• Member Since 18th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 15th

Blade Star

A fan of MLP since March 2013 and a die hard fan of Princess Luna.


This story is a sequel to My Family and Other Equestrians

Bones has been living with Applejack on Sweet Apple Acres for a few years now. His family have each found their own path and they have all settled down into their new lives in Equestria. Of course, while that may mean a pleasant, quiet life most of the time, with magically controlled weather, a steady job farming, and plenty of opportunity to expand his own knowledge of magic, it isn't without its pitfalls. Follow Bones through life's ups and downs, learning new magic spells, meeting new friends, and occasionally getting quite close to cropping up in the show, as he discovers magic of all kinds on Sweet Apple Acres.

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 213 )

I admit, I was worried about the direction this story was going. Was.

While I'd want contingencies for Chrysalis, FOXDIE is just a disaster waiting to happen, a contagious spell... Given the fact magic is well magic, you may as well have transferred some biological agent.

Yeah it's all but bio warfare, and anything biological evolves... and whose to say how this will.

"[T]he history of evolution is that life escapes all barriers. Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way."

Ian Malcolm Jurassic Park (Novel)

9088167 If I remember my Metal Gear Solid correctly, the original FOXDIE virus began to mutate by the events of MGS4, potentially losing it's targeting ability and just turning into a pandemic. And that's assuming nopony or no creature is able to identify and modify it, turning it against ponies. :rainbowderp:

Ah, the ol' White Whale scene...

9089770 I was hoping somepony would spot that reference. Brilliant scene. Changelings are definitely the Borg to Bones.

When’s the next set of chapters?

9095325 I'm planning to update the story each Friday at 8 pm GMT. I've already got 11 chapters written up and edited. :yay:

Okay. Thanks for letting me know!

9116947 The name is taken from Star Trek, yes. Actually though, Sawbones could be applied to any surgeon. As it says in the prologue, he got the nickname after inadvertently quoting the character.

a vary interesting story.
after the last chapter i am now wondering just how fare Bones will push his magic over time.

9121597 As I said in the A/N, he isn't Starlight. He's more of a Sunburst type character; plenty of knowledge, not so good at application. Although having said that, I'd say he's a bit above your average unicorn.

wow this chapter scrims slice of life.
a grate chapter with so much learned and a strong friendship formed.

This is how you make an old man cry. Good job!

9144862 Thanks. This story, for whatever reason, seems to be a bit shy on the comments front, so it's nice to get some feedback. :twilightsmile:

old man never believe that friend.
after all you still play with Lego's.

wow a grate chapter with loads of feels.

a totally awesome chapter, one part reminded me of a story on hear that is likewise vary good and sad all at the same time.
it is about the music box in this story. twilight spun

i am hopping people will enjoy this story as much as i have.

This story always makes me want to research the episodes, or in the case of this season watch the episodes (this was the first season I skipped a lot of eps).
And let me guess... next chapter will feature an appearance of the great Captain Harkness.

9166667 Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. :yay:

*applauds* Oh, my, it's Captain Jack! This is going to get even more interesting than it has been!

Wonderful work, Blade Star!

Celestia can't kill Jack Harness: He's downright unkillable!

9171103 He won't be cropping up again for a while, but I figured the Doctor could do with an old friend. I'm reminded of something I saw in YouTube comments;

'If you're a guy and you like guys, you're gay. If you're a guy and you like Jack, you're human.' :rainbowlaugh:

Torchwood a grate show,
i should look around to see if i can find it some wear to stream.

and we now have Captain Jack in this grate story, wounder how long he will stick around.

9175646 I managed to find it on Dailymotion. Since it didn't do so well, the BBC don't seem as concerned about it being in the wild.

it seams the good shows always get canceled or removed.
Netflix has removed 3 seasons of MLP and it is looking like they are not going to pick up season 8.

9176412 US Netflix seems to have all 7 seasons back up with no expiration date according to EQD. UK has 5 seasons too, and apparently Season 8 has been added to Netflix in Australasia. As for Torchwood, it suffered a fate worse than cancellation after a rocky Season 3. It got picked up by the US and retooled to work over there. The mini series quickly crashed and burned.

interesting about pony i see that yes all 7 seasons are back they must have payed the bill to get it all back.:pinkiehappy:
if season 8 is in Australia i best do some checking to see if i can find a date for hear in the us.

