• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,561 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

Shock & Awe

Seventeen Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 10:00am

After Eclipse’s birthday, the first snowflakes were making their appearance across mid-Equestria, all the way to the northern regions of the continent. This year’s winter was planned to have dense snow storms throughout the first week, slowly calming down within the second week, with the varying weather teams would then manage the areas that need more or less snow in them.

Ever since his birthday, a lot of oddities have been happening within Eclipse’s place, this started off when he told Twilight that further tests with the Darkness Orb were to be postponed due to what occurred in the incident, unsure if the orb would be safe for public use. Hearing this, Twilight became worried that the orb or she did something, but after some further explanation from Eclipse – her magic and the orb’s capabilities being the main culprits – that interactions with any ponies natural magical affinity will have unknown side-effects.

So with that explained, it was better safe to keep it on hold until he can find out an alternate solution or see if there was a way to negate said effects. Other strange occurrences have been his frequency to stay home, strange noises coming from the small shack; so far Eclipse had been busy though nopony knows what he’s been working on.

Now though he’s been slowly down on whatever he was working on, right now he was training with the guard as the earlier deal for the guard to use his property as training grounds. Eclipse placed down several posts with Fire Orbs placed on them, both warming the air and melting the snow within an area, making a perfect area to train without worry of ice.

Currently, Eclipse was dueling against Ves – Eclipse wielding his signature sword while Ves was using a unique pair of weapons. Built by a weapon’s manufacturing from Manehattan, the weapon is a pair of daggers integrated into hoof-wielded mechanism, both useful as a hidden weapon and parry tool.

(Mood Music)

Eclipse dodged a stab from Ves as she thrust forth her right foreleg, as the dagger barely made contact with Eclipse’s right cheek. Swinging his sword diagonally from the upper left to the lower right, Ves brought up her left foreleg and crossing both daggers she blocked his swing, albeit the weight of the blow nearly made her buckle down.

Instead of pushing Eclipse off, Ves swiftly slipped away, taking several steps back away from him, once again circling him. While others were focusing on their own training, a few others watched with apt attention – either enjoying the duel or analyzing Eclipse’s moves. So far, since the start of their duel, neither side has gotten a ‘killing blow’ or even a hit, the duel going as far as almost thirty minutes, maybe longer if Ves raised her right foreleg.

“I give, for an earth pony you are pretty nimble,” said Ves, sighing. Unclasping the mechanisms on her forelegs, she gently placed them on a cloth and began to clean and sharpen the blades, checking mechanisms and straps are in proper order.

Eclipse examined his sword, sheathing it after done with his examinations; while putting away his sword, Ves finished with her own cleaning, putting away the unique weapon set. Gazing at one of the poles that held the Fire Orb, a thought came to Ves about the unique crystals.

“Say Eclipse… where exactly did you get these Element Orbs exactly, you mentioned it has to do something about certain areas being radiated by elemental magic or something?”

“I created the Elemental Orbs by finding crystals called Elemental Crystals, I found them from distant lands, saturated in areas based off the ten elements.”

“The ‘Ten Elements’, what’s that?”

Well, imagine every living thing is represented by ten colors, with each color representing an element, from where I come from, one’s life-force is referred to as Aura. There are ten basic aura types, represented both by a color and element – red represents fire, cyan represents ice, gray presents wind, purple represents thunder, orange represents earth, green represents wood, dark blue represents water, silver represents steel, yellow represents light, and dark purple represents darkness.

There are other types, but these are the basic ten that you would commonly encounter within any individual. There are dozens, if not thousands of combinations and unique variations being discovered, from a combination of two aura types to a rare aura type.

Ves was intrigued, to imagine that anypony, heck anyone could have this kind of power… but that brought up another question. “If anyone has this kind of power… how come I haven’t seen any actual examples of it being done here in Equestria or at least rumors or stories beyond the border?”

“My guess, is that many probably call under a different name, the magic that unicorns use is technically a refined style of using aura, but the places I’ve been to use aura in it’s raw state… though the idea of using your own life-force might had been confused as taboo or such...”

