• Published 12th Sep 2018
  • 6,353 Views, 589 Comments

Dragon Ball Zeeyup! - Tatsurou

Gohan has no friends. His father has no brain. His pony brother has no vocabulary. What's a monkey boy to do? (DBZ Abridged crossover)

  • ...

Morning After

The battle between the two giant apes continued on for as long as the moon was in the sky, and only when it left and the first rays of the sun started to tint the sky did the battle come to a close, and then all at once. As soon as the last light of the moon left his eyes, Gohan went still as he began to shrink in on himself, slumping over onto his stomach as he rapidly shrank back down to his normal size...though without any clothes. Raditz also shrank down, but he was able to keep himself upright and his armor shrank with him. As he braced himself against the plateau, he turned to stare at the shattered left shoulder plate of the armor, the bite torn out of the torso, and the cracks in several places over the chest. "Kid really did a number on this," he murmured in awe, running a hand over it and wincing, both from bruises on his ribs and from flakes of metal falling away. "Don't suppose there's anyone on this backwater planet who could possibly fix this?" he asked, not really considering the possibility seriously..

"One of Goku's friends is really good with technology," Piccolo pointed out dryly as he floated down, Big Mac on his back and pies in his hands. "If it's that important, I can probably get the armor to her to give it a look."

"Probably best to do it before it gets too damaged," Raditz allowed as he pulled the armor off, leaving himself in just a black speedo of similar material. His eyes widened as he saw the damage from the outside. "Though if it can be fixed from this, she'll be a real marvel."

"We'll see," Piccolo said as he took the armor while Big Mac began cutting the pies up to serve.

"If she can figure out how to fix it, it'd help to get one in my nephew's size," Raditz pointed out. "The armor's designed to grow with the wearer, as you noticed, and if nothing else it'll keep him decent." Taking the slice of pie Big Mac gave him, Raditz took a bite...then widened his eyes as he ran a hand over his chest where bruises were already rapidly fading. "...that works better than even the healing tanks!" he marveled. "And it tastes great!" He quickly devoured the rest of his slice.

Chuckling softly, Big Mac cut the rest of that pie up, ready to serve Gohan once he awoke as he was already stirring. He handed the other pie to Piccolo and gestured from his antennae to an obscure direction.

Piccolo took the pie. "This one for Kami?" he asked the pony quietly.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac confirmed.

"Well, that ought to make getting the armor fixed a little easier," he murmured as he picked up the armor. "Keep things under control with these two hellions while I'm gone?"

Raditz snorted derisively. "I think I can handle a couple of brats-"

"I wasn't talking to you," Piccolo interrupted with a smirk as he flew off.

As Piccolo approached Kami's lookout, he frowned at the sight that greeted him. While the top of the lookout was mostly empty, Mr. Popo stood in the middle of it talking to a pair of individuals Piccolo didn't recognize. Both were roughly humanoid in appearance - at least from this distance - though one was grey while the other was blue. Uh...Kami? Does Mr. Popo have...guests? he thought silently to his...would Kami be his brother, Uncle, or other self? He was never quite sure how to define that, and he didn't really interact enough with the Guardian for it to be important, save at these odd moments when his mind was stalled and it rose to his thoughts.

He does, Kami thought back ruefully. You might want to delay your approach. They are...a handful.

Wish I could, but the pie is getting cold-

Before Piccolo finished the thought, he was suddenly on the lookout next to Mr. Popo. "About time," Mr. Popo stated flatly as he took the pie, cutting it into pieces.

"Hi young green man!" the blue girl greeted happily with a wave. "Are you a friend of Mr. Pope's?"

"Uh...not exactly..." Piccolo allowed, unsure how to handle being around someone that Mr. Popo let get his name wrong.

"I think that's the son of the older guy's other half," the older grey skinned man said, pointing to Kami. "I can kinda see a family resemblance."

"Ooooh! That makes sense!" the blue girl declared with a wide grin, her tail swishing back and forth as her ears twitched back and forth.

It was only at this point that Piccolo noticed the girl was apparently feline.

"So what brings you here, hmm?" Mr. Popo asked the blue girl. "You don't normally bring company when I call."

"Oh, I wanted you to meet my boyfriend!" the blue girl declared excitedly, pulling the grey man forward. "And he was able to help me make the gateway out of tacos!"

"Hello," the grey man greeted nervously, nervously running one hand through his graying black hair while waving with the other. "I've...heard a lot about you, Mr. Popo."

As Mr. Popo stared into the grey man's soul, Piccolo glanced over his shoulder to see a hole in the sky surrounded by what looked like seven white stars. ...tacos? he thought to Kami.

Trust me, Piccolo, you really don't want to know.

"That training is brutal!" Krillin suddenly spoke up as he stepped out onto the lookout. "I could really go for a snack-ooh, pie!" Not noticing those surrounding it, he immediately started to reach for a slice.

The blue girl was immediately in front of him, staring into his eyes as her own narrowed to slits.

"Uh...can I have some-" he began.

"Pecking order!" she suddenly hissed. She then jerked upright with a happy smile on her face as she backhanded him across the platform. Somewhere, something went "Ding!" as he crashed into a pillar.

"I...guess that's a no..." Krillin groaned.

Mr. Popo's frown creaked into a smile. "That's my girl."

"Oh, that reminds me!" the blue girl suddenly declared. "We found Mom, and we have a new Dad! My boyfriend works for him!"

Mr. Popo turned back to the grey man. "Tell me...what do you think I'll do to you if you hurt her?" he asked calmly.

"You mean assuming if there's anything left after her, her sisters, her Mom, her Aunt, and my Boss get through with me?" the grey man asked playfully with a nervous grin on his face. "I would say probably something unspeakable that I couldn't possibly imagine...but that kinda makes me curious, so I'll stick to unspeakable."

Mr. Popo's grin widened. "I like you," he stated, a purr barely noticeable in his voice.

"Somehow that makes me more nervous than if you didn't," the grey man observed worriedly.

"Looks like you picked a smart one, blue girl!" Mr. Popo called over his shoulder with a grin.

Groaning and rubbing his head, Piccolo turned to where Krillin was half buried under the pillar he'd smashed into. "Can you get me in contact with your smart friend?" he asked ruefully. "I need some space armor repaired, and a fresh set if she can make one."

"What's so great about space armor?" Krillin groaned from under the pillar.

"It changes shape and size with the wearer somehow, even going multiple stories tall."

Krillin was silent for a time. "Oh Kami, we're all going to die, aren't we?"

"Hopefully not," Kami observed dryly.

"Most of you," Mr. Popo added with a grin.

Author's Note:

Second half of the chapter inspired by the pic from Caio Coia that I posted a few chapters ago. I just had to write the scene out!