• Published 31st Jul 2018
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Papers, Ponies, and Attitude - Yellowtail

At the Equestrian Border Checkpoint, we have our “hero”, Anon, who suffers through the day to day life of stamping papers. He's an ass.

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Chapter 24: Fuck Wars

“There are reports of- of-" The pony cuts himself off as he looks away from the camera to try and calm down. After a minute or two, he looks back up. “Reports coming in are saying it’s a message from our enemies, specifically the Minotaurs...” I simply lay on the couch in stunned silence as I read what the television’s screen shows. ‘Celestia attacked.’ Nothing more, nothing less. I feel genuine panic go through my body. Someone attacked her. Granted, I didn’t really like her that much, but even so, she’s kind of important to the ponies of Equestria. Not only that, but she’s one of the only things keeping the fuckton of explosions we call a sun in the air. Granted, Luna could handle it, but if Celestia was attacked, she could be next. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I mean, I never thought anyone would actually try to hurt her, let alone kill her. My arms are limp, either hanging off the couch or simply laying on my body. I sit in utter silence, ignoring the newspony’s commentary. I’m thinking of what this event could really mean. Someone’s out for blood, and they don’t care whose it belonged to. The bombing was from a Minotaur, according to the pony. He was probably supposed to be an ambassador. Countries have to have a way to negotiate, even if there isn’t a chance of it actually happening.

I continue to sit in silence as I process this information. The Minotaurs surely wouldn’t send out a bomber for a terrorist attack. It’s cowardly in their eyes, something that’s always frowned upon. I continue to stare at the TV screen, never taking my eyes off. What could this mean for Equestria?...


The cloaked pony has a menacing smirk as she reads the news next to the hypnotized Minotaur King. "Excellent, this is just what I-" Her maniacal monologue is interrupted by the throne room's doors busting open. The pony frowns as she looks up to see a group of armed civilian Minotaurs.

"This is the end my King! You have taken it too far!" One Minotaur yells angrily. The Minotaur guards start to disperse the crowd with their weapons, but the pony stops them by clearing her throat. The pony sighs and gestures for the King to speak.
"I did not send them," he simply says in an almost monotone voice. It's not a lie. After all, the pony was the one who did it.

"Why should we believe you?!" One other Minotaur asks.

"Because," the cloaked pony starts, drawing everyone's attention. "This will prompt Equestria to start being more aggressive. It would hinder our abilities to win this war." That was a lie. The pony hopes such an event will happen. Now, she doesn't care about winning this war anymore. "However, we could take the now upcoming chance," the pony starts.

"What chance?" A Minotaur asks...


I sneeze again as I heat up a bowl of soup in the microwave. I'm still kind of shaken up from the news yesterday, but I need to try and take my mind away from it if I want to do something useful. First off, I need to eat. Second, I need to do some grocery shopping. Whisk doesn't know that I'm planning to do this. Third, I need to write a couple of letters. As I take out the bowl of bland-as-fuck soup, I hear a knock on the door. I groan a little as I put the bowl down on the counter and sluggishly walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. I walk up to the door and open it. I blink in surprise as I see Lucky standing there.

"Hi Anon!" She calls. I smile a little.

"Hey Lucky! Long time no see!" I say. "I almost looked over you again." My comment is rewarded with a deadpanned reaction. "What? Did the joke fall short?" Lucky sighs as I wear a wide grin.

"If we weren't friends, I would murder you," she says.

"Alright, come in," I relent, stepping aside for her. She walks in, looking around in idle curiosity.

"Wow, a little bit's changed," she murmurs. "There are actual pictures on the walls."
"Well, when you're dating someone who wants to remember the 'special' moments," I reply, shrugging. "So, what can I do you for?" Lucky sits on the couch after jumping on.

"Well, I was in town, and I heard that someone was sick," she says. "So, being the good friend I am, I wanted to pay a visit."

"Uh huh," I say, unconvinced.

"Fine..." Lucky looks at the ground for a second, apparently thinking about something. "...I kind of wanted some advice while I was here," she says. "It's something of a... Romantic topic."

"Sorry Lucky, I don't do love," I say.

