• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd


I really like ponies. Also Discord, a whole bunch. ;P


  • EDeja Discord
    Discord’s lack of empathy and a pony's sensibility has been tolerated by Celestia, but while both the princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony struggle with even more dire problems, Discord is forced into a lesson of his own.
    Ckat_Myla · 99k words  ·  457  20 · 10k views

Twilight discovers Discord in-hiding - which is strange enough - but the discussion they have causes her to consider the particulars of true harmony, and whether or not a being such as he should be allowed to live freely to retain his part in it.

[Written/published between Sept. 2011 and Oct. 2012]

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 180 )

Interesting so far, didn't notice any obvious errors.

Neat. Can't wait for more.

I've read this story in your deviantart account a long time ago. :pinkiesmile:

Does this mean that you're going to be working on this more? :pinkiesad2:

Impeccable logic vs. wayward heart. Been there, felt (some of) that. I've got to see how this works out.

I was literally bouncing up and down and clapping, going like, "Oh I read this on deviantart!" It must be continued. NOW.

Hmm could be interesting, shall track.

1024253 Actually as a matter of fact, it means I'm almost finished. :twilightblush:

1024493 and I was bouncing up and down clapping about your comment! :pinkiehappy: I was hoping I'd get a little crossover from dA.


good show, old bean...tally ho!

I love it! :pinkiehappy: i can't wait for the next chapter! unless there is a next chapter. . .anyway! its great!

And into the read later it goes. 3am. Bed now.

This looks interesting.

Chaos is exemplified by the unexpected, and that was superbly unexpected.

I love a good em-dash myself, but they seem a bit heavy during the intro.

I'll take a thorough look at this tomorrow - you needed an editor, right?

1039343 Thanks for the interest and comment, but got that taken care of now. :pinkiesmile:

discord kisses twilight... my thoughts =

waiting for more, this is awesome

I know you've already updated this, but one critic is that it seems too fast. That the progression in this chapter could have been split into two chapters easily.

This is great so far, I love the feel of their debate.

But, is it just me, or does this kinda remind you of the scene with the Arbiter and Lord Hood at the end of Halo 3? Just the whole, "I can't forgive you but I will call you my friend" thing. I don't know maybe it's just me, but it does make this scene feel all the more awesome.

Interesting approach for Twicord, if it does not dissolve into one of them mushy emo stuffs it will be awesome :rainbowdetermined2:
Have a moustache for both chapters :moustache::moustache:

yay update! :yay:
cant wait for more :twilightsmile:

If it is four parts I'm not sure why it isn't one big story or all posted at once.

Outside that keep it up I wanna see where this is going since unlike my icon I can't see the ending.

1057042 pfft. 'Twicord'? Bitch please, DiscoLight all the way

1061655 That's the one I prefer. 'Try DiscoLight, now with half the calories of the leading Discord ships!':derpytongue2:

moar:flutterrage: um..i mean... if thats alright with you....:fluttershyouch:

I know, another short one, but I wanted to get that all in one chapter. I figured that Twilight needed to at least visit Celestia once for help,,and it gave me a chance to figure out my own 'Celestia/Luna genesis story'

It's also looking like this story will be a bit longer than I originally planned, trying to space the chapters out and keep them at an even length.:trollestia:

Whoop, another chapter, time to read!

one thing evreybody/pony neads to know their are two sides to everey argument and that the victors write the history books.
take some of my examples
chrisalis tried to take over equestria because they wanted more food, sure she wanted to inslave ponies but it was for food
in the actual series what do we know about discord besides he is "evil" conquered equestria and likes to mess around with stuff?
nightmare moon/luna tried to take over because she wanted more ponys respecting her and the night for more then just it being the time when you sleep

Perhaps you merely underestimate the strength of your little ponies so-called ‘bonds’
You reversed that ('overestimate').


Oh, Duh me.:derpytongue2: Fixed! Thanks.

Interesting concept, realization and pacing and and... well... it's awesome, nuff said :rainbowdetermined2:

i would have just said flat out "no" right to celestias face, it would be cruel to seal him up again

wonderful keep it up! :twilightsmile:

Cruel, but necessary if he comes out of 'hiding' to wreck havok on all of Equestria again. He'd be fine if he just stuck to non-living things (and bunnies) like he did in the Ever Free forest, but he'd get bored with that and move on to ponies again.

I'm really loving this story. It's kind of like The ABC's of Chaos: Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic but it has a very different feel to it because he starts with all his powers and such.

That's one of the fics on my 'to-read' list that I'm a bit too intimidated to read as yet (also for fear of accidental influencing). I'm trying to avoid anything too-similar until it's done...mostly cause I'm sure their stories are far better than mine.:derpytongue2: I do thank you for the kind words, though.

You're welcome, your work deserves it.

Aaaand cliffhanger! :ajsmug::derpytongue2:

Hope it's still an enjoyable chapter, even if mine seem to be so short. At least we finally will have our favorite purple unicorn and draconoquess in the same area again after two whole chapters apart.
See you all next week (hope so, anyway.)

That's Discord alright ! :facehoof:

*insert Rainbow Dash OMGOMGOMG here* Is it a one way mirror? Can the other elements see them? Does he have to kiss her again for her to regain her magic?
Now that I have those questions on paper, onto the fangirlling. OMFG!!! ONE WHOLE WEEK?!?! I CANT WAIT A WHOLE WEEK!!! I NEED AN UPDATE SOONER THAN THAT!!!!! This fangirlling has been brought to you by parasprites. The best way to get a rise out of someone.

Hehe looks like at least one person has felt like sharing the reaction I hoped the chapter could get when I helped Ckat choose a cut-off for the chapter. Mission accomplished :moustache:

1141262 Giggling like an idiot over here.:trollestia: Guess you were right.

Absolutely loving this story. Can't wait until the next chapter!

Chorus: Cliff-hanger!
Hanging on a cliff!
And that's why he's called Cliffhanger!
Cliffhanger: Can't
Thanks to For the plot for reminding me that cliffs can't talk.


1140975 son of a.....cliffhanger!

Dammit Discord :flutterrage:
Best character is Discord. :pinkiehappy:

1141566 oh silly, cliffs can't talk:pinkiehappy:

"now you are trapped with me, the sexy beast ^^"

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