• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 4,954 Views, 109 Comments

Anthology - Timeless Lord Slayer

A young man one day comes to possess a strange pencil. Little does he know it bears certain...properties.

  • ...

Line 6 - "And From The Night She Shall Come..." (Edited)

Anger fills the air of the once gentle night.

Sorrow is briefly flashed on the moon's surface, as if it were a face capable of expression.

A dark cloud swirls overhead in the dimly lit sky.

Stars shine and twinkle in tune to an old lullaby, sung with mocking hatred.

Six mares stand before an ebony pillar of pain and anguish.

A man and a woman step up and stand with them.

The fight for light of day ensues.

3 years now had passed. The once young Twilight was young no more. Indeed, she was now a fully-fledged 20 year old mare, capable of setting out on her own. Spike, however, was only 13 years of age as of now. Furthermore, the situation with Abrina had only become stranger and stranger as well, which was a somewhat recurring worry of Qudirk's.

Abrina had grown used to living with Qudirk, yes, that much was true, though there was still much that she was not used to. For one, seeing him sleep in just his boxers. For another, seeing him train. Still, after he had given her her own room using his special brand of magic, she was much more comfortable. The two of them had actually grown quite close, and were now very good friends.

Strangely enough though, Qudirk had found that he had not received as many visits from Celestia in all that time, her instead inviting him over. He wasn't particularly bothered by it, but it did worry him that something might be amiss.

Still, he kept such thoughts to himself for the most part, and instead continued to tinker - or rather scribble on - with his experiments. Recently, just a scarce few months ago, he had used a chunk of his mana just to see if he could create some form of life, and to his surprise, it worked. He had created a golem, small though it was. It was made of simple hewn stone bricks, with a light blue, glowing gem as it's core.

Abrina had been the one to name the golem, calling it "Charles" and then giving it a small top hat out of nowhere. Qudirk had laughed heartily and decided to give it a little of a personality in return, and thus it was now a very tiny butler of stone. Nowadays, the golem was given menial tasks, like cleaning up the tower and more. But that was not the extent of Qudirk's experiments.

For he had not been experimenting with just his magical pencil, but with an enchantment center that he had made 10 years prior and placed in the secondary tower, as well as a forge that lay below the trapdoor in the tower lobby. The man had told Abrina - once she had explored the tower more and found these rooms - that, "I want to be able to do things without my pencil, in case something happens," and he left it at that.

Today, however, Qudirk had been in the castle, leaving Abrina back at the tower. He had not told her any reasons for why he had left, for he left before she had woken up, leaving only a vague note that said...


I'm going to the castle for a bit. I'll be back soon, likely later in the afternoon. Be ready for my return.


Abrina thus had decided to wait for him while doing some basic martial arts exercises. She had always been a fan of martial arts ever since she first saw Dragon Ball Z. It had become a hobby of hers, and according to her, she was a black belt in Taekwondo as well as Aikido.

She was currently practicing some punches and kicks in the garden near the statues, a light sheen of sweat lining her forehead.

"360... 361..." she counted as she punched the air with a constant and controlled rhythm and form. "361 and a half..." she continued as she lashed out with a high kick, before going back to punching. "362...! 363...!" This rhythm continued for a solid twenty minutes, where she had made it to 428, before she saw Qudirk coming up the path and stopped, grabbing a towel from the bench near her and wiping her face off before smiling and walking towards him. "Hey, Q! So what's-?" she started, before stopping as she saw his serious look. "Whoa, what's with the face?"

"Remember what I told you of this world? The show it's based on?" he started, stopped in front of her. She slowly nodded.

"Yeah, why?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Well, I discovered that tonight is the night that Luna returns," Qudirk explained, walking past her towards the front door. "Come, it's time I gave you a little present." Abrina followed after him as he opened the door and walked inside.

"A present? Why? And why is Luna returning such a big deal?" she rattled off, growing more confused.