"W-well, it's not what you think," Lucky defends. "You see, I uh... Don't want a relationship." This makes me raise an eyebrow before sneezing.

"What? You don't like the guy?" I ask. Lucky sighs.

"It's not that, it's just..." Lucky frowns deeper. "Well, you remember Shoeside?"

"Oh. Is he flirting again?" I ask. Lucky blinks.

"Again?" She repeats.

"Yeah. Again. You do realize he's been trying to win your affection for like-" I stop to think back. "... Ever since I remember him."

"O-oh no, has he really?" Lucky asks with a hint of fear.

"Yep," I say. "I mean, shit, he even flirted when you were dating that fuckboi."

"Don't call my-" Lucky stops and sighs in exhaustion. "You know what, nevermind."

"Though, I don't think he's as noticeable as he thinks he is," I say. "His idea of flirting is more along the lines of giving you an everyday compliment more than usual." Lucky looks very uncomfortable as I talk.

"W-well, I mean, it's not that I didn't notice," she starts. I raise an eyebrow and decide to sit next to her. This is gonna be interesting. "It's just... He's more like a little brother to me."

"Oh." I scratch my chin as I think of a way to help Lucky. "So, what exactly are you getting at for him?"

"I don't want to hurt his feelings, but-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there," I say. "You're going to hurt his feelings, no matter what. That's life. However, I'm sure he'd rather hear it now instead of later."

"Are you sure?" Lucky asks.

"Look, if Whisk didn't love me, I would be devastated to hear that ten years down the road. If I figured it out before she told me, I would think she was just using me and thus it would shatter any chance of even being a friend." I stop to sigh. "I don't really know Shoeside well enough, but I know he wouldn't want that."

“So what should I say?” Lucky asks. “I can’t just break his feelings like they’re nothing!”

“Just be honest, even if it’s a long talk,” I say. “However, in case he doesn’t take the hint, put it to him as bluntly as possible. If that doesn’t work, just leave him be. He’ll keep flirting, but you don’t have to do anything in return. One way or another he’ll learn.” Lucky nods, telling me she’s following along. “But consider this, if he’s going through that much trouble at this point, maybe it’s a good idea to give him a chance.” I see Lucky’s face turn to confusion.

“But Anon-“

“It’s a suggestion, not an answer,” I say. I stretch my arms as I lean back. It earns me a few satisfying pops. “So, anything else you want to talk about?” Lucky hums as she looks away.

“Well, there is the...” She trails off as she looks lost in thought, disturbed by a scene playing in her head.

“... The attack?” I guess. Lucky snaps out of her trance and nods.


“... I’m worried too,” I admit, looking back to the TV, which is still on and playing quirky commercials. “... You know, I’ve been watching a lot of commercials,” I say, changing the topic. Lucky picks up on it.

“Oh, really? Why?” She asks, looking better.

“It reminds me of the commercials humans would have. Hell, they’re almost like parodies,” I say. “It’s like I’m almost back...”

“... Hey Anon,” Lucky starts. I hum in acknowledgement. “Do you miss your world?” This question catches me off guard. I look at Lucky with a quirked eyebrow. I look down as I try to think of what to say.

“... Not really,” I say slowly, not even sure of my own words. “It’s kind of... Complicated.”

“... I’m sorry, that wasn’t really... appropriate,” Lucky apologizes.

“No, it’s not that,” I say. “It’s just... It’s kind of difficult to say for certain.”

“... Would you go back if you could?” Lucky asks.

“No, I didn’t,” I say immediately. Lucky blinks and slowly looks at me.

“What do you mean, ‘you didn’t’?” She asks. I give a soft chuckle.

“Let’s just say that I could’ve, and I decided not to,” I say simply. Lucky looks at me incredulously.

“W-what? You could’ve- Hold on,” Lucky stumbles over her words as I smile at her reaction. “Why wouldn’t you?! Isn’t it-“

“It’s not home for me anymore,” I interrupt. “Too much time flew by me while I was here. I wouldn’t be able to catch up. Even if I did, my government would love to ask me why I didn’t pay taxes for ten years while I rot away in prison.”

