• Published 11th Jul 2018
  • 372 Views, 12 Comments

Race to the Finish - DGJabberwocky

A newcomer at CHS meets Sunset Shimmer and he introduces her to the world of motorcycle racing.

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Rollercoasting By

After the opening round in Qatar, there was a two week gap to the next race. During that time, Slipstream brought Sunset, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp, Sunny and Izzy, to Spain. They spent a couple of days relaxing, before one morning, Sunset was awoken by a knock on her hotel door. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she opened the door to see Slipstream dressed in a skin-tight suit that was made from polyester.

She looked out of the window, and the sun had only just peeped on the horizon. Slipstream grinned, "You up for some early morning cycling? The others are just getting ready. I've rented out cycles for all of us, including a specially modified for myself. I may have lost the use of my legs, but I still like to keep fit."

Sunset got ready and joined the others downstairs for a light breakfast. Then, she and Izzy carefully lifted Slipstream and transferred him to the hand cycle. From there, the seven of them cycled through the picturesque city of Andorra la Vella. Sunset whistled lowly as they rode through the city, "Wow! This place is gorgeous!"

Hitch grinned and called out, "You think this is pretty? Just wait until we reach the mountain roads! Luckily, Pipp always brings her camera with her."

Pipp blew him a raspberry and primly said, "Obviously! I never leave home without it! The countryside selfie is going to be gorgeeeeoussss!"

The last word was uttered in a high-pitched sing-song voice. At that moment, Sunset Shimmer fought down a brief pang that spiked in her heart. Pipp reminded her so much of Rarity, that it was almost scary. After an hour, they finally left the city and were cruising down winding roads in the countryside. Seeing Sunset's awestruck face at the beautiful landscape before her, was totally worth the trip.

The group cycled for a while longer, before returning back to the city. However, instead of going back to the hotel, Sunset was steered away and inside a gym. Hitch grinned, "Alright! Time for some training! Next week's race is going to be tough because we're off to Portugal. I love that circuit because it is like a freaking rollercoaster."

Sunset tilted her head curiously, "What do you mean?"

Zipp explained, "Right, so this track is well-known for having a lot of uphill and downhill sections, and its like a rollercoaster. It's super fun to ride and just as fun to watch on TV."

Sunny Starscout interrupted, "To be able to handle that, you're going to have to build up your leg muscles. Also, don't think we didn't catch you twisting your back a few times. You're going to have to do a bunch of back exercises because riding will take a huge strain on your back. Izzy, can you spot her?"

Izzy grinned cheesily, "You got it!"

Sunset once again ignored the pang in her heart, because Izzy reminded her of Pinkie Pie, only less random. A slight shiver ran down her spine at the thought of both of them meeting, if ever.

All the way back at Canterlot High, Pinkie Pie sat up ramrod straight at her desk. She mused aloud, "Why do I get the feeling that I have a soul sister somewhere out there?"

Back with Sunset and her new friends, Izzy explained, "So these back exercises are you help you approach the best way to brake on the bikes. The first turn has a downhill approach, so it would be easy to overbalance and fall in front of your bike."

Sunset got changed into a sports bra and track pants, before getting started on the first exercise. She struggled initially, but soon got the hang of it. After performing a few sets, she went to the lumbars, and that was when Izzy really came in handy. At one point, she nearly exerted herself, but Izzy managed to get her under control. Exercise number three saw Sunset at a rowing machine, and finally she ended her routine on a stationary cycle.

Next, Hitch helped her work on her upper trunk and abdomen and then guided her to a machine that worked on her thighs. He explained that this would allow her to use her legs to grip the sides of the bike better. Sunny took over with her balance exercises. Finally, Zipp led her back to the changing rooms, "This next bit of training can't be done in a gym. We're going to take you to a motocross track, because that place has a lot of jumps and dips, and it'll be perfect to prepare for Portugal. Just... try not to ride too rashly. Lots of injuries can happen during a motocross race."

