• Member Since 5th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago



Tempest thought the best way to survive was all alone, but an inky little dancing demon shows her that she knew nothing of being betrayed.

Bendy and the Ink Machine belongs to themeatly

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 9 )

If anyone wants to do a reading. they can!

You misspelled "betrayal" in the title.

At the risk of seeming like a grammar nazi... (I'm not, promise!) I would suggest finding a proofreader after reading the description.

Some things I saw when going over it.

True Betrayl

Missing an 'a' in Betrayal

Tempest though she knew the best way to survive was all alone. But a inky little dancing demon shows her that she knew nothing of being traitored.

Bendy and the ink machine belongs to the meatly

-"though" should be "thought"
-"she knew" should be removed or edited. I forget the word for it but it effectively breaks the sentence. (Tempest thought the best way to survive was all alone.)
-"a" should be "an"
-"traitored" should be "betrayed"
-"ink" should be capitalized as it's a title.
-"machine" should be capitalized as it's a title.
-"meatly" should be "theMeatly"

Chapter 1 Inky beginings

-"beginings" should be "beginnings" or "Beginnings"

It might be worth a shot to hunt for a proofreader or editor in Looking for Editors.

Running some spell checks:

Where, not whare

Heard, not heared

Remembered, not rembered

Stomach, not stomic

Staring, not stareing

Reddish, not redish

Mohawk, not mowhawk

avail, evail.

Commander, comander

Interesting, intresting

Guards, gaurds

Causing, causeing

...i realy hope somebody does a reading of this. i worked real hard on it. if the lostnarritor did a reading of this it would make my day.

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