“I’m sure they wouldn’t-“

“If I stole an old shitty beat-up truck, my country would send four million-dollars worth of drones,” I say. “Which is probably only able to buy just one.” Lucky looks at me with shock.

“What kind of country is that?” She asks.

“God blessed America,” I say, giving a salute to the imaginary American flag. “Just because I wouldn’t be welcome in my country anymore doesn’t mean I’m going to hate it. I still have my national pride.”

“That’s...” Lucky trails off, failing to find words to express how precious or stupid it is.

“A-fucking-men,” I say, shaking my head.

“...” Lucky simply sits on the couch, watching tv with me. I give a sneeze as I look at the time. If I know Lucky, she probably has a schedule to keep.

“Hm. It’s almost one o’clock,” I mutter. Lucky’s eyes almost bulge as she heard the time.

“Oh shit!” She yells. She quickly leaps off the couch and sprints to the door. “I’m sorry, gotta go, important meeting, bye!” With that, she’s gone. I sigh in relief. Her company’s not bad, but I kinda want to be alone today. Being sick means I don’t want to deal with people. I mean, that’s a normal attitude for me, but still. I turn my attention to a TV commercial. I finally remember about the fact that I have soup that is probably cold now. “Shit,” I mutter, getting up and quickly running to the kitchen. In a few giant steps and leaps, I’m back at the counter to find my bowl. I cautiously stick a finger in it and frown. “Dammit, it’s fucking cold...”

I sigh as I finally sit down on the couch, after doing the dishes and getting some normal clothes on. I’m still going to the grocery store today, but I’ll have to hurry, it’s almost five in the evening. The weirder folks always start showing up around six. I shudder as I remember the burger-lady incident. Not gonna lie, it’s the closest I’ve ever been to becoming vegan. I check through my pockets as I reluctantly get up. I’ll need to leave now, before it gets late. However, the moment I get up, a flash of light blinds me. “Fuck!” I yell, covering my eyes.

“Sh!” A voice says.

“Whoever said that, fuck you,” I say, pointing in a random direction.

“Anon, please,” a familiar voice weakly pleads. I finally rub my eyes enough to see that I’m in a very luxurious room. The walls are a stainless white, the floor is checkered black and white, the bed in front of me is covered in velvet-like sheets and pillows. However, none of this catches my eye as much as the severely injured looking princess in the bed. Princess Celestia, the proud ruler of a country of mostly-peace and certain prosperity, now reduced to a wreck. Her fur is matted, her mane is a pale pink, her form is smaller, bandages cover her eyes and left side of her snout, her wings are bandaged, and blood seems to have pooled in some of the bandages. My eyes widen at such a sight. “I’m a little uncomfortable with loud noises at the moment,” she continues.

“Celestia?” I ask. She coughs as she nods. I give a sneeze, which makes her flinch.

“It sounds like you’re unwell too,” she says, chuckling softly. I feel a hoof on my shoulder, which makes me give a small yell as I turn to see Luna.

“Anon, we need to talk about something,” she says in a dangerously serious voice.

“It’s about the Border,” Celestia continues. Luna nods, grimacing.

“Indeed. We will be moving out a number of military assets,” Luna says, “We got word of an attack force up north, and from what we can tell, we’ll need as much firepower we can possibly muster. However, we realized this will affect you and your Border.”

“Uh, Okay? How?” I ask with uncertainty.

“You will be vulnerable, to be put simply,” Celestia says. I spin to face her.

“Wait, wait, your idea of ‘handling’ a massive attack force is to-“

“Anon, we’re taking a lot of procedures and paying a lot of prices already,” Luna says.

“I tried to stop them,” Celestia says.

“Correction, we tried to stop them,” Luna says. I turn to Luna with confusion. “T’was not our idea, you see. The generals were furious after the bombing, and they declared Celestia unfit for military action due to the possibility of being shell-shocked. When they remembered the rumors of an attack force, they declared it necessary to start moving military personnel and assets to confront the Minotaur Country and stop it before it even begins. They will start moving in three days.”

“Um, okay, why do I need to know this?” I ask.