"Well," he began, making his way to the iron trapdoor and opening it. "For one, it's the time when Celestia goes missing for a solid few hours, banished to some other plane," he said, climbing down the ladder, Abrina soon following after him as she listened. "For two, it also means that young Twilight will be moving out on her own, and facing down the corrupted version of Luna." He walked past the numerous stands of armor, display cases full of weapons and talismans, and weapon racks, stopping in front of a single case that held a strange, sabre like blade in a well decorated sheath made of black finished wood and gold. "Thus, we're going to follow her and make sure that nothing too bad happens to her or her new friends." He opened the case's lid and took the blade, handing it to her. "Here."

She took it gently, marveling at the simple yet beautiful design of the sheath, before unsheathing the blade within, revealing it to be a Chinese war sword made of dark purple metal. The blade, strangely enough, was bearing a fuller that was decorated with black, thorn-like designs. The hilt was pure gold, and shined in the dim light of the basement. "Whoa... This is..." She ran a finger across it's length, eyes wide in awe. "It's beautiful..."

"The blade is called Dimlight. It'll produce a small orb of light if you channel your ki into it, and if you say it's name it will erupt in gold and black flames," Qudirk explained. The Majin's eyes sparkled at this.

"I love it!" she chirped, before gaining a puzzled look and looking up at him. "But, um, why are you giving this to me?"

"Because we might encounter some things while we observe and watch over Twilight," Qudirk explained, before walking to another display case and opening it, pulling out a necklace with an emerald gem in the shape of a wing and placing it around his neck. He then walked back to the ladder leading up, and motioned for her to follow. "Come, we haven't any time to lose." She slowly nodded and sheathed her new blade, putting it through her golden sash and tightening the sash so it wouldn't fall out, then following after him.

They made it up and went back outside, where Qudirk went to the garden and stepped up to the sword pedestal and easily withdrew the large baselard blade of silver and green damascus-like metal. It let out a short song, so faint Abrina could barely make it out, but before she could comment on it he sheathed it in his baldric, canceling the song and looking to her. "Try to keep up, alright?" He looked skyward. "Fly." He then rocketed up into the sky, leaving Abrina behind.

"H-Hey, wait up!" she called after him, before using her ki to shoot up as well. She was glad that she had learned the basics of ki, as if she hadn't she wouldn't have been able to have followed him, nor have so many great memories, like when she blew a hole in the tower with a ki blast. She shook her head at those thoughts, focusing on keeping up with her friend.

'I've never seen him so serious before... I hope things go okay...'

The duo were soon flying high above a small town full of small town houses with thatched roofs, watching as the carriage holding Twilight and Spike slowly alighted below into the town. Abrina looked about the town below them with her typical childlike wonder, whilst Qudirk calmly observed their surroundings and Twilight below.

"This place is so cute! I just want to grab a pony and hug 'em and squeeze 'em!" Abrina declared, hugging herself with a smile. Qudirk sighed, though he had his own small, small though it was.

"Much as I enjoy your enthusiasm, we need to stay alert and keep our minds fresh," he told her. He hummed as he looked about once more. "Mm, we're too obvious up here. Let's head down there and find someplace to hide and quietly observe things." With that, he started to descend, landing in an alleyway where Twilight was soon to pass. Abrina pouted as she landed next to him, but kept quiet all the same, albeit with crossed arms.

Soon after, Twilight and Spike came by, and Qudirk and Abrina hide behind some dumpsters to remain out of sight. A pink pony approached Twilight and Spike, Spike seemingly motioning for the purple mare to say something, but as soon as she did, the pink pony gasped loudly, then zipped off like a rocket.

"Well, that was both weird and a little rude of her," Abrina commented with a hushed tone. Qudirk simply nodded as he watched Twilight continue on. He looked to his friend and roommate.

"Come, we must follow her," he said, before expertly creeping out of the alleyway and tailing the two purple individuals, Abrina joining him as they dived in and out of alleyways and behind any cover they could find and use effectively. Soon enough they reached a large apple orchard, spanning what must have been a solid hundred acres. Thankfully it gave the secretive man and woman more cover to hide behind, and thus they went completely unnoticed by Twilight and Spike as they approached an orange, Stetson wearing Earth Pony mare. The two mares talked briefly before the Earth Pony started to shake Twilight's hoof rapidly, making Abrina chuckle along with Qudirk.

