• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 11,302 Views, 278 Comments

Thunder - The Zebra Hybrid

A human gets transported to Equestria with the powers of the Norse God of Thunder. Second installment to the Hybrid Universe.

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The Frustrating Journey Begins(Revised)

She never moved so fast in her life. Out of all the hunters that had to be on her trail, it had to be those two. She recognized the two as soon as they walked in the museum to question that young man. Now here she was, in her personal office throwing all her ingredients and notes for her spells, in her hand bag. She was supposed to be the predator and those hunters should be her prey, but right now she felt as feeble as a mouse. She wasn't like other witches, sure she killed a person or two every now and then, but only the bad ones. Those hunters however wouldn't give a rat's ass though, and if they connect that she had a handle in that boy's disappearance-

A sudden knock from her door snapped her from her panic. She took a deep breath and fixed her skirt and did her best to fix her now messy, short brown hair, "Wh-Who is it?" she called out nervously.

"Serena? It's me Amanda." said the voice, as known as Amanda her secretary, "I have two FBI Agents here wanting to talk to you."

And welcome back panic. No, she can do this. They're probably here to ask more questions and that's it, "U-Um, send them in please."

"Are you sure? You don't sound like yourself. I could ask them to come later-"

"Th-That won't be necessary! I'm fine!"

As on cue, the door to her office opened as her heart dropped to her stomach when she saw Sam and Dean Winchester enter her office. She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and gulped as she quietly kicked her hand bag under her desk. She put on her best smile and held put her hand toward the disguised hunters. The tall one, which she knew as Sam Winchester, shook it with enthusiasm.

"Thank you for meeting us....." said Sam.

"Blair! Serena Blair." Blurted out the witch as she mentally kicked herself for being this nervous, "I-I'm assuming that you're here to ask about the disappearance of that young man."

"That's correct," answered Dean, "I hope you don't mind answering a few of our questions."

"It would be my pleasure," said Serena as she sat behind her desk twiddling her thumbs, "would you two like to take a seat?"

The two brothers looked to each other before nodding as they sat in the two chairs in front of Serena. The witch's heart rate sped up as the two seemed to be eyeing her up and down. She didn't know if they knew what she was or not, so she had to play stupid just to be safe. However she was never one to be good at keeping secrets, not even her fellow witches trust her. She is a lower level witch, not to mention that she's a laughing stock to the witching community in general. Maybe if the two brothers did know her true identity they wouldn't see her as a threat and leave her alone. However that would mean that she had something to do with the boy's disappearance and that required a lot of magic that even an elder witch will have trouble with. So why was she able to pull it off?

"Ma'm?" suddenly said Sam snapping her from her thoughts, "Are you still with us?"

"Y-Yeah, sorry. I'm just still coping with the whole situation."

"We completely understand. Now do you remember the time when you lost track of the victim?"

"It was...about noon if I remember correctly."

"And the victim was in your tour group correct?"

Serena nodded, "Yes, he was."

Dean stroked his chin, "Did you see anything suspicious in the area? Maybe a person out of place at the time?"

Serena stayed silent and shook her head. Everything seemed to go smoothly so far. All she had to do is to stick with the small and straight to the point answers then she'll be home free. Her breathing finally slowed down and her heart rate decreased to a normal pace. She could relax and let this interrogation flow.

"Mrs. Blair," started Sam, "in the video recording of the victim's disappearance we noticed a specific looking hammer with him. However when checking with the employees they informed us that they never had something like that on record. Do you know why that is?"

Okay it was now panic time again.

"N-No, of course not!" she nervously said as she discreetly reached under her desk.

"You don't sound to sure about that. Mrs. Blair." sternly said Dean as he narrowed his eyes.

Sam folded his hands on the desk, "Mrs. Blair, if you know anything, please tell us. The life of an innocent person could be in your hands."

Yeah right. If she told them everything she knew about that hammer and the boy then they'll just kill her anyways. Her hand moved around under the desk trying to grab her back up plan so she could escape. However all she felt was air. Where was it! She was sure she had at least one more of those stupid hex-

"Looking for this?" said a voice from the door as a third man walked in. Devon shut the door behind him and locked before showing a brown tied up pouch in his hand. A hex bag. HER hex bag. The hex bag that she was going to use to escape. Salt was added to the wound as Devon took a lighter form his pocket and set the bag a flame before throwing it in the nearby trash bin.