“We fear that this news might be too late, and the Border will be attacked,” Luna says. I look at her in confusion as I notice her uneasy glance. And then, it clicks. She’s saying that there might be an army coming to the Manehatten Border, and they’re taking away its defenses to confront said army, an army they’re not even certain of being able to meet.

“What the fuck!?” I yell. “Why would you take away the guards!?”

“W-we tried, we honestly tried-“

“There are hundreds of thousands of people living there!” I yell, making Luna flinch. “And you’re telling me they’ll be defenseless!?”

“How do you think I feel!?” Celestia yells, drawing our attention. Blood-stained tears are running down from her bandages as she grits her teeth, “How do you think I feel when I think of that? When my subjects are unknowingly decided to be ‘less important’, and my protests are completely ignored!” I simply stare at her pathetic form, letting my arms go limp. “I don’t want this, Luna doesn’t want this, and yet it still happens. Anon, I wish I could do more, but there’s only so much I can do when Ponies are afraid and unreasonable."

“...” I simply look down to the ground, feeling a pit in my stomach.

“P-please, forgive us Anon,” Luna quietly murmurs as her tears fall to the floor.

“...” I keep staring at the checkered floor, thinking. “... So, you’re telling me that Manehatten’s practically defenseless?” I ask. I get no reply. I don’t look up to see the princess’ reactions. “... Then teleport me back. I have better shit to do,” I say in a low voice. I can hear Luna take a breath to say something, but she doesn’t speak. After a moment, I receive a blinding light. I’m back in my house, in the living room. I slowly look around in silence before sneezing. I simply sigh in defeat, and sit down on the couch.

What am I going to do?...

September 25, 20XXI

I shuffle towards the Border, feeling nothing as I walk. I don’t know what I’m doing, really. I never told Whisk about the rumors, or about the state the Border will be in. I haven’t seen Spearhead or Segway for a couple days. Today’s the last day for the Royal Guards stationed here to stay. Tomorrow, they’ll be leaving. I’m over my sickness now, which feels pointless to think about at the moment. I stop as I remember to look in a pocket of my pants. I pull out a pack of cigarettes and grimace. I haven’t smoked in a while. Now’s a pretty good time. I take out a lighter from a different pocket and flick up a flame. I light the cig and start smoking before continuing my walk upon the concrete sidewalk. I'm not gonna lie, I'm beyond tired. I'm exhausted from the excessive work and weeklong sickness. I sigh out some smoke and look up at the scheduled weather. Funnily enough, it’s very cloudy today...

I arrive at the Border to see it bustling with activity. Mostly, lots of ponies transporting various items of armor or weaponry. I walk past groups of guards who all salute me as I go by. I reach the office building, and decide to check in on Clipper. I need to tell her stuff anyway. I open the door and see Clipper at her desk, working away. I quickly put out my cig and step inside. “Hey, Clipper,” I greet in a sort of monotoned voice. She looks up from her work and smiles.

“Hi sir! I see you’re feeling better!”

“Yep. Feeling...” I trail off as I think of the conversation I had with the Princesses. “... Better...” I awkwardly take a hand and rub the back of my neck. “Look, Clipper, um... Have you heard the orders?”

“Which orders?” She asks in confusion.

“... Well, the Royal Guard won’t be here after today,” I say. Clipper looks at me in surprise. “They’re all moving out to confront an army that might be heading towards us.”

“W-what?” She asks.

“Clipper,” I start, looking down. “I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t think you should come back here when there’s no one around tomorrow. Okay?” I look back up to see Clipper’s eyes. They’re scared. “Hey, it’ll be okay. Uh...” I trail off as I try to think of how to make the situation better. Of course, I fucking can’t. “... I promise you, everything will be fine, but don’t come to work until the Royal Guards-“

“Is that why the Border was closed off to civilians a few days ago?” She asks, interrupting me. I look up to see her face of realization. “They wouldn’t tell us anything, they just said the Border is-“

“Clipper, go home,” I say. Without thinking, I add, “I’ll handle it.” I realized what I said the moment I said it, and it makes me tense up. Clipper stares at me for a moment before chuckling, making me relax a little.

