• Published 10th Sep 2018
  • 8,336 Views, 100 Comments

Magical Medicine - yellowbastion

You are Anonymous and you're injured. How did it happen, who's taking care of you, and where are your pants?

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Chapter 7 Part 4

With a jolt, you sit up with a terrified gasp as a sudden realization had shook you from your drug-induced slumber. You are none other than Anonymous, the legendary hero, and the sole human in Equestria. You awaken in the Ponyville hospital. Beads of cold sweat dotted your forehead. A wave of unease washes over you. You don’t know why but you were worried that your changeling, who didn’t have a name as far as you knew, didn’t know how cute they were.

"Oh, my dear God," you whispered to your empty room. “What if they’re out there all alone. With no one to tell them that they’re an adorable little snuggle-muffin who needs all the cuddles in the world?”

Your room remained silent as if holding its breath. It was dark, the curtains having been drawn to blot out the bright morning sun. You curl up under your sheets and began to audibly hyperventilate, rocking gently in your bed as dread washed over you like a tidal wave, that your dearest and closest friend had not been told that they were the greatestest buggopone who you loved to have nom on your human good-feels.

“I should've fought harder, goddamn it. Those evil, cute little pony doctors, with their gentile smiles and warm bedside manner. Now I’m trapped in their godforsaken communist healthcare system.”

Regret clawed at your insides, a relentless beast that gnawed away at your sanity. Either that or your somache was rumbling because you were hungry. Regardless, you aren’t going to take it lying down. No, sir. You are going to get out of this bed, come hell or high water.

You immediately uncurl your legs, and in one smooth motion, swing your legs over the edge of your bed, ready to conquer the world. With no fan-fair, you stand up and make your way for the door to your room. Or, you at least tried to. In reality, you didn’t even make a full first step as your feet had become tangled in your bed sheets. With a thunderous crash, your head collides with the floor. The impact is so tremendous that it knocks you out cold, leaving you sprawled on the ground.

This is how the doctors discovered you, lost in a delirious state, speaking in muddled words that your nurse didn’t understand. Your nurse, now desperately in need of a comforting hug, found you in a pool of your own vomit and an astonishing surplus of teeth. More teeth than could ever fit in your head spilling out from your mouth like an overenthusiastic party trick.

Some time later it will be discovered that an unknown pony in a snazzy purple cape had made an unauthorized change to your medication. But, in this very moment, you find yourself caught in a medically induced haze. Your consciousness had embarked on an unexpected vacation, leaving you sprawled out on the cold floor of your hospital room. Incisors and molars regurgitation from your mouth in a grotesque fashion that defies all reason. It was an above average, almost normal hospital visit for you.

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween Nightmare Night!