That makes sense, I wouldn’t be surprise if somepony says it’s dark magic or something… Maybe I can convince Eclipse to teach a few guards how to use aura… though I doubt he’d do it freely or willingly if using aura is this powerful… maybe that explains all the impossible deeds he’s done in the past since he first arrived in Equestria, I mean using aura doesn’t seem to be a trait limited to one race only.

While taking a break from training, Eclipse is soon visited by the local mailmare, Derpy; after paying for the delivery of various letters from different parts of Equestria, Eclipse reads the contents of the letters. They were all a mix of meeting requests from varying groups that had been interested in his products, especially the Elemental Orbs.

Ever since Pristine headed back to Canterlot, Eclipse has been awaiting a letter from her father – Purity Snow – about news of the retrieval and delivery of the artifact, but so far he’s received from the stallion. Thoughts of heading to Canterlot to personally see him and check on them, but due to his encounter with the Church, it’s been recommended that he stay in Ponyville until the situation between him and the Church has cooled down – it was made certain by both Orion and Twilight that Eclipse doesn’t leave unless they know where he’s going and why.

Eclipse gazed up at the slowly drifting snowflakes outside the warmth of the Fire Orb’s radius, the sensation of the snow and the cool winter breeze was a relaxing feeling for him, as snow is one of the few joys that wouldn’t change no matter where he went.

The simplicity of snow to Eclipse was a calming concept, the idea that it came from water that could had been mixed in with a number of unknown impurities… but once falling down from the sky, becomes a pure endless cycle to both the viewer and those feeling it.

“Alright, everypony take five, we’ll get back to training in half an hour,” said Ves. As the guards stopped their scheduled training, they soon get a visit from the girls and Spike, who brought with them is some food, as they begin to set up a table and chairs for everyone to eat at.

Once everyone began to settle around the table and eat together during this snowy winter day, watching them from afar is Luella. The cub bear’s gaze follows their every move until her attention goes toward Canterlor, but, her gaze appears to stretch further beyond than the capital city, as something else entirely has caught her attention.

Meanwhile – Equestria; 10:30am

Faraway from any civilized town or city within Equestria, deep within a cold, wet, and decaying room, a mare laid against the wall of dark cell, chains wrapped around her forelegs and backlegs. While the chains kept her up and standing against the wall, some rope was tightly wrapped around her mid-section, keeping her wings tied tightly to her body. They were tied in a way to keep them down and secure, but making sure they won’t affect the circulation around her wings.

The cell was nearly pitch black and quiet with the only source of light or sound was a sliver of a yellow glow slipping from the outline of a door, while occasionally, the dripping of water would be heard every few minutes. As consciousness slowly returned to her, a mix of confusion, anger, and fear coursed through her head; the sound of a metal door opening, as the rusted heavy door scraped against the stone floor.

The sudden change in lighting blinded for a short moment, but once her vision got adjusted to the new lighting, both the mare and her captors were revealed. Pristine wasn’t certain who they were, but quickly her brain began firing away, as memories of her kidnapping, being dragged to who knows where, and tortured by them, but she wouldn’t give them the satisfaction – no matter how afraid she really was from the inside.

The trio of griffons that entered her room, are all armored, but the one that stood in the middle wore no helmet and held an almost superior look compared to the others, the insignia of the mercenary guild – the Iron Lions – was visible from what lighting there was on their withers.

The lead griffon stared down at her, as Pristine was slumped slightly down, the only things keeping her up were the chains around her forelegs. “Get up,” said the lead griffon. After giving no response for a few seconds and keeping her usual defiant look, the griffon without hesitation, claws her across the face, a cut soon appearing across her face as blood matted and flowed around her facial fur and down her neck.

Coughing up more blood, she grunts for a bit until she looks up and gives a cheeky smile instead; the griffon grabs a hold of her and forces her to stand up, without even turning his head he speaks to his two subordinates. “Unchain her and make her follow, watch her carefully, she makes a hasty movement to flee or fight, end her.”

