperial Army Regiments have different standart weapons (and not all Regiments use the same weapons) than the Adeptus Sororitas (mostly weapons that burn the heretics).

Sorry if I come off like a smart ass, but the Lunar Wolves changed their name to Sons of Horus after fighting against the Interrex, before they went back to Davin (where Horus got wounded and fell to chaos). Only shortly on Istvann III did the loyal Astartes of the XVI. Legion use the name Lunar Wolves again (they even used their old colors) but the name died with them. And presently they are known as the Black Legion in the Imperium, so Sunset using their first pre-heresy name does not make sense. Again sorry for being a smart ass.

you are right on supply lines bringing down ammo and prometheum will be slow to bring down to a surface that is why she needs secure landing zones. But it is lunar class ship sou it should have enough supplies for long campaings and she did have 2 regiments with them already switch are infantry regiments, sou they should at least have sentinels, chimeras, and hellhounds. From sister of battle side they could have exorcist or thous awesome penitent engines. And from imperial navy, valkyries of course and maybe thunderbolts or avengers.
And what comes to building fully functional factory on the planet itself will take months if not years it depends on how many tech priest there is. Maybe it is creative liberty sou l don't care that much.

We shall see, what's in store for our heroin and her companions.

Btw the Sororitas are so high on using flamers. Why don't they use the Bhaal Predator (synced Stormcanons in the turret and heavy flamers in the sides)? Okay the Blood Angels could have the monopoly on those.

The point about Rhinos is that they can be converted for basically any situation.
The problem iwth mechanized tactics in an assault and siege situation is that you need to bring the enemy to you or attack with cannons and artillery and those take either enough numbers to overrun the enemy or enough time. Sadly for our troops, they don't have either of those and their supply has a limit with no real way of getting more than those they can make. And it takes time to make more fuel.
That was mostly my desire, to turn Sunset in the heir of tactical genius and scout surprises. Also, Zephys will have to grow some balls because we know how war in the 40k scale goes.
And Yurtus hit the nail perfectly since we are not talking of the might of the Imperium power, but merely a ragtag bunch of mishmashed of different groups. Ammo had to be focused into only one group, in this case standard ammo for autogun, thankfully lasgun ammo is basically infinite if you have a source of power to charge them, enter thaum and arcane abilities of unicorns and right now Sunset doesn't have the supplies to reject their help in that aspect.
Fuel is a huge thing to be worried; as of now they don't have enough fuel to make usage of vehicles found inside the Luna-class ship, which we can imagine it has a lot of different stuffs in the cargo hold; the rhinos and the land cwalers are not th eonly mechanized units they have, but they need fuel, ammo and most importantly, repair crews to make a full mechanized assault a viable option of attack.
Food is not so much a problem since it is well known that guards have some rations, although not delicacies on themselves, those rations can be stretched and Equestria is not known for having problems with feeding people.

While most guardsmen and other people in the Imperium may not have any idea what happened in the days of the horus Heresy so they may not even know about the lost legions or what they acalled beyond knowing they are traitors. Adepta Sororitas and the Inquisition in the otehr hand, need to know much more, specially groups that search for any kind of taint. We don't exactly know how an Schola teaches their students or what they teach them; it is not a stretch to think that Sororitas that deal directly with the search of heresy need to know very well what to look for, so knowing the pre-betrayal name of those legions acna help find sings of heresy much faster.


That was mostly my desire, to turn Sunset in the heir of tactical genius and scout surprises. Also, Zephys will have to grow some balls because we know how war in the 40k scale goes.

i won't consider her anywhere near Creed's peer until she can pull Baneblades out of thin air. And even then, I'd be skeptical.

Okay good point, so far only Ibram Gaunt and Caiaphas Cain talked about their time in the Schola. And only Cain worked as a teacher in one and he tried to show his students to use their heads (and how to stay alive [by running away]).

Question is Felicia ending up to be like Juergen? A trusty aid always handy with a Meltergun, just with better hygene.

You have train cars right? I remembered a old model from when I was playing not sure it's around any more but found a picture.
The towed employment carriages for Earthshakers and hydra flack guns. Not as mobile as hydra tanks or basilic support vehicles. But you could double the fire power by having a regular tank hall them or just set them up on the rail cars.

Also I seen the new trucks the imperium has now mortar teams in the beds would be good idea or the lighter eliuyme drop buggie six wheelers with lass weapons or flamers. You could also mount hydras on a truck I'd think.

I like the way you think. I'll see what I can do in the story with that.

If you need the pictures pm and I will help you out

Hey if Discord is in the fic how about sunset instead of blasting him ask him what he knows about the other chaos gods. Also he and the other chaos gods stay away from each other because their powers cancel each other’s out

well i personally have nothing against a imperial guard character, it is not like there is not worlds with similarities with England, look at praetorian guard for example. And what comes her cunning plan, i hope it is as cunning as a fox ho has been pointed as professor of cunning at Schola Progenium.

I waiting for Lt. Col. Kilgore to show up now. You know a refinance us Merican's would get. Lol

like ch., like how all reacted, feeled and said, pacing is pretty good.
wonder what happen to the changelings that tried to infiltrat the base, most likely burn or bullet.
would like to know the reactions and thoughts to the changelings and their actions.

Yes, please keep Blackadder!

If Baldrick and Boulder have a conversations would Maude interpret or be frustrated?


Ooh, Blackadder! Loved that guy. Keep him!

So, how'd they escape the trenches?

Dunno if this story is still going or not, but I'm gonna ask anyway.
Is (or rather; was) there plans to flashback to Sunset and Celestia meeting again? There's very little backstory to that kinda stuff.

Sunset did more than just throw a book at you, Celestia. She declared that she was your equal if not your superior, and demanded that you make her an alicorn.

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