"So," suddenly said Dean, making the witch jump in her seat, "Are you gonna tell us what happened to Marcus?"

"A-And what if I don't?"

"Then we'll use....persuasion." said Sam as he placed a 9mm pistol on the desk making Serena gulp.

"I-I can't! She'll find out!" blurted Serena as she instantly covered her mouth.

Devon rose an eyebrow and walked closer to the trio, "Who will find out?"

Serena dropped her head in shame, "I'm already dead so what's the point. It wasn't my decision to send your friend away. I was approached by a woman not too long ago. We coordinated the disappearance of...Marcus."

"Wait..." started Devon,"How do you know Marcus' name and how did you know that he will be in the Norse section?"

"I learned his name from the woman that met with me, it seemed that she knew a bunch about your friend. She even predicted that he would break off from my tour group and explore the museum. I don't know how she knew so much about him, but all I knew at the time was that she was powerful and she somehow needed my help."

"And what was she trying to accomplish?" asked Dean.

Serena shifted in her seat, "She never said....all I know was that she needed Marcus and I was going to help."

"Well from what you pulled off," started Sam, "You must be a very powerful witch. And also dangerous."

"W-wait! I'm not that powerful! I-I'm still a novice. Hell I'm even considered a 'witch' anymore."

Devon, Sam, and Dean looked at each other before looking at the supposed 'witch' in question, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's a long story."

Devon crossed his arms, "We got time."




"I'm not talking to you."

"Marcus. I'm sorry!"

"Fuck off."

Flurry watched as the human crossed his arms and turned away from her. It had been a full hour of silence before she tried to talk to him and explain her reasons. Only for him to ignore her and shut her out. She felt a slight pang of guilt in her chest, he had every right to be mad.

"Marcus..." she said more sympathetic, "I....I know how you must feel-"

“The hell you do!”

“-but this is really important to me and I might not get a chance like this again.

Marcus looked toward her way and rose an eyebrow, "Fine....I can't stay mad anyways. I'm more worried on what your parents will do if something ever happened to you under my watch."

Flurry tilted her head in confusion, "What are you talking about? My parents wouldn’t blame you...as much. They definitely wouldn’t cause you any harm, plus aren’t you granted with godly powers?"

Marcus laughed right in her face, "Did you see how bad I got my ass beat by those raiders back in the palace? So what makes you think I'll be fine against trained guards? Not to mention that Shining is the prince AND captain of said guard. Oh shit....Cadence is literally a god herself."

"What's wrong with my mom? Out of all the ponies she'll be the most understanding."

"Are you serious? I'm pretty sure she threatened to cut my balls off the last time we had a one on one talk."

"You're over exaggerating."

"I wish I was! Which is why I'm handing you over right when the train stops at the next station."

"Wh-what! No! I'm not going back and you can't make me!"

Marcus had to look away as Flurry was giving him a pleading look. These ponies were already cute as it is and now one of them was giving him the pleading puppy dog eyes. He had to be strong! He was a grown ass man! All he had to do was think of manly things. Trucks. Football. Cheetos. Pit Bulls. Marcus became a bit bold and glanced at the pink princess once again and immediately regretted his decision. Flurry was now sitting on her rump with her head tilted to the side and looking up at him and he swore that her eyes grew three sizes that day.

Meanwhile Flurry was inwardly praising herself. She had Marcus on the ropes, she always did this with her parents and not even them could resist her charm. She couldn't afford to go back to the Empire, at least not yet. If she went back now then there was no guarantee that she will ever get a chance like this again. Her parents will not only ground her and send her to her room, but she'll have a guard by her, watching her every move twenty-four-seven! It was already annoying enough that her parents were breathing down her back, but she will not have a random guard doing the same. It was time for Marcus to break.

Flurry opened the floodgates and let the tears flow down her cheeks.