After hearing this, the two armored griffons soon approach each unclasping the chains around her, but once she was free, the lead griffon gut punches her, as Pristine’s slumps back down to the ground, with a wheeze she coughs out both blood and air. The two armored griffons lift her up and drag her behind the lead griffon; taking a close attention to her surroundings, she was deep within some sort of fort, an ancient one with the several empty decayed cells, as both frost and bits of mold covered any bare inch of space within the rooms.

The tiny snowflakes that fluttered out a cell window, touched her fur, the sensation easing whatever bruises and broken bones she may had accumulated over time here. Soon her surroundings soon changes immediately, as the light gets brighter and less muted, the cold winds that were once heard, could be felt against her body, the snow on the ground made marks as her near lifeless body was dragged around.

A group of armed griffons could be seen either training, wandering about, or doing whatever else you can within an abandoned fort, some eye her with a mix of disdain and dark glee, a few she recognize from the caravan encountered back in the San Palomino Desert. Among all of these griffons, one stood out compared to the others – this griffon was a she and from what she could tell from her observations, her body took the shape of a cheetah while her head was that of a falcon’s.

The falcon-griffon wielded a halberd, clutched within her right claw, a shortsword sheathed to her left side. After done with a different conversation, the falcon-griffon sees Pristine and her jailers, with a sneer, she signals them to follow as they head up the fort’s ramparts.

Once up there, from what she could see – both due to her mane covering one of her eyes from a mix of blood and sweat, and having to endure sleepless nights – they were located somewhere just north-west of Canterlot, base off the terrain she could see, possibly within the Unicorn Range. Pristine and her griffon captors were camped out in one of the various abandoned forts built during pre-Luna’s banishment, their original purpose was to defend Equestria from hostile nations, however over time they were left abandoned to the slowly coming era of peace, as these bygone relics became overgrown from both nature and the elements.

The two armored griffons dropped her on the cold, frost covered ground of the ramparts, taking a few steps back, but keeping a close eye of her and their surroundings, the lead griffon earlier took a step behind the falcon-griffon, his chest puffed up with a unique claw-gesture that the Iron Lions use as a salute – with their right claw made into a fist, they thump it three times against their left pauldron.

The falcon-griffon watched the view from up the ramparts, not seeming to pay attention to both Pristine or her surroundings, but soon her gaze moved back to her and the intense fury within her eyes could be seen, nay, felt from just being near her. Taking a few steps towards her, she dragged the axe-end of her halberd against the stone floor, the axe-end dangerous approached her neck, both the sharpness and metallic cold touch, making her shiver.

“...From what survivors we could scrounge up from the caravan job in the San Palomino Desert – both of those who weren’t killed by either wildlife or your group, or captured by the border guard once more of them started coming for the stragglers – I know that you were present as one of the ‘attackers’ at the time...”

The axe-end slowly receded away from Pristine’s neck, lifting the halberd up, until she faced a column of ice that slowly grew over time. With precise swiftness, the halberd was previously facing the sky and now was laid embedded in the ground, having just been used to swiftly shatter and cut through the column of ice as if it were air. As the chunk of ice collapsed and fell off the side of the ramparts, down below the mountain side, she gave her halberd to be held by the lead griffon, who kept hold of it without issue.

“...And I learned, that among the group of five ponies that attacked… three were guards… but two of them appeared to be civilians… Instead of getting news of a job well done, getting paid, and seeing every familiar face of those I personally sent off to this job… I was given a bloody bag, from one of the survivors who after managing to escape and circle around the border guard, went back to our ransacked caravan for the body of the one I left in charge… the only remnants he could acquire was his head, the body barely recognizable and even so...”

The falcon-griffon, held look of rage until she seethed with her beak clenched tightly, as her claws shook violently. “As I opened the bag to confirm he’s dead, I found his head half-mutilated with a look of absolute horror and fear etched into his eyes… So tell me, Pristine Snow?”