Torchwood, it suffered a fate worse than cancellation after a rocky Season 3. It got picked up by the US

yep us yanks can mess up any thing by just touching it. :scootangel:

well a bit of news wither it is fake or not it is hard to tell but.

i think when Netflix pulled mlp part way leaving season 1 / 4 hear in the us they got hit with a crap ton of complaints.

i know i was one of them.

welp...hide your waifus and husbandos.
we doomed
and boned

I just hope how he reacts to Neighsayer, a blatantly bigot as the head of the educational system

i almost want to see a side chapter of the first time Dinky shows this to Time Turner.

a vary touching chapter and i remember the few times the DR has talked about Gallifrey.

He was quite literally reading the riot act. Back home, this was the moment things kicked off and somebody would punch the copper reading it. In Equestria though, there is a bit more respect for law and order. And let’s face it, the ponies in front of us were seriously outmatched. We may occasionally mock the Royal Guard, but when it isn’t subjected to the Worf Effect, they can be quite the formidable force.

If I may ask, just what is the Worf Effect?

hmm, you've been building up some stuff for a while now.
shall shit hit the fan?

9199278 The Worf Effect refers to the character of Lt. Worf in Star Trek: The Next Generation. As a Klingon warrior, we are told that he is the toughest guy around. But all too often, he gets ass kicked by the villain of the week, seemingly suggesting otherwise. The point of that is showing how dangerous the villain is by defeating the strongest character in the main cast. The same thing often happens to the princesses and the Royal Guard for the same reason. Here's a link to the relevant TV tropes page, proceed at your own risk. :trollestia:


9200286 There is some stuff coming up in a fortnight's time. For the most part though, this will stay a slice of life story with single chapter adventures.

Thanks, Blade Star. I have been a Trekkie since the NBC days, yet that's the first time I have heard that term used.
Usually, the term I encounter is "Stormtrooper Marksmanship School"
Great tale so far, you got me hooked!

why am i getting a feeling that Strong Shield will not be in the story much longer?
love the chapter a nice spin on this show.

The next morning, which was a Tuesday, saw me heading off the farm to pay call on my family members. I made for my parents’ house first. I could go chat with them, see if they liked the idea, and then head on out to visit Lizzie at Fluttershy’s after lunch. I was optimistic about them all agreeing. After all, there seemed to be something for everyone. Destinations aside, there was plenty to do on these airships. They really had maintained the elegance of travel that had burned up along with the Hindenburg’s hull back on Earth.

Heading into town, I passed the schoolhouse, which was of course locked up for the weekend. My parents’ house isn’t far beyond, a stroke of luck as far as Mum is concerned. Dad meanwhile has to cross town to get to the railway station. Walking up to the large, Swiss style house, I opened the front gate with my magic and trotted up to the front door.

Tuesday? Weekend? Bit of an error there, I think.
Otherwise, most excellent chapter, as usual.

I wonder who that sompony is? caterpillar eyebrows?

With two out of three of my family members signed up to our holiday, I was getting quite excited. I suppose that explains why what particular day of the week it was completely slipped my mind. If I’d stopped to think I’d no doubt have turned around and gone straight home, visiting Lizzie tomorrow. For today was Tuesday, and that meant that Fluttershy had company of the chaotic kind.

Tuesday? Missed that one, seeing as it's Saturday...

Pardon for the fussiness.

hum interesting do i see a stormy ride heading this way.

9214556 That moment when you realise you didn't clock save. :facehoof: Now it is definitely Tuesday. :pinkiecrazy:

noice. though i kinda wanna see AJ get jealous. maybe by using Ms. Bushy Eyebrow Bookhorse pony?

Believe it or not, this was my first time going to the Crystal Empire. A brony in Equestria for more than a few years, and I don’t go to one of the first big new locales introduced in the series. Well, farm work had a habit of getting in the way. And I liked Ponyville. Even back home, as I’ve said before, I didn’t travel around too much. My Dad’s been up there once or twice in his role as the legal advisor to the princesses. Lizzie too has visited there on holiday her her coltfriend, Dewdrop.

Her her, hmm hmm?

I got him square on the jaw with a good right hook. Caught unprepared, he went sprawling on the ground.

Now playing, Desmond Dekker?

Excellent chapter, as usual, Blade Star. Thank you.

What guard performance? The acting captain practically gave everyone the day off. Then again the way the writers Worf'd them from the get-go and kept it as a running gag has long since run its course. Now they're just beating a dead horse.

yep this chapter sure had a good twist.
i am really liking the POV of this story.

lol get fucked m8, divine punishment for make making best pony be a sidekick
this chapter was fun doe

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