Marcus' heart was now beating faster than ever. Flurry was now crying in front of him. He felt the guilt possess him like an evil spirit. A demon punishing him for making a innocent pure creature such as this feel any kind pain. The part that sucked however was that he KNEW this was all a trick! However he has a curse for being too caring! He couldn't give in! Mjolnir never said this was going to be a safe journey, which meant that there were going to be dangers along the way. If something happened to her, he didn't want that on his conscious. Also there is no doubt that her mom will find them and then he could say goodbye to Marcus jr.

'You know you're acting like a pussy.'

'Hey! It's harder than it looks! I have a weakness for cute things.'

'And you wonder why you're my weakest wielder. Just suck it up and be a warrior. All you're really doing is telling her no. Has your parents taught you anything?'




'Marcus did something happen-'

'Don't worry about it. You're right Mjolnir. I do need to be more assertive.'

"No." he said as he watched Flurry flinch back a bit.

"N-No?" she stuttered.

"Did I stutter?" replied Marcus as he looked out the window, "If you’ve gotten hurt at any point then it’s my ass. I know your parents said it was okay but I’m not taking that risk."

Flurry's expression instantly became sour, "Do you not think I know that! I-I just need some time to find myself! I can't do that if I'm sheltered in that palace for the rest of my life! My parents finally gave me a chance to go out and find myself! WHat if it was your parents!"

Marcus looked back at Flurry, he was expecting her to use the same method but instead she held a different emotion. She looked desperate and actually scared.

"Flurry," Marcus said as he stood from his seat and knelt in front of her, "I wouldn't know if it was my parents. I do know that YOUR parents are worried sick about you, and….the place I’m going to is not going to be easy."

Flurry sighed, "I can take care of myself!"

"You sure? You really didn’t show it back at the palace."

"That was different! Stop treating like I’m defenseless!"


Marcus gazed at the pink alicorn as she was giving him a desperate look, "Alright fine but the first sign of you being hurt.You are going on a one way ticket back to the Crystal Empire"

Flurry took the seat across Marcus and smiled, "Don't worry Marcus. Everything is going to be smooth sailing. What could go wrong?"

Her smiled faded as she remembered how his mood changed when she asked him about his parents, "Hey Marcus?"

He looked toward her direction with an eyebrow raised, "Hmm?"

"If you don't mind me asking. What were your parents like?"

It was only a quick moment but Flurry swore she saw a hint of hatred in his eyes. The human took a glance at the mystical hammer beside him and then looked back out the window of the cart. Watching the snowy landscape past by, "it's a touchy subject," he said with a bit of venom, "I rather not talk about it."

Flurry hadn't seen this side of the human, this wasn't him being mad. This was pure hatred, "O-Okay."

There was silence in the cabin.

'Well things just became awkward. Maybe I should've stayed asleep.'

"Maybe we should turn in for the night," said Marcus as he laid back on the couch, "You can take the bed."

Flurry nodded, "A-Alright. Marcus, thank you."

The human didn't answer for he was already asleep. Flurry sighed, as she felt the spirit of guilt creep inside of her as she climbed in the bed. She didn't plan to hurt Marcus at all during her plan to escape the palace, she was desperate and just wanted to be....herself. Maybe she could do something for him in the morning as an apology.

With that thought in mind she laid her head on the pillow and fell asleep.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire was many things. She was a supportive wife, a niece to the best aunts ever, a caring sister-in-law, and a loving mother.

However right now, she was livid.

As she walked downward into the Crystal Dungeon, the guard she passed would literally fell the negative emotions radiating out of her. It wasn't too long ago when she was enjoying a wonderful book before turning in for the night until her husband came bursting in the room and informing her of the note that was in Flurry's room. She grit her teeth, how dare that human play them like that! Not only did he betray both her and Shining's friendship but also allowed Flurry to go with them despite their disapproval!

When she gets a hold on that human, he's going to wish that he never showed up in the Crystal Empire. From what they were told he was heading toward Ponyville. Shining had already sent out a message to Twilight, as well as Auntie Celestia and Luna informing them of the situation. This human maybe powerful but he was no match for four alicorns. She held a stern expressions she reached the cell she was looking for.

She nodded toward the two crystal guards and relieving them of their duty. She used her magic to unlock the cell and entered to see none other than the mare that attacked the palace earlier. The grey mare's attention snapped to her as an angered growl escaped her lips. Cadence stood unfazed and stepped further in the cell before closing the door behind her. Misty could try all she want, as long as grey mare had anti-magic ring on her horn then she was powerless.