As they all exited, they spotted Fetlock inside a van that was waiting for them. He called out, "There are a couple of motocross bikes in the back! We'll head to the track from here! It's just a 15 minute drive!"

Inside the van, Sunset asked, "We can just go to this motocross track, just like that? No questions asked? No membership?"

Slipstream grinned, "There is a membership fee, but we can get in easily. I own the track. I set up a rider's academy, a few years ago, and had a motocross track built. Zipp and Hitch have been there several times. So what we're gonna do is, let them have a run first, and then you can have a turn after you see how it's done."

Sunset watched a couple of races, before she had a turn on the motocross bikes. In the first few races, she was a little timid on the jumps, but eventually decided to take the plunge. Sunset admitted afterwards, that that first jump was pretty exhilarating.

Two weeks flew by quickly, and Sunset filled up that time with lots of training. Sunny Starscout finally decided to take on the role of her dietician. The Wednesday before the race weekend, they all flew in and checked into a hotel. That day itself, the group decided to cycle to the track and do a track walk. Sunset finally realised what Hitch meant by a rollercoaster.

Thursday media duties passed quickly, and then it was time for practice. Just before the session, Slipstream called her away and took her to the back of the trailer. He told her, "I've got a good exercise for you, to test your reflexes."

He leaned forward and held out both hands. Clutched in each hand, was a tennis ball. The former rider instructed her, "Place your hands over mine and look me in the eyes. Don't look at the tennis balls. Eyes on me, only."

She obeyed him and he started the exercise. Nothing happened for a few seconds, and she waited in anticipation. Moderate cyan eyes locked onto deep brown eyes, and then he released both balls unexpectedly. Caught a little off guard, she fumbled and dropped them. Sunny was nearby and collected the balls before tossing them back. Slipstream and Sunset assumed the same pose. He dropped the right ball and she managed to catch it. He took the ball and they assumed the position again.

Once again, he dropped the right ball, and she caught it. Then he switched up and dropped both, and she caught them. He repeated it once more, before dropping the right, then the left, the left again, both, left, both. Each time, she improved her reactions. He grinned, "You're good, kid. I won't keep you any longer, get out on the track."

Soon, she was out on the track, just exploring each and every inch of it on her bike. By the time the session ended, Sunset was down in 15th, but there was no need to panic. In the second session, she turned things around completely, by finishing 2nd. Then it was time for qualifying, and Sunset was right on the pace. The last five minutes were really frantic, and Sunset's initial best lap put her in 5th on the grid. However, some faster lap times saw her drop down to 7th, and heading the third row.

Then race day arrived bright and early. Sunset and the gang arrived bright and early for the warm-up session and making last minute adjustments. Like before, she watched Hitch and Zipp race, and the quality of racing didn't disappoint. Zipp came ever so close to the podium, while Hitch was in the tail of the Top 10.

In the build-up to the main race, Sunset and Slipstream disappeared to the back of the garage with Hitch and Zipp. Once again, they performed the tennis ball reflexes ritual, and Sunset nailed it immediately. Out on the grid, Sunset suddenly decided to hop off the bike and utter a small prayer. Slipstream nodded approvingly at the gesture and folded his own hands in prayer.

Just as he was about to leave the grid, he cupped Sunset's helmet and leaned in, "Alright kid, we've worked hard for this. Have a good race, and stay on the bike. No heroics into Turn 1. This track is tricky, so watch out for any bumps. Let's go, full gas!"

One final sighting lap later, Sunset Shimmer was awaiting the lights and focused. Her start was normal, but she got bumped down to eighth by the first turn. Fortunately, she managed to snatch seventh place back. About two laps later, she made a play for 6th, but overshot the corner and lost another position to Powerslide. With 21 laps left, Powerslide was right behind his teammate and lined up a move into the first corner. He nudged his teammate wide, and Sunset was not about to deny an open invitation.

For two laps, Sunset stalked her new friend, and then pounced while heading down the hill into the first corner, taking P6. On the very next lap, she managed to catch and pass another rider to enter the Top 5. Her next target was a rider called Slick Shifter, who happened to be the defending champion. With 14 laps to go, she made her move, but Shifter performed a switchback and took the place back. His move was also aided by Sunset getting a big wobble, while entering the first corner, which was quickly becoming her favorite overtaking spot.