“For a moment, that sounded believable,” she says. I crack a smirk, nodding. “... Sir, what will you be doing?” She asks. I sigh, looking out a window.

“Fuck if I know,” I say, giving a hollow laugh. I can see the guards outside, marching to an unheard beat. I can also see the distant homes and offices of unassuming civilians in the distance. There’s very little distance between them and this Checkpoint. I feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach as I fully take in what I’m witnessing. This city is going to be defenseless. No one is actually going to be able to stop an army coming through the Checkpoint. It’s nothing more than a stone wall, which is a mere inconvenience when there’s no one to protect it. I continue to stare at the city in the distance before I hear a familiar voice.

“Anon!” Spearhead says, behind me. I jump in surprise and spin around to see Spearhead and Segway. They’re pissed.

“Anon, that stuff isn’t true, right?” Segway asks. “Manehatten isn’t just gonna sit here, right?” I only give a weary smile as a response.

“Those bastards!” Spearhead yells, scaring Clipper. “This is stupid! This is exactly what the enemy would want!”

“Yeah,” I say, nodding.

“We- we can’t just-“ Segway stumbles over his words, visibly angry. This surprises me slightly, as Segway’s never usually the angry type. But now, he’s furious. I kind of mentally chuckle at the irony, considering his history.

“Guys, look,” I start, cutting him off. “I... I can’t do anything.” Everyone deflates a little at my words. “Besides, we can still hope that there aren’t any armies coming.” Everyone tenses up, and look at me incredulously. Clipper walks up to me, with a baffled face.

“A-are... Are you bucking serious?” She asks, catching me off guard. “Sir, with all due respect, that’s the sorriest excuse for quitting I have ever heard.”

“Quitting?” I repeat with a scoff. “Please, it’d be futile if I tried to do something. I don’t have an instant personal army you know.”

“But sir-“

“What do you want me to do!?” I ask loudly, catching everyone off guard as I throw my arms up. “I’m not a soldier or a leader for fuck’s sake!” I feel tears well up in my eyes out of frustration and the blood boiling anger I had shoved to the back of my mind. I lean back against the wall as I start releasing the panic that I had bottled up, wiping the tears out of my eyes as I try to not feel so powerless. “I’m just some asshole that stamps papers, I’m not capable of helping to this magnitude...” I trail off with a murmur. The room is silent for a few uneasy minutes until Spearhead steps up.

“Anon... we’re sorry,” Spearhead says. “We shouldn’t have pushed you. We can see that you’re just as frustrated as we are.” I didn’t acknowledge him as I rub my face.

“N-No, I...” I trail off as I just stand against the wall, looking at the floor as my hands rub my face.

“... C’mon Segway, they’ll need us to start packing rations,” Spearhead says, pulling Segway away. As they walk out, Segway gives me a pitiful look before continuing to follow Spearhead. Clipper sighs.

“W-well, uh, sorry for yelling, I uh...” She sighs and looks at me with sad eyes. “I hope you’re ready for anything that happens, because no one else will be.” With that, she takes up her stuff and shuffles out. I continue standing in the front office of the building, thinking about what I should do. Finally, I sigh and decide to check out my Inspector office. I exit the building and immediately start heading towards my normal post. I don’t know why I bothered to show up today, now that I think about it. It’s not like I’ll really be letting soldiers in since all soldiers in the area have to move out. I open the door to my office and enter. I sit in my normal swivel seat and look over my desk. I hum in absentminded interest as I see the drawers and buttons and levers. However, I stop my gaze when it lands on a black and white picture of Whisk. It still has a purple feather taped on. I slightly smile and take the framed picture in my hand to get a closer look.

