• Member Since 31st Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Mystic Mind

The greatest storyteller of our time, or just another smuck pony fan on the internet? YOU decide! (Also I do episode analysis sometimes.)


From the depths of hell in silence,
Cast their spells, explosive violence,
Russian night time flight perfected,
Flawless mission, undetected,

After a long standing exclusionary policy was overturned by Princess Luna, a trio of Night Guards are finally admitted as recruits to the Wonderbolts. However, authoritarian leaders and hateful squad members soon prove to be the least of the sisters' worries.

Stranded alone in the badlands with minimal supplies, the newest admissions to the 588th Wonderbolts regiment must fight against impossible odds to destroy a Changeling hive from within, while also somehow rescuing their fallen comrades.

Inspired by the Sabaton song "Night Witches", and the real life Russian 588th Air Force regiment from WWII that the song is based on.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 11 )

Inspired by the Sabaton song "Night Witches",

Can I please get a link to that song?

Pretty good so far. Keep it up. Btw huge Sabaton fan here so you got a permanent reader.

*raises eyebrow* Well now, glad to see somebody has such good taste in music. I just bought the Last Stand album, myself. It was, of course, not a dissappointment. (I doubt Sabaton could ever be a dissappointment) I will take a look at this.

Yeah, same reason I'm here. I, myself got Last Stand like 2 weeks before it's release and had to wait before I could download it.

Took me a while to find the time to sit down and read. Not bad so far. The initial Night Witches were all between the ages of 15-25 (roughly). Their first bombing foray was a failure so they adjusted their tactics. They flew up high and glided down on the enemy, delivered their payload, and cut their engines back on and were gone before the Lufwafa could respond. They HAD to use such tactics, because the top speed of their planes was slower than the stall-out speed of the Vesherschmidt (I'm sure I butchered that spelling) fighter planes the Germans had.


This is my favorite vid of the song, show War Thunder gameplay.

Great story so far, keep it up im a huge thestral pony fan.

I hope that asshole Fire Storm gets whats coming to him....
And as for that racial bullshit the other spewed on about the three sisters, I hope That will come back to bit them in the ass 😠😡

Messerschmitt. I assume you've never seen the word written down?

Also, did you butcher "Luftwaffe" on purpose?

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