Cupping one of her claws around Pristine’s face, forcing her to look up at her, even though she tried to bravely look back, the absolute wrath oozed out of her face, putting down whatever defiance that was left inside her… for now.

“What are the names of the other four ponies that were with you? Tell me… and I might, make your death swift, honorable, and clean.”

At that moment, a hawk soon flew and landed on the stone wall of the ramparts, a scroll attached to one of it’s legs. Seeing this, the falcon-griffon, let go of Pristine’s face, tossing her aside as she approached the hawk; after removing the scroll from the hawk’s leg, the bird cawed and flew off to rest. Opening and reading the scroll, she soon finds that it’s from her employers, the scroll mentioning that the group that she sent to Canterlot was getting attention to the crown and that the job they sent them for had to be dealt with soon.

After reading this, she clicks her beak with an annoyed look, handing the scroll to the lead griffon. “Check with those idiots in Canterlot and tell them to hurry up, I don’t want those ponies’ royalty to catch wind of our activities.

The lead griffon nodded, signaling one of the armored griffons to hold the halberd for him, as he left to prep himself to depart for Canterlot. While he left, the falcon-griffon returned her attention back to Pristine, knelling down and raising her chin, as Pristine’s defiant look returned once more, but the response she received from her was a smile before she began to ask her question.

“Now then… answer my question, honestly and perfectly, and your response better be satisfactory now to me. Which among you killed him – who killed Feather Blade?”

Equestria, Everfree Forest; 7:30pm

The chilling winter breeze at night could be felt by all the denizens within the Everfree Forest, unlike the rest of Equestria as the ‘Three Pony Tribes’ regulate the weather and temperature of different parts of Equestria based off the climate and environment, the Everfree and other small spare areas aren’t regulated at the slightest. Winter in these areas are truly harsh to both the unprepared and the experienced, as both beast and critter would have to scavenge whatever food they could find under these harsh times… however…

Roaming the woods of the Everfree, the oaken beasts known as Timberwolves began their usual hunts looking for prey, whether it be winter or summer, spring or fall, these accursed beasts always search for a new meal to savor.

They would always find their target and begin their feasts, until they would hunt once more… but tonight was different, as they picked up a new smell, an unfamiliar one. Due to the thick layer of snow covering the forest floor, it was impossible for both them and their prey to hide from one another, so rather than their usual tactic of slowly surrounding their prey, they stepped out of the bushes, growling and howling at their prey.

The creature before them took the shape of the four-legged creatures that took a manner of different colors, some with horns, some with wings, and some with neither. This one was no different with a horn, though it’s colors were darker and bleaker unlike others they encountered; for starters, to the eyes or rather senses of the Timberwolves her scent was different, they smelt the smell of a beast – the smell of an apex predator – another detail was her eyes, they held no fear, rather for fierce monstrous look, that of a creature hungering… a creature on the hunt.

The lead Timberwolf didn’t care though at this strange pony was the first prey of their hunt, so they would feast like they have feasted on many of the critters within this forest. As the rest of it’s pact began to encircle the pony, the lead Timberwolf coiled itself in a ready stance and pounced forth with claws outstretched and jaws wide open, wooden teeth gleaming with it’s syrupy saliva, the smell of death permeating the air around the wolf.

Elsewhere far away – Location: Realm 6145 – City of Glass; Time: Always Noon

The distant sounds of explosions, gunfire, and collapsing towers could be heard and felt, as steel beams, glass, and concrete shattered and filled the air with crushed dust of demolished towers. Watching from the tallest tower within this realm, were three individuals, watching their fourth compatriot testing the mettle of their newest member to join their ranks.

Standing with his arms crossed is a bipedal armored entity that resembled a medieval knight, who wore a fur cape, his helmet was unique as had a bucket-esque look to it with the top resembling a crown of some kind. A golden light could be seen glowing from within the helmet, the rest of his armor consisted of chest-plate both thick and glamorous with varying jewels and assortment of trinkets plastered on top, the gauntlets appear heavy and could possibly smash even an armored foe.