She looks happy. And that’s all it is, just a picture of her being happy. I can’t help but smile as well. However, I remember the rumors. The supposed army that could come up. I try to push it away, but it stays in my mind as I stare at Whisk. I feel a terror of sorts as I think of the army getting through, reaching town. If they reach town, there’s a guarantee that Whisk will get hurt. I suddenly remember Old Timey’s Diner, where I would get my coffee there. I remember the old Bit Tree that got closed. I remember Dusty Powder, working legally for once. I remember various happy memories, and realize that they are all found here, in Manehatten. It was where I first got a real chance, it was where I found my girlfriend, and it was where I really lived. I realize all this, and suddenly develop another feeling. The army could come in and destroy everything I could honestly hold dear. And the only thing stopping them is a fucking wall, and the most some fucking asshat tells us is ‘have hope.’ As I put Whisk’s picture down, I clench my other hand into a fist as I feel a familiar emotion pouring into every fiber of my being.

Now, I’m pissed...

Segway and Spearhead march along with their groups, following orders to transport a crate of rations to a wagon. They’re not happy about their predicament, but they follow orders anyway. "I still can't believe it," Segway complains under his breath.

"I know, I'm pretty mad too, but we don't really have a choice," Spearhead replies in the same manner.

"Yes we do!" Segway says, loudly this time. This draws attention towards the duo, and Spearhead slaps the back of Segway’s helmeted-head with a hoof.

"Alright then smart guy, what will you do?" Spearhead asks sarcastically. Segway opens his mouth, but doesn't speak. He looks down in thought. After a moment, he answers.

"I'm gonna-" before he could continue, he's interrupted. Suddenly, the sound of feedback from the speakers sound out, drawing every single pony’s attention as they hear me clear my throat into the mic connected to a loud speaker.

“Attention everyone. My name is Anonymous. You may know me as Anonymous the Human, or as the asshole who stamps papers.” Segway and Spearhead look at each other in confusion, like everyone else. “I’m the manager of this Checkpoint, I’ve been a manager for... I dunno, months, a year, it’s kind of hard to say. It feels like forever ago.” My chuckle could be heard through the loud speakers. “But I’m here to say something. I think the orders that came in recently are stupid as fuck.” Murmurs went through the crowds of soldiers and employees that decided to listen in. However, Segway and Spearhead’s spirits are rising. “The high-class asshats are telling us to leave the city of Manehatten alone, defenseless, to stop an army that we’re not certain of finding. Now, I’m not going to tell you to disobey orders. I just wanted it to be known that, as ponies who are trained to protect the defenseless, you’re being fucktarded. However, I’ll stay here to defend, even if I have to do it alone. I have too many things here for me to simply let go.” A hush falls over the crowd, as everyone carefully listens. “I’m not going to abandon the Checkpoint. If you want to help, report to me in the morning, five o’clock sharp.” The crowd starts muttering to themselves. “Oh, and by the way, you don’t have to do your duty if you don’t want to.” With that, the speakers turn off. The crowd that gathered look at each other in utter nervousness. The murmurs between everyone is loud, all asking what to do, what to think, and so on. Segway and Spearhead, on the other hand, smile at each other with certainty and nod.

"Alright, I know what I'm doing," Segway says.

“Ditto,” Spearhead says with a smirk. They drop what they’re carrying and start marching off. An officer in the crowd notices them and calls out.

“H-Hey! What are you two doing?!” This question makes the crowd quiet down as everyone looks at the two guards. Spearhead turns to look back at them, and smiles.

“Going to gather my equipment, kinda need it for duty tomorrow!” He calls back. The officer sputters.

“W-What do you mean!? We’re packing it up! You can’t just-“

“Sorry, but the boss tends to get mad when ponies don’t follow clear orders!” Segway yells, quickening up his pace. Spearhead does the same as everyone else sits in silence, contemplating what to do...

I sigh as I sit back from the mic. I’ll probably get yelled at for that later, but for now, I have a favor to call in. I get up and brush off anything that was on my grey jacket. I walk out of the small office and head towards Manehatten...

I walk through the streets of Manehatten. The ponies are bustling through the streets. They don’t know what might happen in a few days. I shudder a little as I feel eyes staring at me from the corners of alleyways. Suddenly, a familiar voice hits my ears. “You look like you’re looking for someone.” I turn to see Lighter, wearing his usual jacket and smoking a cig.

“Yeah, I’m looking for you or your boss,” I say. “I don’t give a fuck who I talk to, but I want to call in the favor.”