'Well, everything seems fine so far...' he managed a smile as he watched the purple mare interact with the farm pony. 'I'm glad she's finally on the way to making friends.'He shook his head as his serious demeanor returned. 'Still, I need to stay vigilant. Anything could happen now to set things off track.'

Soon enough a loud ringing came, along with a cry of, "Soup's on, everypony!" and following those two sounds was the sound of a stampede of hooves on dirt. Countless ponies zoomed over to Twilight, Spike, and the farm pony, from all over the orchard no less. Qudirk idly wondered why these ponies were in the orchard, as he only ever recalled seeing the farm pony and her mediate family in and around the farm. He shook his head as he watched the scene unfold, the farm pony introducing all her family members to Twilight while each one placed more apple-related dishes on the table.

"Jeez, that's a huge family..." Abrina muttered to herself. Qudirk simply nodded. The two waited as Twilight gave in to the many ponies around her, staying for a long while to eat the food with them. Afterwards, she was walking slowly towards the main area of town with a somewhat bloated looking belly. Qudirk smiled at this, before motioning for Abrina to follow him as they continued to follow Twilight and Spike.

Soon after they arrived at a square in the town, where Twilight was idly talking to a rainbow-maned Pegasus of light blue fur. The blue mare seemed to have crashed into Twilight and covered her in mud, and the Pegasus grabbed a cloud and rinsed her with rain from it by bouncing on it a few times. Abrina seemed shocked to see this, having not seen a Pegasus ever do such things, but she became more amazed when the prismatic Pegasus then zoomed around Twilight like a small tornado of rainbows, quickly drying Twilight off and leaving her mane and tail poofy and frazzled. The cyan mare and Spike then fell to the ground, laughing hysterically.

Eventually, it seemed Twilight issued a challenge to the Pegasus afterwards, and the blue mare then zoomed around the sky, kicking clouds to vapor in rapid succession, soon leaving a very clear sky around the town. Twilight and Spike were now staring with wide eyes and gaping mouths, while the mare simply landed on a cobblestone bridge and polished her hoof on her chest in a prideful manner.

"She's pretty fast..." Abrina noted, looking at the cyan mare intently. Qudirk nodded.

"Indeed. Rainbow Dash is a wellspring of talent, that much is certain," he replied, the two peeking from around a corner in an alleyway as Twilight and Spike eventually continued their walk. Qudirk motioned for Abrina to follow him quietly, which she did as they trailed after Twilight and Spike, who went into a large and towering wooden building that Qudirk quickly explained to Abrina was the town hall. The duo crept up onto the balcony and to one of the large windows, peering inside.

Inside, they saw a pretty marshmallow white mare with a purple coiffed mane and tail along with light purple mascara, the mare carefully arranging the decor around the room inside the hall. Twilight approached her while Spike just stared at her with an obvious love-struck look. The Unicorn mare soon turned to her, let out a short cry of alarm, and then pulled Twilight away and out of the room and hall to the streets.

"Come, let us follow them. If we lose them, there's a high chance something could happen," Qudirk said, jumping off the balcony and falling into a practiced roll. Abrina nodded.

"Got it!" she whisper-yelled as she followed his example. The two trailed after Twilight, Spike, and the Unicorn as they arrived at a building that looked to be made from a carousel. "Eugh, why the heck would ponies make such a creepy building? Don't they know what carousels are?" Abrina asked in a quiet tone as her and Qudirk watched the ponies and dragon enter from a rooftop.

"That, I do not know," Qudirk replied, before jumping off the building. "Hurry, we need to keep an eye on her." Abrina frowned, but did so.

"Remind me again why we're doing this?" she asked as she landed next to him.

"Because for all we know, some cult of Nightmare Moon could come and do harm," Qudirk explained. "We need to be careful and tread lightly. Just our appearance in this world is enough to change countless things, so we need to be wary and take precautions." He rushed over to the carousel laden building, gesturing for Abrina to come over.

"Okay... But we don't even know if anything will happen!" Abrina continued. She sighed as she walked over. "I'm sorry, Q, this just feels... Weird, to me, is all. I mean, nothing's happened yet, right?"