"What do you want?" spat out Misty.

"I want answers and you are going to answer them." calmly said Cadence.

"And what if I don't-GAK!"

Misty didn't have time to finish as a blue aura wrapped around her throat and slammed her against the wall, pinning her against it. She felt the air being knocked out of her stomach as she desperate gasped for air. Her expression then true and to fear as Cadence's face was inches away from hers. She could see the hatred and hurt in her eyes, but luckily for her she could be able to use those emotions against the princess.


"Wh-What's wrong Princess-gak. Something h-happen?"

Cadence stayed silent as she dropped the mare and watch her catch her breath, "I could've easily killed you but I need you alive. You're a mercenary aren't you?"

Misty coughed before looking at the princess,"I-I guess. What's it to you?"

Cadence walked toward Misty, she knew what the grey mare was trying to do and she wouldn't let her. As long as she kept her emotions in check this mare can't control her, "Flurry Heart....do you remember that name?"

Misty raised an eyebrow, "Of course, she was my one of my targets for another employer."

"Then you should also know of the human, also known as Marcus, that interfered with your plans."

Cadence watched as Misty sneered at the mention of the human, "Yeah, I definitely remember that idiot. What about him?"

"I'm going to be blunt, because today has been a long day and I'm too close to my breaking point. Marcus and my baby girl have run off. After everything we had done for him! Healed him, sheltered him, fought with him, and accepted him! He turned on us and took my little heart!"

Misty stayed quiet as the stoic princess now started sobbing, "I did not come here to play games! I came here to get my little girl back. you'll receive a fortune for your efforts, I'm asking.....no I'm begging you to bring her back safe and sound."

Cadence felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked in the green eyes of Misty who held a sympathetic expression, "Why come to me? Why not send your guards or husband?"

“T-Too be honest. I’ve been thinking about the one that employed you. They were after my daughter and the Crystal Heart, then they won’t stop. They’ll either send someone else who even stronger or they might come and do the job themselves. So we need my husband and every guard on toll. Plus…..it would be suspicious for me to send out a detachment of guards from the empire. The public will act questions and be on edge, that's something we can’t afford right now.”

Misty studied the princess of love a little longer before sighing, “I’ll do it, but you don’t have to pay me anything.”

Cadence looked at the mare wiping her tears away, "Wh-Why? I-I assumed that you would jump at the chance to be richer than you can imagine."

Misty let out a chuckle,"Usually I would, but I relate with you. I know how hard this is for you and how much a mother cares for their children. Trust me you're looking at one."


"Surprised? It's not a happy story I'll tell you that. Some stallion did the old 'hump and dump' leaving me alone to care for my only child. I had to work two jobs to keep both of us feed, but it was never enough to pay the rent on time.It wasn't until I found myself in this business that made me a bit of money. However I couldn't let my little colt see his mother coming home late at night, either too tired to acknowledge him or on the brink of death from a dangerous job. I had no choice but to leave him with a friend until I knew I had enough bits. Then maybe the both of us could settle in a quiet town and start over."

Misty sniffed struggling to keep her own emotions in check, "How old is he?"

"H-Huh?" asked Misty.

"You're colt. How old is he?"

"I-I haven't seen him in five years. He should be ten now. Princess, I know what I did to you and your family is unforgivable, if it makes you feel better I wasn't going to take Flurry away from you. I was just going to take the Crystal Heart and be on my way, I could never break up a family. So I promise you that I will get your daughter back."

Cadence felt her tears resurfacing, "Th-Thank you, if you do this. I'll make sure personally that you'll see your son again."

Misty nodded and wiped her own tears, "Of course, princess."

"Oh, and one more thing."


"When you encounter Marcus. Make sure to send him my 'regards', but don't kill him. I want to deal with him....personally."

Misty smirked and nodded, "As you wish Princess Cadence."

Marcus woke up with a startle, he looked at Flurry who was still asleep and then to the clock which read two in the morning.

"Why does my dick hurt?"

Author's Note:

Hey ya'll just a quick thanks for 300 likes! I did not think this piece of trash would get so popular!