“Oh, and what are you requesting?” Lighter asks with a sly smirk.

“Help me defend Manehatten,” I say, crossing my arms. He drops his smirk.

“Come again?” He asks, losing his laid-back attitude.

“The guards are leaving the Checkpoint defenseless. I doubt that enough soldiers will stay behind to help.” Lighter looks at me, searching for a hint of a joke.

“Um, Buddy, do you have a couple screws loose?” He asks, scowling a little. He starts walking up. “This is a mob buddy, not an army.”

“I’m certain you’re still capable,” I say. The pony glares up at me, gritting his teeth, almost biting through his cig.

“It’s not a question of capability, it’s a question of-“

“What if I told you a noble would be in your debt?” I ask. “Like, say, a princess?” This stops the pony. He narrows his eyes.

“What are you talking about?” He asks.

“Well, where I come from, my country would occasionally request help from the mafia in times of war. Mostly for small time stuff though.” I can see the sparkle of greed in Lighter’s eyes. “If you fulfilled this favor of mine, your group would be recognized as heroic, and might even grant some dough that’ll make you happy.” I notice the corner of Lighter’s mouth twitch upward, like he’s trying not to smile at the idea of it. “Who knows, I figured you would’ve liked the possibility of free money. The rumors of an army coming up are still just rumors after all.” Suddenly, Lighter’s Attitude is completely different. He has his big smile back, and his eyes are sparkling, though I think that’s because of his greed.

“Alright, hold up pally,” Lighter says. “Don’t worry my buddy chum pal, I’ll try to run it through the boss. You’ll hear from us if we agree.” I frown.

“Make the decision by tomorrow morning, I don’t have the luxury of time to be able to wait.” With that, I turn around and walk away, leaving the gangsters to think...

September 26, 20XXI

I wake up with a start. I look over to see Whisk sleeping peacefully. I gently nudge her awake and start my morning routine. As I'm getting ready for today in the bathroom, Whisk gets up and groggily goes to the kitchen. With the reflection of the mirror, I could see her leave the bedroom and stretch her wings. After I'm done showering and brushing my teeth, I put on clean clothes and walk into the kitchen to properly greet Whisk. I walk in to see her by the stove, spatula in one talon and a skillet in another. "Morning," I say, leaning down to peck her on her head as she cooks eggs.

"Good morning," she replies, keeping her focus on the skillet with scrambled eggs on the stove. I walk out of the kitchen and go into the living room. I immediately sit down and turn on the TV. As I watch the news, Whisk walks in and hands me my plate. We eat our breakfast contently as we watch the news. I find it funny how they didn't hear anything about the Border yet. Which reminds me... I turn to Whisk. "Hey, Whisk," I start.


"I'm gonna be...” I trail off to think about my words. “Working overtime,” I say.

"Overtime? Why?" Whisk asks, sounding much more alert. I shrug.

"Eh, just kinda... Feel like it," I reply. It's not exactly a lie. "I might be staying at the Border over night."

"Wait," Whisk says. "Why would you stay overnight?” I sigh and kinda shrug.

"Let's just say some ponies have been very incompetent over the course of the week while I was sick," I say.

"... Is it about the attack on Celestia?" She asks. After a moment of silence, I slowly nod, never looking her in the eyes. I hear her sigh and get up. "Well, I won't stop you. Just be careful, okay?" She asks. "I have a bad feeling about this week."

"I will, I will," I say, going back to my scrambled eggs. I doubt she knows what exactly I’m doing, but I’m not going to volunteer that information. I look at Whisk as she starts to finish up breakfast. “Hey, uh, Whisk?” I start. She looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes. I take a moment to study her features one more time. It could be my last. “... I love you, remember that, okay?” She gives me a confused look before giggling.

“I love you too, now finish your breakfast, you might be late for work at this rate,” she says. I smile and nod. I go back to my breakfast, savoring the comfortable moment for as long as I can...