Other details was his boots that were just bejeweled as this entity’s chest-plate, his weapon of choice though… was odd, rather than a sword, mace, or an axe, it was a staff – a simple staff that resembled more of a simple metal rod, with a yellow stone embedded on the top. The staff itself had no other defining details and felt out of place for this armored eloquent entity, though the staff seem to bring forth a sort of powerful sensation from it, making a most precarious object.

The next entity to stand beside the knight is a female warrior who’s garb was that of a samurai, albeit modified to best fit a slim woman such as herself. Her weapon of choice was bladeless katana which appeared unpractical to have, if she were an ordinary warrior; the next detail of interest was that she was blindfolded, though whether this was because she was blind or not was a mystery. Her gaze was clear though as she could still sense those around her – and those from afar too.

The third and final entity took the visage of the grim reaper – the black flowing cloak that gave off a deathly sense, the scythe the could collect dozens of souls with a single sweep, and the dark miasma that flowed out from below the cloak. His visible hands were wrapped in a pair of dark leather gloves with pointed metallic fingers, that clicked and clacked against the shaft of his scythe.

Under the hood was a faceless mask, with the symbol of an hourglass, stained in a black ichor while the top edge of the hood showed the symbol of an eye. These three individuals are members of elite enforcers that lead their own respective forces, under the command of the shadow of their lord – the Horsemen of the Forgotten Elements.

From the first to last of their members are, the knight, Soul of Conquest, the samurai, Calm of War, the reaper, Order of Death, and their third member who was fighting against their newest member to join them.

(Fight Music)


Another explosion occurred as another fighter, one in dark metallic like suit dodged one of Poison’s attacks – a rock that exploded, releasing a toxic gas that melted anything it made contact with. Poison chased off his foe, laughing and giggling like a madman; Poison’s outfit was that of a mafia gangster, wearing a black fedora and suit, his weaponry being his two fisticuffs called, Pain & Agony, and a third unknown weapon still wrapped in dirty, filthy cloth wrappings.

The unknown foe, pulled duel shotguns that fired energy blasts, Poison swiftly doding the shots and tossing another stone, exploding and releasing another cloud of toxic gas.

“He’s matching Poison’s hits, surprisingly, though that idiot wasn’t the most precise when it came to his attacks,” said Soul, chuckling.

Calm nodded, her ghostly smile forming on her lips, as not only was she blindfolded, but also mute, though her companions could easily understand what she’s trying to convey.

“True true, he is the best when it comes to unarmed combat compare to the three of us, though the match-up is interesting – Poison the close-quarters expert against our newest member who is a jack-of-all trades kind of fellow.”

At that moment another figure appeared from a vortex-like portal, stepping out was a man who appeared to be his mid twenties to early thirties, though his youthful face and smile would make it appear he was much younger, albeit his height would make anyone question that thought.

Turning around to look, Order faced the leader of the Forgotten and the shadow of their lord; the man wore a trench coat, but underneath was a pitch darkness, making it hard to tell what he wore, even if you flashed a light toward said darkness, as it would simply consume whatever light made contact with it. The man’s hair was short, but dense, his eyes piercing yet calm, what weapons he wielded was unknown, but his build was good enough for him to fight unarmed too.

“How is Poison handling him – our newest member?”

“...He is doing well so far, Lord Eclipse,” said Order.

“That’s good, I also have news on Luella, apparently our Lord’s recover is getting close, but she appears… troubled,” said Eclipse, his smile solemn.

The others appeared peaked by these news, facing Eclipse to stop watching the duel. “Really now, Luella? Are you certain we are speaking of the same Luella, the same one who would slaughter an entire planet’s worth of creatures, if it appeared the slighted our master even the slightest bit, that Luella?” asked Soul.

“Yes… that Luella, she says that there is some sort of cultist-like organization that has been bothering our master… Though due to his current predicament we can’t intervene… yet, the same goes for Luella too, even though she always present with our master.”

