• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 1,910 Views, 6 Comments

Equestria's Swift King of Coffins - gundamexia34

So here I was, a factory worker with next to no good prospects for the future. Then I got contacted by none other than the vampiric troll king, Zelretch himself! He offered me an out, who was I to say no?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Honestly, the introduction to the townsfolk could have gone better. Everyone was nervous except for a certain mint green unicorn.

“HUMAN!” She exclaimed and lunged at me. I brought my coffins forward into a wall on instinct and she slammed into them. I didn't like the look in her eyes so I skated out of there!

I dunno for sure who started laughing first as she chased me around the plaza, but my money is on Pinkie. Eventually, BonBon stepped in and grabbed Lyra by the ear.

“For goodness sake Lyra, stop harassing him! Your acting like an animal in heat!” She said, dragging her away to the sound of hysterical laughter.

After that whole embarrassing debacle, the ponies were pretty quick to warm up to me. After all, it’s hard to be afraid of someone when you just saw them running away from a single pony for five straight minutes.
After a little time spent socializing, the issue of where I was going to stay popped up. Fluttershy didn't have the room, and neither did Rarity, Pinkie, or Twilight. Rainbow could have set up a room in “5 seconds flat" as she said before I burst her bubble by reminding her that I couldn't walk on clouds. She tried to see if Twilight could solve the problem, but her cloud walking spell only lasted a couple of hours.

Thankfully, Applejack came to the rescue by saying I could stay with her, though I would have to sleep in the barn. I certainly didn't mind, as it would be a new experience for me. With that settled, she led the way to Sweet Apple Acres.

Like my introduction to the townsfolk, my first meeting with Granny Smith (who couldn't really have left the farm due to health problems) could have gone better. She screamed and started panicking, saying that she “wasn't ready to join her son and his wife just yet!”
Thankfully, Winona turned out to have been trained by Fluttershy to be a service dog (who knew) and managed to make Granny recognize her presence long enough for Applejack to calm her down and explain things. After that, she apologized and explained that she thought I was the reaper due to my coffins. In return, I explained that they were my wings and that each one had something random inside.

“Oh, oh, oh! Can you show us, pleeeease?” Applebloom asked with the cutest expression on her face.

“Grk! Alright, alright! Just please stop with that face, it's too cute for my heart to handle!” I replied, getting everyone to laugh a little. “Anyway, if I’m going to open one, I'd rather do it in a place where collateral damage won’t be a concern.”

And that's how we ended up at a nearby section of the property that they had planned to expand onto but was blocked by several large rocks. Bracing myself for anything, I brought the farthest right coffin down and slowly opened it pointing away from anyone. When nothing happened, we have a collective blink and I cautiously approached.

As soon as I saw what was inside, I sagged in relief for more than one reason. Inside was a series of shelves with copies of my outfit to change into every day or if one gets dirty.

“Awww!” Applebloom said in disappointment. Said disappointment was somewhat lessened after shutting the lid because the coffin glowed before the number 01 was carved onto the back. I guessed that that's how I’d be able to tell which coffin held what.

After that, I was invited to dinner. And though it was weird having apple pie for a meal, you certainly wouldn't hear me complaining. Then I was led out to the barn, given a blanket and pillow, and wished a good evening.

I had to admit, there was something about the smell of hay bales that was oddly relaxing. That plus the view from the skylight above the second floor was bringing back memories of the time spent on the family farm before my parents died and my uncle took over. My mom, dad and I would sometimes just sit lay on the hay and watch the stars.

With a small smile of fond remembrance, I entered the realms of dreams.