I walk up to the Checkpoint, not really paying attention to what I'm doing. I'm probably going to be alone, if I’m being honest. The royal guard doesn't tend to disobey orders after all. I smirk as I remember Spearhead and Segway, who would probably disobey anyway. I hear a cough next to me, making me finally look up and making my eyes go wide. In front of the office building, a large crowd of armored guards stand in attention, facing me. When I say large, I mean large. If I had to guess, there are at least hundreds of guards in rows of ten, lined up along the path, on each side, to the office, which is still a ways away. The nearest guard salutes.

"Sir! It's five AM, reporting for duty, sir!" All the guards repeat the gesture, giving an 'ooh rah!' I simply stand before them, stunned.

"Uh," I say, unsure of what to do. After a couple moments of silence, the guard that spoke clears his throat.

"Waiting for orders! Sir!" I swallow a lump in my throat. Damn, that’s a lot of guards.

"Well, uh-" I stop as I hear a whistle behind me. I look over to see a large crowd of diverse creatures, all armed with various melee weapons like pipes, clubs, wrenches, and lots of sharp stuff. The crowd is easily within the hundreds, made up of ponies, griffons, hippogriffs, and even minotaurs. They're all wearing jackets, coats, hats, and I instantly recognize the purple Pegasus at the front.

"We agreed to your terms Human," he calls, smiling. I'm actually surprised they showed up. I turn back to the guard, clearing my throat as they look at them in confusion.

"Right, uh..." I trail off again. I don't know what to do, I didn't think I'd get this far. I suddenly remember something. Spearhead’s a sergeant at the very least, he can give orders. "Does anyone know where Spearhead is!?" I yell. Not even a minute later, Spearhead runs up to me, smirking.

"Sir?" He asks. I roll my eyes and start walking down the path, gesturing him to follow me. He does so.

"Cut that shit out, you're in charge of giving orders," I say. "Just make sure that the Border is constantly guarded, and that there's a shift change every six hours, alright?" I ask. He nods, salutes, and runs off, barking orders. I turn to the mafia member that walks up to me. Lighter, wielding a bat, smirks with a cocky attitude. "Alright, I trust you'll try to organize your group to keep a constant eye around the place?" I ask him. “I don’t want anyone passing the Border without my say so.”

"Why, for a favor from the Princess?" the Pegasus asks, chuckling. "I'll make sure that not a single soul gets through." I recognize another pony walking up, Brick. He's chuckling as he catches up to his companion.

"We'll do our part, don't you worry," he says.

"Alright, just don't do anything that'll mess up your chance," I warn. They walk off to start organizing their group as Segway catches up with me.

"Sir, what will you be doing?" He asks. I sigh.

"Don't call me sir," I say, continuing my walk to the inspection office. "As for what I'm doing, I'll just be doing what I always do." I turn to smirk at him. "I'm gonna raise hell to whoever thinks they can pass without my approval."

I pass various guards as I finish up my walk, who all salute me with a newfound respect that I don't understand for the moment. I can tell that this is still a small fraction of guards, since there used to be about ten times as many soldiers bustling about yesterday. Now, I imagine we're still underpowered, but I think we have a much better chance than before. I open the door to my usual office and step to my desk. I take out the trusty crossbow, which is already loaded with lethal bolts. I smile in newfound confidence as I walk out. "Yo! Someone get some goddamn crossbow bolts for me! I'm going to need them!" I yell. Minutes later, a guard comes up to me with a sizeable box. I take the box with one arm and carry my crossbow with another. "Alright," I say to myself. I check the ammo in the crossbow again and smirk. "Let's roll." I step back into my office, and turn on the mic. I lean in.

"Attention all soldiers and mob members," I say. "Thank you for coming to protect Manehatten in these dark times. I know the higher ups said there's a chance we won't be attacked, but I refuse to leave this place undefended. I don't guarantee safety to anyone here. I don't know when the attack will happen, or even if it will happen at all." I stop to swallow a lump in my throat. "Look, if you think this is a waste of time, then you better fucking leave, because I don't want to hear any God damn sass. With that said, we will all stay here overnight. Again, if you don't want to be here, then get your shit and get out." I lean back to see if I can hear anyone leaving.

All is silent.

I smile and lean in. "God help you all, thank you for your service. Now, get to your assigned posts!"

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