"True, but we must still be careful," he said, peering into one of the windows of the building. Abrina sighed.

"Alright, fine, if you say so," she conceded. The two watched as the white mare dressed Twilight up in all kinds of outfits, but in time she ran off to get something and Twilight and Spike snuck out. Spike was obviously still love-struck as he rode on Twilight's back out of the building, Abrina and Qudirk silently following after them.

They all came upon a lovely scene of a buttery-yellow Pegasus mare with a long pink mane and tail orchestrating a group of birds as they sung. Twilight soon stepped up and scared the birds away on accident, and the other mare let herself slowly fall to the ground as Twilight introduced herself, only for the other mare to shyly mumble something in return. Qudirk managed a small smile as he watched Twilight try to get the mare to respond, before she gave up and walked off, calling Spike over. However, the Pegasus mare saw Spike and finally spoke up, rushing over to him with obvious excitement, asking him all sorts of questions.

Abrina giggled lightly at this. "Well, she sure seems to like seeing new creatures."

Qudirk nodded. "Fluttershy is an animal caretaker and enthusiast, so it's only natural." The mares and the dragon soon started to walk off, and Qudirk inclined his head towards them. "Let's catch up to them." Abrina nodded, the two of them following the other group all the way to a large oak tree that looked to have been made into a home and library. After a swift chat with Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike stole away into the literal tree house. Qudirk smiled, then looked to Abrina. "Alright, we have some time until midnight, so we're going to stay around here and keep an eye on things."

"But it sounds like they're having a really fun party in there!" Abrina whined, pointing to the tree house which was now vibrating with loud music, chatting, and more.

"I'm sure you'll survive," Qudirk said as he sat down against a brick wall in the alleyway, inclining his head a bit and closing his eyes.

Abrina pouted and crossed her arms with puffed out cheeks. "Mmmm, fine! Meanie!" she said, turning away from him with a "Hmph!" Qudirk let out a low chuckle, before opening his eyes and looking to the tree house.

'The time will soon be upon us...' He thought to himself, steeling his gaze and narrowing his eyes. '...Let us hope all goes well...'

A few hours later, four stars were growing ever closer to the moon, and the party was starting to die down. The night was gaining more and more life by the minute as more ponies filled the streets, trotting towards the town hall. Soon enough, Twilight, Spike, and many more filed out of the tree house and towards the town hall. Qudirk looked to Abrina and nudged her awake with an elbow.

"H-Huh? Wha?" she looked about swiftly, before her eyes reached Qudirk's. "Oh, is it time yet?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Qudirk nodded.

"Correct," he said, standing up. "Come, the night is just beginning." He said, offering her a hand up. She yawned a bit, before taking his hand and letting him pull her up. Soon after, the duo snuck and crept their way to the town hall, and made their way up the balcony and peered inside one of the windows.

They watched as the Summer Sun Celebration began to get underway, seeing ponies cheering and stomping their hooves in approval as a mare with a silver mane and tail and tan coat gestured to a balcony inside the hall, whose curtains slid away to reveal an empty balcony. A number of cries and gasps of shock and surprise sounded out, before Qudirk looked to the moon to see the face of it no longer bearing the signature Mare in the Moon. He then looked back to the inside to see a dark blue, twinkling mist swirl around the balcony, deep and evil yet smooth laughter following it as a dark shape soon took form.

Blue armor covered her form, a large pair of ebony wings coupled with a pointy and long horn adorning her sides and head, and with her fangs, slitted cyan eyes and flowing, blue star-like mane and tail, it was obvious to all who this new alicorn mare was.

"Is that...?" Abrina began, looking to Qudirk.

He nodded, looking at the mare intently with a serious expression. "Yes, that...is Nightmare Moon."

Author's Note:

EDIT: Well, took me longer than I wanted to edit this, but it's done. All grammar mistakes that I could find have been fixed, and with any luck, the whole chapter flows better.

Well, this took me a little while longer than I wanted it to, but hopefully you all enjoyed it. I'll be editing this chapter later this afternoon, but for now, enjoy, my dear readers.

Thank you all for reading and supporting me, it's greatly appreciated.

-Timeless Celestial