By the pit wall, Slipstream was close to having a heart attack. Then the mistakes started to slowly creep in, by lap 10. Fortunately, she did not lose a position, but instead changed tactics to settle down and save her tyres. She was not about to make the same mistake like two weeks ago. Sunset played the waiting game until there were five laps to go, and she dove down the inside to seize fourth from Slick Shifter. He attempted a switchback again and stuck a nose down the inside, but she crowded him out.

From there, she eked out a gap and was trying to hunt down a podium. Next to Slipstream, he was busy wincing as Pipp and Izzy were grabbing his hands and squeezing very tightly. Then on the last lap, it happened. Sunset was just entering the first corner for the last time, when she noticed something in the corner of her eye. Someone had crashed over there, and she didn't think much of it. So one could only imagine her surprise and joy, when she got on the front straight and saw the chequered flag. Then her attention went to her pit board, which read, "SHIMMER P3!"

It hit her like a brick... Sunset Shimmer was on the podium in just her second race. She whooped underneath her helmet and fist-pumped several times. Meanwhile in the garage, they all erupted in cheers and there were hugs all around. All the way back in Canterlot, Flash Sentry, Bulk Biceps, Micro Chips, Wallflower Blush and Derpy Doo were all cheering wildly as they gathered at Flash's house for a watch party. Elsewhere, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were also dancing around their living room in joy.

Back in Portugal, Sunset did her slowing down lap, accepting congratulations and back slaps from other riders. As she entered the pitlane, she was directed towards the podium circle with the winner and second place. Once she stopped the bike on its marker, Sunset leaped off it and charged towards her team with a flying hug. Slipstream grabbed her and pressed his forehead to her helmet and began vigorously shaking her. The wheelchair-bound man practically blubbered, "YES!!! GET IN THERE, YOU BEAUTY! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!"

Pipp clambered over the divider with her cell phone in her hands. Sunset got the idea, and then reached over to grab the cardboard sign that depicted 3rd place. She held it aloft and posed with it, as the team gathered around her and celebrated. Then she was guided to a cool-down room by race officials with the other two riders. They made some small talk as they watched the race and reacted.

Sunset saw the incident that got her promoted to the podium, and blurted, "I knew I saw someone crash! What happened to him?"

Race winner Apex mused, "Looks like Velocity had some issue on his bike. Look! He's suddenly slowed on the straight, and that's how Bullet overtook him. And there! He's gone wide and then high-sided. What a shame... He's been on a winless streak for three years now."

Then, they were led out to the podium, with Sunset being brought out first. She took her place on the third position on the podium. Bullet took second and Apex stood in the middle, and next to Sunset was one of Apex's crew members to collect the constructors trophy. The redhead gracefully accepted her trophy and held it aloft, to the cheers and hoots of the Countess Racing Team. Then, two ladies stepped out and handed Apex and Bullet two glass bottles. They looked at each other a little weirdly, as well as Sunset.

She was confused, "What?"

Bullet hesitantly explained, "Yeah, this is a little awkward. The thing is, its a tradition for the podium finishers to spray champagne on each other to celebrate. The thing is... You're underage, kid. Gotta be 18 or above to be able to drink alcohol, sorry, kid."

She waved them off, "Don't stop on my account, you can spray each other."

Suddenly, she heard a shrill whistle and turned just in time to catch something that Slipstream tossed towards her from below. It was a soda bottle. Apex grinned, "Ahh... That'll work! Soda's fair game."

The two men sprayed each other and then caught a soda bottle each, before Sunset joined in. Apex and Bullet even teamed up to dump soda onto Sunset. Bullet explained that it's an unofficial tradition to do it to any new visitor to the podium. A while later, a deliriously happy Sunset Shimmer rejoined the team after the press conference. They hoisted her on their shoulders and carried her back to the garage to continue the party.