Calm approached Eclipse, making a gesture to him, understanding what she means, he responded. “I of course gave her advice, though I am uncertain what kind of advice I could give her due to her… own problems,” said Eclipse.

“I doubt that, our master’s protege isn’t call ‘that’ for a reason,” said Soul.

They all nodded in agreement, Eclipse glancing at the distant fight between Poison and their newest member. “Indeed, none of us could take the title...”

The Beast of the Void.

(Outro Music)

More… I need more… These foul mortals are of beasts who dare approach and disturb my master… I will kill and slaughter them all, when the chance is given.

The smell of rot and gore lingered in the air, a pile of wood, corpses, guts, and blood, stained a clearing within the forest, as the blood mixed in with the pure snow, creating a scarlet frost that stained the ground. Trees were torn and smashed, the ground was filled with craters, the bodies of beasts covered every inch of ground.

After the timberwolves attempt at attacking their prey, they were decimated until every last one within that pack were obliterated, but the hunt was not over. Afterwards, came manticores, then cockatrices, cragodiles, a hydra or two, even the mighty Ursa Major stood no match, though that beast was spared with nary a scratch or mark, as it was left to take one of the corpses of the hydra back to it’s den.

Not enough blood, not enough, it will never be enough… this emptiness inside can never be filled. What I need is more – more blood, more gore, more agony, more suffering – I need more, more, more, more…



Standing on a pile of viscera, coated and stained in the slain and the dying was grotesque creature, an abomination against all that is harmonic and pure. Standing on two clawed, legs, with it’s sharpened, bloody paws forth, it’s mane glistening under moonlight, as blood pooled out it’s jaws like a ravenous beast searching for more flesh to devour.

An ungodly roar came forth, shaking the trees and the snow off their branches, scaring and terrifying any nearby critters who could both smell and hear the sounds of death and terror.

With two eyes of cerise, stood a monstrous form unseen before in this realm, what stood was an apex predator above all apex predators – standing tall and enraged is a lycan.


Raising her head up high, she roared as the promise of more blood and death upon those that would dare come to harm her master, she will slaughter all, damning her soul even further until nothing remains, but an incarnation of suffering made flesh and bone.

Author's Note:

(Mini-Author Note: So when I was writing this chapter, it actually only took me two days to write - from to start to end, not in a row as in 48 hours - but I fell unsatisfied with how short this chapter was so everything after Pristine's interrogation was all improvised today - the today or the day before I post this chapter - so a lot of the stuff in that portion of the chapter is heavily spoiler-material and I was feeling a bit cocky about revealing a lot of the story's future plot points.)

Winter has arrived, the Iron Lion have captured Pristine - for revenge or a job? - Eclipse's loyal followers are preparing for their master's summons, and the zealous wrath of the beast can't be held back any longer soon.

Next time: A summons to Canterlot? A letter of an omen to come? Strange disappearances within the marble capital of Equestria? This rabbit-hole of mystery is getting more and more deeper and it's up to Eclipse to put the clues to together to understand what it all means.

(Also More: I haven't got any new suggestions - for both guards or weapons - so to those curious, Ves's weapon are similar to Assassin's Creed's hidden blades, but their daggers attached to a mechanisms strapped to her forelegs... very different, and their called, Nightshade. Also, the original title for this chapter was to be "Snowfall", but I'm changing it to, "Shock & Awe.")

(Update 8/20/20: So do to the original video - and the channel - being removed, I had to find either a re-upload or the song again, I just find this song fits the moment so well and hate it that it couldn't be heard or nobody would know what the song was when reading.)

(Update 10/10/20: So apparently every time I try to find a video of this song, it keeps getting blocked, deleted or something by Youtube, so I'll just put down the song that was suppose to be there - I'll find another replacement video, but if that one gets downed again, I'll let you guys find the song yourself - the song is "The Only Thing They Fear Is You" Doom Eternal OST 22 to be specific. Enjoy.)


Eclipse Light